Morality was the outworking of religious conversion and was viewed as necessary for civic participation in the nation. |
Morality is concerned with how one ought to act rather than actualities such as what one does or might do given impunity from consequences. |
Morality in the form of giving needs to be reincorporated back into our society. |
Morality is one of those things, like obscenity, that arbiters have had a hard time defining. |
Morality demands that the will of the majority should not prevail where a minority is persecuted purely because of religion or race. |
With the advent of Civic Morality Promotion Day in China, various websites have featured Internet surveys and discussion forums against uncivil behavior on the Internet. |
Morality plays were supposed to show not only the fall but also the regeneration of the central character, Mankind. |
Morality campaigner Mary Whitehouse repeatedly complained to the BBC in the 1970s over what she saw as the show's frightening and gory content. |
Morality influences men's lives, and gives a bias to all their actions. |
The peculiar Morality of Jewdom. That the Hebrew is not very particular with regard to his moral obligations towards other people, is fairly well known. |
Lewis also portrays Universal Morality in his works of fiction. |
He has blown onto the scene in a torrent of invective, firing broadside after broadside at the crumbling bastions of public morality. |
Where is the morality in a woman being given 80 grand a year to spout waffle on energy fields and crystals and fitness? |
They have abnegated all morality and all fellow feeling for the rest of mankind. |
His work at Balco testifies to a character that placed profit above honesty and too easily chose wealth over morality. |
Young people of my generation had no time for Larkin's irony and simply dismissed traditional sexual morality as a clutter of meaningless taboos. |
Looking to the future, the legal quagmire of the Internet presents new issues and challenges to both free speech and morality. |
In comparison, she would have us view her chastity at university as sunnily in accord with the morality of the day. |
Such practices of accusation and defense have an important place in morality and law. |
Christmas now seems to me to be the designated place where acquisitiveness runs full face into the problem of morality in childrearing. |
Artists enjoy seeing themselves as raffish outsiders, people of dubious morality. |
We identify both personal morality and social optimism and justice with the self-control needed for dieting. |
I assumed that truth, equity, tolerance, justice, morality and principles matter to most Australians. |
The conduct that has come to light is an affront to the most basic standards of morality and decency. |
Finally, the assertion that everything happens by necessity seems to leave the whole of morality in doubt. |
It will also have a different crime rate, divergent patterns of morality, a different standard and notion of what counts as political realism. |
If you go ahead with the sacrifice you are doing what by all standards of reason and morality is simply nuts. |
The lesson of these polls is not that the morality and leadership factors don't count as much as people say they do. |
My own view, for what it is worth, is that we should start not with law but with morality. |
Mere culture, refinement, respectability, morality, is simply a painted coating of varnish on the outside. |
They seem to have nothing to say about our government conducting itself without regard to morality whenever it is convenient. |
The Lacedaemonians are exceedingly virtuous among themselves, and according to their national standard of morality. |
Political allegiance is a matter of conscience, and if people cannot be held to that, where is morality? |
These sages of finance obviously forget that the incessant need for the almighty dollar usually steps on the toes of morality. |
It is best known, of course, for its extreme views on religion and morality and personal conduct. |
For one thing, it means that we can have different codes of morality, one code for the public self, the other for the private self. |
Some have argued that the activities of these reforming scholars indicate a renaissance of Chinese public morality. |
If morality were to require this of us, then we should, and would, be amoralists. |
Like libertarians, anarchists believe that morality is a matter of opinion or personal taste. |
Rather than fortitude, courage or conviction, his morality play teaches resignation, passivity and submission. |
Children absorb the tenets of morality from parents, relatives, teachers and other responsible adults. |
We do not know how much he made lecturing the rest of us heathens on morality. |
This is not merely a question of credibility, but of morality and of legality. |
As we saw in greater detail in Chapter 2, questions of legality and morality must be kept separate. |
