Hello Mister and Misses customer, how may I help you two today? |
When he was seven Britten was sent to a dame school, run by the Misses Astle. |
He became a frequent guest at the Schmidts', where he often met the Misses Renouf. |
Anyone who misses the bus for the return journey must make the long walk home. |
As one arrow after the next misses its mark, all the boys immediately run for cover, but secret crushes soon rise to the surface. |
As she develops she should be able to reach out and grab an object, even though she often misses the mark on the first try. |
There is pronounced scuttle shake over potholes too, but this kind of critique really misses the point. |
He's gone all soppy, crying because he misses Saskia and being a kind ear to listen to all Craig's miserable longings. |
I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but I think that sort of self-analysis completely misses the point. |
She catches up with her friends, she shops, she goes to the flicks, she misses her family. |
Because 99 percent of us bring the putter back with the toe slightly open, most misses are going to be pushed outside the intended line. |
He misses, the ball lands in the block hole, and makes contact with the pads. |
I have near misses with tradies on a regular basis who refuse to give way at traffic lights and roundabouts. |
She misses the freedom she had in Germany and slowly sinks into a mire of drugs and alcohol. |
If a reader misses such allegorical correspondences, he or she may completely misread the book. |
His throwing of the ball is sensational and rarely misses the target intended. |
The beat-up old car speeds through, the driver not caring for the innocent children as he narrowly misses them all. |
Krista misses the bullet pass and the pro-sized foot ball ricochets off the far fence and into the gutter. |
On top of this, he also breaks his promise of no contact after Terry misses her date at the Empire State Building. |
He rarely misses an opportunity to remind me of in the fact that he is some years my junior! |
She's fiercely proud of her roots there and never misses an opportunity to promote her native place. |
Essentially, Bruce is discontented with nearly everything in his life, and rarely misses an opportunity to complain about it. |
He never misses the opportunity to put across the views of grass roots farmers to the major decision makers. |
The embryo has actually implanted before the woman misses her first period. |
And then Ulster paid the penalty for those misses when the Saints again paid a rare visit upfield for Grayson to level with an angled kick. |
Dundee should have gone on to win handsomely, but for two truly dreadful misses. |
There are a few misses here too, though the biggest problem is that the LP's uniformity, which makes some tracks seem less than engaging. |
With the band stretching out into extended jams with re-arranged tempos and rhythms, the misses occur much less often than you might imagine. |
None of this means Hollywood studios will stop trying to make hit movies and make misses instead. |
Having had her share of flops and misses, the dimpled actress is finally calling the shots and choosing the films she wants to. |
It should come at 8.10 am but sometimes it goes a different way and misses me out completely. |
As millions watch, the figure skater misses the triple jump she had landed perfectly in practice just moments before. |
In future, any player who misses a drug test should be banned for the two-year maximum period. |
Logistic regression modeling was used to estimate the odds of needle-stick injuries and near misses associated with various factors. |
She can sight-read, and though she misses a note here and there, I am certain that, in her head, she knows how it should sound. |
With a performance that never misses a beat, Eric Bana gives us a man who loses his way, morally and spiritually. |
Rusty and Danny sever their relationship after a blow-up between the two when Rusty misses a performance at Danny's club. |
One winces when Georgie seeks praise for his skeet shooting, or when Muffy misses her serve again. |
The longer we pat ourselves on the back for near misses and moral victories, the longer we linger in unexceptional days. |
It misses the point that we are indeed multi-faceted creatures, driven by myriad goals, desires and values. |
Hayden then plays and misses, before scoring a lucky boundary off his thigh-pad. |
What this misses is the fact that he was also genial and unstuffy, with a capacity to make himself agreeable. |
Since we moved into our shop we have witnessed various fights, near misses and actual collisions over the last 18 months. |
According to the NTSB database, there have been 38 near misses so far this year when two planes almost collided in mid-air. |
