When I asked to look at a room, he looked decidedly nonplussed as if, once learning the price, no one had ever bothered to look any further. |
I hope you will not take it ill that I asked my son about your doings, we tell each other everything. |
Jimmy knows that he has a gift, and I asked him what the magic ingredient is to keep people laughing. |
Since he had put the point in a friendly, avuncular way, I asked him about something that had long puzzled me. |
He never told the commissary to make tapioca pudding no matter how often I asked. |
When I asked her what I could do to make it up to her, she said, Write me a poem. |
After her examination, but by this time armed with remorse and guilt, I asked for the meaning of the multiple burn scars on her skin. |
On the ride back to the guesthouse I asked the young driver of my horse cart what had happened to the old village. |
When I had my hair cut yesterday, I asked for short back and sides instead of a style cut. |
When I asked a friend if he thought he was able to still be friends with the love of his life because of that very fact, he scoffed at me. |
Since the tail gunner could not possibly survive bailing out, I asked him to crash land if he could. |
Then I asked him if he felt any shame in facing his audiences and telling them bald-faced lies. |
He was the one I was working with and I asked him if he could maybe build some tetrodes for us to experiment with. |
I've always loved the Tex-Mex sound and knew a few musicians who had a similar passion so I asked them to join me. |
When I asked the boots in Roscrea the way to Monaincha, pronouncing it as it is spelled, he said he had never heard of it. |
My first call was answered by a woman who sounded very sharp-tongued and who gave me the third degree when I asked to speak to Derek. |
I thought there must be more to the job than this, though, so I asked Sylvia her opinion. |
In what I thought was a pretty charming way, I asked them what the deal with the buzzing was. |
When I asked where the head was, a crewmember thumbed at the lee side of the boat. |
All of them were willing to do whatever I asked of them, and I liked that I had a cast and crew that was loyal and devoted. |
Furthermore, when I asked in the staffroom if the little horror was bluffing, I was told that in all likelihood, he was telling the truth. |
While we were waiting we ordered soft drinks for the Mesdames, while I asked for a beer. |
As I was belaying Bryan to the top I asked Jesus to look west at the sky and see if it's going to get worse. |
So, I asked him what he weighed to decide whether or not I should be anchoring myself to the ground to belay him. |
In the darkened theatre, I asked myself what became of her, but I found her in the seat behind me, gin-soaked and belching while she dozed. |
And if Mum and Dad did what I asked them to, I'm guessing that you'd be about sixteen or seventeen years old by now. |
In the end I reached that nirvana level of not giving a toss who I asked to dance, and there were some truly lovely dancers there. |
As we walked back down the ward, I asked the ward sister if the mother had been in touch. |
When some young police from Redfern told me about them, curiosity got the better of me and I asked them to show me the street they lived in. |
He sat there like a stunned mullet when I asked him whether he believed the speech. |
Everyone I asked knew an old biddy who had bought the pharmaceutical company in 1948 and still had it. |
So I asked Justice Kirby his view about international human rights covenants and treaties. |
He told me later that evening to pack my bags, I though he was throwing me out and when I asked him this, he was bowled over with laughter. |
During a long conversation with a senior administration official, I asked why Wilson was assigned the mission to Niger. |
Why didn't you tell me there was a shuttle bus up to the Alhambra when I asked you for directions? |
Walking through his fields the fragrance of wild tulsi crushed underfoot, I asked about the crops and the rains. |
When I asked Harrold if the invention of the TV dinner is an anniversary to be celebrated or mourned, he laughed. |
Chris, however was so in tune with his bike I'm sure he could have ridden blindfold had I asked him to. |
So, I asked simplemindedly, is life better or worse since the fall of Ceausescu? |
When I went up there, I asked about snakes as I have a mortal fear of them. |
I pushed my black hair over my shoulder as I asked him, and regarded him uncaringly. |
He has never eaten meat his entire life. I asked him if he gets hungry when he smells hamburger or steak sizzling, and he said no. |
A couple of people walked out when I was in Edinburgh but one of them was a very drunk man and I asked him to leave. |
