Elland-based Waxman Renewables teamed up with Stroma NX to help install TiSUN solar thermal solutions for homes in Jibou, Romania. |
Shetland and Orkney, together with Fair Isle and Stroma are referred to as the Northern Isles. |
The bland fibrous stroma is infiltrated by mature lymphocytes and plasma cells. |
The stroma consists of fatty tissue and ligaments surrounding the ducts and lobules, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. |
The hemorrhoidectomy specimens showed a stroma of connective tissue containing many blood vessels, and interwoven bundles of smooth muscle. |
Once inside the stroma, the transit sequence is cleaved off by the stromal processing peptidase. |
One suggestion is the idea that sulphate and phosphate influxes into the stroma of the plastid are linked. |
The stroma is most commonly scant but may be prominent and can occasionally be fibromatous, edematous, or myxoid. |
It was suggested above that one proton was released in the chloroplast stroma for every three oxygen molecules fixed during photorespiration. |
The lining epithelium was often eroded, and the underlying stroma showed dense infiltration by inflammatory cells. |
Osteoid osteoma is a benign tumor containing osteoid in a stroma of loose vascular connective tissue. |
The relative amount of stroma thylakoids is also increased, while the portion of grana thylakoids is lowered. |
This latter consisted of a few membranes irregularly distributed in the stroma or tightly pressed to form very electron-dense stacks. |
The stroma of the papillary fronds consisted of loose fibrous tissue with abundant, thin-walled, congested blood vessels. |
The cell islands were further demarcated from the surrounding stroma by reticulin condensation around groups of cells. |
Transport proteins in the inner plastid envelope membrane connect the metabolism of plastid stroma and surrounding cytoplasm. |
The progenitors of osteoclasts are from the hematopoietic cell line and the osteoblasts originate from the marrow stroma. |
The stroma itself was myxomatous with numerous calciferous bodies and occasional ganglion cells in clusters. |
These lesions were characterized by a monomorphous pattern of slender, elongated spindle cells in a sclerotic stroma. |
Chloroplast envelopes, stacked grana and unstacked stroma thylakoids were well-defined. |
Histologically, thick collagen bundles were seen, characteristically whorling around vessels in a fibrotic stroma. |
Microscopic examination revealed nests and cords of clear cells separated by a fibrous and acellular mucoid stroma. |
Granules of different sizes were noted in the chloroplast stroma in all treatments. |
Chordoma also presents with intensely metachromatic myxoid stroma, and the tumor cells may be single or arranged in cords. |
The ovary consists of a cortical zone composed of a specialized stroma, which contains follicles with ova. |
This condition is due to haemorrhages into the stroma of the iris, the fluid part of the blood transuding into the anterior chamber. |
Thylakoids of grana stacks are mostly abundant in PSII complexes, while PSI complexes are predominant in stroma lamellae. |
The surrounding stroma was infiltrated by plasma cells and scattered aggregates of lymphocytes, forming follicles with germinal centres. |
Typical plaques showed proliferation of myofibroblastic cells with myxoid stroma. |
The endometrial stroma has a framework consisting of reticular fibers and stromal cells. |
The outer trophoblast cells of the released blastocyst begin to invade the epithelium, burrowing into the underlying endometrial stroma. |
The deeper regions of the tumor showed hypocellularity and had an abundance of loose edematous stroma. |
Both endometrial glands and stroma have to be present for a histologic diagnosis of endometriosis. |
Histopathology demonstrated glands that were neither crowded nor complex, with intervening fibromatous stroma that contained occasional endometrial stromal cells. |
Uteri of treated monkeys had proliferative endometria with no decidual changes in the stroma. |
Lymphocytes and granular leucocytes are also found in the stroma. |
The cross section of the cervical tissue containing both the epithelium and stroma was exposed by shaving off layers of the embedding medium and tissue using a cryostat. |
The mammary epithelium is enveloped by a basement membrane and embedded into fatty connective tissue stroma. |
Loose connective tissue stroma predominated in the less cellular areas. |
The results indicate that the stroma contains some rather fragile enzymes. |
There is no cellular or architectural atypia of the lobules or stroma. |
There is characteristically a dense sparsely cellular fibrous stroma. |
During in vivo measurements, excitation light is incident upon the epithelium, and must travel through this tissue layer before reaching the stroma. |
A few times, dots are observed in the stroma of the amyloplasts. |
Grana are connected by stromal lamellae, extensions that run from one granum, through the stroma, into a neighbouring granum. |
That is important information because, hitherto, pathologists have focused on the cancer cells themselves and ignored the stroma. |
The cornea itself is composed of multiple layers, including a surface epithelium, a central, thicker stroma, and an inner endothelium. |
Endosalpingiosis first described by Sampson19 in 1927, is the presence of ectopic fallopian tube-like ciliated epithelium without stroma. |
The cortical components are embedded in a supportive framework of connective, vascular, and neural tissue constituting the stroma. |
It is defined histologically as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma deep within the myometrium. |
Tumours of the fibrothecal group are derived from the ovarian stroma and make up a heterogeneous group ranging from the fibroma to the thecoma. |
Measured invasion of stroma greater than 3.0 mm and no greater than 5.0 mm and no wider than 7.0 mm. |
Measured invasion of stroma no greater than 3.0 mm in depth and no wider than 7.0 mm. |
Measured invasion of the stroma no greater than 3 mm in depth and no wider than 7 mm diameter. |
Very few dots are localized in the stroma of the amyloplasts. |
The fungus is rather variable in the size of the stroma, asci and ascospores. |
Measured invasion of stroma greater than 3 mm but no greater than 5 mm in depth and no wider than 7 mm in diameter. |