Laws are passed by legislatures on the basis of necessity, rather than morality. |
It recognizes that politics must have an underlying morality to it, but it is antagonistic to traditional morality. |
This ancient Greek poet crafted timeless morality tales using anthropomorphic animals as characters. |
The equation of human and animal morality is, of course, anthropomorphism gone mad. |
This is real moral leadership, as distinguished from the authoritarianism masquerading as morality. |
Public morality, especially, had been swept away in France by a tidal wave of bribery and corruption. |
But I think there's a tendency to choose the latter for moral reasons and, ugh, a morality of pop music persona is like a metaphysics of pudding. |
Divisions between illicit and licit discursive morality conditioned everyday discursive practices via offensive and exclusionary practices. |
Sure, we have our opinion on the issues, but we don't think we have a monopoly on morality or righteousness. |
Likewise, readers are also apprised of how ambiguous a clue to morality deception may be. |
Thus rather strangely, the potential arbiter of morality is always the individual, but only when seen in his entire complexity. |
In the raging commercialism of professional sport, morality hasn't had much of a look-in. |
The book sold well and rapidly became fashionable, but was assailed in various critical pamphlets for length, tedium, and doubtful morality. |
It is therefore consonant with, indeed an expression of, the personal autonomy that morality should protect and nurture. |
All virtue is contained in autonomy, all vice in its absence, and all morality is summarized in the imperatives that guide the will. |
Fairytales were always a bit of a swindle, bribing us with happy endings to accept their sanctimonious morality. |
Let your morality come out of your own awareness rather than out of conditioning. |
The authorities argued that the black-shirt wearing, baseball-capped rockers were peddling satanism and debasing the morality of youth. |
He is not a moral majoritarian, but he isn't going to be extending the boundaries of personal morality either. |
Later, he used morality on the international stage to dress up a government bogged down in managerialism and public-sector reform. |
As a telepath, she could technically read a refugee's every thought, but her morality forbade this intrusion. |
Kindness, sobriety, manfulness, courage, morality, intelligence, religion, and duty mark her destiny. |
Will this solidify the widespread view that the he is a cynical mangler of morality? |
And if good can come from evil, does this undermine a simplistic Manichean view of morality? |
Circumcision is a way of protecting propriety, morality, and marriageability. |
It was a condemnation of the Thatcherite 80s, but the satire was so gleeful and the comedy so sharp that the morality began to slip. |
The Seals operated under their own special type of morality, a morality that can justify almost anything that one does in wartime. |
What they fail to consider is the harsh reality that there is no such thing as a new morality. |
At least there aren't any obvious product placements or thinly veiled morality lessons. |
The morality of a war, perhaps tragically so, is usually judged by the way it was waged and its aftermath. |
Depending on your mood, you'll enjoy it as a sobbing tearjerker or loathe its sugary, contrived and maudlin morality laid on with a trowel. |
Worn without stays or hoops, this see-through dress was instantly popular, though some matrons equated it with loose morality. |
There is no morality in the mechanistic world, and no freedom, as human beings cannot act otherwise to their nature. |
The characters remained self-absorbed, oblivious to conventional morality or the pieties of political correctness. |
Racism, sexism, discrimination against the mentally handicapped, and the morality of crime are all portrayed this season. |
I think all this self-righteous morality is just jealousy with a halo and hypocrisy. |
Lincoln was a man of moral purpose who never allowed himself to become self-righteous about his morality. |
I believe they imparted a bottom-line idea of morality derived from self-sacrifice, respect and immutable values. |
During this time people put on morality plays about ghosts, goblins, virgins, and other mythical creatures. |
It meretriciously urges all parties to exercise restraint, as it, itself, exercises restraint in the field of morality. |
The decline in traditional morality has contributed to serial monogamy in a variety of ways. |
And when a drug like crystal meth is sprinkled on the wound, it really does seem like a miracle cure because it erases any concept of morality. |
Applying this new morality, science could bring into being a global civilization without poverty or war. |
They follow their own religious belief system, which disallows intermarriage and demands a strict code of morality. |
They were historic movies out of touch with history, out of touch with morality. |
