McManus is not blind to the rareness of an openly gay man supporting Trump. |
One-armed bandits in the City of Brotherly Love: the latest dream of one Donald Trump. |
You can see a similar economism in media attempts to disentangle the motivations of Trump supporters. |
But, mostly, Trump doesn't want to let anybody in, at least not anybody of the tempest-tossed type. |
You can say a lot of things about Johnson, but unlike Trump, the guy won't try to bury you in a mountain of bafflegab. |
The sitemap for the Trump White House on Friday after Trump's noon inauguration. |
One specific surveillance measure Trump proposed on the campaign trail was surveilling mosques and keeping a database of Muslims. |
I find the vast space and linage that The Times continues to give Mr. Trump distressing. |
Meanwhile, far from Broadway, Jefferson's ploughmen are lining up at Trump rallies. |
Donald Trump Donald Trump is not merely the master dealmaker, but a sly and stealthful one, according to a coalition of ired investors. |
Sometimes he sat in the back, so that he could kibbitz with reporters, and sometimes he sat up front, behind Trump Administration officials. |
In an interview with the Daily Caller, Trump harped on one of his favorite issues: voter fraud. |
In her unelected, unappointed capacity, Ivanka Trump calls to mind a daughter not so much of American democracy as of nepotistic autocracy. |
Matters weren't helped when Donald Trump showed up near Baton Rouge with a semi-trailer full of supplies. |
The Greeks have a word for the emerging Trump Administration: kakistocracy. |
As long as Trump hovers near the top of the polls, Mexicans will be eagerly, and trepidatiously, following his campaign. |
Shortly before Ryan's speech, Trump simply video-conferenced in to Cleveland. |
Trump also kvelled that he had been endorsed by star New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. |
Oscar de la Renta had a decidedly more American celebrity audience, including Donald Trump and Billy Joel, but a no less deluxe collection. |
First there was Donald Trump, a businessman-cum-impresario with a fascinating hairdo. |
Or so, however much the mischievous internal imp might crave a Trump vs Hillary showdown, you would hope. |
On the off chance that Trump gives a really great speech, there is no plan. |
One imagines him spending the Trump years climbing up walls and foaming at the mouth. |
He is, like Donald Trump, the law of unintended consequences writ large, in human form. |
Three out of every five Americans views Donald Trump unfavorably, according to Gallup's most recent two-week average for all of the candidates. |
But abortion is far from the only issue on which Trump tends to waffle or goof up when he is asked detailed questions. |
Her followers are occasionally offered thoughts on, for example, Donald Trump, which she fleshes out tonight. |
The name Trump denotes ostentatiousness: overselling the product is almost part of the appeal. |
There was Ivana Trump in a decollete minidress and diamond earrings about the size of the New York State Theater chandeliers. |
It would be perfectly reasonable to go one further than Trump and use oner. |
If Mr Trump has faired as well in the early states as polls currently suggest, he could be on his way to the nomination. |
But 23-year-old Trump, who said prior to the match that he would not be scared of O'Sullivan, proved good to his word as he gutsily fought back. |
As high-profile New York developers, Trump and Kushner are like two peas in a pod. |
But if Trump is prepared to give his own folly some architectural distinction, he has every right to give Mr. Hartford's the old heave-ho. |
The third assessment — and the deep fear across Seoul — is that Kim is a master gamesman who is duping Moon, Trump, and the rest of the world. |
If the Trump Administration and finance's most celebrated Democratic critics come to agreement on Glass-Steagall, should we rejoice? |
Trump believes in building walls and that's a punitive measure, not a solution. |
Whenever President Trump tries to curtail the rights of the marginalized, all our personal brands are put in danger. |
Tyson is, of course, an author, an astrophysicist, the director of the Hayden Planetarium, and a science-armed troller of Trump. |
That's where Donald Trump stepped in it, and said out loud what is logically true. |
But they should be ramming home every day the message that Trump is a serial chiseler of the little guy, not his savior. |
But unless his bluff is obviously called, Trump is unlikely to spoil for international confrontation at the outset of his presidency, if at all. |
Another lesson that Trump seems to have learned early is that, if you are going to make things up, there's no point underdoing it. |
But Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, isn't one to concede defeat easily. |