Nearby resident say the conditions sparked a string of accidents and near misses. |
So far, she said, the community has been lucky, with no fatal accidents, but there have been many near misses. |
I thought that I would tell you about some of the more stupid accidents and near misses I've had on motorcycles. |
The intersection was identified as a trouble spot by the council, with several accidents and near misses reported recently. |
Over 42 percent of those interviewed claimed that because of fatigue they had been involved in accidents or near misses. |
Members of Calne Town Council are campaigning for safer roads following a number of accidents and near misses in the town. |
We've had a series of near misses around our coast and next time we may not be so lucky. |
Like many readers, I have witnessed a number of accidents and even more near misses, mostly due to bad driving or impatience. |
The number of accidents and rising graph of near misses for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, warrant a priority rating before it's too late! |
After an accident last year and a number of near misses, the parents have decided that enough is enough. |
Roads Service never hear about the minor scrapes, near misses and non-injury accidents that regularly occur if there are no injuries reported. |
There have, I understand, been accidents and near misses in Amberwood Rise. |
There have been several near misses where children have been darting in and out of traffic to cross from one side of the road to the other. |
After a horrific string of near misses, their final match saw them beat Selkirk 17-15 at Beveridge Park. |
After several near misses in recent years, Sheffield United have made a flying start to this season's bid to make the Premiership promised land. |
Twenty-five scores and plenty of near misses in a twenty minute game made for great excitement and entertainment. |
There were plenty of great shots and near misses and everyone who took part on the day went home with a prize. |
The most notable of the near misses was, of course, the European Cup semi-final defeat by AS Monaco last season. |
Williams has three chances to win the frame but spurns them all and Doherty looks to be cleaning up but misses a straightforward brown. |
But Stevens then misses the brown, and an exchange of unbelievably tense safety follows. |
Doherty has two good chances but misses two browns which allows Hunter to edge home. |
This buck-passing, despite some valid observations, misses the common point that the momentum of market regulation is fundamentally irreversible. |
What's a PGA Tour pro to do when he misses the cut and gets the weekend off? |
The second fact Ducan misses is that many innovative poets partake of a range of literary and non-literary avant-garde practices. |
Fulke pulls his game back to all square at the 16th after Love narrowly misses a putt from the edge of the green. |
Our only other small success is a fish we manage to coax into jumping on a daisy chain of plastic squids, but it misses the bait. |
He is also a stalwart Mayo supporter, who never misses a match from start of the season to the end. |
Despite carrying topsails she misses stays when we try and come about and I am forced to wear ship. |
He misses the final as he is on holiday but leaves the team's fortunes in the capable hands of Simon Barker. |
Naturally, there is a fairly large screen, plus Canon's nine-point auto-focusing system, which rarely misses an off-centre subject. |
The job won't get any easier without their star on-baller, who misses with a shoulder injury. |
The dress shop has been open for nearly seven months but Eddie still misses the hustle and bustle of the restaurant. |
He swings and misses a third strike on a pitch that bounces at the catcher's feet and rolls behind him. |
The gardener who misses a ride on the crest of this weather system risks a whole season of catch-up. |
If too much insulin is administered, or the person misses a meal or over-exercises, hypoglycaemia may result. |
But not one of the bombs scored a direct hit, though the very-near misses almost shook her to pieces. |
We've learned that the sodium hydroxide used to separate out humic acid in soil misses most of the glomalin. |
Though he misses playing in matches he feels that he cannot risk injury by participating. |
Integral to those efforts is the implementation of a nonpunitive reporting system for errors and near misses or close calls. |
If a depositor misses just one payment they can suffer severe penalties especially in an environment where interest rates are falling. |
Pedersen misses the target from six yards after a magical piece of footwork and inch-perfect cross from Johnson. |