A gambler would probably ask how many zeroes need to be added to the donation for all traces of morality to disappear. |
The emotional nature of feelings about morality makes it especially vulnerable to being shanghaied by baser instincts. |
One of the clearest expressions of selective morality by Biblicists is shown in their approach to the Old Testament. |
The unimpeachable morality and impeccable conduct of the shootist who never killed anyone still captures imaginations today. |
Big business acts on a different scale of honesty, morality and truth to we mere mortals. |
If you don't give a monkey's about hearts and minds, morality can go by the boards without affecting your chances of victory one iota. |
When will he stop blathering about the morality of others and look to his own sorry affairs? |
They also give him room to create bleak landscapes that mirror the morality of the tales. |
And then everyone begins blaming and moralizing, and there's a lot of talk and writing about the return to '50s morality. |
The most famous legal moralist is Patrick Devlin, who argues that a shared morality is essential to the existence of a society. |
Conservative moralists find in Freud a justification for a morality of restraint. |
But also the moralist forgets that morality cannot be imposed or legislated or begotten by an act of will. |
He is the moralist for whom, in the religious life, morality counts as everything. |
People often act contrary to their expressed beliefs, including morality. so what defines morality? |
In principle this remarkably comprehensive scheme allows no ultimate distinction between religion and morality, law and ethics. |
Government is not a good source for teaching ethics, morality or social behavior. |
For at root, the impetus for rejecting traditional morality is protective, not permissive. |
Utilitarianism in moral philosophy is the view that morality should be aimed at promoting wellbeing. |
As I have been suggesting, the distinction between law and morality has certain implications for its subject. |
For Aquinas the norms of morality are defined in terms of their relationship to human happiness. |
Maybe the fine distinctions between ethics and morality should be simplified. |
As has been mentioned previously, morality is fundamentally concerned with the effects of actions on other people. |
In fact, such ethics, as well as the morality that underlies them, are nothing more than man-made myth to the atheist. |
The background thought is then that morality is concerned with the production and fair distribution of human good. |
The law is concerned chiefly with money and bears little relation to morality or natural justice. |
The Church's view that there could be no morality without religion was rejected. |
Does our intuition in favour of meaningful commitments violate the idea that morality concerns consequences? |
Ambivalence best characterizes the American approach to legislating personal morality. |
The morality of the officer class may have been severe, but at least this country stood for something then. |
The superman creates his own morality based on human instincts, drive and will. |
She was such a compelling, unconventional character, yet people might question her morality. |
Instead, I question the morality of legislating against a group simply seeking a better pay for a dangerous job. |
But, leaving aside the morality of playing judge, jury and executioner in my own private war crimes proceedings, what good would it have done? |
The morality of threats to use mass-destructive force, even if the intent is to deter or effectively preclude such wars, has been hotly disputed. |
But though we may disagree with the morality of his criteria, we must concede his right to make the allocation in whatever way he wishes. |
The morality of sanctioned assassination depends mainly on whether and when one can justify murder. |
The protagonist is a young man who despises a violent duty he is expected to preform, and who questions the morality of performing this duty. |
The morality of the choice each woman makes is between her and her creator. |
The morality of releasing a dead man's journals is debatable, and the temptation not to buy it will be strong for many. |
But the war also divided the country on issues of foreign policy, the United Nations and the morality of war itself. |
The editors have taken the results of their survey to heart, and published several articles on the morality of war this issue. |
Not once, however, did the church's or Mary's personal opinion on the morality of abortion enter their conversation. |
Instead, we are given a medieval morality play where each character is a virtue or vice and stays that way throughout. |
In many ways, the film is a morality play, but it is equally valid as a thriller or a character study. |
As a morality play examining the extremes of good and evil in all of us, the film sports unquestionable potential. |
