I'm pleased to say that Dawn of the Dead is quite a good little movie to see. |
I'm looking for people who may have seen something suspicious at about quarter past one to say half past one or quarter to two, in that area. |
Well I'm sure they will be laughing if we pick him, but not because of his jolly japes. |
In fact, I'm half inclined to start asking for Italy, just to see if I can do it! |
And I don't know if I'm more afraid that it will be the hugest, grossest waste of my time ever, or that I will actually enjoy it. |
The guy keeps offering me beer, and you know I'm wasted, so I don't know what I'm doing. |
When I stand up the room tips a little as if I'm wasted, and my stomach is currently turning somersaults. |
I'm not fond of sweeping generalisations but on the whole I see people who beg as wasters taking the easy way out. |
I'm all sampling strings and accordions, almost to where it brings up visions of a pastoral French landscape. |
Rules, I'm afraid he's picked up from that obnoxious queenie friend of his. |
I'm not trying to be exclusive and I'm not saying that the really queenie guy is a bad thing. |
That's especially helpful when I'm taking over an account from another sales rep. |
I'm ashamed of the state of the litter-strewn waysides and wonder what visitors to this country must think of us. |
In most cases I'm sure that the deceased would have preferred that the business of the Borough should not be disrupted on their account. |
Personally, I'm not terribly shocked by any of this yet, but I'll be watching the fall-out with interest. |
I'm thinking it'll cost half my daily wages in cab fare, but it might just be worth it. |
I'm going to be more disciplined about my spending habits, and instead of wasting money, I'll account for everything that I spend. |
I should watch out though, after a few days of nerves I'm suddenly filled with a good feeling. |
I have to watch the time closely, though, so I don't get too involved in what I'm watching and loose track of time. |
And I'm freaking hungry because all I've been eating lately is rabbit food. |
Taking everything into account, this is another stock I'm going to keep on my watch list, waiting for a slightly more favourable entry price. |
I'm convinced that he possesses the individual technical ability to be in the France team. |
As I'm not a musician he treats me like a child with water on the brain where his work is concerned. |
It's all water under the bridge now and I don't have any bitterness, but I'm convinced that it's difficult to claim there's no connection. |
I had a really busy September, what with my sister's wedding, jaunting around in DC and Austria that I'm still downloading photos from my camera. |
Once the council realises its mistake and I'm allowed to stay, I'll get gypsy wagons down here to repair and put on show. |
I think this time round I'm just going to be concentrating on doing some throwing events, like the javelin, the discus and the shot putt. |
I don't know if this is an accurate visual representation of Gaby, but I'm looking at the picture representing the father here. |
I'm sick of the silent accusations that I'm not trying hard enough to get a job. |
All of them are conservative types, and think I'm weird and way-out for what I do and don't do when it comes to church and religion. |
Next time I hear that crabby, accusatory voice, I'm going to pretend I've contracted a sudden case of selective deafness. |
It's very odd knowing that people are watching me for little obsessive-compulsive quirks now, even though I'm pretty much all better. |
I'm sorry to keep harping on this New York Times article, but I just can't help it. |
I'm going for Astilbe, Hosta, Iris and Primula, with a small acer to add dappled shade. |
It sounds like I'm quibbling over grammar, but actually I reckon it's important. |
Many people believe in fortune tellers and clairvoyants and all that jazz, but me, I'm just not sure. |
I am easily provoked, and rather vicious when my toe is stepped on, but I'm quick to cool down and fast to reasoning. |
I'm not sure if having separate boxes for blogs and blog comments is really working? |
I am quick to learn, and incredibly hard working, but I'm a bit of a loner and would need a competent team for support. |
I'm not talking about them letting you have a quick one in the back while they're cleaning up. |
I'm surprised the conclusion was not that docs should be quicker on the draw so there would be no time for second thoughts. |
