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How to use JC in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word JC? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I have to agree with ole JC there on the importance of safety in everyday life.
For my remaining four years I was a day student since JC had become a day school only.
When they were ready, JC took a quick look at the note again and put the car into drive.
The first lecturer in accounts at the College, also the longest serving, was JC Hurst who was initially appointed as a visiting lecturer.
My break came in the late 1960s, when I was a senior project manager at JC Penney.
Lazutka found a significant correlation between elevated titers of human polyoma virus JC and BK and the occurrence of rogue cells.
His multiple licensing deals and a lower-priced collection for JC Penney tarnished his brand.
Bass once suffered the indignity of being the third hottest member of 'N Sync, widely considered to be less hot than JC Chasez.
An oddly motivated stunt biker named JC shows up and suddenly gets obsessed on R-Mel, his gold dust woman, that weird white felt hat and the hide sacking moto-cross caca.
The pricey mall real estate that used to be JC Penney's biggest asset is rapidly turning into an expensive liability.
By immunocytochemistry JC viral antigen can be demonstrated both in the oligodendroglial nuclei and astrocytic cytoplasm, extending along the processes.
Other firms that bid to construct the Downtown Transit Center were JC Ripberger, Gibralter, McDougall-Pierce, Wilhelm and SM Wilson.
Oosterwijk JC, Knepfle CFHM, Mesker WE, Vrolijk H, Sloos WCR, Pattenier H, et al.
Oosterwijk JC, Knepfle CF, Mesker WE, Vrolijk H, Sloos WC, Pattenier H, et al.
Jackwood MW, Boynton TO, Hilt DA, McKinley ET, Kissinger JC, Paterson AH, et al.
Additionally, a JC facilitates knowledge transfer by bridging the gap between the researcher and the reader.
Lima HN, Schaefer CER, Mello JWV, Gilkes RJ, Ker JC Pedogenesis and pre-Columbian land use of Terra Preta Anthrosols of Western Amazonia.
Sternberg JC, A rate nephelometer for measuring specific proteins by immunoprecipitation reactions, Clin.
Phylogenetic evidence of widespread distribution of genotype 3 JC virus in Africa and identification of a type 7 isolate in an AIDS patient.
Sherrard JC, Hunter KA, Boyd PW Selenium speciation in subantarctic and subtropical waters east of New Zealand.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Anker SD, Colet JC, Filippatos G, Willenheimer R, Dickstein K, Drexler H, et al.
Rat, Champagne and Shaunna join JC to form a posse and set out on a predictable journey to destroy each traitor, one by one.
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