On stage, Trump says the Mexican president should be ashamed of using such a filthy word on television. |
An accompanying video surveys a painting of Trump and Putin lost in a deep kiss, as the music lurches through a flatulent synth-pop beat. |
The racial bigotry, when Trump was pushing the birtherism case, was inescapable. |
The latest stroke of bad luck came on Friday when Trump Plaza's owners announced it may shut its doors in September. |
In every public opinion poll, Bernie beats Trump by many more points than Hillary does. |
Oh, Father Coughlin, we hardly knew ye! Day by day, news bulletin by news bulletin, the Trump campaign spirals to new depths of strategic confusion and moral chaos. |
Conversely, did the press go too far in abandoning its traditional even-handedness and unrestrainedly attacking Trump, as rightwing pundits are now suggesting? |
Trump dismissed Kasich's emotional appeal. |
As Trump became more famous, his behavior towards women worsened. |
Trump is not expected to make inroads into that lead. |
Long rumored to be a contender for a White House pick, Conway is credited with feminizing the Trump campaign and improving the candidate's standing with women. |
Trump is on the way to delivering on this one. |
The way President Trump himself frequently tweets dubitable information has, at least, further devalued the entire idea of substantiation, if not knowledge itself. |
It has withstood high-minded attempts at preservation and low-minded development big-footing by the likes of Robert Moses, Fred Trump, and Rudy Giuliani. |
Morial, who is a former mayor of New Orleans, painted a clear picture of the potential devastation Trump and his administration could bring upon all vulnerable Americans. |
In case of emergency, break out the Donald Trump option. |
Sean Spicer, whose job, until Friday morning, was to speak extemporaneously on behalf of the Trump Administration, was never much good at extemporaneous speaking. |
While Ramos was getting the bum's rush, Trump called on a reporter. |
These days, with the rise of the one per cent, the ubiquity of Donald Trump, and the suffusion of reality shows about high-end housewives on the East and West Coasts, our ideas of the rich seem to be hardly more nuanced. |
Like a good standup comic, Trump invites the audience to join him in the adventure of delivering his act — in this case, the barbarously entertaining adventure of running a Presidential campaign that insults everybody. |
In Megyn Kelly, Trump sees some golden-haired modern variant of Medusa. |
Malkin Holdings bought control of the iconic skyscraper in 2002 from Donald Trump. The first arrests were made in relation to an accounting scandal at Olympus that has rocked Japan's corporate world. |
At Trump Place, ahistorical mutants masquerade as historical landmarks. |
But its tolerance and brashness were also part of its economic strength: Donald Trump would have fitted into London. More controversially, Mr Mead also claims that God was part of the anglosphere's competitive advantage. |
Honestly, I really do want to know the answer: It involves forcing a series of votes to unbind the delegates from the primary results and for those unbound delegates to deny Trump a majority. |
Donald Trump always somehow seem like kindred spirit. |
Trump isn't even the first to wriggle out from under charges of obscenity. |
At another juncture, Trump and Jeb Bush got all lovey-dovey. |
This vignette illustrates Comey's central point: Trump is Trump. |
Trump is prone to premature self-congratulation. |
There's some more on the Trump foolery in my print column this week. |
Trump has almost delivered on this one, too. |
Aasif Qu'osby, Mandvi told me, would align with Trump politically. |
Trump came closer to picking Christie than is generally known. |
Prime breeding ground for Trump supporters. |
Sandy Woodmansee, a bespectacled, bearded man with a thick New England accent who showed no hesitation bossing around much younger staffers, had never been in involved in political campaigns before Trump came to town. |
A trimonthly that will be published until the fall of 2020, America was conceived to help French readers make sense of its namesake in the age of Trump. |
Self-aggrandizing rightwing celebrities like Donald Trump and radio jockey Rush Limbaugh fuel white southern resentment with lies about a biracial president's illegitimacy. |
Mr. Trump, an admitted germophobe, conceded he did not relish the idea of shaking thousands of hands on the campaign trail, but said he had become more at ease with the practice. |
Here's a summary ICYMI, as the kidz say: The debate delivered on much-touted friction between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, and between Marco Rubio and Chris Christie. |
Along with Latino immigrants, African-Americans, and refugees — particularly Syrian refugees — Muslims are the objects of an abundance of Trump fearmongering. |
