While I am glad these folk had something readably interesting to share, I'm not just a little jealous! |
The weather is so depressing that I am convinced it is the reason behind my sudden attack of vomiting. |
How would my friend know what a forbearing and saintly person I am if I didn't tell her the challenges I face from my neighbor? |
I guess it's a good job that I am unlikely to be put in charge of any hospitals any time soon. |
As I am more into hardcore low-level programming, I sat for a long time using only ugly programmers' graphics and no real mission. |
Don't get me wrong, this is wrong and I am not surprised that his mother is thinking of withdrawing him from school. |
I may have also neglected to mention that I am going to Australia to deliver my first ever keynote speech. |
The truth is, I am a hopeless romantic at heart and nothing will change that. |
These recordings boast essentially modern sound, although I am not entirely pleased with the shallowness of the piano's tone. |
Having made enough money to keep the wolf from the door I am concerned with making the world a better place, like many other people. |
And once more I am profoundly touched and humbled by the evidence of the human spirit writ large. |
Now that I have more gadgets and toys, I am more frustrated when there is no electricity to run them. |
Brendel hasn't the kind of touch I am aiming for, but has such wonderful musicality. |
The little green digits on the clock read one in the morning, and I am deathly tired. |
At this point I am suddenly aware that the previous intense heaviness and feeling of irritation is lifting. |
Although I deal with people at all levels, I maintain a level head and a certain level of decorum even when I am very friendly with colleagues. |
He lives over in Cayman Brac, and one of these days, I am going to go over there and meet him in person. |
Let me quickly say that I am not advocating mass conversions to atheism or agnosticism. |
I've been remiss in mentioning it, but when it comes to the Internet in general I am the epitome of remissness. |
Evil Laura won't slow down, and near the end of the race I am intent on lapping Lauren. |
My boyfriend says I am sick to think he would make a move on Claire, but I see the chemistry between them and it drives me mad. |
I wouldn't exactly say that I am an avid reader of poetry, but I do read it, irregularly. |
So far his prediction has held good and I am confident that it that it will remain so. |
All I can say is that it is a good job that I am not in charge of a nuclear reactor. |
I am pleased to know that I am not off base and most consider this film the lowlight of his career. |
My limbs are stiff and painful, my nose is running like a tap, my throat feels like I've swallowed a razor blade, and I feel like I am drunk. |
When I am given a choice of meats, I choose white meat such as chicken or fish over steak. |
There are times I am lulled by familiarity, and I have spent time with people who are less than challenging. |
By impartially observing my ravenousness and making light of my food desires, I am dissolving my mental hunger pangs. |
I figured that since I am now acquainted with millionaires, I must look like one, even if I am not. |
I don't have any specific clothing preferences, but at most I am a boring dresser, sticking to casual clothes like T-shirts and tracksuits. |
Mapping out a giant globe is not easy, but luckily I am a super whiz at geometry. |
Many people believe in luck, and I am sure one must be very, very lucky to win the lotto. |
Later on, she taught me five-finger touch-typing, for which I am every day grateful. |
I want something that tracks my eye movement on screen, and a key combination which will jump the cursor to where I am looking. |
As it happens, the cowardy custards didn't publish it, so with his permission I am going to reproduce it here. |
It was like a minute ago that I talked to Natalie and now I am on my way in my Jaguar to get her. |
I only hope that I am able to restrain them before these unutterable terrors escape into the world at large. |
At the time this was unbelievable, but I am coming to terms with this amazing detail. |
In this decision, I am not jettisoning all case law developed by judicial decision on the facts of real cases. |
Today it is raining and dark and well, not cold exactly, but I am wearing long pants and a jersey. |
But when I am at death's door please spare me other people's taste in radio. |
If there is another agency which is lending money at better interest rates and with better conditions, I am ready to shift. |
In any case, all is well on the frontline again and I think I am just about fully recovered and ready to rock and roll this weekend. |
Since Digital Web is a webzine for designers, I am assuming that most of you reading this article are not programmers. |
I am now with a lady of whom I am fond, but not in love, and I find it harder to respond to her. |
In my first time overseas I am receiving a completely different reaction to my nationality than my seasoned traveller friends told me to expect. |
How can that be the case when I am trying to remedy what he apparently agrees is an unsatisfactory situation? |
I apologise to Jack Robertson for reading him the wrong way, although I am not sure I follow all of what he says. |