I'm hoping that Mark will put up a web page with his instructions on how to make the antenna. |
I'm still surprised by the amount of people in the media who don't know what a weblog or a blog is. |
I'm not posting it as a link, as there's no way I want to add any sort of pretence that that site is a normal blog. |
I'm talking about a tightly woven group of citizens united by web cams, blogs, pod casts and instant messages. |
I'm now a bit stiff and have a big lump on my right foot where I caught a guy on the elbow. |
I'm blogging this session in near-live time since I have over 20 pages of notes from earlier keynotes and panels this morning. |
This theory carries a wagonload of design decisions with it, and I'm afraid they aren't easy design decisions. |
I'm still surprised by the number of people in the media who don't know what a weblog or a blog is. |
I'm here to talk about a tornado, not listen to bickering between a Jesus freak and a druggie. |
I was able to waterski and to ski and I'm very glad I've had that opportunity. |
The place is quiet, and I'm kinda excited to have my space back, but not excited enough to be glad they're gone. |
The thing is, I don't think I'm particularly sensitive, though I'll be the first to admit I like peace and quiet. |
I'm looking forward to having my own room back because I'm fed up of having nowhere to go to be alone in peace and quiet. |
Anyhoo, what I'm trying to get across is that this mag is harder to get hold of than a jellied eel. |
I'm sure there were those who lamented the demise of the quill pen and inkstand in the classroom. |
I'm sure there's plenty of aching bodies across Kirklees after fantastic efforts by dozens of charity runners. |
He's married now with two adorable twin girls and a third baby on the way and I'm thrilled for him. |
Me, I'm just hoping that everything keeps on going my way and that I don't lose any more money than I have already lost. |
When I'm pitching a fit, she'll fight me, but when I'm calmly angry and acidly articulate she knows not to push it. |
Her eyelids open even more as she struggles to focus on what I'm waving under her nose. |
I'm told they have radios tuned to police wavebands stuck out of sight under the dashboard. |
My excuse is that while I'm working, it's the most convenient way of getting a good meal. |
I'm not at all attracted to Colin Firth, but as Mr Darcy, wahay, the man could brood and simper all he liked around me! |
The next day I decided that I would actually wash and wax it myself as it gives a better shine. So I'm out on the drive, polishing my car. |
Yes, I'm talking about the alleged weapons of mass destruction that were never found. |
They're all fab and they tell me when I'm acting up, and laugh at me as much as possible which, I think, is very important and very British. |
The shirt and the leather waistcoat I'm wearing are what I had on when the crash happened. |
I'm feeling abnormally pessimistic about the absurd lack of substantive leadership we are receiving. |
And even though the event is eleven months away, I'm sure that like me, you just can't wait! |
When clients come to me I see them once or twice to see if I'm the right architect, and then there's the wait period. |
Oh that reminds me I also have to brush up on my French, because I'm gonna be fluent by the end of summer, just you wait. |
I'm skeptical of Ward's theory, because in other journalistic publications, it's easy to find examples of quotative inversion. |
But I'm much better off than members of other platoons in my company who are living in tents or bombed buildings in the desert sand. |
I'm a full-time employee at a fairly public company here in Steinbach, and on my weekends, I enjoy waitressing at a local restaurant. |
And he disappears amidst the unstoppable mob heading to classrooms, he is now gone and now I'm gone too, taking a class I now abominate. |
It's a dizzying height that I'm not really used to, and it is a tough act to follow. |
I'm finding that with a lot of my friends or acquaintances going back to school, I miss it. |
I hope this is not a harbinger of 4 a.m. wake-up calls to come, but I'm probably kidding myself. |
I'm not too concerned about the exam, just looking forwards to getting it over and done with. |
By jingoes I'm looking forward to seeing the footage of what Deep Impact's up to on Monday. |
Still, I'm not above pocketing a bottle of Coke on my way out, so long as I'm not being sneaky about it. |
It would be like putting on an act to get others to advance toward God, when I'm still getting a toe on the starting line. |
