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How to use Nietzsche in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Nietzsche? Here are some examples.

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This time they look not to Judeo-Christian lore, but to Nietzsche and existentialism.
But as Nietzsche discovered, incessant philosophical thought can also damage one's marbles.
This conception was developed further by Nietzsche, the idea of the Dionysian cult.
In philosophical terms, deconstruction is a form of relativist scepticism in the tradition of Nietzsche.
Nietzsche rejected the Kantian distinction between a noumenal and phenomenal world.
Instead of searching for a modern definition of culture, Nietzsche transposes an archaic ideal of culture onto modern society.
Nietzsche certainly has his moments, as does Schopenhauer, but these are glimmers of mordancy compared to Kierkegaard's determined flippancy.
The campaign to rehabilitate Nietzsche in France swiftly gathered momentum.
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was convinced that universalism had undermined respect for the strong.
His position is untenable one unless he means us to make a bonfire not just of Dilthey but Nietzsche and Heidegger too.
Often what Nietzsche means is something close to vitality or even liveliness.
As Nietzsche explained, suffering is objectionable and senseless unless it is witnessed.
As Nietzsche said they would, the plebs have got steadily Denser, the optimates Quicker still on the uptake.
It was also drunken frenzy which suggested to Nietzsche the ecstatic abandonment and orgiastic revelry of the ancient cult of Dionysus.
Nietzsche made a virtue out of the subjectivist isolation in which he found himself.
For Nietzsche, there is no modesty, no chaste self-governing in the sexual antagonism and the unrestrained gift of the woman.
Long years ago, at the very beginning of my writing career, I attacked Nietzsche and his superman idea.
By juxtaposing Popper against Nietzsche, I would outline an abductive system which connects individual perspectivism with scientific reality.
The rhetorical solution lies in what Burke, following Nietzsche, called perspectivism.
The atheistic philosophies of Nietzsche and Heidegger declared that human authentication is not derived from God.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But Nietzsche is as unlike Stirner as a tight-rope performance is unlike an algebraic equation.
Nietzsche did not shrink from any of the inferential conclusions logically to be drawn from the biologic argument.
Despite his praise of the Dionysian element in art and life, a puritan was buried in the nerves of Nietzsche.
As a philosopher, however, Nietzsche does not stand or fall by his objections to the Darwinian or Spencerian cosmogony.
For the rest we touched upon all the historic names from Thales to Nietzsche.
Shelley has, however, an advantage over Nietzsche in his recognition of the transformative power of love.
Treitschke is the prophet of tribalism, Nietzsche of ruthlessness, Bernhardi of ambition.
That is the point overlooked by the megalomaniac school of Nietzsche and Shaw.
Nietzsche has said that life is valuable only as the instrument of knowledge.
Ellenora, who dislikes Nietzsche more than ever, calls herself Mrs. Bishop.
Nietzsche was a potent force in the nineteenth century, but not understood.
Nietzsche said that a woman's ability to hate is in proportion to her inability to charm.
If Nietzsche had not ended in imbecility, Nietzscheism would end in imbecility.
It is certainly not the least charm of a theory, says Nietzsche, that it is refutable.
Like Tolstoy, Nietzsche suffered from theomania and prophecy madness.
While writing this, Nietzsche is supposed to have been thinking of the island of Ischia which was ultimately destroyed by an earthquake.
He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality, and as he listened, he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy.
Any man who reads Nietzsche or quotes Nietzsche is a blasphemer.
Nor is the Nietzsche who preaches an ethic of tolerance and commitment immediately discernible in the dark pages of Zarathustra.
Nietzsche is the most dynamically emotional writer of his times.
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