As a matter of fact, a Justice of the Peace hearing bad language in the streets could fine an offender on the spot. |
I've just caught the end of a brief TV programme about Sonia Lo, co-founder of A Recipe for Peace. |
Or they can choose to have a secular marriage, officiated by a Justice of the Peace, without any reference to religion of any kind. |
In two recent cases, protestors have been arrested under the 1361 Justices of the Peace Act. |
A remarkable man named Reginald Scot was a Justice of the Peace in Kent, England. |
He drew from the Sermon on the Mount, and ended with the Peace Prayer of St. Francis Assissi. |
All members were thanked for their wonderful attendance at the parish prayer meeting in Peace in Christ, Kilkenny. |
On 5 October there was a ceasefire, confirmed by the Dayton Peace Agreement signed on 21 November. |
According to Janna Bowman of Witness for Peace, the vigils calling for an investigation are making an impact. |
The National Institute for the Scientific Study of Peace would redress that insufficiency. |
I did a double-take, wondering if Peace had meant for that to rhyme, or if it had been an accident. |
The shift from WID to GAD then, at least for Peace Corps, meant mainstreaming women's issues. |
In Greek tragedy the chorus commented on the action, but in Feathers of Peace there is no commentator giving moral comment. |
At a corner near the Peace Memorial, a group of musicians were playing the drums. |
What happened to Thebes is indeed a clear sign that it was Spartan rather than Persian interests that determined the nature of the King's Peace. |
Now, this was the year after the bishops had issued their pastoral letter on war and peace, The Challenge of Peace. |
The Paris treaty of Peace signed in 1946 secured Bulgaria's territorial integrity. |
Our frontier was not settled by nervous nellies with degrees in Peace Studies. |
The case was tried by a local part-time Justice of the Peace who ran a grocery store. |
Farewell, Julia Child, I commend you to the place of happy memories for my generation, Rest In Peace. |
Over 1100 men of the Indian Peace Keeping Force laid down their lives in Sri Lanka. |
After the Week of Peace, Okonkwo and his family prepared their fields and planted their yams. |
Some of it was on the interwoven struggles of families, law enforcement, saboteurs, and oil and gas workers in northern Alberta's Peace region. |
The climate in the Peace region can cause problems with raising your own queen bees. |
These private informations came before the Justice of the Peace for the pre-hearing required under Section 507.1 of the Criminal Code. |
Some Norwegians think the Nobel Peace Prize committee have shot themselves in the foot by awarding it for tree-planting. |
During World War I, her activism for pacifism grew, and in 1919 she helped to found the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. |
He informed me that he was going to bring the matter up at the Peace Council in the fall. |
The dancers appear as masked counterparts of the more naturally and scantily attired figure of Peace on the adjacent wall. |
The strains of a beautiful orchestra mingled with hundreds of voices raised in honor of Alma Mater and the perpetude of Peace. |
Having said that we could not accept the wider proposal we need not say that we refuse to optate together amongst the Justices of the Peace. |
In the 1850s, Thomas Holt had designed the main building for Peace College in Raleigh in a severe neo-classical style. |
During the exchange of the Peace, African singers and dancers from an East London Mother's Union Group performed a Luo song of praise. |
We have so many issues here in our own backyard that we need to pay attention to that this is where the Peace movement is going. |
He was a Justice of the Peace and a Magistrate and earned a reputation for fairness. |
We were introduced to an American Peace Corps lady who could speak Oshiwambo fluently. |
Now 72 years old, he has won awards without number, including, in 1984, the Nobel Peace Prize. |
The bonds will finance 3,000 Peace Palaces where his followers will practice yogic flying. |
Today many people will gather together in celebration of the Prince of Peace. |
The last stanzas of the poem recall all the incipient violence woven into the myth of the Prince of Peace. |
We are part of a war between the two opposing forces, the Prince of Darkness, the Devil, and the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. |
To me, one of the best faces America has ever projected is the face of a Peace Corps volunteer. |
And South Korean President Kim Dae Jung was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing about the rapprochement. |
Among its claims to fame, Soweto includes the one street in the world that can boast the former homes of two Nobel Peace Prize winners. |
The Presbyterial Ordination should fall within the Mass immediately before the Peace. |
They name all of the different medicine trees, and they say the great white pine is a symbol of the Great Law of the Great Peace. |
Fox then displayed a chyron of the last few winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. |
After working for the Peace Corps, he said, everyone needs some time for readjustment. |