Commenters, am I overthinking that? In any case, Mr Trump has offered a relatively good template for how a candidate can explain a change in his or her views. |
This is why Trump can say such offensive and stupid things while Carson can waffle on so inconsequentially, yet still the pair float high in the polls while Sanders collects celebrity endorsements. |
The main feeling among New Jersey's fifty-one delegates was that Christie and Trump shared certain attributes: plainspokenness, an executive talent, perhaps an allergy to ideology. |
Early in the campaign, when Trump was ubiquitous on cable news and his interviewers were often friendly, Halperin was a notorious lobber of softballs. |
The arguments against the constitutional guarantee of birthright citizenship put forth by Donald Trump and other conservatives are, to borrow a descriptor oft-used by Trump himself, losers. |
And it flowered in the claims — still audible on the loonier fringes of the right, by which I mean Trump Tower — that Obama's very birthplace and eligibility for the presidency are in question. |
Jeb Bush, who has been the target of several Trump attacks over the course of the campaign, later deadpanned his response to the front-runner's debate absence. |
Donald Trump does not much talk about his faith, in God or anyone else, and so, as if obeying a pendular logic, the Democratic Party has begun to display its own. |
Another local resident, Susan Munro, explained to me on camera how she had been forced to spreadeagle over the bonnet of her car by Trump security guards, while attempting to reach her home. |
The way Trump alters his message isn't code switching, per se. |
As a voltaic cell, then, Trump is a largely untapped resource. |
There is some history, though, among cultural conservatives, if not more mainstream Republicans, of esteeming Putin, even before Trump became the party's standard-bearer. |
Trump has long been a conspiracy theorist. |
Come with me, to a better world where Donald Trump isn't applying to lead the free world, but has taken his rightful place as the star of a Bravo docusoap called Growing Up Trump. |
And thanks, Mr. Trump, for brightening up our drab lives. |
With Donald Trump busy taking his Presidential campaign into areas previously reserved for right-wing extremist groups, other Republicans are being forced to respond to the presence of a wily hatemonger in their midst. |
Most of the details of the case were sealed, but in published reports at the time, Mr. Trump accused Hyatt of breeching its fiduciary responsibility as well as claiming theft of funds and other transgressions. |
Trump seemed to threaten retail politics, too. |
Donald Trump has hit the headlines yet again. |
With every groan and moan about Trump, from the top of the party and from some in the media, there is a degree of cluelessness about his popular appeal. |
First, he's our ambassador's main point of contact with Trump. |
Protest inside polling station where Trump votes. |
Like Trump, he knew that iron triangle better than anyone. |
Leading his closest competitor, former Florida governor Bush, by more than 10 points in the polls, Trump is the default king the other Republicans will have to uncrown. |
It is still plausible that Trump, an entrenched bigot, a conspiracy fabulist, and a casual disparager of international alliances, could become President. |
Other notable speakers include the perennial red-meat crowd pleasers like Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, Grover Norquist, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and unpredictable keynoter Sarah Palin. |
Undertaken from 1979 to 1983, the much-litigated and not always conclusively documented story of its construction has much to divert both those who would see Trump as a visionary deal-maker or as a mendacious double-dealer. |
As for Trump, his whole shtick is that he's a winner. |
Party strategists are well aware his stewardship of the economy is their trump card. |
The trump card that the elites have played over and over is white nationalism. |
Note that the jokers and the trump rank cards count as belonging to the trump suit. |
If no one plays a trump, then the highest ranking card to the suit led wins the book. |
But the impulses towards risk management and social control trump such wishes. |
If the lead is a trump card all the other players must play trump as well unless they don't have any. |
The winner of the first trick must lead a trump to the second trick if he holds one. |
The queen of clubs belongs for all purposes to the trump suit, not to the club suit. |
The actor who went through a tough period earlier is now considered as the trump card for success in the industry. |
He left the field with a knee problem and should he be sidelined for the finals, the Roos will be without a real trump card. |
Of course, if the music isn't right then nothing else matters, and here is where The Conquerors play their trump card. |
