Looking for sentences and phrases with the word SOCRATES? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
In his speech to prove the teachability of virtue, Protagoras glosses the term in away that appears inconsistent to Socrates.
The Academy's method of argument was, in the first instance, dialectical, like that of Socrates in Plato's Socratic dialogues.
This summons to free enquiry, untrammelled by customary beliefs, was taken up by the Greek philosophers, and especially by Socrates.
Approximately half the entry is on the Greek moralists Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics.
Socrates plies his interlocutors with a chain of questions, and their replies trap them into self-contradiction.
Socrates never claimed any special positive knowledge of justice, virtue, and so on.
Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher who moved in the same circles as Socrates.
But gosh, you know, they don't seem so bad, particularly the cute white one Willard adopts and names Socrates.
For instance, the Delphic oracle is said to have told Chaerephon that no man was wiser than Socrates.
Socrates raised profound questions in philosophy in a city square, and many of our liberation heroes took their majors in prison yards.
For all the manipulation of history which occurs in The Plot to Save Socrates, the characters all have a strong sense of predeterminism.
Aristippus was a follower of Socrates, and the founder of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy.
But as critic, scourge, and gadfly he is in the league of Socrates and Voltaire.
Protagoras, Parmenides, Democritus and Socrates looked inward to the human mind and there discovered logos, Human Reason.
Plato illustrates the intellectual advantage that Socrates has over Protagoras in the episode of Simonides's poem.
But let us hear Socrates out, and get a view of the full picture, as he argues that it would be wrong for him to escape into exile.
So far as we know, Socrates was the first philosopher to make prominent the question of how to live well.
Rather than write in his own person, Plato chose always to present Socrates as the figure of the philosopher searching for truth.
Socrates was married, but he seemed to spend his time charming the handsome male youths of Athens.
Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
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It was, of course, a poisonous plant, hemlock, that gave Athens its state poison, used for the execution of Socrates.
In the trial of Socrates, as described by Plato, the oracle at Delphi proclaimed that there is no one wiser than Socrates.
Herbs such as the castor bean and poison hemlock, which killed ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, are toxic.
One thinks of the shopkeepers and craftsmen in and around the Agora with whom Socrates passed the time of day.
Socrates means to emphasize that nothing outweighs in positive value the disvalue of doing unjust actions.
Both Socrates and the University of Oxford now enjoy an enviable academic reputation.
Little white rat Socrates becomes Willard's soul mate, and big gray rat Ben looms jealously nearby.
Like Socrates, Russell saw philosophy as spoken and conversational, rather than written and discursive.
Setting aside the opening elenchus which elicits Thrasymachus' conception of the real ruler, Socrates offers five arguments against Thrasymachus.
He struck me as a latter-day Socrates who had missed out on his true calling in the agora of Periclean Athens by some 2,500 years.
Socrates complains that a text, unlike a talking person, is authoritarian, eliminating dialogue.
Brazilian soccer legend Socrates arrived in Yorkshire last night ahead of his eagerly anticipated debut for a non-league team.
Nevertheless, a precedent for the right-to-die position may be found in the Phaedo, where Socrates argues against prolonging life at any cost.
For Socrates, the appetitive hedonist is a blissfully ignorant Sisyphus forever doomed to the cruel pleasure of scratching a persistent itch.
For Socrates the act of communication is grounded in the world of original forms, archetypes, or abstract ideas.
And of course, in this sense, the Socrates story is the diametric opposite of the Croesus story.
Brazilian footballing legend Socrates has helped turn humble Garforth Town into the most talked-about non-league team in the world this week.
We noticed early on that Plato, speaking through Socrates, demands that knowledge be stable.
Socrates was put to death, but the Socratic philosophy rose like the sun in heaven, and spread its illumination over the whole intellectual firmament.
For anyone too young to have seen Socrates play, a brief biog.
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To say of Socrates that he is human is to say what he is, whereas to say that he is literate is not to say what he is but rather to give a quality that he has.
Socrates is certainly not guilty of the crimes he is accused of.
As the story goes, Socrates engaged the cobbler and the local youth in philosophical discussions while Simon worked.
Like Socrates, Street Epistemologists are to understand themselves as inquisitive teachers, not combative lecturers.
At the beginning of the second book of Plato's Republic, Glaucon challenges Socrates, and his idea of justice, with a myth concerning the ancestor of Gyges, the Lydian.