And that's why I am successful, because I kept my head down and made sure things got done. |
One reason I am not keen on them is that they work by causing vasoconstriction. |
Since I am on the planning committee it means I have to reach before it starts. |
Not, as your dear little daughter there seems to think, because I am greedy, but because I am always punctual, in justice to the cook. |
If you're wondering where I am tonight, I'll be in my hometown's premiere glitzy theatre, living the dream here. |
The wind farm at Watchfield has sparked much controversy and I am accused by two letter writers of inaccurate information. |
As it happens, I am a Southern Baptist, and we Baptists can extol the Scriptures with the best of them. |
For the moment, I am happy with my relaxed, instinctive Nordic walking, even if I'm not burning off that 46 per cent extra calories. |
Imagine I am in my lab coat, focused on colour, bouquet, flavour and feel, balance and structure, being as empirical as possible. |
So instead, I am planning to stage my own little acts of social rebellion throughout the day. |
In the meantime I am going to replace my blood with Lucozade as a last-ditch attempt to make it through the week without expiring. |
I am afraid that now that I am a bit better things are not going to change much. |
Now I am afraid that my right ear, which is almost normal, may also develop problems. |
There is an awful lot of detail in this report and I am sure it is all of interest to readers. |
Just for the record, I am generally a well behaved, polite person and like most people will avoid a fight at all costs. |
I married my late husband when he was a widower after he retired and I accept that as a result I am not entitled to any pension from him. |
Like other collectors I am also trying to recapture the feelings of childhood. |
The further the tube goes underground the more airless and muggy it becomes and I am grateful for papers to read. |
I allowed myself to be keyed up and nervous before I got here, but now I am here I focus on the business. |
Now with the increased propensity of sloth in my lifestyle, I am getting out of shape. |
Just because I am walking and my eyes are open, does NOT mean that I am awake. |
Let's ignore for a moment the fact that it is my 28th Birthday today, and that I am completely weirded out by that. |
If anyone finds what I am about to say insightful or applicably useful in their own practice, it will serve the Dharma all the more. |
So I suppose the only point I am making is that the reader should not, in my opinion, mistake this kindly and benign country for the real thing. |
From this morning I am going into 'radio silence' for the next 4 days as I'm off to a remote retreat in Scotland. |
However, as it did nothing to either entertain or offend me, I am dismissing this case with prejudice. |
I ask all of those sorts of questions because I am really concerned about this issue. |
Yes, I have a few wrinkles, but I am quite a well-preserved, glamorous granny. |
Finally, I am able to bring you a new dream this morning, on a proud occasion for this website and my other web writings. |
I like to think that I am not unduly irritated by life, but the last week has finally lit my personal touchpaper. |
I am incensed, I am livid, I am wide awake at 3.20 in the morning Thursday writing this email. |
After three years I am actually taking a real live vacation where I pack a suitcase, get on a plane, and sleep in a hotel. |
I feared to sip a drop of water, and I am sure that the timpanist saw me looking at him in awe and amazement. |
In fact, the players are buzzing at the moment and I am looking forward to getting them back to business. |
My grandma, after whom I am named, was said to be a cheerfully energetic thin wisp of a woman. |
He wonders if I am not being just a wee bit hypocritical in my praise of honest, humble work. |
I have always dreamt about earning a living playing polo, and I think I am managing to achieve it. |
I have often read these words from my book at public readings, but now I am no longer the author reading them. |
So it would appear that from now on I am going to have to be more tactful and diplomatic in my meanderings. |
But yes, as some readers have asked me, I am reconsidering my support for the war. |
I'm in my last semester of college, so I am wondering if his moving in is just an additional stressor that's getting me all bent out of shape. |
As I am leaving, he follows me silently down the stairs and jumps slightly when I turn around. |
Now I am guessing that a sweeter Meyer lemon would make really sweet and luscious lemon tartelettes. |
In fact I am the only British leader that has ever said I would put the rebate on the table. |
That I am a westerner is viscerally obvious to me every time I have to fly east. |
Then I remembered American shaving foam have a very strong mint feeling and I am not used to that. |
Luckily, as an internet writer, I am an authority on this subject, and for once I don't mean that sarcastically. |
He tries squiggling out from underneath me, but I am the Tickling Queen, and he fails. |
An early morning taxi takes us to the bus station, where I am besieged by beggars. |
I feel sorry for the village children with no family car to take them swimming and I am glad we no longer have a mill dam. |
It will in all likelihood be a compromise Cabinet, that is, if I am reading the signs right. |