In this case it is illegal for any player to a play a trump on the first trick. |
Pull as much trump as you can without giving away the lead before you go off into another suit. |
Those favouring an armistice hoped that a negative reply from Roosevelt would deprive their opponents of a valuable trump card. |
The person who plays the highest card of the suit led, or who plays the highest trump, wins the book. |
If dealer does the latter, a second round of bidding occurs in which eldest hand has the right to name the trump suit. |
In the eyes of a Tulia jury, that was more than enough to trump the manifest contradictions in his evidence. |
My trump card is salmon fillets poached in the dishwasher and topped with a brightly flavored cilantro sauce. |
Their trump card is a close link with the government which can give them quick and exclusive access to official news and information. |
If using tarot cards, the trump suits of both decks are removed except for a single copy of The Fool. |
Non-aces out of trump are almost always losers, even though they might earn points in meld. |
The player to the left of the dealer has the choice of playing with the given trump or passing. |
If a trump is led, the other players may play any cards, and if several trumps are played to a trick the last one wins. |
This was his trump card, and he wanted to make sure it got played, even if the commission was too docile to press for it. |
The right to a free press is a political trump card and held by individuals against governments. |
That goal was the difference between the sides at the break but then Ballina played their trump card. |
As they see it, we improperly allow realpolitik considerations to trump the human rights imperatives. |
The rule requiring the bidder to have at least a marriage in the trump suit is not always followed. |
He sees the famed cohesion of the 1994-97 rainbow coalition as his trump card. |
Their mutual redamancy would trump all challenges that befell them. |
In paying tribute to the fallen Martin Luther King, he proved that improvisation can trump political calculation. |
In other words, they were not going to let the most insoluble problems trump what could be achieved. |
Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court ruled that federal drug laws trump policies in ten states that permit medicinal marijuana use. |
I ruffed the first club in my hand and then played a trump to the ace. |
With juries, admissions tend to trump other evidence as much as a full house beats two of a kind. |
There is lots of humor to leaven the suspense, as Christie fans will expect, particularly in scenes where Poirot gets to trump suspects who have treated him dismissively. |
It will fall like a house of cards when the trump of truth is pulled out. |
When taxes always trump deficit reduction, fiscal conservatism and fiscal responsibility have been delinked. |
The trump card is nostalgia, but is that enough to carry a film? |
But now, he says, the Jonnie Williams mess threatens not just to defuse but to trump the McAuliffe ethics card. |
Now and then a few people, witting or unwitting postmodernists, who think that social constructs trump the laws of physics, are mowed down by logging trucks. |
So should the allusion to the Vietnam War trump that of doomed Sharon Tate? |
While the church since then has allowed private property, property should never be allowed to trump the common good. |
A bid for a greater number of points is higher than a bid for a lesser number, and a no-trump bid is higher than a bid of an equal number of points with a trump suit. |
In scenario 3, if a person with 5 trumps has the Ace of trump, she starts. |
They are all nodding away there, but the trump card is coming up. |
However, the Beagle 2 team still has a trump card to play, Mars Express. |
We will crush them with not just brute force, but we have a trump card. |
Ultimately life style, affordability and preference seem to trump social views when people decide where they would like to live. |
His voice, as doleful as his bloodhound eyes, is his trump card. |
But genes trump everything, even parenting by furry primates. |
The alternative to numbers, the megatonnage of weapons, is also being considered, but numbers are likely to trump yields. |
We are tied on never smoking a cigarette, but I trump him in drug taking because I had a really intense potbrownie experience. |
Friendship is the trump card in the movement for equality, not etiology. |
But there is great speculation as to how Apple could trump the iPod with an invention capable of global mesmerisation. |
But when kings come so low as to fawn upon philosophy, which before they neither valued nor understood, it is a sign that fails not, they are then put to their last trump. |
Does Rory's A-game trump the best Spieth and Day have to offer? |