When I asked them what was going on, they told me they had four casualties from that booby trap, and two were dead and two were wounded. |
When I asked why, he explained that the wire was a typical trigger for an Improvised Explosive Device, better known as a booby trap. |
Back in the private area, as we waited for a new song to begin, I asked if business was slow. |
When I asked how many unmarried mothers in the town do not pay rent or council tax, I was told it was none of my business. |
He behaved in a very unsportsmanlike way and I asked him why he did that and then he completely lost it again. |
As a sophomore, I asked an education professor how to get certified to teach social studies. |
When I did see the odd fellow bridge player, the first thing I asked them was if they had seen William. |
I'm going to need varifocals this time so, to avoid a shock on the day, I asked the price. |
So I asked a friend of the film to speak to the issue and what came back, I thought, was worth printing. |
It was the very first month of English asparagus season and I asked where these spears, which had no flavour at all, had come from. |
She growled whether I wanted a large or a small mineral water, and when I asked for specificity, she testily conceded that 'large' was a litre. |
I thought of the prayer I had said when I asked God to help me get two hound pups. |
And I asked her the other night on this show why she thought people were so vituperative about her. |
I reflect how, last week, I asked for salt to correct an underseasoned steak in this sprauncy new joint in London's West End. |
When I asked my 13-year-old what she wanted for her 18th birthday she said a nose job and liposuction. |
When I asked to meet him in person, his publicity people turned cagey, stoking my curiosity even more. |
Nearby a store dummy was wearing the camiknickers, so I asked a sales assistant to hold up the black teddy, to compare the items. |
I really thought mum would die that night and I asked to sleep in a camp bed next to her bed. |
One of my stepdaughters spent a year in the U.K. recently, most of it in Scotland, and I asked her over breakfast what she thought of the Scots. |
I know that now, but back then, I could tell something was wrong and when I asked you about it, you dang near snapped my head off. |
Afterwards I asked the people with me why they tolerated such brutal dishonesty and heartlessness. |
When I asked him about it, he nodded and said yes, there probably ought to be a better way, and he would talk to some people. |
When I saw you go out of the back doors of the school, during study hall, I asked for a bathroom pass and followed you. |
On the way back I got chatting to the driver, and I asked if we could go through Richmond Park. |
A couple of years ago I was chatting to somebody at work, and I asked where she lived. |
When I asked what he was doing there, if he was so normal, he just blushed and said that he had a rather checkered past. |
After noon mass, I asked padre for the sacrament of anointing since I have a bad cold and needed my voice for the weekend. |
As their aircraft was chocked and chained, I asked them about their downing discrepancy. |
Seeing as how I was being billed by the hour in the parkade, I asked the security clowns if I would have to pay for the time I was being booted. |
She replied that she wasn't talking about me, but when I asked her who was she talking about, she clammed up and could not answer. |
But when I asked him for his opinion of missile-defense programs, the garrulous old scientist suddenly clammed up. |
When I asked Paul what was wrong, all he said was that he disliked having hypocrites for parents. |
Today I asked your child to depress the right pedal, to stop the action of the dampers so that the strings could vibrate freely. |
He was a great clubman and if I asked him to do anything for the club he did it straight away. |
And I asked him penetrating questions everybody told me not to ask him because that is my nature. |
I know it's difficult to think of clever names for white fantail doves, that's why I asked you lot to help! |
If I asked speakers how to say something in colloquial Indonesian, they would invariably provide sentences in the formal language. |
And so I asked her if I could take pictures of her for my photography class. |
When I asked if I could use the washroom, I was told no, and so I offered to go out and piddle on the porch. |
I was given a prompt refusal when I asked for a guarantee that my computer would reach Delhi in one piece. |
I did, though get a reaction when I asked, in all innocence, if she would take dictation. |
Afterward, in private, I asked the chief scientist where he got the funding for such an ambitious, inspiring, yet impractical experiment. |
One night I asked how they could survive under such insufferable conditions. |
