Schools can easily point to a gender-neutral factor, like revenue-generation or experience playing the sport, to justify pay disparities. |
Schools in the North West and North Midlands have received over 67,000 items of free sports kit. |
Schools of spinner dolphin and two enormous sunfish seen basking at the surface on the return journey proved the cherry on the icing. |
Carlow were led a merry dance by Offaly in the semi-final of the Leinster Vocational Schools SFC in Stradbally on Friday. |
Schools of occultism insist most strenuously on the deific and all-powerful nature of such beings. |
Schools in sink estates send more pupils into unemployment than to further or higher education. |
Schools in Tibet have been transformed to teach only to those students willing to learn in Chinese, a language most Tibetans do not speak. |
Combined Schools would perhaps spend that day pining over a match they seemed to have had in the basket! |
Schools of large mouth mackerel, many vermiculated angelfish, a few dogtooth tuna, and even a small whale shark made this diving very special. |
As of now the Schools, Girl Guides, and The Brownies have shown an interest to use, and continue using the facility. |
The ACLU sued Chicago Public Schools and the department in 1999 for sponsoring Boy Scout activities. |
The former Chief Inspector of Schools in Scotland has claimed his plans are unrealistic and unworkable. |
In 2000, Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union's data center took a direct hit from lightning. |
Schools have usurped the role of parents in terms of making decisions about their children. |
Following this he became a Schools Inspector, entering at this stage the same profession as that of his father. |
Schools are used to finding themselves on the receiving end of crime and vandalism. |
Schools were segregated and male teachers were replaced by females at girls ' schools. |
Schools could apply to become trust schools with greater independence and freedom. |
Schools have been issued with guidelines on how to handle anti-war protests by pupils. |
Schools across the borough celebrated another record-breaking year as GCSE results improved again. |
Schools throughout Cumbria had to be closed after sustaining damage to building fabric. |
Schools replaced mythology and history with the more amorphous social studies. |
Schools don't teach the names of trees or identification of birds and frogs. |
Schools must be responsible when awarding these contracts for enforcing the conditions in the tender agreements. |
Schools and businesses closed across the country as Poland mourned its national hero. |
Schools of snappers and pompano blotted out the sparkling sun, while trevally and fusiliers whipped about in a frenzy. |
Schools will have quick and easy access to a wealth of information on developing an international dimension to all aspects of education. |
Schools communicate in educationese or fail to recognize that a newsletter in English will not work for a parent who speaks Vietnamese. |
This prevailing linguistic approach to the Classics meant that the study of Ancient History was well nigh ignored in the Public Schools. |
Schools also have to present evidence of pupils having passed unit assessments throughout the year. |
Schools that have a diverse student body are likely to experience interethnic tensions. |
Schools of snapper and sweetlips patrol, along with the odd Napoleon wrasse. |
Schools can direct parents to free sources of reading materials and manage book swaps. |
The university was placed on one year's probation by its accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, in December. |
Schools and municipal offices were closed to enable pupils and employees to attend. |
It became the first black business program to gain accreditation from the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. |
The Independent Schools accused Edinburgh University of being unfair and claimed it was getting harder and harder for their pupils to get places. |
Four tennis aces from Lancaster Royal Grammar School have been competing in the National Schools Tennis Championship finals in Hertfordshire. |
The top 20 finishers in each race will be invited to represent York Schools in cross-country fixtures next term. |
Schools across Massachusetts are facing new guidelines regarding students and gender identity. |
Four Summerhill students can count themselves among the brightest in the country after winning the All-Ireland Schools Table Quiz title. |
Schools of fusiliers and surgeonfish and over 400 other species of tropical fish have made it their home. |
After the Schools Organisation Committee failed to reach a unanimous decision the matter was referred to the Government schools adjudicator. |
Schools in the borough have also used government money to introduced new electronic registers to make it more difficult to fake attendance. |
Schools with overspends pointed to factors outside their control, such as unanticipated drops in pupil numbers. |
Schools in the former Yugoslavian country of Serbia have a history of churning out skilled engineers. |
Schools are being asked to make sure their work is A4 in size and that all entries are received by tomorrow at the latest. |