I'm tired of walking on eggshells around people who don't feel the same way as me. |
I may be the last to know this, mainly because I'm behind in my web comic reading. |
I'm sure the illustration below went down like a Steve Bell cartoon with the jingoes. |
I'm not going to say you're so feeble that you let the tabloid press walk over you. |
I'm even more surprised that there's no secondary securing mechanism, such as strapping or webbing, round the piles of plates in the cupboard. |
I'm not a big fan of walkers because apparently they make the baby lazy, and they stop trying to walk or crawl. |
I'm entirely open to the argument that racial profiling is a counterproductive means. |
Yes, and I'm hoping that if the academy has a nomination for the best walk-on, I hope that I'll qualify. |
Although I'm confident Ali would have defeated Louis, it would have been a close fight and not a walkover as some have suggested. |
I'm not agree with some Greek-Australians who say that the Greeks of abroad are different. |
I'm also on the fourth floor of a walk-up, so racing up and down is not an option. |
The man across from me thinks I'm smiling at him so he smiles at me smiling, and I smile even more. |
They're talking over each other and none of them notices that I'm not paying any of them a blind bit of attention. |
When I'm out there I will be running against the clock rather than thinking in terms of placing. |
No, no, no, I'm not saying that theistic beliefs are a prerequisite for coming up with a jim-dandy moral code. |
I know there are the big fold out credit card wallets but I'm running out of pockets and I can't quite bring myself to carry a handbag. |
No, I miss my wife when I'm on tour, but it's good to be apart, because absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? |
Maybe I'm not a wallflower at the edge of the dance floor yet, I'm still there. |
As I attack, I weave from side to side, occasionally looping around the gunship I'm currently firing at. |
Right now I'm reading Good Night, Gorilla, a gripping tale about the adventures of an absent-minded zookeeper. |
I'm a pensioner for goodness sake, I'm hardly likely to go round walloping people. |
Needless to say, I'm currently getting walloped by Tim Blair, but as they say, if I have to walloped by anyone, I'm glad it's him. |
When she wakes up from that whack you gave her, she'll be ready to deal you a wallop, I'm sure. |
I'm sure you that know the entire profession is based on unscientific quackery. |
My temples are thumping, my pulse is racing, and I'm starting to shake, visibly. |
I'm going to take a leaf out of your book, at least for a couple of days, and spend my time eating and sleeping by turns. |
But if he doesn't, I'm sure the government is prepared to throw the book at him. |
I'm so weak-willed I must be ensured of a steady stream of nicotine, even when I'm asleep. |
The last time I raced a front-wheel-drive car was a Mini in 1962 so I'm very much a rank outsider which is an ideal position to be in. |
I now complete my journey in half the time, stress has been replaced with enjoyment and I'm saving a small fortune. |
Now my personality is suited to the English game, and I'm having the time of my life. |
I have Ford fans come up to me all the time and tell me they can't believe I'm out here racing this car. |
I'm glad we did that because the weather forecast isn't that great next week. |
For me, the article is an interesting piece of a jigsaw I'm assembling in my mind. |
Although I'm heartily sick of three letter acronyms, NBA sounds impressive. |
I'm sure they'd have fancy statistics saying that this added up to a quadrillion dollars in lost revenue. |
I'll be thinking of these good-hearted people when I'm quaffing champagne, honest! |
I'm not sure that most of these words and expressions are weasel words, though. |
I'm not sure how to take this forward, that's even if I wanna take this forward. |
He appears just as I'm about to start on a roasted jewfish with prawns, and offers a sturdy paw. |
I'm at the library every morning at opening time to check the want ads, make phone calls and surf the web looking for openings. |
When I'm writing I often start out with abstractions and academic jargon, and purge it. |
Now I'm spooning the little jewels of fruit salad into my mouth as I look out the window. |
Her eyes, her cruelly turned eyebrow, and her wantonly parted lips evoked a whole range of feelings I'm still trying to fathom. |