A punch from Naseem misses Vuyani during their World Boxing Organisation featherweight title fight in London on Saturday night. |
He misses her terribly, and for the first time, he is truly feeling his age. |
To focus on the moves of the individual pieces without understanding the strategy misses the point. |
Williams misses a pink off its spot and Doherty steps in to claim another frame. |
In the first stages of life the mind is frivolous and easily distracted, it misses progress by failing in consecutiveness and persistence. |
Next time your favorite team misses a first down by one or two chain links, remember those lost inches that nobody seems to care about. |
The filmmaker repeatedly misses opportunities to showcase the buildings, focusing on interviewees instead of architecture. |
The batsman plays and misses, and is hit on the pads plumb in front of the wicket. |
He is arrogant, pompous, never misses a chance to show off his superiority, and drinks to excess. |
He never misses his daily pooja or the monthly visit to the Guruvayoor Temple. |
I'm sure, in retrospect, that it was a case of remembering the hits and forgetting the misses. |
Similarly, the overtures go well, yet the conductor misses something of the earthy humor of the Academic Festival. |
While there have been no serious accidents on the Island, there have been some near misses and some minor prangs. |
The question contains a germ of truth, but it misses some essential features of the analysis. |
I have sometimes been marked down as a declinist, but this label misses the point. |
Eric's recommendation not to go to a go-go bar if you don't like loud music or go-go dancers misses the point. |
His near misses have left him saddled with a reputation as a man who, when the going gets tough, goes to pieces. |
And after so many near misses, now would be a good time to produce the goods in a major championship. |
But the current discussion about moral status misses much that is most essential, and most interesting, and most puzzling. |
Even in this, he misses the contribution of the diminuendo passages to the power of the climaxes. |
My opinion is that people take it from their mouths, toss it towards the bin but it misses and ends up on the floor. |
Lizzie is relentlessly charming throughout, even as she somehow misses Gordo's obvious misery at her distractedness. |
This allows the shark to run off easily if the crew misses the fish and it dives. |
But she calls almost every day to say that she misses him, and when we visit them she accompanies us everyplace. |
I have been told on good authority that the late night conversation of pilots has more near misses than the dodgems at the fair. |
It's one of those ghastly dramedies that misses the mark by a country mile. |
She has no daughters, or daughters-in-law, and only one sister, so I think she sort of misses out by not having a close female friend. |
Onside from three yards out, he tries to stab a waist-high opportunity past Mark Schwarzer in the Australia goal and misses it completely. |
Adamson's Feste sings well and impresses as a talented professional court jester, but misses the deeper, darker tones of the part. |
Though there were as many misses as hits, the main sail, jib, and one other were burning. |
He made up for a series of near misses by lifting the main event at Openshaw Park in Bury. |
Many wheelchair users have reported they have had near misses whilst crossing level crossings. |
He turns misses into points by rebounding the ball, by deflecting rebounds to a teammate or with a well-timed putback. |
Stevens looks to be heading to level the match, but his 45 break falters when he misses a red. |
Although the composer himself prepared the piano reduction, one misses the vivid panoply of orchestral sonorities in La Valse. |
He misses a yellow with just three reds left, and another long safety battle ensues. |
Doherty still has a chance of saving the frame but misses the penultimate red when attempting to escape from a snooker behind the yellow. |
It is the latest in a string of near misses at the zebra crossing in London Road, Stanway. |
A middle-order batsman and leg-spinner for his team, he idolises Sachin Tendulkar and misses Anil Kumble. |
Across the country, email in-trays piled up with stories of near misses and friends reunited. |
Here, most tellingly, the study misses the light shed by new Western studies. |
A well-struck wedge can help you save par or bogey when your approach shot misses the green. |
When she misses her train, Isa's day sightseeing turns into a road trip through Rajasthan by rickshaw. |
A fortnight ago the lollipop lady was taken off the crossing following two near misses, leaving children to fend for themselves. |