High Schools of the day offered some pretty good metal working programs in classrooms outfitted with lathes, milling machines and shapers. |
Schools are increasingly expected to provide alternative programmes for young people not required to follow a more formal academic route. |
Schools were closed, land was confiscated and obstacles to new efforts were set in place. |
Schools are open, children are back to school and many of the holiday resorts have put up their shutters once again until the next season. |
Schools do not have the money, resources, or staff to properly evaluate many of these children. |
Schools at both ends of the educational spectrum reported their best GCSE results ever yesterday. |
She is MTNA nationally certified in piano and music theory and earned the licentiate in piano teaching from The Royal Schools of Music. |
Schools built before the 1970s had the requisite locker rooms for the mandated physical education classes for students of both sexes. |
Schools are too often subject to arson attacks, sometimes to terrible effect. |
Schools taught the young by rhythm first, and then with simple striding chords, and eventually with artless tunes. |
We must have Common Schools for the education of all classes of children in the primary or rudimental branches of knowledge. |
Schools in Bradford's most deprived areas could lose thousands of pounds of funding. |
Schools of grunts, coneys and tangs marked the entrance to the grotto, an ancient lava flow that cooled to a black tortured cavity. |
Schools should lock children in at lunchtime to boost take-up of canteen meals, a catering expert claimed yesterday. |
Schools are expected to put systems in place to monitor and promote attendance. |
Many of these were lurking in the Teen chat, or even Schools and Education categories. |
Schools using a Ribble Valley field studies centre will benefit from improved facilities, if a planning application is approved. |
Schools taking part will enjoy activities designed to promote reading as a fun activity. |
Schools and community centers, streets and avenues, boulevards and bridges throughout the United States were named after him. |
When I taught in Wake County Public Schools there was hardly anything that came from central office that was of a help to us. |
Schools and teachers that cherish the interests of their pupils should not fear it. |
Recently, the Director of Matriculation Schools has sent letters to the managements to end the practice. |
Schools are proposed to grant high-tech degrees while businessmen scout various ports to set up shore-based facilities. |
We have stringently followed all the guidelines from the Government and the Boarding Schools Association. |
Schools in the area have once again performed well, with most at least matching the national average pass rate. |
Schools in the district have chalked up outstanding performances, with most of them at least matching the national average pass rate. |
Schools located in thickly populated areas should have proper certificate from the Fire Officers. |
I arrived at the Exam Schools this morning to find that all lectures had been cancelled because of a derisible sit-in protest. |
Schools look more decrepit than houses, government offices, strung along the road, so run down you wonder if anybody ever visits them. |
A School Prospectus is available and has been distributed through the Primary Schools in the catchment area. |
Schools in this country, in the government system now are in dire straits in many cases. |
Schools in Dundee are already beginning to segregate pupils by gender for PE classes, a practice which was phased out after the Second World War. |
Recent research into the effect of US Charter Schools points to the creation of a socially segregated two-tier system. |
Schools of pelagics sweep by, reef sharks slink in the depths, and curious batfish shadow divers. |
Schools in Harbin re-opened yesterday and businesses that closed due to lack of water, such as bathhouses, reported a surge in customers. |
Schools often do not have windows but instead have large open frames that can be battened down during storms. |
Schools are now self-governing and what little is left to strategic planning is being hived off to Education Action Zones. |
Schools of mature spawners mass along the beachfront, often prowling within reach of piers and jetties. |
Schools reflect what is in society as a whole and they help shape the society to come. |
Schools were supplied with a digital camcorder, tripod, microphone and video editing equipment. |
Schools that need a helping hand will be able to call on volunteers to help in their activities. |
He studied print-making under the mezzotinter and miniaturist, William Pether and, from 1780, at the Royal Academy Schools. |
Schools are microcosms of society and so, inevitably, there are bound to be examples of unacceptable and antisocial behaviour. |
The government should increase funding to Primary Schools by gradually raising the pensionable age to seventy, with a reasonable warning period. |
Schools and businesses close at noon each day for two to three hours for a midday meal. |
Schools and mills were closed by a heavy fall of snow, the first of the winter. |