I don't know, I am a bit of a soft target to take your anger out on, don't you think? |
My son is there and I would like to withdraw him, but I am a serviceman and it is the only time he has felt settled. |
But at betting on the nags, as any regular reader will know, I am a chronic loser, a completely hopeless case. |
I was taught at a young age to watch the current, to be aware of where I am in relation to the beach. |
As a deadline-driven journalist, I am addicted to the adrenaline rush of last-minute multitasking. |
Many of you reading this will know that I am a keen player of that fine old brass instrument, the French Horn. |
I am usually very good about their tricks and jokes, but it seems I am losing my touch the more I stay away from people. |
And not only I am coveting the post in a really strong way, but I'm not even going to ask him if I can have it. |
However, he's 30 plus years younger than I am and doesn't see me or need me in the way I see him. |
After a good night out, I find I am very windy the next morning, so much so that I am totally bloated and cannot do up my trousers. |
Now, I am certain that priestly charism transubstantiates my lame lay prose into inspired revelation, but do not my efforts smack of presumption! |
Still, there is something he wrote recently and that I am compelled to disagree with that must be woven into my story here. |
So, I am making a shopping list and plan to be spending some serious money! |
I try to help out around the house, but the family insists that I am in a delicate condition and must rest. |
Many of them, I am afraid, are simply adamant in their views and are not interested in the evidence. |
I don't think anyone could entirely grasp who I am from watching the show, but what was shown was very raw and honest. |
We only have about 5 weeks now until you come home and already I am racked with both apprehension and happiness. |
Personally, I am less and less persuaded by prophylactic arguments directed at teenage wisdom. |
In light of his past record, I am happily giving him the benefit of the doubt. |
Is this dead money as I am sure there are many people in the same situation as me. |
Personally, I am dumbfounded by people who say they wouldn't know what to do if they were suddenly made squillionaires. |
Now back in my room in my cotton yukata and nothing else I steam, I generate indoor clouds, I am a walking demonstration of infra-red. |
Within a few minutes I am clicking away to photographic fame and fortune on my Sony digicam. |
On my first morning at Bryant Park, I am surprised to discover that tracksuits and windcheaters are making a comeback. |
Ah well, there are maiden aunts aplenty in my family, maybe I am keeping up that tradition instead. |
In India I am frequently in awe of the sense of personal peace in the midst of apparent turmoil. |
Before formatting for the site, I am giving y'all a chance to hurl some tomatoes at the content. |
They seem somehow put out that I am losing weight so easily and so enjoyably. |
The stadium looks mightily impressive and I hope I am still here to see it! |
It seems I am not the only one to have suffered unending frustrations of late. |
As these notes are being prepared, I am packing my bags to go to Wales for the early-season hawking. |
I am somewhat miffed that if I am ever to achieve this ambition, I will have to put up with rather too much of this idiot's writings. |
That is a disadvantage I am powerless to overcome, unless it be by forewarning and forearming those readers who zealously seek the truth. |
With three or four days off in Spain ahead of me I am beginning to seriously doubt I can finish in time. |
The most I am concerned with are those aluminum poles supporting the canvas awning. |
I know I am dying, but I rely on my medical support team to prolong my life within the bounds of medical science. |
Apologies if updates to this site or responses to e-mails are a bit tardy at the moment, I am in Venezuela working on some stories at the moment. |
Her grandfather was once a very loyal supporter of the Dark Sorcerers and I am afraid the apple never falls far from the tree. |
Now I am all in favour of sport, but I believe that this money could be better spent. |
Instead I lay incapacitated, overwhelmed by the sensation I am now able to give the name micropsia. |
Is it better to turn my computer off when I am not using it or leave it on all the time? |
Although I understand their concern I am quite reluctant to get an amnio and take any risk. |
Yes, I rule on it and my ruling is that I am in no wise disqualified from hearing the case. |
I should have mentioned I am wearing a smoking jacket and sitting in a leather wing chair as I dictate this. |
As a Yorkshire man, I am a huge fan of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, I really don't think you can beat it. |
Mr Mahroof, I am particularly interested in how people like yourselves get onto the front row. |
I have learned to be spiritual and meditate a lot, and I am addicted to the computer. |
I recount this simple event not to promote the fact that I am well thought of by a few patients. |
Though I have strong opinions on all of these, I am not passing judgement on American positions here. |
You see, I am one of those people who live prophylactically and sanely and sensibly. |