For two years they had taught for the Peace Corps in the Pacific island country of Tuvalu, before spending a further year in Fiji. |
After three years and an excruciating studio session, Our Lady Peace are back. |
She retired from politics in 1989 with 28 honorary doctorates and two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. |
In the Peace Academy they always teach you to be prepared for the worst possible scenario. |
Now that the miracle attributed to Mother Teresa has been authenticated, the Pope will beatify the Nobel Peace Prize winner. |
In a wide open contest it may pay to invest an each way wager on the Donnie Hasset trained Peace Leader. |
On Feb 19th, 2001, Abuna was announced to be the recipient of the Niwano Peace Prize. |
The answer is Pirates for Peace, a radio station for young people based at the Albert Basin in the heart of the city. |
Dr Barnaby worked in a British atomic weapons laboratory in the 1950s, and later headed up the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. |
This last measure made the Justices of the Peace mere puppets, unable to commit a prisoner or to hold him to bail. |
Among his programmes was the opening of free employment bureaus where the Peace Mission worked at finding jobs at no charge for any individual. |
In the Republic the Taoiseach may reconvene the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. |
It's certainly not unusual for devotees of that great Religion of Peace to act that way. |
The upper roundels with resting warriors represent Peace, flanked by a figure of Justice. |
United Nations International Day of Peace is a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. |
Perhaps the first glimmerings of this were the Hague Peace Conferences in 1899 and 1907 which considered various restraints on war and weapons. |
The Justice of the Peace reserved her decision pending the outcome of these applications. |
A similar protest in 1978 led to the creation of the organisation Peace Now, which continues to fight for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. |
These must be completed and signed in the presence of a Justice of the Peace. |
He has also served variously as governor of five Kew schools, churchwarden, Justice of the Peace and trustee of local charities. |
The Peace Police on their hobby horses added humour and colour to the events. |
He has a checkered past as a park ranger, ferry naturalist, and Peace Corps volunteer in Kazakstan. |
The bicentenary of the event will be celebrated on Monday and Tuesday with a new plaque in the Peace Gardens, plus a lecture and children's workshop. |
There the parties recognised Japan's renunciation of its right, title and claim to Taiwan as stated in the San Francisco Peace Treaty, but the parties did not go any further. |
Rockwell now serves on the board of the new Ron Paul foreign-policy think tank, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. |
The Second Hague Peace Conference adopted a convention establishing a new court of arbitral justice but could not agree on a procedure for appointing the judges. |
A Navy lieutenant in France broadcasted information and live entertainment to troops accompanying President Wilson to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. |
Meanwhile, the Peace Corps maintains that it has an overriding obligation to protect the privacy of sexual assault victims. |
Demonstrators, whose numbers peaked at around 500, converged on the Peace Gardens, then headed out to various points around the city centre for sit-down protests. |
The minister of war, Kuropatkin, was appointed to command the Far Eastern land forces and, no doubt familiar with War and Peace, adopted a strategy of retreat. |
Harden, visibly in pain, writhed on the floor as World Peace was ejected from the game. |
Although no other tall ships have yet signed up to challenge Star Clipper for the World Peace Cup, next year's Classic Yacht Regatta is shaping up to be just as exciting. |
And, memorably, Arundhati didi what's the Sydney Peace Prize? |
It is to be specified, Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him said I am sent as a teacher, and the book He sent to teach is Quran. |
In fact, under law the Ig is under the same oblIgation as the Peace Corps to keep personal details private. |
This is an improvement on the Permanent International Peace Bureau, Charles Albert Gobat, and Ludwig Quidde. |
The only interest served by the Guardians of Peace is our prurient interest. |
Those who joined up because they were in favour of Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, Environment, Community, and Trades Unionism have been sold a pup. |
In Chester the palatine earl had a master serjeant of the Peace. |
In the weeks before the trip to Rome, I had tried but failed to arrange a meeting with the cardinal who headed the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace. |
Technical problems prevented the Parties to the Peace Agreement from completing the withdrawal and demobilisation or cantonment of heavy weapons and forces by the deadline. |
On the regular marches, the grannies for Peace often took the lead and set the pace. |
Sitting in his office beneath the choir loft of a deconsecrated church in Cincinnati, James Verdin can't hear the World Peace Bell toll from across the Ohio River. |