One deliberate omission involves the vestiges of the medieval morality play that remained in Marlowe's 16 th-century retelling. |
So much, in fact, that this play within the idea of the morality play is brimming with moral lessons. |
Victorian morality and its inherent contradictions wouldn't have blinked at the pair's duplicity. |
The way it performs its function unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. |
But perhaps the best refutation of the idea that philosophy and morality are unconnected came, as we might have expected, from Samuel Johnson. |
We are finding that external controls are blunt instruments in particular cases and require a functioning internal morality to interpret them. |
In the end, it is her undaunted spirit and self-preservation that is remarkable, not her morality. |
If we make our world in such an image then we must understand and not be surprised when our morality plummets to unfathomable levels. |
A religious person thus may be unheedful of a higher morality or civic sense, or may not even sense the morality involved in the situation. |
But once you're up and running, where does the morality fall in unilateralism when you're not directly threatened? |
What further strengthens my opinion on the relative unimportance of population pressure is the matter of fox morality. |
The most striking characteristic of this debate about morality and politics is its naivety. |
The newspaper, quoting unnamed sources, said city authorities were thinking of introducing the ban to raise levels of public morality. |
Of course, we are taught that integrity is an important value and is, in fact, the bottom line of morality in society. |
The sixth is that if a man were not a necessary agent he would be ignorant of morality and have no motive to practice it. |
Hume notes the criticism that necessity undermines morality since it eliminates moral choice. |
The demands of ordinary fellow feeling and conventional morality can be bracketed in service of the great sacred cause. |
He preached a strict monotheism, opposed both to the secular morality of educated Chinese and to the pantheism of popular religion. |
Its hero is a man of silent morality from a different era, wide-eyed, soft-hearted and out of place. |
Should the rightness of an action be based solely on the inherent morality of the action itself? |
But Goloku's teachings also carried a more subtle and sophisticated thought, under the simple morality of the precept. |
Accordingly, the bristling argument for Shelley's misinterpreted morality spawns an even more daring reclamation. |
Even grounding mitzvot in morality was idolatrous, he said, because morals served human needs. |
In a country with a constitution that values secularism, religion is still the prime indicator of morality and goodness. |
It is to this problem that Kant addressed himself, producing the most metaphysical and abstract basis that has ever been given for the common intuitions of morality. |
With children, the line between morality and simple comfort is blurry. |
They are lower than any pragmatists, and what they hold against Objectivism is morality. |
As a philosopher she reacted to existentialism and logical positivism with a deep belief that philosophy should be about freedom and morality and love and God. |
It answers their need for an excuse to go straight, while not at the same time surrendering to the morality of a society they believe has wronged them deeply. |
Even if morality does reach down to our private lives, is it morally justifiable to punish someone in their public life for their private misdemeanours? |
To draw such a distinction, these theologians say, is to assume the separability of religion and morality, but that assumption is itself a highly controversial viewpoint. |
A modern state needed a population literate in the official language, and a population that was disciplined either by religious instruction or by a secular civic morality. |
While on a drive to repossess a refrigerator from a customer who can't keep up with her payments, Obi unpacks the morality of crime in the new South Africa. |
The state would provide equality under the law and people would be free to express their belief about the morality of same-sex marriage through free association. |
Absent a sociopolitical morality, these boys define their own in a world of growing anarchy. |
I prefer to have my laws built on reason rather than arbitrary morality. |
Every issue, from genetic engineering to urban planning, sparks divisive debates about morality, with all sides claiming that right is on their side. |
Like so many fashionably modernistic productions, this one comes across as gimmicky, born of a desire to shock in order to shake up conventional morality. |
But it failed to key me up, just as the subject matter, perhaps deliberately, left me never quite sure whether this was an earnest morality tale or a spoof and a send-up. |
Joyce C. Tang on the balancing act between morality tale and entertainment juggernaut. |