Ms. Bing and I asked for help distributing the platters of cookies, fruit, napkins, plates and cups of lemonade. |
Marriage came up in conversation as I asked him if he would consider getting married. |
And finally I asked how many of them were podcasting... and the majority said that they were not. |
I wished for some kick in the red-chile steak butter I asked for with my bison filet, as a substitute for the advertised port wine sauce. |
Afterwards, I asked the three of them if they'd be willing to take part in an e-mail interview on the subject of footnoting the news. |
After bragging about being at Ozzy's crib I asked Blag why he was walking around Hollywood. |
With my most eloquent voice I asked her, quite frankly, if she'd lost her dog. |
Because I was baking cupcakes, I asked you if you would prefer cake, which would actually be easier for me. |
As if I asked her if she knew the color of the sky or how to cook a pot roast. |
Only anecdote, but I asked around recently and most women I know prefer the dadbod to muscled bodies. |
How were things going, I asked him, putting on a show of cheerfulness, hoping that he was seeing some ray of light in the present darkness? |
After his death I asked the doctor providing the death certificate to state on the form that my father was a non-smoker. |
There was this one time, I asked him to do a pressure point on my arm and my hand went totally numb! |
If I asked you to tell me three days later about a chapter you read in geography about weather cycles would you be able to tell me all the facts? |
After I made my payments, I was defaulted again and just last week I asked to how to file a complaint and the person hung up on me! |
To be deliberately provocative, I asked him to call this period the Toronto new wave. |
I went golfing with my husband one time, and he told me I asked too many questions! |
When I first came to the community I asked people for the derivation of the word. |
Next I asked him what kind of budget he had set aside for marketing and public relations. |
When recently I asked an Indonesian acquaintance for advice on the feeding habits of young puppies, the reply I got was not one I had expected. |
Earlier this week, I asked readers to weigh in on the ways editors can help writers. |
Suddenly things got busy around the aircraft and I asked our ground maintenance what was going on. |
When I asked, I was told all the leaves are gumming up the undercarriage of trains and it can take up to a week to clean them. |
In particular, would she be entitled to claim any compensation if I asked her to move out either now or in the future? |
On my most recent trip, I asked our Japanese divemasters at East Marine why they chose to work in Langkawi. |
First of all she exfoliated my body, then slopped cream all over me, rubbing it in while I asked her about her two pregnancies. |
Yesterday, I asked my man-servant to bring forth the telephone-device, so that I could give my idiot spendthrift son a stern dressing-down. |
I asked whether it was a nice gesture of my host that he'd managed to collate the past decade's songs by way of a celebration. |
I asked them to shake their heads if they heard me, but the radio apparently was not transmitting. |
I asked myself this question three years ago when I attended my first convention during my junior year of college. |
I asked Mr Hoteit whether he had a minute for a short enquiry and he confirmed that he had. |
I asked if I would see him later and he answered me in the definite affirmative. |
I asked him about his famously resplendent Afghan hound photographed in a designer corset-collar and white silk rose corsage. |
I asked if he'd bring home the extra mawashis I'd brought up for the contest, and he acceded to this. |
I asked one of the salespeople to hold it for me, and then I went back later and bought it. |
I asked Lynne if it was kismet that has made her online business a success or just plain old hard work. |
I asked Miss D' Lish to send us a little info to help out those unfortunate wretches who might not be familiar with her life and work. |
I asked him to pass on my regards and my hopes that life, no matter how short from now on, will be kind to them. |
I asked to be transported to a sailing yacht, cruising just offshore of that beach. |
I asked the elder boy, whom I christened Tommy, if he would come along with me and the yarramans. |
I asked Craig if he would consider making a jump with him, Craig's response was a resounding yes! |
I asked him how he knew this girl, and he said he had met her in a youth hostel in Brittany in France. |
I asked the insurance company not to pay it, but they did because it was cheaper to settle it that way rather than going to law. |
