The reader is led to believe that Stalin oriented his military commanders toward a preemptive strike by the Red Army. |
The deportation of the Karachai occurred while the overwhelming majority of the male population was serving in the Red Army. |
In some cases, high-ranking officers re-entered the Red Army with their previous ranks restored. |
The best Red Army units were foolishly positioned on the unfortified frontier, where they were overrun. |
If Red Army paratroops were equipped with watches that could not withstand a two foot fall, no wonder they lost the Cold War! |
In the east, the Red Army had cleared Belorussia and advanced over 300 miles inside two months. |
In the countries occupied by the Red Army at that time, vicious purges took place against religious leaders of all faiths. |
The advance of the Red Army into eastern Europe produced a different outcome there. |
The Red Army triumphed after 12 days of fighting in one of the pivotal battles in the allied liberation of the Balkans. |
In November 1919 Kiev was briefly taken by the White armies before being occupied by the Red Army. |
He stares at a strategic map of the strongpoints of the city, placing squadrons which are inadequately manned, to assault the Red Army. |
The Germans had decided to make Warsaw a fortress city which would be defended at all costs in an effort to stem the advance of the Red Army. |
Max's paternal grandfather was a member of the Red Army and had to carefully hide the fact his wife's parents had been landowners. |
So they went underground, formed the Red Army Faction, and carried out bank raids, kidnappings, hijacks and bombings. |
Instead, its primary mission was to protect Red Army operations from aerial attacks by the enemy. |
The coverup began in April 1943, almost immediately after the Red Army had recaptured Smolensk. |
As part of the Red Army, we had large red crosses painted in washable water color on the fuselages and wings of our aircraft. |
Cheka and Red Army units sent to suppress the peasant rebels were sometimes worsted, sometimes victorious. |
The Red Army retook the Baltics in 1944, and reincorporated them into the Soviet Union. |
The Red Army and navy attempted to relieve the city with a huge amphibious assault, the Kerch-Feodosiya operation, on 25 December. |
When the Red Army reoccupied these areas whole nations, including party members, were deported and accused of collaboration. |
The Red Army would then move with great rapidity to concentrate against one enemy division. |
The book unemotionally depicts the reality that Red Army rifle units experienced in the war, warts and all. |
The Red Army used infantry and cavalry units to move more resolutely and to a deeper depth. |
The Red Army emerged victorious, and the Bolsheviks assumed total control of the country. |
The Mao leadership could not afford to affront the traditional social mores of peasant men, especially those serving in the CCP's Red Army. |
The Red Army that the world hails is an army created by a proletarian revolution. |
A legend held by the Red Army told of soldiers who were dropped from a low flying plane without parachutes as they were targeted at a large snow-bank! |
In the 1980s the goal was to defeat the Soviets by creating a quagmire for the Red Army like Vietnam was for America. |
Combining forces with the Cossacks, who feared the loss of their land and privileges, army officers formed the White Army to engage in a war against Trotsky's Red Army. |
His paranoia decapitated the Red Army leadership: the best generals were murdered or jailed. |
Thus he stressed that his will to defend every inch of Soviet-held territory to the last drop of blood of the last Red Army infantryman was infrangible. |
All these measures had received widespread media coverage both in the USSR and abroad, including in the official gazette of the Red Army. |
By November 1941, he was already demanding that the Red Army should launch a counter-attack on the German forces as they dug in for the winter short of Moscow. |
Right up to the Red Army entering Berlin, Hitler was plotting a counterstroke, using divisions and regiments with all the combat power of companies and platoons. |
Bulgaria supported the losing side again in World War II, and the arrival of the Red Army in August 1944 inaugurated a period of Communist Party rule. |
Decorated by the Red Army during World War II, he was arrested in 1945 for criticizing Stalin, and sentenced to eight years in a labor camp. |
The other, under a turncoat Polish general, marched alongside the Red Army. |
There was a lot of national pride on the Red Army team for the Soviet Union. |
He simply happened to be in one of those sections of Red Army intelligence which in some purge or other ceased to exist. |
Considered a deserter by the Red Army, he was convicted of treason. |
He had made a mistress of a girl he rescued from some blasted-out village conquered by the Red Army at the end of the war. |
Most of the men included in these teams and groups spoke Russian and other languages of the Soviet Union and were dressed up as Red Army men and officers. |