He admits he misses socialising and rubbing shoulders with Royalty during the horse trials. |
He misses little, his sharp eyes sweeping up and down whatever street or room he enters, taking everything in. |
I love Brady because he never misses a week and he rarely does anything to lose you games. |
There is a lot she misses about home, like soap operas, cosy carpets, her favourite clothes shops and quality cottage cheese. |
Pietersen has a shy at the stumps, but misses with the Australian just about making his ground. |
When the gymnast misses the beam the device instantly picks up the slack on the gym elastics, preventing her crashing to the ground. |
Every morning, I nervously check the mail, every morning, my heart misses a beat. |
Zach misses the moonsault and then Tajiri hits a savate kick for the finish. |
He wanted to be Harry Kewell right up until the moment when Kewell misses a sitter and gets the bird. |
Such memories of Artest are common in Chicago, and though the team badly misses his defensive intensity, it does not miss his shenanigans. |
It's a bold, inventive shot at something new that misses the target. |
She misses the times when she and Igor threw parties for 30 people in their front room, she said. |
The county council says the lollipop lady had two near misses in 48 hours. |
There are always going to be misses, near misses, and successes. |
The hits will still sell far more than the misses, but since almost every download finds someone willing to give it a try, the long tail could provide the majority of sales. |
The conversation is taking place across the checkouts, and Chinese whispers ripple down towards the end, so nobody misses out on what was being said. |
The local misses what could have been if they had moved someplace distant and different. |
The government, moreover, rarely misses an opportunity to call for expanded state powers and restrictions on democratic rights on the pretext of combating the neo-Nazis. |
An early penalty award saw Flynner's goal effort stopped and cleared, and then there were those awful misses from frees by an out of sorts Dave Bennett and Flynn in turn. |
That's the golden goose, and Klein misses it in his effort to be fair and comprehensive. |
The M23 rebels have given Kabila until Monday to begin talks, warning they will retake goma if the government misses the deadline. |
With some drivers ignoring the road signs to slow down and a number of motorbikers speeding through the village especially at weekends there have been some near misses. |
A penumbral eclipse, sometimes called an appulse, occurs when the Moon misses the Earth's umbra but passes through its penumbra or secondary shadow. |
Finally, Millepied, while brilliant in many places, simply misses the point of the third sailor's rhumba reducing it to mechanical sinuosity, and not at all sexy. |
But when it misses, as in a soy-marinated beef tataki with a flavorless raspberry emulsion, it's obvious to even the least sensitized diner that the dish has fallen flat. |
He also cooks special dishes for catered events, but misses the challenge of intricate cooking since here the tandoori and Punjabi cuisine seems to be served everywhere. |
All the talk about foxes being torn to pieces misses the point, he says. |
Five albums, several smashes, a few misses and a new band member later and many of their early contemporaries have either burnt out or given into the ravages of time. |
Try swivelling the mixer tap round to the right and the ensuing stream of water misses the second sink by a good couple of inches, creating large puddles across the worktop. |
One gets the feeling that Mitchum misses not only the spontaneity but the fun his generation had. |
He's doing much better now, but he clearly misses his daddy. |
A simple example of numerical integration is estimating the area of a geometric figure by randomly throwing darts at it and counting the hits and misses. |
In my view, when the admissibility of demonstrative evidence is in issue, in many cases, a traditional analysis of probative value really misses the point. |
Local borough councillor Maggie Levett told members of the planning committee that there were near misses on the bridge over the former railway line almost daily. |
His stubborn efforts to fulfill his dream have yet to pay off, but he carefully lists all the near misses. |
I want romance and companionship and TLC and hugs and cuddles and kisses and someone who thinks about me when they're not with me, and misses me when we're apart. |
The ride to school was packed with a lot of close calls and near misses. |
He stressed that he welcomed the approval of the flyover, after witnessing many near misses and recently being involved in a minor accident there himself. |