I asked responders to recall their best and worst times on this annual night. |
I asked him to at least make an announcement for passengers to let them know what was happening. |
I asked about a natural treatment at the health food store and was told to try tea tree oil. |
I asked him if the lime tree season was over and if that was why our limes were turning yellowish-orange. |
I asked my father if I could put the previous post up, as he and my mother are slandered libellously. |
I asked him, not that I thought Matt was anywhere near that close to being the perfect male specimen. |
I asked with as nonchalant a tone as I could muster, as he jumped angrily at my sudden appearance. |
I asked him the usual dumb question about how he took criticism and reviews, and he gave an interesting answer. |
I asked feeling like I had just gone over another hill on the roller coaster ride I was on. |
I asked him what had happened and he said frequently when he'd go outside, the front door locked behind him for no reason. |
I asked after his dad, off on holiday in Majorca, and his uncle, who is the guy that's going to do my new roof for me. |
I asked quite silly and half asleep what he was doing home again when he sort of mouped that it was all closed and no one was there. |
I asked the librarian, but she told me no one had checked it into the lost and found. |
I asked cockily, with my eyes fixed on a girl with thick, luscious black hair. |
I asked him which books and music he took with him and he taciturnly told me they shared a few entertainment items. |
I asked the salesgirl for something special, and she told me that this is called a Yoni. |
I asked for urgent remedial action to be taken before the weather warmed up and the ruts got baked solid. |
I asked whether a woman has to be screaming when she dials 111 in order for the police to come to protect her rather than to send a taxi. |
I asked Graham as we took a tea break this morning in the riverside walk at Matlock. |
I asked a lot of questions about God that usually resulted in my being caned and given scab duty. |
I asked for something simple and got a very busy teardrop shape that covers my right palm. |
I asked who will clean up the cigarette butts, and who will provide ashtrays for people standing on the pavement and smoking. |
I asked him how the villages paid for their half of building and supporting a school. |
I asked him, shifting in my seat uncomfortably before playing with the paper band on my wrist. |
I asked if the influx of seachangers may mask the poverty of long term residents. |
I asked Eric if he could speak Thai when he first came over and he admitted that he could not, but this was not a bar to business. |
I asked if she ever considered the danger or thought of fleeing the aftershocks and the tumbling buildings. |
I asked Sidroc what it was and he said it was made from oats mixed with barley. |
I asked the barrow boy if he would be able to wrap it up as a presentation bouquet. |
I asked around, some suggestions were thrown out, and we decided on this one. |
I asked what attempt had been made to mediate between dissatisfied community members and the school staff and council. |
I asked some moments ago what connection you see between the conciseness of your poems and their preoccupation with pain. |
I asked the house owner the oddest question ever asked by someone viewing a house. |
I asked her why she not only refused any food but rolled cigarettes the size of toothpicks. |
I asked if it was getting annoying, being drained of energy when there's so much to do, but she said she didn't have the energy to get annoyed. |
I asked for severance and was told by the vice president of human relations that since I had resigned, I was not entitled to any severance. |
I asked one newspaper executive from a mid-sized Colorado daily why they didn't attach message boards to their opinion pieces online. |
I asked for a bike, an electric train set, some roller skates and some footy gear. |
I asked Doctor Jon Copley from the Southhampton Oceanography Centre, about some of the more unusual outcomes of bioprospecting. |
I asked Geoff to explain the differences in the different moleskin fabrics. |
I asked participants to assess a single set of attributes culled from interviews with other organization members. |
I asked Ahmad Khan one night as we drank sweet tea, under a sickle moon white as a picked bone that hung in the sky above us. |
I asked for salsa rather than sour cream on the side and this added a fiery edge. |
I asked her how much she truly expected a common farmer's daughter to learn from such tutorage. |
I asked a couple of questions, firstly to ascertain if the public knew there was not going to be a parade. |
I asked myself whether I really wanted to get involved in this ugly, terrible stuff. |