Poland was overrun and he was conscripted into the Red Army. |
The U.S., allied with Afghans, helped defeat the advance of the Red Army in Afghanistan spurring the end of the Cold War. |
He left his safe house in Budapest to meet the commanders of the Red Army, which was besieging the city. |
The Red Army Chorus was founded in 1928, to support the morale of the troops and exalt the revolutionary ideal. |
In May 1945, the estate was occupied by the Red Army and subsequently confiscated by the post-war Czechoslovak administration. |
The whole world has been surprised and astounded by the military prowess of the Red Army. |
In 1936, 1,200 men in the Red Army parachuted during manoeuvres near Kiev. |
When Chiang surrounded the Red Army that was regrouping in Jiangxi province, he avoided further depletion of his loyal troops by sending the unloyal sections of his army to the front line to fight. |
Its comrades argued openly for their ideas, but at the same time there was a clandestine organisation, assisted by the Russian Red Army, preparing for armed struggle. |
Trotsky predicted that imperialist attack on the Soviet Union would unleash marvels of proletarian enthusiasm and fighting capacity in the Red Army. |
There was an instituted mandatory conscription of the rural peasantry into the Red Army. |
The principal fighting occurred between the Bolshevik Red Army and the forces of the White Army. |
Major military operations ended on 25 October 1922 when the Red Army occupied Vladivostok, previously held by the Provisional Priamur Government. |
As the Red Army conquered the Reichstag in Berlin, Hitler committed suicide and Germany surrendered in early May. |
The Axis initially advanced against desperate but unsuccessful efforts of the Red Army. |
In the great patriotic war gigantic mass of Red Army and soviet peoples had a vital need for genius leader like Stalin, without whom they could wander like the Jew in the desert and they could suffer defeat. |
A major emergency was declared and the Soviet Red Army stormed some important buildings. |
By the time the Asama Mountain Lodge confrontation began, the United Red Army had beaten 14 of its comrades to death. |
Lacking funds or goods to exchange against grain needed to feed the Red Army and the towns, Lenin instituted a system of requisitioning grain surpluses without compensation. |
As a seven year-old girl she was forced to flee her country before the advance of the Red Army, a fugitive hiding in ditches to avoid being strafed by Soviet aircraft. |
The Red Army maintained a much larger presence in the heart of Europe and was widely believed capable of swiftly overrunning Western Europe should Stalin or his successors so choose. |
Some soldiers hoped, vainly, that the next step might be the abolition of collective farms. For all her efforts, some details of life in the Red Army are as unremembered now as they were unrecorded then. |
In spite of that, the Red Army suffers still reverses facing proletarians in arms who lead, once more, a guerrilla without mercy against those who want to perpetuate their situation to be exploited. |
These are the best chiefs of the insurrectional army of Ukraine who associate themselves monstrously with the warrior capitalists of the Red Army! |
Malchow, GDR, 1980. 20-years-old Anne is hiding Juri, a deserter of the Red Army. The two falls in love with each other, but their love is threatened. |
The decline in Marxism as a viable political theory has been accompanied by the disappearance of large, visible Marxist terrorist groups, such the Japanese Red Army. |
The original title of this novel, Chapaev and Pustota refers to the names of the protagonists, the historical Red Army commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and the fictional unpo-litical monarchist poet Pyotr Pustota. |
In a uniform tirade, right-wingers, social democrats, Greens and Le Pen launched a vitriolic anticommunist attack on the Soviet Union and the heroic Red Army. |
Even worse, hundreds of villages were cordoned off by the Red Army. |
The Red Army passes systematically through each of the villages and cities of the region, and exterminates there all of these suspected of any sympathy towards the Makhnovist movement. |
But the Red Army found the bodies and, even now, we question the secrecy of an operation in which the smell and glow of the pyres made their presence be clearly noticed. |
Vasily, a middle-aged doctor, remembers hearing how, to stay warm and dry, Red Army soldiers slept under and on top of each other at the battle of Stalingrad. |
The plane's copilot then flew to Mogadishu, Somalia, where the hijackers demanded the release of 13 prisoners, including the leaders of the West German Red Army Faction, in exchange for some 90 hostages. |
Working restlessly with abilities of a genius for 16-18 hours a day with a brilliant style and method, with legendary perseverance, he definitely passed the strategic initiative in the hands of Red Army. |
The rebel movement has forced groups of children to travel to Cuba for weapons training with a view to forming the nucleus of the so-called Red Army. |