If he swings and misses, the mystique is gone and his career is toast. |
To focus on the change in womens status at home, and especially on the conjugal bond, thus misses the crucial and defining features of the new international division of labor. |
I know he's a family man and misses being with his wife and children. |
Luckily for him, the Brazilian's shot misses the far post by inches. |
Hits and misses in the latest batch of best-ofs, reissues and rarities It's possible that even if you're a blues fan, you haven't heard of Ted Horowitz. |
But he misses an opportunity to draw the connection between media-owned franchises and writers who shill for ownership's interests in their publications. |
Her comebacker misses high and a bogey drops her to 9 under. |
One senses that he misses being in a classroom discoursing with students. |
You know how the crowd gasps when a player misses an important putt? |
And after he completed the stunt to the audience's applause, he asked to be excused while he took time out for a photo opportunity, which he informed us he never misses. |
I'll ask how a student who misses class follows up on the absence. |
The scheme includes a pledge that if a passenger misses a bus because it is running more than one minute early they will be able to claim back a free ticket. |
Both contrive to produce misses out of impossibly promising situations. |
She admits she sometimes misses the adrenaline rush of the lifestyle, danger and all. |
Apollo misses the adulation of believers, and wants to fill a new planet with humans who will worship him. |
As she pulled products out of a camouflage makeup bag, the alaskan Army vet said she misses George W. Bush. |
Of course there's one place that never misses an opportunity to party! |
She almost manages a wan smile, but misses a bit on the execution. |
The dread of even a single potential catastrophe and its implications for all industry members outweighed any objection to a reporting system for near misses. |
I've seen too many near misses where the boater had his eyes glued to the chartplotter, radar, or the waypoint indicator, and not the waters around him. |
Tired and undermanned ships crews have lead to a worrying number of merchant ships being involved in collisions or near misses, a marine accident investigation chief has said. |
Smith has excellent hands and rarely misses a catchable ball. |
Town paid the penalty for those misses on 60 minutes when a Fleetwood corner was met by a cavalry charge of attackers with Philip Thompson getting in first to head home. |
He rarely misses the target, which is worrying for all keepers. |
Our readerly obsession with authorial judgments, psychological and moral, ideological and political, easily misses this paradox inherent in novel writing. |
Scartaglin were left to regret five or six good scoring chances which they had in the first half in particular and these misses ultimately cost them the game. |
Despite his insistence that his faith is a private matter, he has made it a public issue, and rarely misses an opportunity to hold forth on the subject. |
Most coverage of his problems portrays the computer scientist as the victim of a political witch-hunt, and so misses the real story, which is about his links to terrorism. |
With a little practice, you find hits come much more frequently, and even near misses are exciting as there are no five-shot or six-shot groups to be measured. |
Even after these successive near misses, the irony mark remains an elusive beast. |
But scrutinizing all these electoral trees misses the broader, ideological forest. |
But he misses an easy pink to give O'Sullivan a glimmer of a chance. |
A filmmaker with as many misses as hits, like all great producers, Korda knew that to get ahead in the film business, you had to spend other people's money. |
She turns in dud stories, misses deadlines, and is prone to occasionally sleeping with her young, struggling musician sources. |
There are two shooting stops, one prone, one standing, dunce Lap penalty for misses. |
Remarkably, in the space of just two weeks, Mayo football has regained respectability after a sequence of failures, disappointments and near misses. |
Portugal are determined to banish the memories of two World Cup qualification near misses by securing their place for the finals this time around. |
Stevens makes a break of 37 but misses a simple pink to the middle pocket. |
It also misses the ways in which IT, being a medium and a tool, must distortedly reflect, like a cracked mirror, the larger priorities of society. |
Apparently this symbolises jobs done by women, but with its leaden literalism it misses the point of memorials and just reminds you of housework and faceless drudgery. |