A report by the Indpendent Schools Inspectorate has claimed that A Levels are too easy for Etonians. |
Anyone attending the National Schools is also encouraged to join the pioneer association. |
Schools cannot continue to turn a blind eye in light of these new shocking statistics. |
Schools were increasingly having to make use of non-specialist teachers or teachers on temporary contracts. |
The poorest schools, such as Detroit Public Schools, get this minimal amount. |
Schools from outside the county wanted to use the centre at peak times without the enticement of discounted places. |
Schools that are undersubscribed year after year should be closed down or reconstituted. |
Schools are mollycoddling pupils, producing a generation of unhealthy underachievers, the government's education agency has warned. |
Schools should introduce a blanket ban on all unhealthy foods and control stock in tuck shops. |
These vouchers can be collected by schools and redeemed against a vast collection of computer equipment in this year's Computers for Schools catalogue. |
Schools with best practices have teachers who are punctual, stay on after school hours to prepare for the next day's work and interact with students in a friendly manner. |
Schools may have to resort to a four-day week or shorter working days under a new deal to cut extra teacher workloads caused by the profession's recruitment crisis. |
The Emmanuel Schools Foundation last month announced its interest in sponsoring a new academy to replace Northcliffe Secondary School, which is in special measures. |
Schools aren't supposed to promote specific ideological agendas. |
Schools in more affluent areas and fee paying schools are more likely to have students whose parents can and will pay a lot of money for grinds and revision courses. |
Schools across the devastated region have been reduced to matchsticks. |
The boys team from Scoil Muire agus Padraig took home the prize for best nett score at the Connacht Schools Golf Championships played at the Ballina Course. |
Think of the Foo Fighters minus the glossy production with an apocalyptic pop sensibility, and you come some way to understanding of what Rival Schools are about. |
Councillors are to consider tabling a bid in the coming weeks for this pot of gold, which is being held out by the Government under its Building Schools for the Future scheme. |
It is what Victoria Goldman, co-author of The Manhattan Family Guide to Private Schools, calls the Baby Ivies that are the million-dollar prize of this Survivor game. |
Schools could be federally funded to bus children to exercise at clubs. |
Schools facing closures could incorporate day-care facilities. |
The Sunday Schools sprang from the same era of earnest endeavour, as did the widespread drive to establish Friendly Societies supervised by the clergy. |
Schools are extremely important to create the possibility for individual lives to be better. |
Schools state their own opening and closing times but we will work with them and support any actions they take that they believe are necessary to keep pupils apart. |
Schools also reported having poor resources to implement most areas of the curriculum, which covers athletics, dance, gymnastics, games, adventure activities and aquatics. |
Schools only play one role, however vital in this whole sorry business. |
We regularly do workshops for the local education authority in Schools. |
The Nutrition in Schools Bill, expected to be published within weeks, will give ministers powers to ban unhealthy foods from school tuck shops and canteens. |
Schools in Trafford, which continues to be the only authority in the region to operate a grammar school system, have shown the greatest leap in exam results. |
Schools will be paired with local universities to provide expert speakers, the children choosing the topic, chairing the meetings and advertising each event. |
At the Leinster Schools held in Dublin, Cheryl Nolan won gold in the junior 1,500m and Sinead Kelly competing in the same race finished a credible fifth place. |
Schools from deprived areas are still losing a proportion of their pupils, probably those with higher parental support and motivation and hence are even more deprived. |
Schools were adjuncts of pupils' social backgrounds and teachers were tasked to implement a curriculum which maintained both social hierarchy and stasis. |
Schools hedged their bets by upping the number of applicants they put on the waitlist. |
Schools and community centres have joined together to produce a huge piece of textile art, inspired by the traditional Bengali patchwork cloth, the kantha. |
Judith Sischy, the director of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools, said she believed most parents would make sacrifices to keep their children at private schools. |
Schools don't pay sales tax on supplies because they have nonprofit status. |
For the past five years I have been a regular attendant at the Algico Primary Schools Sports and the lack of parental support has always struck me. |
Schools can save for small items like court markers, skipping ropes, cones and bean bags, or larger pieces of equipment including tennis sets, goalposts and hurdles. |