The morality of this country, the standards we expect people in public life to uphold, are being undermined for as long as people ignore the situation. |
For nearly two thousand years Biblicists have been lecturing people on the importance of adhering to the Bible's teachings on ethics, manners, and morality. |
All of this comes just as the Iranian parliament has passed a law that gives further powers to morality patrols. |
This anti-moralistic political drama is a morality play on the value of political thought, and the importance of doing it well. |
The court thus sidestepped the critical issue of whether the Constitution's commerce clause gave the federal government the authority to act as national arbiters of morality. |
This inverted morality creates maniacs whose antics are referenced with a smile and a wink, not a harrumph. |
In all, Schwitzgebel thinks that this study has been an important step forward in empirical research of morality. |
Business decisions sometimes operate in a sphere almost devoid of morality. |
The reaction to this development has engendered a fear that cultural morality is veering out of control. |
A panel on the ancient Indian epic The Mahabharata studied the pragmatic morality of this living text. |
Capitalism has neither conscience nor morality when it is brought to bay. |
And some forms of African sexual diversity, such as pederasty, are hardly models for contemporary morality. |
A blatant transvestite of uncertain morality has been arrested after being reported most scantily dressed on Beach Road by shocked oil riggers on holiday. |
Is this just the price of politics in Chicago, and does that tie into Alicia's morality entering a gray area? |
In Ferguson, these values are seen as white values, the morality a white morality. |
The morality of all actions is defined in relation to outcomes. |
Certainly, Democrats don't own morality, either, but Republicans can't act sanctimoniously on the one hand while brushing aside hypocrisy on the other. |
We will also get into acrimonious discussions on morality and values. |
Weaving folklore, political drama, a coming-of-age story, and a morality tale together, Bauerdick has created an original. |
In A Treatise Cudworth argues not only that ideas exist independently of human minds, but also the principles of morality are eternal and immutable. |
The stories were invariably morality tales, where the child hero or heroine was faced with a choice between pursuing self-gratification or helping a person in distress. |
Unrepentant for past crimes and ungoverned by reason or morality, he relentlessly seeks tools to commit infinitely worse offenses against humanity. |
There's a hodgepodge of moral issues here, but the main questions seem to be about the psychology of a potential clone's parents rather than the morality of cloning itself. |
Understand, I'm not judging the morality of recreational drug use here. |
And it is here, in the interstices between the law and morality, that the pressure for reform starts to build up irresistibly. |
The book continued to ask questions about the morality of his killing. |
Parents tell us what to do and how to act, then teachers and of course we all live in a world bounded by rules and regulations enforced by the law or religion and morality. |
There were issues around the relative effectiveness of parliamentary agitation and the morality of open rebellion, if it were almost certainly doomed to failure. |
When I challenged him on the morality of this, he said that just as he couldn't accept my morality, so I would just have to live with his morality. |
These people base their reality on a set of stories, their hard opinions on fables and third-hand tales, rather than embracing the morality of these stories. |
After all, moral theories such as Kantianism, utilitarianism, and common-sense morality require that an agent give weight to the interests of others. |
In the course of what I have to say, the distinction between morality as convenience and morality as ideal will virtually collapse, along with a good deal else. |
The mere mention of morality reeks of back-to-basics hypocrisy. |
Just one more note of caution before we descend down the rapids of morality and ethics. |
The morality of a country is judged by the way it treats its animals. |
Psychoanalysis, then, becomes a discourse of exclusion, as it naturalizes the morality or immorality associated with elements of one's psychological make-up. |
This is no lesson in morality, but an invitation to seduction. |
The sensuality of the dance and the lyrics emphasizing lowlife values and language challenged bourgeois morality and dominant views on appropriate female behavior. |
If the sciences are indifferent to morality, what's to be done? |
Demi is a product of that transitional morality, and this, too, has played a role in her identity crisis. |