This report, while not claiming the need for a new confession of faith, affirmed the 1963 statement and upheld the Peace Committee report, including the Glorieta Statement. |
A blind magistrate from Hull has been praised for his part in a pilot scheme which will open the door for other visually-impaired people to become Justices of the Peace. |
Today, the hackers calling themselves Guardians of Peace promised further attacks against Sony Pictures Entertainment. |
Boutros-Ghali's 1995 Supplement to an Agenda for Peace reasserts the crucial importance of consent, impartiality, and non-use of force to operational success. |
Voluntourism trips are shorter, more entertaining versions of the kind of international work long sponsored by the likes of church missions and the Peace Corps. |
One spokesperson even worked late into the night to compile statistics related to Peace Corps safety. |
Mrs Thompson has spent more than 80 years working tirelessly for the Blackpool community both as a Justice of the Peace and leading children's charity worker. |
Hannah asked her brother-in-law to go for the Justice of the Peace. |
Once the matter has been referred to a Justice of the Peace, in this case, Justice of the Peace Forrest, the Justice of the Peace is in charge of the process. |
On the record before me, I find no evidence that suggests that the Justice of the Peace would not discharge her function as a trial judge fairly and impartially. |
I conclude that there is no ground to detain Mr. Kalashnikoff on the primary ground, and the learned Justice of the Peace was in error in this regard. |
He also held the roles of Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, High Sheriff of North Yorkshire, and president of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. |
A white dove and a green olive branch adorned the violet silk banner hoisted by the Worthing and Lancing branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. |
Only six months ago, he was sentenced to two months in prison for other price-tag acts and threats against Peace Now activists. |
As a young man, Chris joined the Peace Corps, and taught English in Morocco. |
So what we should do is encourage other programs such as Teach for America, the Peace Corps, Americorp. |
The Sultan of Brunei will not have a quasi-Islamist rebellion within the abode of Peace. |
Shawn shone in ivory-colored silk, and she spoke her vows bravely to Justice of the Peace Bill Bailey, who presided. |
They were trying to mirror SNCC and SDS globally and move the Peace Corps in that direction. |
He has been suggested for the Nobel Peace Prize, is supported by more than 80 percent of the French public, and even his enemies are lavishing him with praise. |
His perestroika changed global politics, ended the Cold War, and won him a Nobel Peace Prize. |
Bizarrely, David cannot say too much about it, because he is bound by a confidentiality clause which bears a passing resemblance to War And Peace. |
Why not chat over a plate of humus with members of bereaved Families for Peace and Combatants for Peace? |
On December 10, 1964, when he received the Nobel Peace Prize, he knew the world was watching. |
She was tasked by Kofi Annan to be a United Nations Messenger of Peace, an appropriately meaningless, but distinguished, gong. |
For the first time, Sikh community calligraphers joined Japanese calligraphers in writing messages of Peace and Friendship in Gurmukhi on beautiful Japanese lanterns. |
In 2011, the wires were clogged with stories of a potential Peace Prize gong for Julian Assange. |
Over 10,000 ngos have been documented operating in Haiti since the earthquake, according to the United Institute of Peace. |
And Provos deserve credit for the Peace Process and can claim something of a democratic mandate even in Europe, where they have joined the communists. |
After the war, the district was reborn as Peace Memorial Park, a place where people come to comfort the departed souls and pray for enduring human peace. |
Melanne Verveer is the Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security. |
On this, and on the variations of pain, you mentioned a passage in War and Peace that was a kind of touchstone. |
This process began in the 11th century with the Investiture Controversy and was more or less concluded with the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. |
The leftist Peace Now lobby referred to it as hallucinatory. |
The first Native American in space, Astronaut John Herrington, will be present to receive AIO's Peace Pipe Award. |
In 1502, James IV of Scotland signed the Treaty of Perpetual Peace with Henry VII of England. |
His first chapter begins with Mao Zedong standing on the Gate of Heavenly Peace in August 1966 waving at the Red Guards massed below. |
It's the story of corporate shmuck, Buddy Blank, who is turned by Brother Eye into a super-powered Global Peace Agent. |
To prevent a future world war, the League of Nations was created during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. |
The following are estimates from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. |
Netanyahu offered only a grudging acknowledgement of the rejiggered Arab Peace Initiative in April. |