Why, I asked, when the evidence was so abundant, did the trail appear to have gone cold? |
So, the last day of the quarter I asked each student to try to put their feeling about art into one sentence. |
When using a water-based glaze on our clay projects, I asked a second-grader what color he wanted to use. |
When I needed new tires for my car, I asked the guy in the tire place if the tires I picked out were all weather radials. |
First, I asked John to address the ball with his shoulders parallel to the target line. |
When I asked if I could fight this in court, I was advised that it was my word against theirs. |
Chris and I managed to get seats together, and I asked the air hostess if there was a quiet place that I could use to give myself an injection. |
I am airsick, and when I asked a medic for airsickness pills he gave them to me, I took them, and then I became so sleepy it was unbearable. |
Earlier, on the telephone, I asked his receptionist for directions to his Dublin office. |
When I asked the experts about three to five little changes you can make, several themes recurred. |
My parents always make me live up to my word so I asked them to live up to theirs. |
After speaking a bit, I asked him if he'd be down for an interview, and he was all for it. |
We then had a brief but intense conversation in which I asked her, among other things, whether she thought she might be allergic to grass. |
I know that the quality of the food is not her area, but I asked her to pass the information along for me. |
Time and time again I asked myself why I had returned to set religious texts to choral music. |
We spoke the same language, and he didn't stare blankly when I asked him a question about a topic like libel. |
The member's supplementary question is definitely outside the ambit of what I asked. |
On that first day I asked if any of the kids spoke or read or understood languages other than American English. |
He would have gotten more respect out of me if he just left me be when I asked him to. |
When I asked why, he said that it made the legionnaires fight among themselves, so he wasn't allowed to sell it to them any more. |
During the course of our talk, I asked if the immersion in Fosse's lifework during the preparation of the show had caused her pain. |
At one stage I asked Eddy whether we should refuse to have anything to do with it. |
If I remember rightly, last time you were here, I asked you why you were so interested in me. |
Thus it was that I asked Mrs Taylor if I could use their phone and rang my parents, waking them up at about 2am. |
One night, the band ordered some Indian food and a whole bunch of it spilled on the floor and I asked the roadies to please clean it up. |
Had I asked a different engineer to the design the same linkage, that engineer might have approached the problem differently. |
But whenever I asked if I might do something, roller-skate around the block or play over at a friend's house, she got a distant, weary look. |
When I asked if he had never wanted to go back to South Africa, he responded with some asperity. |
She would take out a ruler and measure exactly what I asked for, make a cut and show me what she had cut. |
I was on a loser until I asked him if he'd make the same decision if it were his health we were discussing. |
When I asked the council and Bradford Vision what had become of the supplement I was given the runaround. |
When I asked if I could have dessert, she said the chef had gone home, but she could rustle something up if we wanted. |
Hailing a nearby power boater, I asked him why there were no sailboats in the marina. |
I went into this most insalubrious place with little gnome-like people hunched over indescribable pictures, and I asked the man for this Tokyo Rose. |
I asked her what the problem was, and she told me that she had missed her period, and had checked herself out with a pregnancy-testing kit, and that it had proved positive. |
I asked him to describe the U.S. mission that will likely revert back to the embassy it was more than a half century ago. |
When I asked why he stayed as long as he did, James said hopelessness kept him hooked. |
Indeed, when I asked why the congregants came to the church, many of them attributed it to the good feelings they gained in converting to the new religion. |
I am a former soldier and I asked my friends who served with me to help and they have come from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. |
Once, after inveigling my way, wide-eyed, into the great man's company, I asked him how a man who was as emaciated as he was found the energy to fight as he did. |
I asked the referee at half-time why he hadn't given a penalty. |
I asked a friend who runs aid programs at the U.S. embassy in Kabul not long ago. |