It is a sloppy piece of journalism which I am amused you allowed to appear on your front page. |
Touch wood, I am now injury free, in fact I have been on the bench for the last two matches. |
I have set the goal of 500 for myself and, by jeebus, I am going to get there if it kills me. |
Had government come out and explained the deal from day one, I am certain that this firestorm would have been quelled long ago. |
I also believe that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal, although I am not Canadian. |
Even now I am very sensitive when something isn't tuned in properly on the wireless. |
With a doctor's care I have since tapered off the medication, but without it I wouldn't have become the loving parent that I am today. |
In kind, I ask him to withdraw and apologise because I do not like his claiming that I am a stooge of anyone else. |
I meet Nav for dinner at Carluccio's, where I am crushed to find they've taken my wild boar ragu off the menu. |
I am a forbearing man, and I am still waiting for your answer to my proposal. |
The way I am performing I am confident of getting a medal, but it could depend on the luck of the draw. |
I've no time for them at all and I am happy to stand and be counted as a Labour supporter. |
I have failed to trace my friends and well-wishers with whose efforts and generosity, I am alive. |
Sometimes, though, I look in the mirror and I am quickly reminded that I am not so youthful after all. |
I could get worked up about this, but I'm not so much railing against networks ignoring their civic duty as I am railing against human nature. |
The cattle are lowing, the shepherds wash their socks by night and I am now on holiday. |
At the moment I am an adviser to the Minister of the Interior, but I will be quitting soon. |
In general, I am a strong advocate of environmental protection and saving rare animal species. |
Rather, I am a fierce advocate of basing American foreign policy on democratic principles. |
Yet I am not advocating a crass rationalism in which reverence, empathy and love have no place. |
I suppose Jin thinks I am a weeping waif, looking for a poor soul to shed her troubles on in a rain of sobs and runny noses. |
I have chosen this transcription to remain in line with the standard Assyriological transcription for the words I am discussing. |
I know you are but what I am asking you is, can you tell me where I am wrong in that analysis? |
Sometimes I am clever, sometimes not, it seems where tax is concerned I am not very clever at all. |
At the beginning of this debate Stephen said that he thinks that he is a positivist, whereas I am a Platonist. |
Where I am concerned is that I pay taxes to keep the police busy controlling drug use. |
Doing that, I am educated whereby I can write constructive letters and also sign my name. |
While I do not condone some of the more rapacious acts of Australian companies, I am not so sanguine about local small scale operators either. |
So we do not need to step out of the house for days, which I am so looking forward to. |
Whenever I find myself in the middle ground, I usually seem a little lost, trapped as I am between my cynical hatred and my naive love. |
When Australians hear that I am a Queenslander born and bred they tend to nod wisely! |
Mostly I do photography because I am not tall enough to be a runway model, so I pose for magazines and calendars. |
Now I am fit and raring to go, ready to give it my all against New Zealand at Ewood Park on Saturday. |
Alas it is inevitable if I am going to do edgier stuff and also if I am going to keep the shows looser with more ad-libs and so on. |
I usually get a major bruise in that area while surfing when I am just wearing a rash guard and surf trunks. |
I know this to be true not because I am an expert in Rastafari but because the group's manager told me. |
We follow them on their travels to get the low-down on the next big thing, which, I am told, might just be roast badger. |
But I am sorry that, in the name of health, we can be dictated to with scarcely a whisper of protest. |
And I am afeared about what sort of photos of me are going to pop up on other people's sites. |
Note that I am in no way disrespecting Asia, Asians or Asian products with this name. |
I am waiting for the customary compliment that he normally reels off but I am kept waiting. |
Today is Whit Monday and a bank holiday and, as I said I would, I am taking my little cousin to see Finding Nemo. |
Tobacco has no attraction for me, though I am far from being bereft of vices. |
His music is an acquired taste and I don't think I am going to acquire it any time soon. |
Under those circumstances I am of the view that I have no authority to deal with the property interests of the respondent. |
As the wheels of political community gather momentum, I am left wondering how many similar conversations I will have. |
Perhaps I am being a tad simplistic here, obviously there's the issue of passive smoking. |
This time round he seems far more politically aware, and I am a big fan of his, sad but true! |
Remind me not to read things when I'm tired and ratty, as I am prone to misinterpretation. |
The icons are still skeuomorphic, and if I have to go one more day with skeuomorphic apps, I am going to burn my house down. |
So if I am ever having quite a stressful day ... you can put a buffalo on in the background or a cricket. |
