The idea behind the labeling of GMOs is simple, logical, and appealingly democratic. |
Data protection and GMOs are not mere technocratic concerns, and the rules for them should not be dispassionately crafted by number-crunchers. |
And Europe's agonies over GMOs illustrate the problems that arise when science is not well integrated into policymaking. |
The question of GMOs is also present in the EECS opinion on the European action plan for organic food and farming. |
Moreover, they invited the Commission to adopt labelling thresholds for the adventitious presence of authorised GMOs in conventional seeds. |
Requirements for food and feed produced from GMOs should be similar in order to avoid discontinuity of information in cases of change in end use. |
Consumers would find it incomprehensible that even an infinitesimal quantity of prohibited GMOs could be tolerated. |
Inf'OGM is a recognized association of general interest which analize the world news on GMOs and biotechnology. |
Many of his beliefs about GMOs were predicated on an extravagant dismissal of the scientific consensus. |
They also demanded a Commission report by June 2010 on the socioeconomic benefits and risks of placing GMOs on the market. |
It should also take due account of potential cumulative long-term effects associated with the interaction with other GMOs and the environment. |
Since Canada is the fifth largest global producer of GMOs, it refuses to ratify the Cartagena protocol on biosafety. |
First of all, there are too many risks associated with GMOs to justify their release in the market, end of story. |
In Europe, where fear of GMOs is much more widespread than in the United States, labeling is a common practice. |
An article in the April edition tried to establish a link between GMOs and celiac disease. |
But let me also be completely clear: the threshold for adventitious presence of GMOs is not, as some suggest, a de facto threshold for GMO tolerance. |
Nelson believes a way to fight against this threat is for farmers to understand the consequences of farming GMOs, and to try to recover farmers' varieties, multiply, and continue to grow them. |
Measures for co-existence should be efficient, cost-effective and proportionate and should not go beyond what is necessary to ensure that the adventitious presence of GMOs stays below the tolerance thresholds. |
The use of GMOs has generated significant controversy in Europe in recent years and we expect it will become a significant market in North America as well. |
The possibility of establishing lower thresholds, in particular for foods and feed containing or consisting of GMOs or in order to take into account advances in science and technology, should be provided for. |
Germplasm, biotechnology, GMOs, coating and pelleting all confirm that seeds are the focal point for a number of technologies, where innovation plays an essential role. |
Foody supply chain, rural development, use of pesticides, food-stuffs' prices and GMOs are among the transversal issues handled by the Commission. |
It occurs to me that we are spending too long deciding how good or how bad what we eat is, what it is made of and whether it includes GMOs or not, while so many people in the world are hungry and have nothing to eat. |
The Filière would like both levels of government to acknowledge that GMOs pose a very serious threat to the development of organic agriculture and to act quickly to deal with the problem. |
It implies that GMOs are the opposite of butterflies and blades of grass. |
In Canada, every poll conducted in the past five years shows that consumers want GMOs to be labeled, but the federal government is going in circles. |
I feel that it would be irresponsible of me to give impromptu answers regarding GMOs in only a minute, and that would not be in keeping with the policy of this presidency. |
To accept the introduction of GMOs, even in very small quantities, is tantamount to hoodwinking consumers and will have serious consequences for the environment and for people's health in general. |
Intrinsic concerns are the major reason leading consumers to reject GMOs as a result of the process of genetic engineering regarded as an unnatural, for example, interference with nature or playing God. |
In the shows he defended GMOs and nuclear power. |
Monsanto and the regulatory bodies that were agreeable to the authorization of those GMOs, claim they can prove chronic innocuousness with these results. |
The benefits of organic farming are many: a reduced impact on the environment, salubrity, the absence of GMOs and the guaranteed control and certification system. |
It is also a precondition for taking particular GMOs out of circulation if this becomes necessary due to new scientific information or to the expiry of a time-limited authorisation. |
In addition to this authorisation procedure, feed additives containing, consisting of or produced from GMOs should also fall within the scope of this Regulation. |
Farmers around the world use GMOs and are backed by their governments, except here, where field research is prohibited by public authorities terrorized by the lobbies. |
Between the fight against obesity and questions about the impact of pesticides and GMOs, farmers will be in the hot seat more and more frequently. |
The US is also adamantly opposed to labelling rules for food products produced from GMOs, even though these rules are designed to help ensure that customers are well-informed about what they are buying. |
There is ongoing discussion regarding the labeling of foods made from GMOs, and while the EU currently requires all GMO foods to be labeled, the US does not. |