I asked her what the problem was, and she told me that she had missed her period, and had checked herself out with a pregnancy kit, and that it had proved positive. |
On my way back to the train station, in the back seat of a Mulsanne, I asked the driver how he likes driving a Bentley. |
I asked my best phone experts where my SMS messages go to die, and if they ever do. |
Earlier this season, I asked Gansa about Saul's decision to sell Carrie out in front of a Senate subcommittee. |
I asked Kelvin what else he remembered about this place and the rectangles. |
So I asked him what he sees in terms of the humanitarian potential for something like blackwater in the world today. |
My character was required to swear a lot but I asked for the curse words to be taken out of the script because I didn't want to project that image. |
When I danced the mazurka with him, though, I asked him about it. |
Excited, I asked if it referred in some way to JD Salinger, and if so, did the bracelet pertain to one character in particular? |
When I asked tremulously for an ice cream at Le Caprice and was presented instead with a sorbet, I perceived deliberate deceit and collapsed into hysterical sobs. |
At the request of a constituent, I asked the state of Hawaii for a verification in lieu of certified copy. |
When we were finished, I asked where the dish towel was so I could dry. |
I asked a question about what happens when one singularity in the antagonism is subsumed or occupied by those who are meant to represent the third singularity. |
I asked a prominent executive who had been a devoted patient of khalsa's about him. |
When I asked the owner he said this is a genetic problem with purebreds. |
The other day I asked one of my friends how his fast was going. |
I asked a few friends if they could let me tag along with them to synagogue, and they all refused. |
There was much appreciative uproariousness when I asked for seconds. |
I asked Mitchell about the wood since it looked a lot like birch. |
I asked my daughter-in-law if there was anything special we needed to stock up on and she revealed she's been craving mandarin oranges for the last three weeks. |
Everyone adores money, why not the doctors, I asked, in a feeble attempt to defend my colleagues and take the easy way out of a pointless argument. |
I asked for that data under the Official Information Act, and I received a scrambled reply from the ministry that said I am allowed a briefing on it. |
When I asked the people at the check-in desks for other options to get to New York today, I got a sad clown face. |
Around its trunk are ribbons and cords from last year's Beltane celebration whereby I asked my friends to hang ribbons denoting their wishes for the coming year. |
I asked as I reverted my gaze to the burly man at the wheel. |
After that we turned our attention to animal myths, totems and characters, and I asked them to draw each of themselves as animals with which they identified. |
And when I learned that it was going to be going on the market, I asked the administrator of the llc if I could purchase it. |
I asked in a vague way if they had this book by a writer called Antony Beevor and published by John Murray. |
Walking past a large data center building, painted yellow like a penitentiary, I asked what went on inside. |
When I asked what this train would cost, the magnificent Murray waved me away. |
I asked them to share what inspires them at the moment and, if applicable, what sherries they drink in the morning. |
When I asked my future employers about the status of women at the school, they referred me to a male member of the faculty. |
I asked him whether critics and historians are threatened by his intrusion. |
In parting, I asked, if she had to pick one thing about the clubs that had made a lasting impression on her, what it would be. |
The orders I asked for that the warrant of possession, the writ of possession, the warrant of possession, and the notice to quit were null and void. |
I asked a former NASA astronaut, who cannot be quoted on the record, to look at photographs of the debris. |
I got told very snottily to wait, when I asked why, and why I was being kept from patrol duties there wasn't a proper answer so I got on with the job I'm paid to do. |
I asked Ferris if there was a bias or a hesitancy to recruit Native American kids. |
I asked the Smith brothers to do an adaptation and they did an adaptation of The Death of Jim Loney, another book by Jim Welch. |
My friend and I asked at our hotel's front desk one day where we could find the closest store selling non-junk food snacks and half-decent California wines. |
I asked Gingrich if he thought he had a genetic predisposition to bipolar disorder. |
I asked her how her trainers, born and raised in Iran, have learned how to teach hip-hop. |