The satire seems a bit vanilla but it's a family film so I'm not expecting total absurdism. |
I must confess, however, I'm finding the terror cycle an absurdly entertaining piece of global sport. |
When I'm at work it's a struggle and my body gets jabs of pain now and again. |
He's already been in cell 118 for five hours and I decide, no matter what, I'm going to not have the same look on my face when I'm jettisoned. |
I think I've made it abundantly clear over the years that I'm nothing if not a charitable guy. |
Similarly, if I'm in public practice, and they do something that doesn't jibe with my policies, I'm going to change my policies. |
I'm getting so many new links from so many places, and I think people often expect a warblog, or at least a blogblog. |
My fingers are permanently crossed behind my back and I'm carrying my four leaf clover, horse shoe and rabbit's foot. |
I'm not sure that my knowledge of economic theories qualifies me to judge his arguments, but it does make for some food for thought. |
You can see why I haven't made it up to priestess yet, I'm still an acolyte. |
An Italian heritage is important, although my mum was an English war bride so I'm probably one of the least Italian-American people on the show. |
Not at all, I'm saying you need to have a line plugged into where it says line on your modem to the phone jack in the wall. |
As far as I'm concerned, you have to look at the circumstances to make a determination whether or not there's been an abuse of that privilege. |
I'm going after Maggie and I want every man jack here to get his rifle and ride with me. |
I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none, which is probably not bad training for a chief executive. |
Maybe I'm a jack of all trades and master of none but, if a new and relevant challenge came along, I'd probably leap at it. |
I think the only reason you're back now is because Plan A disintegrated and I'm your contingency. |
I'm a Yorkshire lass, you don't just jack it in although there have been some very low points. |
I'm growing weary of pointing out what a success this campaign has been to date. |
I'm off now to look up Dallas Zoo on the internet, and find out if they have aardvarks. |
I'm a computer programmer and quality assurance tester for a software company in Cleveland, so I know a thing or two about computer glitches. |
This post could really use some editing, but I'm jet-lagged and losing it, so sleep is going to have to come first. |
It's driving me so mad that I'm forced in the end to appeal to the general public. |
I have to, before all this guilt I'm carrying around drives me absolutely insane. |
I feel like I'm the only one in the world with nothing to do, and it drives me crazy! |
I'm easy, either way, just so long as we don't have to go back and live in Wales again. |
I'm coached on how to bend down by contracting my abs and curving my rib cage in. |
I'm attracted to photography for its voyeuristic quality, and I approach the subject in an abandoned, playful, intuitive way. |
I shortened my skirt by 7 inches and lowered the vent by 2 inches because I'm under 5 feet. |
So quite why the front tyres have worn badly on the inside edge I'm not sure. |
I'm just so jacked up about being with these guys and having the chance to compete again. |
I found the rugs didn't wear well either, but I love the colours, so I'm considering taking mine off the floor and hanging them too. |
He's so jacked, I feel like a 8 year old girl whenever I'm near his presence. |
I'm proud of my French heritage and I started to discover my Acadian roots later in life, I guess. |
Well, it's got to be said that while judging the Interactive BAFTAs was fabulously fulfilling experience, I'm not half glad it's over. |
Been feeling a bit wabbit but may be because I'm coming off my medication at the moment. |
She was named after Prince Charlie and was a great Jacobite, of which I'm very proud. |
We're talking massively complicated stuff that I wouldn't even fathom creating myself, and I'm not half bad with this stuff. |
When I go to do my radio show, I'm struggling to pick records to play because the stuff is kind of wack. |
I'm definitely not a preachy global warmist type, but to say that global warming isn't happening because there's snow outside is stupidity. |
I'm still working on it, but I did start a trend by wearing bowling shirts sporting some true flair. |
When I go will folks be thinking man I hated that dude with his wack jokes, I'm glad he's gone? |