However, the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada limit the number of students admissible without a first degree to 10 percent. |
Schools can provide assessments and special education plans. |
Schools of goatfish, nanagai, sweetlips and trevally swirl everywhere. |
Schools across the country have joined the crusade against violence. |
Schools with great booster clubs don't like the program because of the conflicts that can arise between their sponsors and the ads the 3rd party sells. |
Schools would have to apply for entertainment licences if any performances were attended by members of the public not directly associated with the school or its pupils. |
Schools in Bangalore are in focus these days, thanks to two directives. |
Schools get shot up and everybody has their solution, and we often overreact. |
Schools across the country will take part in TIMSS 2011, and PIRLS, Humaid Mohammad Obaid Al Qutami, minister of education, announced yesterday. |
Schools that kept their intersessions eliminated hundreds of course sections. |
Schools no longer teach morals to children. We need to remoralize education! |
Schools able to offer classical studies were given additional funding as collegiate institutes. |
The Boards could make grants to existing Church Schools and erect their own board schools or elementary schools. |
Schools are required by law to provide a safe learning environment. |
Schools joining the cooperative were assessed an initial membership fee to purchase a high-speed tape duplicator and about 200 tapes. |
Schools were supported by a combination of kirk funds, contributions from local heritors or burgh councils and parents that could pay. |
Schools were harsh and teachers were very strict, often beating pupils who misbehaved. |
As of 2011 Besides the general public schools in Virginia, there are Governor's Schools and selective magnet schools. |
The Governor's Schools are a collection of more than 40 regional high schools and summer programs intended for gifted students. |
Schools are mostly comprehensive, with some grammar schools in North Yorkshire, Calderdale and Kirklees. |
The higher and further educational institutions include the Chichester High Schools Sixth Form, which is the largest Sixth Form in West Sussex. |
Schools often hire charter bus services on regular basis for transportation of children to and from their homes. |
The National Association of British Schools in Spain has 52 member schools. |
According to the International Schools Consultancy, Pakistan has 439 international schools. |
Schools such as the Abendrealschule serve students that are headed for the Mittlere Reife. |
Schools such as the Aufbaugymnasium or the Abendgymnasium prepare students for college and finish with the Abitur. |
These are officially called public schools according to the South African Schools Act of 1996, but it is a term that is not used colloquially. |
National Schools come under the direct control of the Ministry of Education therefore have direct funding from the ministry. |
Provincial Schools consists of the vast majority of schools in Sri Lanka which are funded and controlled by the local governments. |
The Friends Syrian Mission was established in 1874, which among other institutions ran the Ramallah Friends Schools, which still exist today. |
Worksop College, founded as St Cuthbert's in 1895, was the last of the Woodard Schools to be opened. |
The Computing at Schools organisation has created a 'Network of Teaching Excellence' to support schools with the new curriculum. |
Free Schools with a religious designation are also sometimes called Faith Academies. |
Today all Grammar Schools in New Zealand are state schools, although they use school donations to supplement their government funding. |
Independent Schools not affiliated to the ISC in England may be inspected by either School Inspection Service or Bridge Schools' Trust. |
Independent schools in Scotland educate about 31,000 children and often referred to as Private Schools. |
In 2014 the Independent Schools Council commissioned a report to highlight the impact that independent schools have on the British economy. |
Schools and colleges will have to take on board the views of young people and parents in their area. |
Between the wars, the Memorial Chapel, the Music Schools and a new Sanatorium appeared. |
The Royal Academy Schools was the first institution to provide professional training for artists in Britain. |
By 1830 over 1,500 students had enrolled in the Schools, giving an average intake of 25 students each year. |
A child prodigy, at the age of eleven Millais became the youngest student to enter the Royal Academy Schools. |
Lloyd Webber is also the president of the Arts Educational Schools London, a performing arts school located in Chiswick, West London. |
The boys were promptly sent to Norwood Schools, another institution for destitute children. |
MacArthur attended Wirksworth County Infants and Junior Schools and the Anthony Gell School and also worked at a sailing school in Hull. |
Entering the Royal Academy Schools as a probationer, he attended life classes and anatomical dissections, and studied and copied old masters. |