Socrates was married, you know, and his wife, Xanthippe, was a shrew.
Socrates gave the first cry for free speech, but only his own right freely to express truth unimpeded by the tyranny of the majority as represented by the Athenian demos.
As was the case with Socrates, philosophy has sought to peel itself away from sophism by admitting to its ignorance, as if unknowing were a pathos to be confessed.
Their model was Socrates as depicted in Plato's Socratic dialogues, where he puts questions to his interlocutors and deduces conclusions unwelcome to them from their replies.
When he argues against Protagoras' relativism, Socrates gets the sophist to concede that some people are wiser than others when it comes to what is good for the city.
In this book, written after Socrates' death, Plato attempts to make the reader feel that Socrates was a true philosopher and not a sophist, as some people claimed.
Just before drinking the hemlock Socrates makes a wonderful joke.
In his palinode Socrates corrects both his message and his character.
It was his daimon who intervened in the Phaedrus, after Socrates had argued that it was better for a boy to yield to a man who did not love him than to a lover.
Like the daimon of Socrates who indicates only what not to do, we too know instinctively, aesthetically, when a fish stinks, when the sense of beauty is offended.
Socrates was one of the most critical opponents of the demagogues.
Two portraits of Socrates frame the Symposium, one painted by Aristodemus, the good thief, the best of the deme, the other by Alcibiades, the bad thief.
From him Socrates derived the principles of morality, and most part of his natural speculations.
It makes a liar of Socrates with his daimonic sign and his dream messages of the Phaedo, the Apology, and the Crito.
Socrates cave dweller, No more to endure shadow, But life to the full enjoyed.
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If humans are mortal, and Socrates is a human, then per alia Socrates is mortal.
To Socrates, aporia has a purgative effect since it instills a quest for knowledge in the seeker of the answer.
That was the most ill-advised drink of liquid since Socrates took hemlock.
Such is the received account, Socrates, of the nature and origin of justice.
The unexamined life is not worth living, according to Socrates.
The Platonic Socrates was a pattern to subsequent philosophers for many ages.
Socrates lived in Athens during the great plague which has made so much noise in all ages.
Remember that in Plato's Phaedo, Socrates compares misanthropy to misology, the hatred of speech and logic.
The name of Xanthippe, the wife of Socrates, has become proverbial for a termagant.
An example is Socrates is a man, all men are mortal, therefore Socrates is mortal.
Thus Men can be predicated of Socrates but Socrates cannot be predicated of anything.
We may, with Aristotle, distinguish singular terms such as Socrates and general terms such as Greeks.
For rough spinous humour few could beat Socrates. In Plato we have this humour toned down into a refined irony.
Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.
The ecclesiastical histories of Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret describe the ecclesiastic disputes of Constantine's later reign.
Without insisting on a difference between the inventors and the spellers of words, Socrates makes short work of this case.
In Ion, Socrates gives no hint of the disapproval of Homer that he expresses in the Republic.
This paper argues that the misologists are presented as a type of protoskeptic and that Socrates in fact shows covert sympathy for their position.
So an examination of the scientific methods of testing of intelligence necessarily takes us back to the Presocratics, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
If they listen to doctor's orders, Socrates says, they might find that, in fact, the one is not 'unlimited', but consists of a finite plurality of infima species.
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Socrates is the archetypal high master of subtle, ironic anacrisis.
To argue that its validity can be explained by the theory of syllogism would require that we show that Socrates is a man is the equivalent of a categorical proposition.
Later Persian writers associate him with philosophy, portraying him at a symposium with figures such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, in search of immortality.
Athens was the home of Socrates, Plato, and the Platonic Academy.
When a friend asked Socrates, how he could bear the scolding of his wife Xantippe? he retorted, and asked him, how he could bear the gaggling of his geese?
Socrates remarks that when he is well he finds wine sweet, but when ill, sour. Here it is a change in the percipient that causes the change in the percept.
Socrates contended with a foil against Demosthenes with a sword.
But by describing the sophist not merely once but three times as a bewitcher, the Stranger does, once again, point to the similarity between the sophist and Socrates.
Indeed, one can say that Bookchin is to social ecology what Socrates is to maieutic, Derrida to deconstruction, and Paulo Freire to concientizacao.
Examples from Classical Literature
What surprises me yet more is, that some would believe that Socrates was a debaucher of young men!