John Paul II went that afternoon to the Prelatic Church of Opus Dei, dedicated to Our Lady of Peace, where Don Alvaros body lay. |
He was a major player at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that reordered Europe after the defeat of the Central Powers. |
The Peace of Middle, agreed on 21 June, established a truce of two years with Llywelyn, who was allowed to retain Cardigan and Builth. |
Later Gill joined the Peace Pledge Union and supported the British branch of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. |
Halvard Buhaug, a political scientist at the Peace Research Institute Oslo, also has serious reservations about climatic supremacism. |
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom has had quaint experience of this unfashionableness of freedom in the land of the free. |
The massive Arch of Peace, situated at the bottom of Corso Sempione, is often compared to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. |
I'd stationed Ashley and Willow at the pizza table, where they were handing out slices to anyone who volunteered to sign our Peace Pledge. |
Nevertheless, their participation was formally acknowledged only as late as in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia ending the Thirty Years' War. |
Listening to the A-bomb survivor that day in Hiroshima, Broderick and Roberts, from the Hiroshima Peace Institute, had a light-bulb moment. |
His latest album, In Peace, is produced by Segal but features an African band including guitar and the marimba-like balafon. |
Complete this look with a fingertip amount of Inner Peace Whipped Creme Texturizer. |
In rural areas, the Justices of the Peace were appointed by district zemstvo assemblies. |
In later years she became a Justice of the Peace and an active member of the Kawakawa Anglican Church. |
Forex Peace Army Chief Dmitri Chavkerov took some classes from MasterChoa Kok Sui and developed a good acquaintance with him in the period. |
William Lambers is the author of the books Ending World Hunger and the Road to Peace. |
As a diplomat, he attended the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference and worked for the League of Nations in Geneva. |
This article was first published by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting and can befound on the Maneh website. |
Aqua Allegoria by Guerlain, Indecence d'Organza and Rouge Miroir by Givenchy and Time for Peace by Kenzo have also started very well. |
Place a houseplant such as a Boston fern, Peace Lily, or English Ivy in the room. |
On 3 March 1878, the Peace Treaty of San Stefano between Russia and the Ottoman Empire was signed, bringing Bulgaria back to the political map. |
The award was presented in Vienna, attended by Doris Bures and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, amongst others. |
Yet, the same determination was seen on the hard court from Peace Qatar's Rodel Mallari, Eric Tamayo and Magcawas. |
Here you'll find tarpon waiting to ambush prey that's moving in and out of the Peace River. |
At least 65 Peace Prizes have been awarded for wishful thinking. |
Organised by anti-gun and knife campaigner Gleen Reid, around 100 people attended the 12th Families For Peace memorial service. |
Pat Hynes, a WILPF member, directs Traprock Center for Peace and Justice in western Massachusetts. |
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five persons who are chosen by the Norwegian Storting. |
Civic leaders in Brighton and Hove decided to make the Nobel Peace Prize-winner an honorary freewoman for her human rights record. |
Here McKay and Swift present Pearson not so much as Canada's Prince of Peace, but as a loyal and eager Cold Warrior. |
Sule described Council's stance as contradictive with the laws and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. |
Two years after the Paris Peace Accords, North Vietnamese forces overrun the South. |
The town was listed as a UNESCO World Friendship and Peace Village. |
The poem and the book end with Peace opening her eyes and staring at, even outstaring, Death. |
Launched in 1990, Origins Peace of Mind On The Spot Relief is now a cult classic due to its destressing properties. |
The first Peace Corps volunteers arrived in Bulgaria in 1991, shortly after the democratic changes. |
Created in 1987, the Peace Corps Master's International Program allows participants to combine their graduate study with Peace Corps service. |
In addition to its stated objectives, however, the Peace Corps was, and continues to be, rich in symbolic meaning for Americans. |
My announcement to the other Peace Corps volunteers, however, was met with skepticism. |
Canada copied the Peace Corps in 1966 with CUSO for overseas projects and the Company of Young Canadians for domestic issues. |
In that spirit, China's new Confucius Peace Prize is especially revealing in its ham-handedness. |
There is a lot of horribleness happening at the moment, so we're happy today is World Peace Day. |
Bulgaria is the 130th most failed state in the world, according to 2012's Failed State Index published by The Fund for Peace. |
This is the autobiography of Nobel Peace Laureate Albert Schweitzer, published in commemoration of Schweitzer's 1949 visit to the United States. |
