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How to use Meroe in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Meroe? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Thousands of years ago, Meroe was a thriving hub of trade and home to some 25,000 residents.
The proximity of Panchrysia, the golden Berenice, permitted also Meroe to play a role of intermediary favorable to its interests in dealing gold.
These independent kingdoms were constituted on the ruins of the kingdom of Meroe.
In the middle of IVth century A. D., the Ethiopian king of Axum, Ezana, invaded the kingdom of Meroe.
The pyramids of Meroe await a day when stability will allow outsiders to peek at a forgotten ancient kingdom.
Circa 21 B. C.: Victorious expedition of the Roman general Caïus Petronius against the kingdom of Meroe.
Queen Candace as a matter of fact ruled in Meroe and was queen of Nubia and not of Abyssinia.
This name known as far as the Greek period could be due to the proximity of the tomb of a princess born in Meroe.
The same earthquake had destroyed the dams and ramparts in Meroe, allowing the rivers to drown the city on the monsoon season.
However there are indices that this dynasty of kings originated from Meroe, 200 km far to South.
A third example is the Meroitic language of ancient Meroe in Ancient Nubia.
One of his projects resulted in a new road from Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, to the monuments at Meroe.
The Kushite capital was then transferred to Meroe, where the Kushite kingdom survived for another 900 years.
Meroe was the southern administrative centre for the kingdom of Cush, beginning about 750 bc, at a time when Napata was still its capital.
Also listed are the pyramids of Meroe and sites nearby including Musawwarat es Sufra and Naqa.
The northern necropolis of Meroe yielded a wine vessel in the form of an Amazon figure riding a rearing horse and holding a pouring vessel of the type called rhyton.
The presence of two fragments of Axumite inscriptions and one coin at Meroe certainly suggests that the Axumites were in the area.
At the crossroads of the commercial routes of the Mediterranean world and, of Sub-Saharan Africa, the kingdoms of Napata and Meroe regain the monopoly over the exchanges.
Also listed are the pyramids of Meroe and nearby sites including Naqa and Musawwarat es Sufra.
According to ancient authors the territory of the kingdom of Meroe was encircled by three rivers: the Blue Nile on the South, the White Nile on the West and its affluent the Atbara River on the North-East.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The presumption is that they represent the old sepulchers of the Kings of Meroe.
At Meroe and Ptolemais937 in the troglodytic the longest day consists of thirteen equinoctial hours.
Asti answered, from the city of meroe, adding that they were singers and dealers in pearls.
Napata, meroe, and other places have pyramids which may be counted by dozens.
Among these countries, meroe, with its capital of the same name, was celebrated in the days of Herodotus.
A new capital, Dongola, replaced Nepata and meroe, and by the twelfth century churches and brick dwellings had appeared.
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