It was like going up hill, but the Socrates reached the abutment and was safe.
Do you see then, Socrates, how great is the difficulty of affirming the ideas to be absolute?
It breathes the spirit of Socrates, but has been cast anew in the mould of Plato.
His love of reputation is characteristically Greek, and contrasts with the humility of Socrates.
The view of Socrates is the meeting-point of the other two, just as conceptualism is the meeting-point of nominalism and realism.
The irony of Socrates places him above and beyond the errors of his contemporaries.
Aristippus, founder of the Cyrenaic school, a friend and younger contemporary of Socrates.
Something within warned him, as the daemon used to warn Socrates, that his errand would be bootless.
Diotima, the priestess, awakened in Socrates the daimonic force which was to lead him to the divine.
I do not include Socrates, who is able either to drink or to abstain, and will not mind, whichever we do.
But Socrates has no sooner found the new solution than he sinks into a fit of despondency.
At length in despair Cleinias and Socrates turn to the 'Dioscuri' and request their aid.
You yourself will not deny, Socrates, that your face is like that of a satyr.
For what could be more convincing than the argument of Socrates, which has now fallen into discredit?
What had become of his disputatious and learned associates that not one of them stood up to plead for the life of Socrates now?
He is exhibiting Socrates for the first time undergoing the Socratic interrogation.
The wife of Socrates, Xanthippe, was a woman of a most fantastical and furious spirit.
As for me, I pretend not to justify them, and will only relate for what reason they frequented Socrates.
Socrates taught Xenophon and Plato geography, astronomy, and the use of the globes.
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Yes, Socrates had met him, but he has a bad memory, and has forgotten what Gorgias said.
Quite correct, Socrates, if Simonides is to be believed, said Polemarchus interposing.
Somewhere in Athens there must have been the helpmeet God had made for Socrates.
Something about a fellow named Socrates who was given a cup of hemlock to drink.
Dionysodorus rejoins that Iolaus was no more the nephew of Heracles than of Socrates.
And, to do Mr. skiddy justice, though no Socrates, he was a good father to his children.
And had he not quoted Socrates in that last paragraph, it would have been expunged.
I have told you briefly, Socrates, what the aged Critias heard from Solon and related to us.
Humanism is humaneness based where Socrates and Plato based it, on knowledge, understanding and intelligence.
At what point shall I begin then, Socrates, to revive your recollection of the art of husbandry?
The Athenians killed Socrates, but they produced a Plato to idealise and even to immortalise him.
These difficulties are but imperfectly answered by Socrates in what follows.
Which shows, Socrates, how little they know what the gods think about piety and impiety.
He felt no incongruity in the veteran Parmenides correcting the youthful Socrates.
With Socrates philosophy was a quest of the permanently good, of the lastingly satisfying attitude to life.
In writing the book I have followed, as Socrates advises, where the logos led me.
Do not lose heart, replied Socrates, and the day may come when you will understand.
The answer does not satisfy Socrates, who fears that he is losing his touchstone.
At all events, Xanthippe, the Athenian beauty, was wed to Socrates the philosopher.
Xantippe, the wife of Socrates, noted for her violent temper and scolding propensities.
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At any rate, the influence of Zeno on the dialectic of Socrates is unmistakable.
Parmenides rebukes this want of consistency in Socrates, which he attributes to his youth.
The other criticism of Parmenides on Socrates attributes to him a want of practice in dialectic.
Now condemned to death, Socrates was put into prison, where some days after, he died by drinking the poison hemlock.
He is never able to reconcile the first causes of the pre-Socratic philosophers with the final causes of Socrates himself.
Not the reverse of what is just and righteous, Socrates, god forbid!
His real defect is that he is inferior to Socrates in dialectics.
Xantippe's life must have been one long misery, tied to that calmly irritating man, Socrates.
Here again, as in the former instance, the defence of Socrates is untrue practically, but may be true in some ideal or transcendental sense.
You will not deny this, Socrates, that your face is like that of a satyr.
In the Ion Socrates instructs the rhapsode Ion about the origins of his art.
But to me, Socrates, these complainers seem to blame that which is not really in fault.
The lessons of Prodicus, whom he facetiously calls his master, are still running in the mind of Socrates.
The seance is of old and elder men, of whom Socrates is the youngest.