Barely a month earlier, it had also hosted the larger East African Schools Sports tournaments. |
Schools would be established in which they would teach the English language. |
In Britain, in 1914, the Public Schools Officers' Training Corps annual camp was held at Tidworth Pennings, near Salisbury Plain. |
Schools are supported in delivering the National Guidelines and National Priorities by Learning and Teaching Scotland. |
Schools in Gibraltar use the Key Stage modular approach to teach the National Curriculum. |
The city government pays the Pelham Public Schools to educate a very small, detached section of the Bronx. |
Schools are asking parents for money because funding is falling short of what they need. |
Rattle made his North American debut in 1976, conducting the London Schools Symphony Orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl. |
This was the occasion of the debut of Tubular Bells for Schools, a piano solo adaptation of Oldfield's work. |
Schools programming on the network began in 1957 in some regions and expanded as more regions began broadcasting. |
In 1993, this segment became Channel 4 Schools and later in 2000 4Learning. |
On June 9, 1923 the Welsh Secondary Schools Rugby Union was established in Cardiff. |
Tijuana is home to many private Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and High Schools as well as nationally high ranked colleges and universities. |
Schools became more numerous during the Empire, and increased the opportunities for children to acquire an education. |
There are currently four Colleges within the University of Glasgow, each containing a number of Schools. |
Some exchanges are offered within specific research institutes at St Andrews, rather than across entire Schools. |
He also taught in the Hope Street Sunday Schools, which were administered by the Unitarians, where he met Unitarian minister Dr James Martineau. |
The Blodwen Jerman Schools Prize is awarded annually to a Welsh school for their promotion of Archaeology and History within the School. |
As part of the Woodard Schools group, it is affiliated to the largest group of Church of England schools in the country. |
The University is divided into five Colleges and these are then broken down into Schools and Research Institutes. |
The scheme was replaced by free access to the Digimap for Schools service provided by EDINA for eligible schools. |
Schools in Connah's Quay include Connah's Quay High School, Bryn Deva Primary, Wepre Primary, Brookfield Primary and Golftyn Primary. |
Schools are also increasingly divided by ethnicity, with white flight being present in some of the northeastern suburbs of the city. |
Schools of fish are much more tightly organised, synchronising their swimming so that all fish move at the same speed and in the same direction. |
Schools where Russian or Polish are the primary languages of education exist in the areas populated by these minorities. |
Schools of icefish spend the day at the seafloor and the night higher in the water column eating plankton and smaller fish. |
Schools of sardines are encircled by a net up to 1 kilometre in length which is then drawn closed at the bottom. |
Schools in Exeter teach that the motto was bestowed by Charles II in 1660 at the Restoration due to Exeter's role in the English Civil War. |
The Cygnet Theatre in Friars Walk is the home of the Cygnet Training Theatre and is a member of the Conference of Drama Schools. |
The word is sometimes used loosely to apply to other kinds of youth institution or reformatory, such as Approved Schools and Detention Centres. |
Schools were constructed throughout the island and attendance was made mandatory. |
Schools have introduced the CAPE exams which all other Caribbean countries have introduced. |
Thus the elite National Schools are controlled directly by the Ministry of Education and the provincial schools by the provincial government. |
After emancipation the West Indian Commission granted a sum of money to establish Elementary Schools, now known as All Age Schools. |
Our Public Schools... are in their existing stage primarily great gymnasiums. |
All such School-masters as have charge of Children and do instruct them either in Publick Schools, or Private Houses. |
Public Schools... are distinguished from those which until recently were entitled Grammar Schools. |
The New York City Department of Education manages the New York City Public Schools system. |
Secondary schools focus especially on the Allerdale District School's Championships, which lead on to the Cumbria Schools Championships. |
The results of Cumbria's championships guide selection of the county teams to compete in the English Schools Athletic Association Championships. |
Over the years, Workington athletes have earned English Schools Championship honours. |
Schools in the town include Okehampton Primary School and Okehampton College. |
Schools in the region stocked up on food and water, flashlights, batteries, and walkie-talkies. |
The exhibited photos represent all the Arts Schools including, the Classic, Realistic, Expressionism and the Abstractionism. |
They were housed and educated in institutions such as the Kirkdale Industrial Ragged Schools and Homes. |
