Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Sinaitic? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
The book contains a helpful survey of the various covenants made between God and man, and a useful discussion of the Sinaitic covenant.
Graybill argues that the Tower of Babel presents an alternative to what she calls the Sinaitic model of understanding language, law, and interpretation.
Examples from Classical Literature
It would seem to accept the sinaitic Covenant as a literal episode, and even to synchronise the Mission with it.
In 1868 a party of engineering experts left England to make a scientific survey of the sinaitic Peninsula.
The limit in the opposite directions seems to have been the Fayoom on the west, and the sinaitic Peninsula on the east.
On the other hand, gaps in philosophical teaching are bridged over by the sinaitic Law.
As it was they put up a very good fight and their arrangements for getting across the sinaitic desert were excellent.
For forty years we find him on the sinaitic peninsula, herding sheep.
The mines of the sinaitic Peninsula were coveted by both countries.
We have already seen that the sinaitic Desert is almost waterless.
He even crossed the Jordan and went through the sinaitic desert to Egypt.