Wangari Muta Maathai, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for promoting conservation, women's rights and transparent government. |
Indecence d'Organza,, by Givenchy, and Time for Peace, by Kenzo, continue to achieve excellent results. |
Take a book, and some antichav spray. I recommend War and Peace, and aqua regia. |
In the 17th century, the creation of Justices of Peace and Commissioners of Supply helped to increase the effectiveness of local government. |
Historical sources provide little information on the following decades, a period known as the Long Peace. |
Yet the most significant legal reform was probably that concerning the Justices of the Peace. |
For example, Justices of the Peace could replace suspect jurors in accordance with the 1495 act preventing the corruption of juries. |
Except for Ceylon and Trinidad, these gains were returned following the Peace of Amiens in 1802, which briefly halted the fighting. |
The Peace of Barcelona, signed between Charles V and the Pope in 1529, established a more cordial relationship between the two leaders. |
Cromwell was named a Justice of the Peace for Hampshire and sat on various county committees. |
In December it was announced that all the offices of deputy lieutenants and Justices of the Peace would be revised. |
Since their redevelopment in 1998, the Peace gardens have received a number of regional and national accolades. |
Pitt's income tax was levied from 1799 to 1802, when it was abolished by Henry Addington during the Peace of Amiens. |
From 1648 Charles Louis was able to take up his position as Elector of the Palatinate on the Rhine, as a consequence of the Peace of Westphalia. |
In the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the government is yet to fully implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord. |
In February 2015, Angelina Jolie and William Hague launched the UK's first academic Centre on Women, Peace and Security, based at the School. |
Juan Manuel Santos, the President of Colombia and recipient of the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. |
Among them are eighteen Nobel Prize winners in Economics, Peace and Literature. |
The Peace of Westphalia resulted from the first modern diplomatic congress. |
With the Peace of Amiens again allowing travel to France, in 1802 Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy visited Annette and Caroline in Calais. |
The statue Peace on the Dewey Arch was modelled on Fitsimmons by the sculptor Daniel Chester French. |
It was called the League to Enforce Peace and was substantially based on the proposals of the Bryce Group. |
At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Wilson, Cecil, and Smuts all put forward their draft proposals. |
The questions the League considered in its early years included those designated by the Paris Peace treaties. |
The organization won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001, and a number of its officers and agencies have also been awarded the prize. |
A number of agencies and individuals associated with the UN have won the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of their work. |
At the time of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005, humanitarian needs in Southern Sudan were massive. |
By 1795, the French had captured the Austrian Netherlands and knocked Spain and Prussia out of the war with the Peace of Basel. |
The victories of Napoleon had frightened the Austrians into making peace, and they concluded the Peace of Leoben in April, ending hostilities. |
After the war, the Paris Peace Conference imposed a series of peace treaties on the Central Powers officially ending the war. |
The Peace Conference required all the defeated powers to pay reparations for all the damage done to civilians. |
As a result, the terms of the peace were dictated by France, Britain and the United States, during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. |
Poland ranks in the top 20 percent of the most peaceful countries in the world, according to the Global Peace Index. |
The Peace People organised large demonstrations calling for an end to paramilitary violence. |
John Hume won a Nobel Peace Prize that year with Ulster Unionist Party leader David Trimble in recognition of their efforts. |
Less serious criminal offences which can be dealt with under summary procedure are handled by local Justice of the Peace Courts. |
The most junior judges are the justices of the peace who preside over minor criminal matters in the Justice of the Peace Courts. |
Sheriff Courts are above local Justice of the Peace Courts who deal with very minor offences and below the Supreme Courts. |
Among these the biggest are the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Security and the Stockholm Security Conference. |
While the Dalai Lama is lauded in much of the world as a figure of moral authority, Beijing reviles the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. |
There is also a large memorial at the Murrisk Millennium Peace Park at the foot of Croagh Patrick in County Mayo. |
In the aftermath of the Peace of Westphalia, France rose to predominance within Europe. |
The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. |