The work of Henry Reynolds has come under criticism for its universalist approach, bipolar categorisation, insensitivity to gender, and uncomplicated morality. |
On the other hand, moral relativism asserts the relativity of morality. |
The transnational morality set can barely stifle their yawns. |
Guilt is less often seen in terms of hormones and more often in terms of morality than in other series, then, indeed, in the world as the police blotter records it. |
It attacked my self-image, then spread, disease-like, to my sense of morality, ambition, and trust. |
Maximus, a Spaniard by birth, treated the matter not as one of ecclesiastical rivalry but as one of morality and society. |
It's not clear whether, on Hursthouse's view, the truth about morality will ever be discussable within the foreseeable future. |
And do they have a value system that could be defined as morality or spirituality? |
The Mohist belief that tradition should not dictate morality is consistent with Mencius' viewpoint, but differs from Confucianism. |
It is truly the catalyst for the final act of our morality play. |
The common factor in both public and private morality thus seen is the State's role as ultimate judge and social engineer. |
The decision may be legally justified, but I question its morality. |
The fount of social problems, he argues, is that human morality grew out of the natural principles of tit-for-tat and mutual backscratching. |
The landlady looked at him de haut en bas, rather pitying, and at the same time, resenting his clear, fierce morality. |
Consequently man was an emotionable being and this emotion was the basis for morality. |
Suppose we think that morality is a system of rules that is endorsable by all because each has good reason to accept those rules. |
Considering the evaluativeness of morality, this self-report of moral decision-making may be especially prone to biased self-report. |
The Victorian era is famous for the Victorian standards of personal morality. |
Together, they embodied an image of virtue and family life, and their court became a model of formality and morality. |
His Ordinances of 1541 involved a collaboration of Church affairs with the City council and consistory to bring morality to all areas of life. |
An unattributed statement known as the Wiccan Rede is a popular expression of Wiccan morality, although it is not accepted by all Wiccans. |
Kehler dismisses his views on Helena as indications of Coleridge's own misogyny, rather than genuine reflections of Helena's morality. |
In Leviathan, Hobbes set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments and creating an objective science of morality. |
When it came to biography, Johnson disagreed with Plutarch's use of biography to praise and to teach morality. |
The essay remained unpublished during his lifetime for fear of offending public morality. |
Let the opinions impugned be the belief of God and in a future state, or any of the commonly received doctrines of morality. |
Film critic Roger Ebert praised the film for introducing new perspectives and ideas on the issues of morality and guilt. |
Merle Haggard is a name out of a morality play. And that's the kind of songs he sings. |
Haileybury emphasised the Anglican religion and morality and trained students in the classical Indian languages. |
It may be true that you cannot legislate morality, but behavior can be regulated. |
Science and art without morality are not dangerous in the sense commonly supposed. They are not dangerous like a fire, but dangerous like a fog. |
Despite their political differences, Waugh came to admire George Orwell, because of their shared patriotism and sense of morality. |
Their emphasis on morality appealed to Shaw, who rejected the idea of art for art's sake, and insisted that all great art must be didactic. |
This work was concerned with how human morality depends on sympathy between agent and spectator, or the individual and other members of society. |
In order to explain this morality in action of negritude, I must go back a little. |
Sporadic and sometimes brutal attempts were made to suppress religionists who seemed to threaten traditional morality and unity. |
To circumvent this possibility, the Dauphin ordered background inquiries and a theological examination at Poitiers to verify her morality. |
Maximus treated the matter not as one of ecclesiastical rivalry, but as one of morality and society. |
The most interesting morality play is The Castle of Perseverance which depicts mankind's progress from birth to death. |
However, the most famous morality play and perhaps best known medieval drama is Everyman. |
He connects a nation's success with its high level of morality, and conversely a nation's failure with its moral decline. |
Cosmopolitanism is the proposal that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on a shared morality. |
However, private religious observance not involving Muslims nor offending public order and morality is sometimes tolerated. |