It is all too easy to forget that, as a result of its direct border with the Soviet Union, Turkey is the only ally in NATO to have directly confronted the Red Army and the Soviet Black Sea fleet. |
A crossroads of migrations and invasions from the period of the Roman Empire to the invasion of the Red Army in the summer of 1944, the lands between the Baltic and the Black Sea hold layers of history. |
Eight years ago, these children were sent by the rebel movement to receive military training in Cuba, the intention being that they would form the nucleus of the rebel movement's Red Army. |
He will also visit the Training centre which participates in one of Tacis' most successful projects: the retraining of over 17,000 former officers in the Red Army. |
My remarks are addressed to the soldiers of the Red Army. |
The Red Army installed numerous barrages across the roads in order to catch peasants trying to escape from the famine and send them back to their villages. |
James Adams, the Washington bureau chief of the Sunday Times of London, at first agreed with an ABC news commentator that the Japanese Red Army was most likely responsible. |
It must be noted that the Red Army had invaded the Second Polish Republic several hours before Polish president fled to Romania. |
This pause provided the Red Army with an opportunity to mobilise fresh reserves. |
Suicide rates in Germany increased as the war drew to a close, particularly in areas where the Red Army was advancing. |
This base was officially known as 4th squadron of the 40th wing of the Red Army. |
By 1920, the Red Army, under its commander Trotsky, had largely defeated the royalist White Armies. |
After Kursk, the Red Army got the upper hand and generally was on the offensive for the rest of the war. |
At least 7 million Red Army troops died facing the Germans and their allies in the Eastern Front. |
The Soviet Union regained the region in 1944, and the Red Army occupied Romania. |
The Red Army stopped the seemingly invincible German Army at the Battle of Moscow, aided by an unusually harsh winter. |
With the victory of the Red Army, the Cossack lands were subjected to Decossackization and Holodomor. |
Cossacks formed the core of the White Army, but many also fought with the Red Army. |
In 1936, under pressure and appeals from Cossack communities, the Soviet government lifted the ban on Cossacks serving in the Red Army. |
The rebellion was quickly crushed by the Red Army with loss of 35,000 Buryats. |
During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet State Committee of Defence and the General Staff of the Red Army were located in Moscow. |
In the carnage of that first summer the Red Army had lost its entire tank park of nearly twenty thousand. |
This time her playful behavior stands in contrast with her restrictive blue suit, which bears a resemblance to the Chinese Red Army uniform. |
The mighty Red Army outnumbered the Toulouse fans by 10-1 so it meant they easily outcheered and outsang them. |
During the Cold War, the Western allies anticipated that any Red Army thrust into Western Europe would begin in the Fulda Gap and have the Ruhr as a primary target. |
After the war, Eastern and Central Europe including East Germany and part of Austria was occupied by Red Army according to the Potsdam Conference. |
Her trial is the last major court case of a Red Army Faction fighter. |
In Asia, the Red Army had overrun Manchuria in the last month of the war, and it went on to occupy the large swathe of Korean territory located north of the 38th parallel. |
The relationship developed through ordinary people in Coventry who wanted to show their support for the Soviet Red Army during the Battle of Stalingrad. |
The Red Army also captured Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands. |
In northern Serbia, the Red Army, with limited support from Bulgarian forces, assisted the Partisans in a joint liberation of the capital city of Belgrade on 20 October. |
The shooting fermented support for the students' anti-Vietnam movement and aparamilitary group was formed, the Red Army Faction, which terrorised Berlin for a decade. |
In 1955, the Warsaw Pact was formed partly in response to NATO's inclusion of West Germany and partly because the Soviets needed an excuse to retain Red Army units in Hungary. |
Mohnhaupt has served 24 years of a life sentence for her role in nine murders as a leader of the notorious left-wing Marxist-terrorist group the Red Army Faction. |
The Baader-Meinhof gang and Red Army Faction killed more than 30 people. |
Many foreign armies warred against the Red Army, notably the Allied Forces, yet many volunteer foreigners fought in both sides of the Russian Civil War. |
Opposition of rural Russians to Red Army conscription units was overcome by taking hostages and shooting them when necessary in order to force compliance. |
A little over 500,000 either escaped or were liberated by the Red Army. |
So the red army had won the cup and their third silver trophy gleamed amongst the iridescent confetti and brilliant white floodlights. |