There are also plans by developer Richard Grainger for a workhouse in Elswick and details of Newcastle's Ragged Schools. |
He spent five odd waiting years in Gravesend, as an energetic do-gooder, setting up Ragged Schools for boys among other things. |
The bronze was claimed by Mohammad Sultan Al Hameli and Saif Jumar from Al Garbiya and Al Khaznah Schools, respectively. |
Schools have been alerted about today's training exercise and will not perform lockdowns, Waldman said. |
Schools always feed students full hot meals at lunchtime, compared with the brown bagging here, she said. |
A team of four girls from Denbigh High, Team Tachyon, have been crowned Welsh Champions in the F1 in Schools Technology Challenge. |
The 21st Century Schools programme is the most exciting project in the whole of Monmouthshire and it has been a long time coming. |
On Teesside, ChildLine Schools Service has already visited 122 schools and talked to 12,827 children. |
The occasion is the Northern Division of the Choir Schools Association Annual Sports Day. |
The Schools of the Future report, issued in 2000, recommended review and closure of nondistinctive alternative schools. |
Schools are holding nonuniform days while people are baking and selling Christmas cakes or mince pies. |
The Sustainable Schools Fayre is being held at Durham University's Science Learning Centre North East in Pity Me, County Durham. |
Schools from the region will be taking up a role on the board of the fictitious Unitary Council, Emmstone. |
Schools are among the easier NZE projects because they often have fewer annual operating hours than other building types. |
Guthrie Public Schools is a public school district consisting of six schools serving over 3,000 students in Guthrie, Okla. |
Las Cruces Public Schools is the second largest district in New Mexico serving more than 24,000 K-12 students at 38 campuses. |
Schools that compete in Academic Decathlons set up teams of A, B and C students. |
In the Reggio Schools and other environments advocating a project approach to learning, won't some kids just goof off? |
Dog Guide Schools, The Seeing Eye is an accredited member of the International Guide Dog Federation. |
Schools need help to combat a rise in happy slapping attacks, a teaching union said yesterday. |
And there's no doubt this is what At The End Of A Winding Day, the new record from The Hedge Schools, is doing. |
Department of Education-Green Ribbon Schools, District Sustainability Awards, and first-ever Postsecondary Sustainability Awards. |
The Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools is attempting to grow its pool of qualified dental assistant evaluators. |
Schools can measure anything, providing the right questions are asked, says Bonnie Pattee, vice president of HR at the Western Governors University. |
He was educated in the Boston Public Schools and is a graduate of Northeastern University as a chemical engineer and the University of Massachusetts as a pomologist. |
Critics have charged that Edison Schools, a for-profit company, has oversold its ability to turnaround the school system, which was taken over by the state late last year. |
Ottumwa Community Schools, Pella Community Schools and West Liberty Community Schools have begun the semester by implementing GreenRU composting into their food services. |
Tiger Moths from the Reserve Flying Schools at Rochester and Cambridge competed with each other at formating in the gusty conditions, Rochester just winning. |
Critics inevitably measured Stones into Schools up against Mortenson's wildly successful Three Cups of Tea, cowritten with journalist David Oliver Relin. |
Brooke Weston Trust is a large Multiacademy Trust located in Corby, Northamptonshire and operating Schools in both Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire. |
Faculty Award from the Association of American Law Schools, Section on Minority Groups, for her activism, mentoring, colleagueship, teaching and scholarship. |
In some primary schools in the Vale, fruit tuck shops have been set up with funding from the Vale Network of Health Schools, backed by the National Assembly. |
Watertown Public Schools operates public schools in the city. |
After the classic children's cartoon Mr Benn, it was back to Schools and Colleges before an hour's Closedown and the dreaded Trade Test Transmission. |
This occasion was the Annual Conference of the Choir Schools Association, which drew choristers from across the country, including from Westminster Abbey and York Minster. |
The band of six boys and seven girls from St Peter's choirs were joining in the Choir Schools Association Northern Football and Rounders Tournament. |
She then went on to successfully audition for Arts Educational Schools London and joined the school to study musical theatre at a professional level. |
Schools need to give staff clear guidance on how to deal with toileting accidents so that they know what they are allowed to do and who should be dealing with an incident. |
The children's favourite will give his backing to a series of Sunday Ski Schools for four to seven-year-olds at The Ackers, in Golden Hillock Road. |
Mr T F Richards, the member for Wolverhampton West, delivered another address before his constituents last night, in the Great Brickkiln Street Schools, Wolverhampton. |