Judges did not and should not consult any external system of morality, certainly not a system imposed by the Deity. |
Numerous verses relate to the practice of meat eating, how it causes injury to living beings, why it is evil, and the morality of vegetarianism. |
Thus, law has an internal morality that goes beyond the social rules by which valid laws are made. |
Aretaic moral theories such as contemporary virtue ethics emphasize the role of character in morality. |
Debate arose concerning the morality of the system, as workers complained about unfair working conditions prior to the passage of labour laws. |
He discards his private reason and morality, and shows no personal feelings. |
A major theme in much of Austen's work is the importance of environment and upbringing in developing young people's character and morality. |
While ghost stories are often explicitly meant to be scary, they have been written to serve all sorts of purposes, from comedy to morality tales. |
From him Socrates derived the principles of morality, and most part of his natural speculations. |
This led to the charge that Kinsey was perpetrating what we might call the statisticization of morality. |
Ibn Rushd tried to reconcile reason and humane morality with God and faith, positing a kindly God and an unfanatic faith. |
The latest adventures of Dave Robicheaux and Clete Purcell read like a massive morality play in 500-plus pages. |
Reflections on Egypt's Latest Crisis What has unfolded in Egypt is not a morality play, with good and evil clashing by night. |
Colorful, animated anthropomorphic characters act out simple morality plays. |
Klausner of the morality plays The Pride of Life and Wisdom meets the aim with matching succinctness. |
Four new morality plays have also been created by local schoolchildren for this year's event. |
Britons committed to anti-fascism must not allow their country to abdicate morality. |
In Kirk's hands, ghost stories are morality plays, not penny-dreadful amusements. |
Followers of just peacemaking may still use just war theory to determine the morality of war once war is inevitable. |
The MPAA, which emerges in Kirby's film as a creature of the Hollywood studios, wraps itself in the cloak of morality. |
My goal in this essay is to defend a speciesist attitude or outlook on morality. |
We want the morality of a situation to match the criminality. |
Cue far too much repetitious talk about morality and not enough action as the brothers debate what to do. |
As you read the report card, note that the students clearly understand two critical differences between ethics and morality in today's world. |
This reviewer's favorite tale was Leprechaun or Can't, a morality fable and leprechaun travelogue that has little surprises sprinkled throughout. |
He clearly sees himself not just as political leader, but as the conservative pater familias of the whole nation and the guardian of morality. |
In response, the authors propose a unitive sexual morality that reflects both historical and theological truths. |
With its snarly synths and ricocheting beats, this modern-day morality play set to music marks his psychotic break and spiritual rebirth. |
A follow-up to last year's execrable Valentine's Day, it's another over-earnest piece of shlock full of puddle-deep morality and zero laughs. |
The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. |
The Confucian tradition, which would become particularly dominant, looked for political morality not to the force of law but to the power and example of tradition. |
Casuistry takes a relentlessly practical approach to morality. |
This may be in part because morality is supposed to be impartial and fair. |
The highest morality for the king is that his kingdom should prosper. |
A cosmopolitan community might be based on an inclusive morality, a shared economic relationship, or a political structure that encompasses different nations. |
He was preoccupied with morality, using history as a moral essay. |
Fabius Pictor started the tradition of historiography that was concerned with both morality and history and affirmed the prestige of Roman state and its people. |
The Beards downplayed slavery, abolitionism, and issues of morality. |
With passage of the law, the Old Deluder Act of 1647, religious morality and corporeal punishment would be combined to, for the first time, mandate compulsory education. |
The breach of this law, even when the breach is known to be strictly accordant with true morality, has caused many a man more agony than a real crime. |
The stories are often concerned with politics and morality, and how an individual's personal integrity relates to his or her responsibility to the community or Roman state. |
Throughout, du Boucheron steers clear of overpsychologizing, staying true to the medieval worldview even as he slyly creates a modern morality tale. |
Another possibility is that liberal education dates back to the Zhou Dynasty, where the teachings of Confucianism focused on propriety, morality, and social order. |