I can't seem to get into bed unless I am exhausted and dead on my feet. |
Forgive me, fellow Parisians, I am a man of action not words. |
Soon his mother will realize that I am unprepared to feed her son, that the few shabby pots and pans we have have lain cold amidst eat-out dates and prepackaged yummies. |
In 2015 I am looking forward to working with more people in the industry and doing crazier and crazier scenes! |
In the back yard right now, I am growing garlic, onions, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, fava beans, shallots, spinach, chard, peas, rutabagas and parsley. |
It knocked my glasses off and I am as blind as a bat without them. |
I must remember that when I am next raising money for a charity. |
This semester, I am both humbled and proud to join the ranks of published columnists who choose to express their opinions for the consumption of the masses. |
As for me, I am entering my fourth year of university reading chemistry. |
Fourthly, I am well aware of the serious problems of the road itself, the landslip and the adverse camber for example, but the residents didn't ask me for a new road. |
I told you I am not running, and I am keeping to that promise. |
It felt a bit rusty at first but I am really enjoying myself. |
It certainly feels as if I am relinquishing this city by degrees. |
He is much happier in the muggy heat and I am enjoying the sight of the black Cleopatra lines around his eyes, which are usually obscured by general shagginess. |
I probably need to be clear straight off that I am not presenting myself as any kind of hard-luck case. |
I wrote back with my attempt at consoling words, but the truth is that I am worried and can hardly console myself. |
Though I have some mental health issues, I am not a raving lunatic. |
Technically, this latter decision is not directly tied in with the hygiene package but I am including it here because it falls under the general heading of food safety. |
Like at bull Run, when I am in the presence of those old family letters, I am transported. |
After walking museum hallways my entire life, I am grateful for the opportunity to be on the other side of the wall. |
As I am in most restaurants, I was grateful for any modifications that could be made. |
These little white fibs give me an uneasy feeling, and I begin to wonder why the shop would lie, when I am here to help save them thousands of dollars in fines. |
I protest that this is unfair as I am slightly squiffy, but they insist. |
I hand him the script and with it a little speech about how excited and pleased I am with the work, blah-blah-blah. |
I had come to terms with death then, and I feel so blessed every day that I am still alive. |
And I am not denying the fact that his womanizing, only too well known in Paris, is bothersome to many of us. |
You are really sending a powerful and profound message that says I am affirmatively withdrawing my consent from this corporate takeover of my government. |
There's a crunchy ration of grit tracked in to the hall and kitchen now, joining with the Dolly-fluff to show just how very bad I am at routine vacuuming. |
In terms of imagery I am really attracted to the intricacies of weaving. |
One that has been repeated in my life so much that I am now skilled in completely erasing it. |
As I put on my bow tie, I think about how lucky I am to be any of those things. |
Frankly, I am at a loss to explain this astoundingly bad judgment. |
I see how hard it is and I see how amazing it is, and I am awed by my friends' parenting skills. |
It sounds like you're in the bathtub with me as I describe the back massage I am about to give you. |
Despite the 21 years I did in prison for a drug conviction, I am assimilating back into mainstream or, dare I say, white America. |
Well I really should not be calling you a witch when I am a witch doctor. |
Having been raised in the Midwest, I am always astonished by people who are daunted by snow. |
I have crazy energy and I am not hungry, but I am not a happy camper either. |
Because my passion so far has been exposing government-funded sacred cows and disrupting statist narratives, I am an apostate. |
Yet again, I am astounded by the one-sided, short-sighted approach so many take to this conflict. |
Oh, and I am sure Ellen will be a little excited to keep her bazillion bucks that she pays in taxes too. |
Next time I am going to box differently with regard to speed and power. |
But I am deeply concerned with the lack of progress in my case and feel that I must take some action. |
At first, I am annoyed because answering these questions takes so much effort. |
It's not my responsibility to advertise the fact that I am ruthless. |
I know I am stern with her, but I do not want her to be a squanderer. |
So, au revoir, adios, Jhuyt, whatever, because I am outta here! |
Today, I am only going to listen to music played in major keys. |
I bought a covert coat a couple of years ago, and I am very happy with it. |
It is of no comfort to them whatsoever to argue for an entrenchment clause, and I am ashamed to think that a lawyer would put it up as a proposal. |
She instantly let out of a wow forming a big O with her mouth, like I am not supposed to be able to make friends outside the little kingdom of my employer. |
So, on the whole, I am reconciled to the squirrels taking my walnuts, the rabbits eating my grass, the deer eating my saplings, and the herons eating my fish. |