The call came after it was revealed a helicopter and passenger plane had near misses with pilotless devices. |
The more the opponent misses, the faster they tire, and the psychological effects of being unable to land a hit will start to sink in. |
Haye beat Valuev in a reserved display of accuracy and efficiency, countering Valuev's misses, jabbing and circling his much larger opponent. |
When a man misses his great end, happiness, he will acknowledge he judged not right. |
John managed to make a profit on that old car you sold him. He never misses a trick, does he? |
He reports some of the heroic acts in space and some of the terrifying near misses that the early spacefarers survived. |
Incrementalism can generate revenues in the short-term, but misses the revolutionary long-term potential that nanotechnology promises. |
Where there are little masters and misses in a house, they are impediments to the diversions of the servants. |
Thinking that Shirl has turned to booze because she misses her son Dean, Phil pops off to try and talk sense into him. |
Details of the incident have only just been released following a probe by the UK Airprox Board, which monitors near misses over Britain. |
Representative Harlan Edmonds said he sponsored the Wyoming law after a number of near misses involving tow truck operators in his state. |
I haven't seen the game film yet, but I'm pretty sure he didn't get many put-ups after his misses tonight,'' Bradshaw said. |
The largest number of near misses happened on shopping trips, while 21 per cent said they had a close call on the school run. |
Since the virus itself is believed to be the problem causer, a test that misses people with virus may be missing carriers. |
Sir, The media frenzy claiming organic food to be an expensive ripoff misses the facts. |
If the server misses his or her first serve and gets a let on the second serve, then they get one more try to get the serve in the box. |
Leniency may in particular be shown if the candidate narrowly misses grades. |
State begins fouling and UCLA misses a couple of front-end free throws on one-and-ones. |
An alternative is to ascend from the Burnmoor track via Green How, but this misses the rock scenery of Scafell Crag. |
It comes as a survey revealed that more than a third of parents questioned have witnessed near misses outside schools. |
Beyond its ahistorical bent, it also misses two other issues. |
A test result that misses something really there is called a false negative. |
The lazy copy that these backs turn in is like a flyswatter that always misses the fly, but they are far from the worst. |
His thoughts roam through each season, and he never misses a scurrying sand crab or fluttering butterfly without taking a closer look. |
Except that gradus misses Kinbote and mortally wounds Shade. |
Gioia is normally indefatigable in tracking a song as it ramifies from its origins to various media, but occasionally he misses a turn. |
The things that he misses most about growing up in Hawaii is bodysurfing and eating shaved ice, he said. |
If not, the community misses out on the premium craft beers and hard ciders Crafted Pints will bring to Southwest Ohio. |
The former motocrosser from Darlington misses out on tonight's trip to Shielfield Park through injury in any case. |
Sally is such a muppet, the way she always misses the train. |
After several near misses, Van Persie finally reached three figures by turning in Walcott's cross before Jaaskelainen saved from Walcott when one-on-one. |
The university is obliged to accept the candidate if the conditions are met, but is not obliged to reject a candidate who misses the requirements. |
Leeds United loanee Ross Killock misses out tonight through suspension. |
Finally, it misses low-sensitivity responses because it cannot detect allergic disease at sensitivities less than the concentration of the antigen placed. |
Yet, inexplicably, Bowyer misses the obvious shot and leads with a pitiful rabbit punch, fails to connect properly and allows his opponent to gather himself. |
Larkin relies heavily on Orwell's own accounts of his life in Burma, especially The Road to Wigan Pier, though she misses much of his sardonicism and wit. |
This interactive map will allow users to report, not only bicycle accidents and doorings, but close calls or near misses as well, all in real time. |
Only when a juggler misses catching his ball does he appeal to me. |
If it's the scoop shot, I want to be hitting that 10 times out of 10, or the reverse sweep, or if someone misses their yorker I want to hit it for six. |
Its Recovery Bin goes beyond the standard Windows Recycle Bin, catching files deleted from the Command Prompt or across a network, and other files that the Recycle Bin misses. |