With Horace the body of criticism is a veritable totem pole whose foundation goes back to ancient times. |
The eternal triangle of Baby Doe and Horace and Augusta Tabor was brought to vivid life by Joanna Mongiardo, Timothy Noble and Joyce Castle. |
Jerry Travers is an American hoofer arriving in London to help out his pal, producer Horace Hardwick, with a new song-and-dance show. |
The town coroner, Horace is a nervous, businesslike man who is haunted by the people who died in his medical care during the war. |
As a boy in the 1920s he conceived an undying love for the ancient Roman poet Horace, and since then has learned nothing more about him or Rome. |
But Horace sharply distinguishes Greek models from Greek content, and, it might be argued, from Greekness itself. |
She has herself been recently widowed and come to the conclusion that Horace and his fortune will make her the perfect mate. |
The only other Blue Lines survivor is Horace Andy, one of reggae's most distinctive vocalists. |
When Sir Robert Walpole retired into private life, time hung heavy on his hands, and Horace exerted himself to amuse his father. |
With the screamo, the manic guitar riffage and the pseudo-intellectual lyrics, Horace Pinker have followed this tried-and-true formula to a tee. |
He was one of the Roman humanists who took a delight in conversing in the language of Horace and Virgil, of Cicero and Martial for its own sake. |
The turn away from Protestant scholasticism was given clear, systematic justification in the theology of Horace Bushnell. |
Horace Walpole had written a squib against him, which Rousseau attributed to Hume. |
Given the sheer bulk of commentaries on Horace from ancient times to the present, the search for new approaches can obscure more than elucidate. |
In 1852, Horace Smith, a toolmaker, and Daniel Wesson, a former apprenticed gunsmith, combined their skills to produce a revolutionary handgun. |
In its conception and concretion, the Otter Creek feeding facility was a monument to Horace Albright's philosophy of aesthetic conservation. |
Horace certainly employs metaphors, but metonymy is by far the more common trait in his poetry and brings his use of language closer to a vernacular diction. |
Curtis followed Horace Greeley, with whose peculiar drawl and rustic aspect his princelike demeanor and lucid and sonorous rhetoric were in striking contrast. |
Tony Benn has many of the attributes of a great diarist akin to Horace Walpole or Charles Greville and, like these two, he comes from the outer fringes of the titled classes. |
We have promised to go round and help Horace with his furniture winnowing before B's mum comes back from holiday and guilt-trips him in to keeping everything. |
Though he is often celebrated as the American father of Protestant liberalism, Horace Bushnell's biography and writing defy the categories of theological typology. |
Below, British band Massive Attack performed with guest singers Liz Fraser and reggae legend Horace Andy. |
In length he prefers the epigrammatic and in form he is an adept formalist, acknowledging his antecedents in the farmer-poets of the past, Frost, Horace and Theognis. |
Horace was athletic and clever, known, probably apocryphally, as the fastest cotton picker in Clay County. |
Horace had been playing poker with a mortician, who had put the car up as collateral. |
Through the years, Shara Nelson, Tricky, Tracy Thorn, Liz Fraser and reggae toaster Horace Andy have all been an integral part of Massive Attack's evolving sound. |
Old pictures of the couple show Horace decked out in a three-piece suit and diamond rings and Margaret swaddled in furs. |
Captain Horace Frank said officers are already accustomed to wearing latex gloves after an outbreak of MRSA a few years ago. |
Horace Andy takes control of the sound system with his silvery vocals. |
Various attempts were made to dramatise Lorna Doone but, Blackmore only authorised one and that was from the pen of Horace Newte. |
Today's programme features Horace Andy, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Janet Kay, Dennis Bovell's Dub Band, Trojan Sound System and DJ Don Letts. |
Editor George Horace Lorimer had OK'd the artist's sketch for the December 6, 1930, Christmas cover. |
We were on this album, Sent From Coventry, that had sleave notes from Horace Panter from The Specials. |
Crowds of fans gave a rapturous applause to Specials bass player Horace Panter, The Primitives, Paul Sampson and the late Steve Edgson. |
Cavalier works make use of allegory and classical allusions, and are influence by Latin authors Horace, Cicero, and Ovid. |
The earth tremors resumed and made a bourdon to the loud psalms that they sang, interspersed with the odd ode of Horace recited by Silas. |
He knew patristic literature, as well as Pliny the Elder, Virgil, Lucretius, Ovid, Horace and other classical writers. |
Horace wrote that during his time flower gardens became a national indulgence. |
Horace therefore, Juvenal, and Persius were no Prophets, although their lines did seem to indigitate and point at our times. |
Horace laughs to shame all follies and insinuates virtue, rather by familiar examples than by the severity of precepts. |
I remembered Horace having once told me that his mother's name had been Lilias. |
Poets like Virgil, Horace, Ovid and Rufus developed a rich literature, and were close friends of Augustus. |