We all feel jaded and long for time to escape and revitalise. I'm consoled with the thought of leaving. |
My goal against Argentina in the quarter-finals of the World Cup proves I'm able to cope on the highest stage. |
Not many coaches have led a team into the quarter-finals of a World Cup, so I'm satisfied. |
A rabbit's foot brings good luck, though I'm sure all those the three-legged rabbits wouldn't necessarily agree. |
She's doing warp speed and I'm glad everybody picked up on her even though she's weird and British and crazy. |
I'm hardly ever sick, I get along with pretty much everyone who isn't a total jagoff, I don't mind working late, and I'm ridiculously loyal. |
I'm always a sucker for plot in this type of movie and for once it wasn't completely superficial and full of holes. |
I'm only going to fill out your patient survey if you've got a strawberry-flavored sucker with my name on it! |
Gee, does that mean I'm accepted into your approved pigpen of the cognoscenti? |
And so now by pure accident of birth, I'm alive at a time where science is about to figure this out. |
I'm not proposing that hopeful writers rush out to acquire a habit, you understand. |
I don't smoke, however, so I'm hoping nibbling on expensive dark chocolates will be an acceptable substitute. |
So there is your factual evidence, but I'm sure you'll give some wackadoo response to justify your unique and frankly odd position! |
I admit it, I'm always a sucker for these tongue-in-cheek uses of Indian mythology for product advertising. |
I'm always a sucker for a good horn section, so the trombone, trumpet and sax were a welcome sight and sound. |
They tire people out, wear them down, make them acceptant of shoddy workmanship or service. I'm impressed at the same time as I'm angry. |
I'm not superstitious, but the whole area gave me a case of the screaming abdabs, something Awful and EVIL had happened nearby. |
Today had turned out to be a pretty uneventful day until I discovered a few minutes ago that I'm quite possibly an accessory to murder. |
The access course was in sociology, which was a subject I enjoyed, so I'm doing it here. |
I'm driving slowly, but I have to jam on the brakes twice to avoid hitting pedestrians who walk in front of my car. |
I'm not a racing man myself, but the pubs stay open till 2.30, so who's complaining? |
I lay abed an hour longer than usual again this morning and I'm moving kinda slow. |
I'm sure you could borrow something of Julianne's, and I could throw your stuff in the wash. |
I'm not going to write about this here, because it wouldn't be fair and I don't believe in washing my dirty laundry in public. |
But when it comes to the economy, I'm not ready to wash my mouth out just yet. |
All the words for actual snow have been removed, and I'm ignoring the extensive polysemy of snow and many of its derivatives. |
I know that he's lived with the settling belief that I'm about as deep as a wading pool. |
We are really angry because this is an accident waiting to happen and I'm sure that it will happen again. |
I'm feeling a bit perkier this morning, but still really tired and washed out. |
Yeah, but if you do that again I'm going to put the showerhead up your wazoo. |
I went there to laugh at the washed-up child star, and I'm sorry that I ever thought like that. |
I've even got some webspace on the school server I'm not using these days, so I could host for a while. |
And, having reached a nice rounded and witty conclusion, I'm going to spoil it by waffling on and qualifying what I've said. |
Finally, I'm anxious to see Hideki Matsui now that he's had a full season to acclimate to major league baseball and the American culture. |
I'm waffling here, unwilling to say we were snobby or we were justified in our behavior, but I can see it from both sides. |
I'm anxious to be finished here, as my heart has not been in this job for quite some time now. |
I'm quite pleased with the positive picture reaction, from here and other places. |
I'm not sure I'm totally qualified to write about what women want. |
So one night I'm in a Sunset Strip joint, and I see bogart sitting at a table. |
I am starting with a hunch, and that's why I'm bothering to ask the questions. |
I'm supremely confident that bostonians will pull together, take care of each other, and move forward as one proud city. |
I'm not sure what it is, but it kind of sounds like my teenage boys' room after burrito night. |
When I'm composing my reviews, I often abbreviate the movie title, then use Microsoft Word's replace function to fill in the title in its entirety. |