Miami-Dade County Public Schools will offer students NESTLE NESQUIK 100 percent real, low fat flavored milks in all senior high schools in NESQUIK-branded vending machines. |
Law school librarians and legal research and writing faculty members have received user IDs for Lexis Advance for Law Schools BETA and have already delivered helpful feedback. |
Schools and colleges have different policies with regards to resits. |
Businessman G F Angas, with whom Forster had been associated in the Northumberland Sunday Schools Society, employed him as his agent and attorney in South Australia. |
Barbour County Superintendent of Schools, Jeffrey Woofter, and Philip Barbour High School Principal, Mark Lamb, also participated in the presentation. |
The most common species in Monroe's Parks were water oak, slash pine, and crepe myrtle and in the Schools were slash pine, crepe myrtle, and willow oak. |
Law Schools, a critical race theorist likened Kennedy to a Tonto figure, the fictional Indian whose loyalty to the Lone Ranger set him apart from, if not against, his tribe. |
Before the 2005 Schools White Paper, schools put into Special Measures have been aware that they might face closure if they did not improve within about two years. |
Beaconside Infants and Junior Schools are located in the centre of the estate and there were at one time 3 corner shops and a launderette in the area. |
His followers competed successfully with many other schools during the Hundred Schools of Thought era only to be suppressed in favor of the Legalists during the Qin Dynasty. |
The Classical Magnet School is one of the many Hartford Magnet Schools. |
In the summer of 1964 students and community organizers from across the country came to help register black voters in Mississippi and establish Freedom Schools. |
Almost all maintain Sunday Schools, and some host or maintain Lutheran schools, at the preschool, elementary, middle, high school, folk high school, or university level. |
Public Schools. Course of Instruction... Class III. To include at least reading, writing, arithmetic, outlines of history and geography, and lessons on natural objects. |
That which is now called an University, is a Joyning together, and an Incorporation under one Government of many Publique Schools, in one and the same Town or City. |
Schools named for him include Cabrillo College in Aptos, California, high schools in Lompoc and Long Beach, and several middle and elementary schools. |
This broad difference in approach led to a major schism among Buddhist monastics in about the 4th century BCE, creating the Early Buddhist Schools. |
Schools are on holiday, workers have the week off, and a general sense of jubilee fills the streets, where musicians parade around to huge crowds of cheering fans. |
She studied musical theatre at the Arts Educational Schools, London, and made her stage breakthrough with a leading role in a 1987 production of 42nd Street. |
Following 2005, no branded section has been used for Schools programmes. |
The RFL is part of the Community Board, which also has representatives from BARLA, Combined Services, English Schools Rugby League and Student Rugby League. |
One hall, Bryn Eithin, overlooks the centre of Bangor, and is close to the Science Departments and the Schools of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. |
There are eleven selective enrollment high schools in the Chicago Public Schools, designed to meet the needs of Chicago's most academically advanced students. |
Longueville Jones, who was travelling extensively in Wales as part of his duties as inspector of National Schools, now had more time as editor of Archaeologia Cambrensis. |
The second is St Mary's College, St Andrews, based on South Street, which houses the Schools of Divinity, Psychology and Neuroscience, as well as the King James Library. |
It has 11 Schools one Centre, 16,300 students and 1,460 staff. |
Schools range from Eton College to small Primary and High schools. |
He is also a patron of the Shakespeare Schools Festival, a charity that enables school children across the UK to perform Shakespeare in professional theatres. |
Schools run by religious organisations, but receiving public money and recognition, cannot discriminate against pupils based upon religion or lack thereof. |
In 1769, the first year of operation, the Schools enrolled 77 students. |
The Royal Academy Schools form the oldest art school in Britain. |
In 1998 the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals merged with King's to form the King's College London GKT School of Medical Education. |
Many of these schools are members of the Independent Schools Council. |
The absence of a national education system meant that the first sizable secondary education providers were Grammar Schools and other private institutions. |
Auckland's Grammar Schools share a common line of descent from the British Grammar School system, with a strong focus on academics and traditional British sports. |
The National Grammar Schools Association campaigns in favour of such schools, while Comprehensive Future and the Campaign for State Education campaign against them. |