Under the reign of the Emperor Augustus, Horace continued the tradition of shorter poems, with his Odes and Epodes. |
Horace Howard Furness, defending the play in 1895, felt that the apparent inconsistency did not detract from the play's quality. |
He was also introduced by his Dorset friend Horace Moule to the works of Charles Fourier and Auguste Comte. |
It has also been suggested that the character of Henry Knight in A Pair of Blue Eyes was based on Horace Moule. |
Among these authors were Horace Elisha Scudder, Elijah Kellogg, and Herman Melville. |
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore persuades his old friend Horace Slughorn to return to Hogwarts as a professor as there is a vacancy to fill. |
Also foreshadowing Romanticism was Gothic fiction, in works such as Horace Walpole's 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto. |
The unionist MP Horace Plunkett, who would later support home rule, opposed it in the 1890s because of the danger of partition. |
In London, he had been introduced in 1881 to Constance Lloyd, daughter of Horace Lloyd, a wealthy Queen's Counsel. |
Founded by Dr R Chalke, head of Porth Secondary School with WRU members Horace Lyne as president and Eric Evans as secretary. |
The Secular Ode of Horace, commissioned by Augustus, was performed publicly in 17 BC by a mixed children's choir. |
Lincoln laid the groundwork for public support in an open letter published in abolitionist Horace Greeley's newspaper. |
Horace dedicated an ode to the victory, while the monument Trophy of Augustus near Monaco was built to honor the occasion. |
When he was asked for photographs and autographs, Horace said he would only oblige if he could take photos of the scooterists in return. |
Ovid, author of the Metamorphoses and one of three main Augustan poets along with Virgil and Horace. |
In 1945, Sir Horace Hector Hearne became Chief Justice and Keeper of the Records in Jamaica. |
Horace identifies steel weapons such as the falcata in the Iberian Peninsula, while Noric steel was used by the Roman military. |
The celebrated Louvre editions are Virgil, Racine, Horace, and La Fontaine. |
Several colonies based on Fourier's ideas were founded in the United States by Albert Brisbane and Horace Greeley. |
Cavalier works make use of allegory and classical allusions, and are influenced by Latin authors Horace, Cicero and Ovid. |
One of the key early appearances by ghosts was The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole in 1764, considered to be the first gothic novel. |
One can well imagine Powell acting the Horace, reeling out a sonic logic, playing the fool and the tragedian, the eulogizer and the satirist. |
Long-time collaborator, Horace Andy, adds his vocals on the echo heavy lament Everywhen and the melancholy Name Taken. |
Horace implies that the effects thereof are similar to the effects caused by ingesting hemlock and the fierily spells cast by Madea and Canidia. |
The panel comprised award-winning singer Laura Mvula, Vix Vox from Fuzzbox, The Specials' Horace Panter and Phil Etheridge from The Twang. |
Of his surviving children, George, Francis and Horace became Fellows of the Royal Society, distinguished as astronomer, botanist and civil engineer, respectively. |
Ricardians, as the king's latter-day adherents are called, have a long and sometimes distinguished lineage stretching back to Horace Walpole in the eighteenth century. |
In the following paper I shall explore and criticize various scholarly attempts to classify the genre of that most eclectic and farraginous work of Horace, the Ars poetica. |
Gray also wrote light verse, including Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes, a mock elegy concerning Horace Walpole's cat. |
When he showed that petulant old warhorse of an artist, Horace Vernet, haberdashed with medals, Nadar had no trouble revealing a seeker of official honors. |
Horace lost his forty-shilling Akubra hat and did not stop for it and the Elizabeth Street cable tram sliced it in half before he had gone another block. |
In the late 18th century, Horace Walpole's 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto created the Gothic fiction genre, that combines elements of horror and romance. |
Mounting a bandwagon of praise for the later volumes were such contemporary luminaries as Adam Smith, William Robertson, Adam Ferguson, Lord Camden, and Horace Walpole. |
Others, as Horace Lunt, have changed their opinion with time. |
Horace wrote verse satires before fashioning himself as an Augustan court poet, and the early Principate also produced the satirists Persius and Juvenal. |
Horace perfected the use of Greek lyric metres in Latin verse. |
The most significant of Richard's defenders was Horace Walpole. |
Nevertheless, in the memoirs of contemporaries such as Lord Hervey and Horace Walpole, George is depicted as a weak buffoon, governed by his wife and ministers. |
Now, artists Reuben Colley, Mark Godwin, Danny Howes, Rick Garland and Specials chart star Horace Panter have created paintings and drawings based on her fabulous work. |
The first Bermuda record was based on a juvenile collected by Horace Landy in a Devonshire Bay tidepool, which was raised in his aquarium until it reached four inches long. |
Talking of breadbaskets, even Billy Bunter pinched an admiral's uniform so he could confiscate a canteen full of cakes and beat rationing and Hungry Horace wasn't far behind. |
Virgil's friend Horace wrote Epodes, Odes, Satires, and Epistles. |