Of course, as a guy I'm walking on eggshells simply discussing this. |
I'm happy to coordinate a group working through the Forum, but don't expect me to invite any of you psychotic whackos to my home for dinner and a movie. |
I'm one of those people who is always on time, and abhors lateness. |
I'm sure the residents are confused because of government waffling. |
I'm not one of those people who has to clap a wet cloth over his face when artificial scents waft his way, but I wish they'd stop making everything smell like something. |
If I'm not snowboarding in it, I'm driving my Suzuki wagon in it. |
I'm usually a sucker for full-on bad taste, but this was just so abject. |
I'm not sure how I managed to gain 5 inches on my waist that fast. |
I'm sure you have plenty of marketing surveys that show people LOVE the convenience of having these unholy abominations, but I know what you're up to. |
It is not the policy of this newspaper to select candidates for the election, but I'm not above pointing out some things I've noticed in the past week. |
And even more shameful is that I'm not above reverting to the old ways. |
It's the first time I'm really walking my talk as an environmentalist. |
I think I'm developing a knack for walking in on situations like this. |
I've lived in the same house for 10 years now and I'm still redelivering mail to neighbours, wondering as I go walkabout who has received mine and what they may do with it. |
I'm certainly not advocating for anybody else to up sticks and go. |
Please note that I'm not a reactionary Xenophobic Euro-skeptic, it's just that I once went to Australia and discovered that the Euro is a type of wallaby or wallaroo. |
I'm sorry to say that it's not true about the quack of a duck. |
I'm not saying we should turn the clock back 50 or 60 years. |
Dad's smile falters but in the end he goes to sit by mom and I'm standing by the doorway with my hand on my arm like a wallflower at a junior high dance. |
She's a terrible snob and I'm sure she's only inviting you because it's the done thing and she wants to be polite as well as keep in my good books. |
But I'm certainly not expecting just to waltz in here and take over. |
I'm by no means any sort of information-wants-to-be-free absolutist. |
I wander off as I'm listening to him, a little way from the path. |
Sometimes I get scared that I'll wander off like that, and not quite be conscious of what I'm doing, and just go completely mad and never come back! |
So I'm going to wander off now and check that I'm listed on. |
The first drink you'll find here is Summer Berries, a non-alcoholic quaff, though I'm sure it would also work well with a lot of rum, tequila, gin, or vodka. |
In fact, I'm probably pretty close to how old Jessel was back then, when he'd be dragged out of mothballs to warble outmoded old songs in that peculiar nasal delivery of his. |
Seriously, that barely qualifies as food, and yet not only am I not stopping him from putting it in his mouth, I'm photographing the event for posterity. |
By now I'm so overwrought with chi's and fu's and kong's and kung's that my eyes have about crossed. |
I hope you don't think I'm jacking ideas from your life or anything. |
They do it time after time after time and I've got to say I'm jack of it. |
I look like easy pickings for the local bullies, but I'm not. |
I can't believe how harsh some people are about me trying to get it on with Daniel just because I'd had a little too much to drink doesn't mean that I'm easy. |
I was just hoping for no wardrobe malfunction if you know what I'm saying. |
If you don't want it to work, that's ok, I'm easy, I don't mind. |
I never fall asleep right away, because I'm so jacked up from the day. |
While I'm perfectly fine with nudity and crassness, sometimes it felt as though shots were composed to test the limits of what could pass the censors. |
In a minute I'm in my car with the doors locked and the engine warming up. |
We believe in the system of justice, and I've been prosecutor for 37 years, and 37 years, I have never quarreled with a jury's verdict and I'm not going to start today. |
I'm sure everyone around me has heard me constantly quarrelling about wasting paper, about using the other side of paper of prints gone bad for scrap. |
I'll take the sun, and extend its light and its warmth as far as I'm able. |
I'm always a sucker for these kind of movies, with innocent, dreamy teenagers wandering around in orange sunlight, seeking some sort of self-discovery. |