In February 2013, Yorke and Godrich's band Atoms for Peace released a studio album, Amok. |
International Peace Garden Airport is located in Manitoba and North Dakota adjacent to the International Peace Garden. |
While not jointly owned, it is operated as an international facility for customs clearance as part of the International Peace Garden. |
The Peace Arch has the flags of the US and Canada mounted on its crown, and two inscriptions on both sides of its frieze. |
Peace Arch Park consists of Peace Arch Provincial Park on the Canadian side and Peace Arch State Park on the American side of the border. |
The Peace Arch Park has been the site of various international events and protests. |
On 9 February 2010, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay visited the Peace Arch. |
In a ceremony at the altar of Glasgow Cathedral on 10 December 1502, James confirmed the Treaty of Perpetual Peace with Henry VII of England. |
He shared, with the Pugwash Conferences, the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts toward nuclear disarmament. |
Lennox and Stewart reconvened Eurythmics in the late 1990s with the album Peace, their first album of new material in ten years. |
Later that year the League to Enforce Peace was established in America to promote similar goals. |
Many members of the Peace Pledge Union later joined the Bruderhof during it's period of residence in the Cotswolds. |
An example of such coalition happened during the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919 when the Allied powers attempted to reach a peace agreement. |
The main administrative officer of the county court in each county was the Clerk of the Crown and Peace. |
As of March 2013 Kids in Glass Houses were in a studio in Lincoln recording their fourth album, Peace. |
On 9 February 1920, following the Paris Peace Conference, the Svalbard Treaty was signed, granting full sovereignty to Norway. |
The transition to Sweden was later confirmed by the 1660 Treaty of Copenhagen, the 1679 Peace of Lund and the 1700 Peace of Travendal. |
Since the Peace of Westphalia, the Upper Rhine formed a contentious border between France and Germany. |
A new National Museum in Oslo will open in 2020 located at Vestbanen behind the Nobel Peace Center. |
The Victorian Era was a long period of prosperity and growth for England, often referred to as the Pax Britannica or British Peace. |
The French fully abandoned the plan in 1763, when the Peace of Paris mandated a general cessation of hostilities. |
These included conscientious objectors associated with the Peace Pledge Union and people of Irish extraction. |
Nobel Peace Prize-winner Rigoberto Menchu, center, leads a candlelight walk to Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa, Nov. |
A year before the end of the war, the ICRC received the 1917 Nobel Peace Prize for its outstanding wartime work. |
In celebration of its centennial in 1963, the ICRC, together with the League of Red Cross Societies, received its third Nobel Peace Prize. |
On December 10, 1963, the Federation and the ICRC received the Nobel Peace Prize. |
In 1550, The Peace of Boulogne ended the war of England with Scotland and France. |
The Peace Run is generally held every two years, and the first was launched in April 1987 at the World Trade Center in New York City. |
Tolstoy's War and Peace and Chekhov's Peasants both feature scenes in which wolves are hunted with hounds and borzois. |
Pearson eased tensions by proposing the inception of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force, for which he was awarded the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize. |
Religious wars continued to be fought in Europe, until the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. |
During the Paris Peace Conference the Big Four imposed their terms in a series of treaties, especially the Treaty of Versailles. |
Also in 1995, it joined NATO's Partnership for Peace and subsequently participated in peacekeeping missions in Bosnia. |
Cologne was occupied by the British Army of the Rhine until 1926, under the terms of the Armistice and the subsequent Versailles Peace Treaty. |
As a result of the independence that the Lombard cities gained in the Peace of Constance in 1183, Milan became a duchy. |
The Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years' War, gave the territories almost complete independence. |
The number of territories in the Empire was considerable, rising to about 300 at the time of the Peace of Westphalia. |
After the Peace of Westphalia, several border territories were assigned to the United Provinces. |
Less than a year after Britain seized Havana, it signed the Peace of Paris together with France and Spain, ending the Seven Years' War. |
With the treaty of Peace of Basel, revolutionary France emerged as a major European power. |
Spain agreed to the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659 that ceded to France Artois, Roussillon, and portions of Lorraine. |
All Justices of the Peace would be allowed to submit cases to the court, with cases to be heard within 60 days. |
The Edict of Milan in 313 granted freedom to all religions in the Roman Empire, beginning the Peace of the Church. |