Things get even more unbelievable when I am met by a minder at the airport and get to jump the queue to get my passport checked and suitcase scanned. |
As far as I am concerned, he should not be accorded any respect, deference, or attention by the school. |
Whenever I read Matthiessen the naturalist, I am reminded of a film clip I once saw of him trying to catch a snake in the wild. |
As scandals continue to unfold in front of him, they beg more questions than I am sure Scott Walker would like to answer. |
Michael was conducting the three-site tour in English especially for me, and I am indebted for that and many additional kindnesses from him and others. |
As a Hindu I am proud to subscribe to a creed that is free of the restrictive dogmas of holy writ that refuses to be shackled to the limitations of a single holy book. |
And I think there is no other lyric poet who even approaches Robert Burns but study of him seems very rare in English literature courses as far as I am aware. |
Now this surprised me not a jot because, like most non-social workers, I am a firm believer that kids who are allowed to do as they please grow up to be monsters. |
Worse, on a seriously winding and narrow road, like the one up the Thames coast, I am tailgated by drivers who then pass on blind corners, sounding their horns. |
I suppose you could say I am making amends after all these years. |
What I am getting at is, what if this person was a nag or very critical? |
But after the workshop I am changed, different and I am reborn. |
So here I am in my requisite Lululemon pants, grunting along to an old hip-hop song at a most ungodly hour. |
Let's hope, in other words, that I am utterly, gloriously, wrong. |
I have more hair glop in my hair then I am sure she has used in her life time, just to give my hair the natural up do look, with my long ringlets spilling down my back. |
Although I am not a joiner, I do have a strong sense of family tradition. |
It is not an argument that I accept, but I am ready to listen to reason. |
Well, I am not the sort of person to encourage illegal activity, but in the face of such wilful neglect and destructiveness, flying pickets would not seem out of place. |
At that time I am going to walk across the zebra crossing at Abbey Road. |
And in my first memory, I am a toddler kneading that taut skin, easing my colic into sleep. |
It is noted that there I am referring to domestic pigs, not wild boars. |
If for some reason the item has to be exchanged but you don't like anything I am selling at that moment, I may give you a store credit if this is agreeable to both of us. |
They are also listed as an endangered species, but I am sure we must have repopulated Northern Ireland with the number of young birds they produced this year. |
As I have analysed this and gone over the incidents a few times in my mind, right now I am having a few doubts to say the least about my reading of the situation. |
If I am a disaster at any stage, leading the party will be pie in the sky. |
From the time my alarm clock goes off, I am beginning my workout. |
Usually I am completely unaware of my eyeballs, and yet right now, they are throbbing? |
Not the one I would like, but one I am working to improve, day by day. |
Phillip, whom I am taking the place of, showed me round the building. |
But you bet I am going to take this case and make it relevant. |
One and a half hours to go and I am dead tired and wide awake. |
Although it might sound immodest of me to say so, I am very proud of what we have accomplished. |
In other words, in the war against heart disease, you might say that Dr. Robertson is an officer and I am a foot soldier. |
What we need to straighten this mess out is both tyrannicide and homocide. I am sure you would want to add Islamicide too, or something like it. |
And thus he was more dangerous to the morals, than to the libertys of his country, to which I am persuaded that he meaned no ill in his heart. |
I could have here willingly ranged, but these straits wherein I am included will not permit. |
They are very poisonous, especially to children, and as far as I am aware there is no antivenom in Bahrain. |
Now, Bildad, I am sorry to say, had the reputation of being an incorrigible old hunks, and in his sea-going days, a bitter, hard task-master. |
They would continue to suffer greatly but they have a strength that is remarkable. I am humbled by them and privileged to be with them. |
So when we were talking with your friends the other night they mentioned human-cow or hucow, and I am wondering where that goes here? |
Sturm is a leading man in the middleweight division and I think I proved that I am among the top three middleweights of the world. |
If Japanese whisky is like a symphony, then I am a contented listener. |
I shall soon have need for all my fortitude, as I am on the point of separation from my own daughter. |
Kia ora, I'm Robina Wichman and I am the Greater Wellington Region NZNO Te Runanga representative, now into my second year. |
In short, I am not a conscientious objector in these matters. |
You have given me an idea, Earthgirl, and it is one that I am afraid you will live to regret. |
As long as I am doing the right thing by everyone in my dressing room as the team and the coaching staff, well then that's all I can do. |