They form the structure of many organs and are the most resistant components of their stroma. |
The perithecia are dispersed and immersed in the stroma, which is outlined by a blackened zone. |
The excimer laser can be used either on the surface, after removing corneal epithelium before treatment, or within the stroma, after cutting a corneal flap. |
In addition, the plastids of these tubers were more often reported to contain a large volume of electron-dense, lamellate stroma, than were plastids of Earth-grown minitubers. |
Amyloid in the stroma of tumors has been described by Askanazy. |
Histologically, the lesion was made up of a fibrillar connective tissue stroma with oval and spindle-shaped mononuclear cells and small capillaries. |
Beneath the stroma are Descemet's membrane and the endothelium. |
This consisted predominantly of epitheloid, spindle shaped cells set in a collagenous stroma containing thin walled vessels. |
In lichens, the fungus forms a thallus or lichenized stroma that contains characteristic secondary metabolites. |
Microscopic examination demonstrated loose proliferation of stellate or spindle cells on myxoid stroma, with occasional mature lipocyte-like cells. |
Microscopically, the nipple adenoma exhibits epithelial hyperplasia arising from a lactiferous duct displacing the nipple stroma. |
The stroma surrounding these tumor cells contained a basophilic mucoid matrix. |
The new layer is located at the back of the cornea between the corneal stroma and Descemet's membrane. |
Histologically, this subtype is identifiable by the presence of small lymphoreticular follicles distributed within a hyalinized stroma. |
The fibrous septae separating the tubules were pauci-cellular and lacked the appearance of ovarian stroma. |
Because of the presence of architectural maturation and fibrotic surrounding stroma, nevoid melanoma may also resemble hyalinizing Spitz nevus. |
Insulin stimulates androgen accumulation in incubations of human ovarian stroma and theca. |
There was a considerable increase in the fibrous stroma around the tubules due to the condensation of the normal interstitial tissue as a result of atrophy. |
The fungus forms a thallus or lichenized stroma that may contain characteristic secondary metabolites in all lichens. |
The static component is related to an increase in prostate size caused, in part, by a proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the prostatic stroma. |
Other areas of the tumor showed cords and columns of primitive cells in a slightly edematous stroma. |
The entire procedure is performed without making a single surgical incision through the surface of the cornea as the laser is targeted to only work within the cornea, in an area called the stroma. |
The TDLUs were composed of a terminal duct surrounded by a lobule supported by dense fibromuscular stroma. |
Oncomatrix has associated genes and proteins in the peritumoral stroma to tumor invasiveness. |
The pseudocysts are not true glandular lumens but are part of the tumor stroma, showing glycosaminoglycan material, or hyalinized basal lamina. |
The codifferentiation of myoepithelium and its basement membrane is associated with changes in the surrounding stroma. |
In accord with their transchoroidal route of migration, T cells are present in the choroid plexus stroma. |
The stroma which joins all the seminiferous tubules contains LEYDIG cells which produce the androgens essential for spermatogenesis amongst other things. |
Inverted papilloma shows a thickened epithelium bound by an intact basement membrane growing endophytically into the underlying stroma. |
Apparently, changes in the hemopoietic stroma damage the hemopoietic microenvironment and, hence, may be responsible for changes observed in the hemopoietic tissue proper. |
The neoplastic glands evoked a desmoplastic response within the stroma, which also exhibited a moderate mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. |
Biopsy was performed and showed small fragments of fibrotic and hyalinized stroma containing dilated tubular structures. |
Histology of the pleura showed uniform and bipolar spindle cells with moderate mitosis in a collagenised stroma. |
The growth was noted to be forming cords and islets within the desmoplastic stroma, with hyperchromic, large nuclei and prominent nucleoli. |
Isolation of different cell types by laser capture microdissection is being used to identify distinct signatures for early stage disease, metastatic lesions, tumour stroma and tumour vasculature. |
Histopathologic examination of the surgical specimen showed that it was made up of immature trabeculae of osteoid in a fibrocellular and myxoid stroma. |
Microscopic pathologic assessment confirmed, in addition to a background fibromatous stroma, the presence of endometrial tissue within the lesion. |
Goniodysgenesis in Rieger syndrome is manifested primarily as a prominent Schwalbe line, hypoplasia of the iris stroma, and iridocorneal synechiae. |
Mesenchymal stem cells are progenitor cells which can differentiate into multiple connective tissues including bone, cartilage, muscle, tendon, bone marrow stroma and fat. |
Histopathology demonstrated irregular lamellar bone with hypocellular fibrous stroma, but no obvious atypia, mitotic activity or necrosis mimicking fibrous dysplasia. |
The latter was a noncircumscribed mass comprising multiple small nodules separated by edematous stroma and showing nodular projections into the surrounding myometrium. |
The adjacent stroma of the tubal plicae is usually edematous. |
In the stroma surrounding the nests, the tumor itself seemed to form some ductlike structures, lined by columnar epithelium with basally located nuclei. |
Meanwhile, we found that a variable number of plasma cells were present in the internodular sclerotic stroma and a few of which showed IgG4 positive with immunohistochemistry. |
The minimum thickness of residual stroma to prevent ectasia should be 250 mm. However, some unknown factors can still be responsible for iatrogenic keratectasias. |
The ADAMTS12 metalloprotease gene is epigenetically silenced in tumor cells and transcriptionally activated in the stroma during progression of colon cancer. |
Normal untransplanted marrow was used as a control to ensure the quality of the stroma and the comparability of the experiments at different times. |