I'm proud to be a citizen and part of this country, warts and all. |
They look great under jammies when I'm taking out the garbage in a squall. |
I know I'm gonna want somewhere to cook, wash, fall back on. |
Even though I'm not queenie, I should have the right to be so! |
Maybe it's just me, but I'm somewhat reassured that medication mistakes were committed by nurses and not the janitorial staff or the people who come in to pick up the laundry. |
I'm sure the office would be much improved if we could swap our free drink machine for a kettle and find somewhere we could install a washer-dryer. |
I'm a Washingtonian through and through can't wait to get back home! |
I'm gonna get some wet washrags to wash up those nasty cuts. |
I'm not a bad loser, it's more that I think the sensation of losing is wasted on me, whereas it's quite good for their development for them to feel it. |
And I'm watching very closely to see if that's a real worry. |
I'm not saying that stripped wires are necessarily a good thing, but I don't believe either of the two accidents that he mentions can be accredited to stripped wires! |
I'm soaking wet, bruised and burning from the water cannon and the gas. |
I'm not really in the mood to write blogs, read blogs, or make comments. |
I'm in Atlanta, and I am blogging from the public library this morning. |
I'm not talking about quickie paperbacks, the kind that publishers toss off in a matter of weeks in response to an event or news story that captures the popular imagination. |
Pero, I'm getting dirty looks from the jefe so let me get you those books. |
Over the years I've often been tempted to try Achimenes, but having never seen them grown locally, I'm not sure they'd like our sometimes hot days in summer. |
I'm also looking at cherry laurel or wax myrtle as a privacy hedge. |
I'm not sure that artist-chosen shows are of that much curatorial or art-historical use, and anyway they've become a cliche. |
I'm not the one he needs protecting from, but have it your way. |
I'm not sure she ever replied or even acknowledged the letter. |
I'm quitting the job at the airport at the end of this week. |
But it's never good to drop out of a race and I'm not a quitter. |
I'm not going to remember anything anyway when I'm jet-lagged. |
Now I'm making sure that I haven't totally cocked it up in the process! |
I suppose I'm weak when it comes to confrontation like that. |
I'm hosting a quiz show, but I never considered myself a game show host. |
Personally, I'm waiting for the first scones, jam, and clotted cream fight. |
Yet a professor I'm working with insists on having some 55-word quotations be set as normal quotes, and some 45-word quotations be set as block quotes. |
I'm currently on leave, so I should obviously be using all this spare time renewing my acquaintance with children's telly, particularly if it's getting this risque. |
I'm learning how to touch type the numerical keys on the qwerty keyboard. |
Personally I'm a little weary of this kind of soft, gentle electronica. |
I'm out of here, thank you boys, and thank your mother for the rabbits. |
It's some weird bug, and I'm sure it'll be fixed up in a jiffy. |
And every time I go for a stroll by the river when I'm feeling a bit under the weather, I come back home wondering why I felt so poorly in the first place. |
No, no, I'm just trying to figure out why this account won't balance. |
Right now I'm looking at the weather forecast for the rest of the week. |
Look, I'm all for people saving money and weatherizing their homes. |
I'm sure that many people, the local schools' caretakers in particular, will join me in asking why we can't have a weatherproof, clean tarmac path to enjoy. |
I'm also of accusing him of having a miniscule mind based on the fact that he is apparently so enraptured by his own ideology that he is blind to its faults. |
I'm saying communists are blind from a decision-making perspective. |
It's actually a strength, because I'm sort of a memorable-looking fellow. |
When I'm actually presenting, I'm on stage in a role, I'm acting almost. |
As I said earlier, you have a tough act to follow, but you're highly qualified, and I'm sure you will represent your country well here in the United States. |
If my mares produce successful horses on the racetrack then obviously they'll be worth a lot more money, which is why I'm doing it in the long run. |
My nerves are almost completely balanced by the relief I'm feeling at soon being free of her, but as it is I'm jittering and barely worth talking to. |