In the spring of 1776 the first shipload of Loyalists left the Thirteen Colonies for Nova Scotia. |
The Thirteen Colonies of New England had barely 550 soldiers in British colonial independent companies posted to New York and South Carolina. |
During that time, the English have settled in Newfoundland and the Thirteen Colonies to the south. |
In April 1775, tensions over British colonial policies in the Thirteen Colonies boiled over into war with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. |
Some emigrated to the New World, especially to the Thirteen Colonies and Canada. |
Spain contributed to the independence of the British Thirteen Colonies together with France. |
The British Army was defeated in the American Revolutionary War, losing the Thirteen Colonies but retaining Canada. |
The English established additional settlements in Newfoundland, beginning in 1610 and the Thirteen Colonies to the south were founded soon after. |
The Ohio country located between Britain's Thirteen Colonies and France's New France saw France and Britain clash. |
Events such as these contributed to a drift apart between the British government and many of its subjects in the Thirteen Colonies. |
By the second half of the 1700s South Carolina was one of the richest of what were about to become the Thirteen Colonies. |
The American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies won independence from Great Britain, becoming the United States of America. |
In the United States, circuit courts were first established in the British Thirteen Colonies. |
Many English colonies, including the Thirteen Colonies, which later became the United States, adopted the jury trial system. |
In the Thirteen Colonies, there were instances of Coke's statement being interpreted to mean that the common law was superior to statute. |
Apart from the former Thirteen Colonies only Vermont and Kentucky predate Tennessee's statehood, and neither was ever a federal territory. |
Along with the remainder of the original Thirteen Colonies, Delaware imported the English concept of common law. |
In the Thirteen Colonies, inventors could obtain patents through petition to a given colony's legislature. |
In 1766 Barrington had recommended withdrawing the army from the Thirteen Colonies to Canada, Nova Scotia and Florida. |
For a long time the Dutch lived in Dutch colonies, owned and regulated by the Dutch Republic, which later became part of the Thirteen Colonies. |
The cuisine of the Thirteen Colonies includes the foods, eating habits, and cooking methods of the Thirteen British colonies in North America before the American revolution. |
Historians once believed that Carleton's real motive was to secure French-Canadian support for the British regime against the threat of the rebellious Thirteen Colonies to the south. |
Throughout the Thirteen Colonies that were under Patriot control, Loyalists could not vote, sell land, sue debtors, or work as lawyers, doctors, or schoolteachers. |
Description: After reading the Continental Congress Manifesto of 1774, urging the people of Quebec to join the Thirteen Colonies in revolt against England, most Canadians chose to stay out of the conflict. |
Faced with further mistreatment and the hostility of their countrymen, and wishing to live as British subjects, Loyalists who had remained in the Thirteen Colonies during the war now were faced with exile. |
Approximately 70,000 Loyalists fled the Thirteen Colonies. Of these, roughly 50,000 went to the British North American Colonies of Quebec and Nova Scotia. |
Intolerable Acts: A number of Acts passed by Britain in the 1760s and 70s which angered the inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies eventually leading to the American Revolution. |
Within a year the Treaty of Paris had been negotiated, recognising the independence of the Thirteen Colonies and leaving Johnson and the thousands of loyalists who had fled to Canada in permanent exile from their homeland. |
Like thousands of blacks living in the Thirteen Colonies during the war, some had crossed lines and joined the British in exchange for their freedom. |
Out of the struggle between between the Thirteen Colonies and their mother country emerged two nations: the United States and what would later become Canada. |
It ended with the Treaty of Paris by which Great Britain relinquished the Thirteen Colonies and recognised the United States. |
Parliament then voted to impose a blockade against the Thirteen Colonies. |
On balance, the Code benefitted the masters but had more protections and flexibility than did the institution of slavery in the southern Thirteen Colonies. |
Jones also suffered transportation, to the Thirteen Colonies. |
Forced to find an alternative location after the loss of the Thirteen Colonies in 1783, the British government turned to the newly discovered lands of Australia. |
The independence of the Thirteen Colonies in North America in 1783 after the American War of Independence caused Britain to lose some of its oldest and most populous colonies. |
The Thirteen Colonies in lower British North America rebelled against British rule in 1775, largely due to the taxation that Great Britain was imposing on the colonies. |
The area that is now Providence was first settled in June 1636 by Roger Williams and was one of the original Thirteen Colonies of the United States. |
The thirteen colonies began with a defensive revolution against tyrannical oppression and they were victorious. |
In removing a major foreign threat to the thirteen colonies, the war also largely removed the colonists' need of colonial protection. |
Losing the war and the thirteen colonies was a shock to the British system. |
The Scots went in search of a better life and settled in the thirteen colonies, mainly around South Carolina and Virginia. |
New York was one of the original thirteen colonies that formed the United States. |
Some of their ancestry went back to the original thirteen colonies. |