The first Land Peace of Kappel, der erste Landfriede, ended the war on 24 June. |
The Peace, at which in the early Church the congregation had exchanged a greeting, was removed altogether. |
The royal courts were initially only concerned with complaints of wrong if the wrong involved a forcible breach of the King's Peace. |
During the 14th century the royal courts gradually allowed actions which did not involve breaches of the King's Peace. |
The Peace Palace Library in The Hague holds the Grotius Collection, which has a large number of books by and about Hugo Grotius. |
The completion of this process is marked by the institution of the office of Justice of the Peace. |
Instructed to negotiate with the British Cabinet, in 1801, he forged the outline agreement for the Peace of Amiens. |
During the Peace of Amiens of 1802 he travelled to France and Switzerland, in a party that included his relation and future wife Harriet. |
Already in the 13th century, the counts mentioned the House of Peace, located in Nimy Street. |
Other documents of the same time let one suppose that there existed two Houses of Peace, the one in Nimy Street and the other in the market area. |
It was in 1323 that Count William I gave permission to build the House of Peace on the location of the current City Hall. |
Arguably its most notable MP was former leader of the Labour Party and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Arthur Henderson. |
As a Peace Corps volunteer, he helped build a school library and started a rabbitry to add protein to the local diet. |
The Peace of the King was sworn on his accession or full recognition, and the jurisdiction of his courts to punish all violations of that peace was gradually asserted. |
He added the temple of Peace and the temple to the Deified Claudius. |
The Niagara Falls International Marathon includes one international border crossing, via the Peace Bridge from Buffalo, New York, United States to Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. |
This is permitted when it is reasonable to believe should the person remain, that they would continue with their course of conduct and that a Breach of the Peace would occur. |
When he places his Peace Pole in the ground a rainbow appears and he walks the children through it and on to all kinds of adventures in places like Antartica, Peru and Malawi. |
At the Peace of Westphalia, the Swiss delegation was granted formal recognition of the confederacy as a state independent of the Holy Roman Empire. |
With the Netherlands falling, Prussia also decided to leave the coalition, signing the Peace of Basel on 6 April, ceding the west bank of the Rhine to France. |
The Justice of the Peace Court is a criminal court which sits locally under summary procedure, where the Justice sits alone or in some areas as a bench of three. |
But Unwyrm needed one task performed. The daughtering of Peace. |
It is by no means an extravagation of words to say that without the work James has put into Norton Peace over the last 16 years the company would not be where it is today. |
The wind power generator was prototyped by Tsuneo Fukui, who will establish Peace Frontier to develop, market and sell the power generator in October. |
On 11 December 2007, she performed in the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway together with a variety of artists, which was broadcast to over 100 countries. |
After the Peace of Bucharest, the rule of Jean Georges Caradja, although remembered for a major plague epidemic, was notable for its cultural and industrial ventures. |
The Natasha of War and Peace, who anagraphically does not exist, in the economy of the book and in readers' imaginations is more real than Napoleon. |
The Peace of Middle in 1234 marked the end of Llywelyn's military career as the agreed truce of two years was extended year by year for the remainder of his reign. |
The Peace of Middle in 1234 marked the end of Llywelyn's military career, as the agreed truce of two years was extended year by year for the remainder of his reign. |
In the United States the first such movement was the New York Peace Society, founded in 1815 by the theologian David Low Dodge, and the Massachusetts Peace Society. |
In 1870, Randal Cremer formed the Workman's Peace Association in London. |
Henry VII used Justices of the Peace on a large, nationwide scale. |
All Acts of Parliament were overseen by the Justices of the Peace. |
In War and Peace, Tolstoy asks why it could not be that if we looked behind the mass of contingent historical events, things would not simplify, but complexify. |
Spain agreed to the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659 that ceded to France the Spanish Netherlands territory of Artois and the northern Catalan county of Roussillon. |
In October 2011, Yemeni human rights activist Tawakul Karman won the Nobel Peace Prize, and the UN Security Council condemned the violence and called for a transfer of power. |
In 1763, after concluding the Peace of Paris which ended the war, Lord Bute resigned, allowing the Whigs under George Grenville to return to power. |
The Northern Ireland Peace Process has led to a number of unusual arrangements between the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. |