How easily these old worships of Moses, of Zoroaster, of Menu, of Socrates, domesticate themselves in the mind.
When Socrates speaks, Lysis and Menexenus are afflicted by no shame that they do not speak.
He also becomes more dogmatic and constructive, passing beyond the range either of the political or the speculative ideas of the real Socrates.
This time I sent Socrates with my strings to the tinsmith in the bazaar.
What triflers, on any other ground, were Socrates and Plato.
Some Socrates of the future may yet envy that other his hemlock.
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Mr. myers has justly compared the case of Jeanne with that of Socrates.
The younger Socrates resembles his namesake in nothing but a name.
Yet more people read Socrates, and believed on the Nazarene every year.
The main discussion is carried on by Socrates, Glaucon, and Adeimantus.
Not the world,' but the 'one wise man,' is still the paradox of Socrates in his last hours.
In what relation the Apology of Plato stands to the real defence of Socrates, there are no means of determining.
The Apology of Plato is not the report of what Socrates said, but an elaborate composition, quite as much so in fact as one of the Dialogues.
Hemlock is interesting on account of Socrates, and you were interesting as a young lady gathering poison.
Is a native of the Andaman Islands the superior of Socrates?
But if, as Socrates argues, all evil is involuntary, then all criminals ought to be admonished and not punished.
Socrates is nowhere represented to us as a freethinker or sceptic.
And here, Socrates, I will leave the apologue and resume the argument.
However, whereas Antisthenes tries to clarify these different meanings, Plato's Socrates exploits the ambiguity to confuse his interlocutor.
Vlastos himself tried to redefine Socratic irony as a complex phenomenon in which Socrates both does and does not mean what he says.
So you wish me to set up as a breeder of young horses, do you, Socrates?
Socrates asks what manner of man was this censorious critic.
Whenever Xanthippe was angry, she used to scold poor Socrates roundly.
Yet incidentally the antagonism between Socrates and the Sophists is allowed to appear.
It is anticipated at the beginning by the dream of Socrates and the parody of Homer.
Foremost among them is Confucius, a contemporary of Buddha and Socrates.
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Truly characteristic of Socrates is another point in his answer, which may also be regarded as sophistical.
Out of your own mouth, Socrates, you are convicted, he said.
He seems, like Aristophanes, to regard the new opinions, whether of Socrates or the Sophists, as fatal to Athenian greatness.
In the Euthyphro, Socrates is awaiting his trial for impiety.
Oh, Socrates, will you not leave it to the arbitrament of Cleinias?
Very much of this nature was the genius or daimon of Socrates.
Like Socrates, we may recapitulate the virtues of the philosopher.
The delineation of Socrates in the Republic is not wholly consistent.
Using the metaphor of frenzied religious festival celebration, Socrates compares the poets to Corybantic dancers and Bacchic revelers.
Socrates ironically replies, that he is not going beyond the truth.
Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.
And we may perhaps even indulge in the fancy that the actual defence of Socrates was as much greater than the Platonic defence as the master was greater than the disciple.
The popular anti-marriage story about the torments Socrates suffered at the hands of his wife Xanthippe is turned upside down in wedding orations.
Although he was not a great philosopher, after the fashion of either Epicurus or Socrates, he was a powerful spirit, having knowledge of life, and endowed with thought.
Socrates thus remains true to form by picking on a somewhat genuine 'philosopher', as opposed to a fake one, to provide the substance of his versifying.
It is obviously not a sufficient answer that Socrates had never professed to teach them anything, and is therefore not justly chargeable with their crimes.
And therefore, if they want to depict, not God, but a revolutionist or a sage, let them take from history a Socrates, a Franklin, a Charlotte Corday, but not Christ.
Diogenes, Socrates, and Epaminondas, are gentlemen of the best blood who have chosen the condition of poverty when that of wealth was equally open to them.
Here the two interlocutors ran their philosophic school which was noted for its eristic procedure and carrying on in the lines of both Socrates and Parmenides.
We observe that the enmity of Aristophanes to Socrates does not prevent Plato from introducing them together in the Symposium engaged in friendly intercourse.
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The conversational manner, the seeming want of arrangement, the ironical simplicity, are found to result in a perfect work of art, which is the portrait of Socrates.
A perfect, all-rounded man is so rare that Socrates, one of the noblest pearls of humanity, declared that he was born to be a scamp, and a very bad one.