I did send them the documentation that was required by registered post and in both cases I asked for the Post Office to return a card which was signed. |
So I found him afterwards and I asked him what he was talking about, and he says his older brother got in trouble last year for eating in study hall. |
I asked why, and he paused for a moment, furrowing his brow and exhaling deeply. |
I couldn't stay all afternoon because I had mucho stuff to do, and Mark was leaving early so I asked him drop me off somewhere I could catch a bus to the skytrain. |
There was a black kid waiting in the anteroom and I asked him if he would stand up for us. |
I asked an astute hockey observer about the player, whom even a casual looker-on like me recognizes as a skilled player, himself dogged by clutchers and grabbers. |
So I asked my friend in the dormitory about some sweet words in Cherokee. |
I asked Child whether he felt a bond with me, based on the picture for my debut novel, The Year of the gadfly. |
The next guy I asked was more verbose, but similarly focused. |
When the waiter came I asked if the omelettes came with home fries. |
Then I asked them each to pick out one painting that he or she couldn't stand and tell me what it was about the picture that repelled or repulsed him or her. |
In order to check against any kind of bias in the ICT's methodology, I asked their researcher to apply it to a more recent and highly publicized incident. |
A little while ago I asked a Texas conservative I know to unpack the antipathy aroused by Cruz. |
I asked if it was hard carrying a name like his in a land that had condemned his father as the worst kind of traitor. |
I asked a Republican conferee if the Senate vote for a two-month extension was a surprise. |
But when I asked which firm she now worked at, I realized I had committed a faux pas. |
I asked a question once, from the top lay-member of our congregation in Greenhaven. |
As a small crowd gathered to watch the dusky maiden play a few hands of blackjack, I asked one of the crowd whether she was a film-star or a Kiwi pop musician. |
I asked him finally, deciding to worm an answer out of him now. |
At the tea break I asked the prosecutor whether he could not but admire the fluency with which an apparently unlettered man was conducting his own defence. |
I asked her if she did not feel as if she were just masquerading as a normal, middle-class person. |
In 1999, archeologists Mark Papworth and Larry Lahren and I asked the Anzick family for permission to revisit the burial site. |
When I asked if he knew the location of the real Stone of Destiny he smiled, twinkled mischievously, and said all would be revealed in the fullness of time. |
He said at the end if I asked another question he'd have me liquidated. |
I asked him about the threat of a new civil war and he countered with one of his own. |
I asked the students to consider the courtyard space, and stimulated thought about guard houses, archways, entrance ways, lower courtyards, moats and drawbridges. |
Once, at a party in the mid-1980s, I asked Gracie Mansion, the Manhattan gallerist, if she would mind divulging her given name. |
The shock behind the salesman's eyes could not have been greater had I asked him for a pair of spats, or to show me their current range of codpieces. |
I asked him why he thinks Kiwis are so keen for life on the edge. |
I asked the young woman about the severity of her symptoms and she informed me that she always suffered agonizing pain when she had her monthlies. |
I asked Greenberg if there had ever been a Dr. Phil show devoted solely to a perpetrator of a crime. |
I asked him about this message given the efforts to restrict early voting and his overall sense of the ground game to date. |
Since I'd found that book lamentable, I asked why so much attention, not to mention lucre, was being thrown at a historian whose chief talent seemed to be self-promotion. |
I asked him if he could make me a pair of tartan trews for evening wear and we instantly agreed on a pattern and he ushered me into his fitting room. |
And so we thought, and I asked the staff to put together a composite. |
He didn't say anything, and when I asked him his name he looked at me with Bambi eyes, smiled, and ran off. |
I was 14 when my English teacher set us the task of writing our autobiographies and, wishing to be as precise as possible, I asked my mother for my birth certificate. |
When I asked whether the debate would bring any financial perks, Ham hastened to talk me down. |
I asked to be subscribed to the group's mailing list and got a kiss-off. |
I asked him what principles he felt should underly the care provided during such a voyage. |
Goodness, you were away with the fairies then! Did you hear me? I asked if you wanted another cup of tea? |