Foes Racing is a name which springs to mind whenever big bikes and big forks are mentioned. |
The Foes were Dissenters, Protestants who did not belong to the Anglican Church, and Daniel's ironic attack on the church landed him a three-day stretch in the pillory. |
In true gangster fashion, our hero plans a classic double-cross, but ends up underestimating at least one of his foes. |
When they could be provoked into a fight or caught at all, Comanche warriors proved formidable foes, even for expert riflemen. |
He was compelled to endure an uncomfortable cohabitation with his political foes. |
His apparent willingness to gamble on growth is perplexing friends and delighting some of his foes. |
Maybe they see insects as implacable foes, sure to strike fear in the hearts of enemies. |
But, alas, like all conjured foes, the biblical piety contained in his book is a mere phantom of the real thing. |
She uses her acting abilities and intuition to bluff foes out of their clothes. |
America's warlike policies, applauded in the Reichstag, are not only directed against foes abroad but also at home. |
The second world war was a far more menacing conflict with far more dangerous foes. |
His supporters feel that their leader was forced into aligning with former foes in order to compete against the Opposition. |
Yes, she settles a few grievances and directs some partisan zingers at old foes. |
The game has a nasty habit of respawning enemies, especially in cleared areas, so you can expect to see defeated foes again and again. |
Her bare feet created a rhythm of their own as she moved all over the floor, lunging and retracting, parrying invisible foes. |
We must put our differences and criticisms aside and stand together against our common foes. |
In the 11 th century in the Middle East the Shiite sect known as the Assassins would eat hashish before murdering civilian foes. |
Several blows and parries were executed as images of imaginary foes continued to appear all around him. |
His political beliefs are covered in a piecemeal, scattershot fashion that will be frustrating to fans and foes alike. |
Lord's was the setting for an historic Test match between two old foes which never seemed likely to go the distance. |
With regard to wee garden-dwelling beasties, it is important to sort out the friends from the foes. |
If they were foes he was prepared to quickly extend his claws and fight to the death. |
He got his nickname from the brutal way in which he battled his foes, often winning through sheer might and endurance. |
They were sly and quick with words and a smile, cunningly tricking their foes. |
Since love, of his goodness, has converted you from your sin, you shall be the best pillar of all his faith, I trow, and most harass his foes. |
There are enemies, friends, foes, and also potential friends and potential enemies. |
Yeltsin's amnesty for the participants of the coup was the first time in Russian history that the executive had pardoned unrepentant foes. |
But al Qaeda and its allies are a real danger to the United States, and these foes cannot be neutralized by military might alone. |
Some slain foes drop flags that can be adjusted to spawn warriors of their faction type at timed intervals. |
Some may develop strategies to deny foes the ability to project power into their spheres of influence. |
Well, perhaps not, for it can better be read as the futile obsecration of one pro-Roman faction, losing out to their retro-Celtic foes. |
Drawing a card from the deck will summon one inconvenience with which the wielder can harass his foes. |
As a fox is able to recognize traps, a prince must be able to outmaneuver his foes. |
He dreamt that he was a brave and noble swashbuckler, swinging from chandelier to chandelier as he dueled with his foes. |
The game design is such that there are no open spaces that allow for effortless circumnavigation of foes. |
Sit down and I will tell you a tale of magic and faeries, of foes and heroes in the heavens. |
Animals such as elephants also use infrasound to communicate over long distances or as weapons to repel foes. |
Not to detract from the Zelda experience were the enemies and foes along the way. |
The faith itself has prospered beyond measure, beyond the imagination of friends and foes. |
We must present our case in such a way that we make our foes our friends and not make friends our foes. |
Having rejoined the world, the Russians are making good use of former friends and foes. |
The incident only shows that the Americans find nothing wrong in spying on both friends and foes. |
He has been warned by friends as well as foes against overstaying, at the mercy of events beyond his control. |
We often construe inter-state relations in terms of the metaphor of friends and foes, but misleadingly. |
However, as friends and foes alike have pointed out, Charles cannot claim to be an expert in all of his areas of interest. |
A misunderstanding turns the friends to bitter foes and a dangerous game of death begins. |
The next few months will find us regaled by friends and foes at work and play, in print and on screen. |
He populates his play with friends, foes, characters and incidents from Maclean's life and times. |
The AI levels are high, even on the easier settings, and the enemies make for tenacious foes. |
Now, this seems to me would be the natural way of talking for both foes and friends. |
Friends and foes alike live in awe of his intellect and in fear of his directness. |
The struggle between friends and foes of liberty has in many ways been going on for thousands of years. |
It was notable the number of old friends and foes who attended her removal and funeral mass in Swinford. |
This year there is a freshness about the game with rejuvenated forces challenging old foes. |
All five of the foes would be in the postseason if the season ended at this point. |
For the last few months, he has been cuddling up to Sun foes such as HP and Dell. |
Virgil's lines are as a shepherd's staff, for cudgeling foes or correcting friends. |
Luckily there are plenty of power-ups to collect, including water and fire modifications to sweep your foes aside. |
But both the backers and the foes are now gearing up for a battle over an even stricter proposed amendment. |
However, these foes are then converted into explosive projectiles that can be fired like rockets from the cannon. |
These slits, called murder holes, could be used by the defenders to fire projectiles at any foes within the passageway. |
Hence, the previous superpower demonologies now appear incongruous, if not ludicrous, when occasionally applied to their nuclear foes. |
It was as though the dragon was attempting to psyche his foes out before the confrontation even started in the heat of the desert. |
Though the Syrian and Iraqi Baath parties were bitter foes, there was consolation in that both were members of a confederacy of despotisms. |
In tributes and memorial speeches Paul has been eulogized by political friends and foes as honest, principled, and unpretentious. |
In ancient Rome, emperors would divine truth by reading the entrails of animals or vanquished foes. |
Like many self-rule foes, Hussein dismisses plans for a regional government as a PYD bid to establish a political monopoly. |
Even political foes admit that he is pleasant company and a sparkling wit. |
To defeat this new generation of foes, it must alter its geostrategy and relax its self-imposed constraints on the use of military, political, and social power. |
That perception is a much bigger problem for supporters of same-sex marriage than its foes. |
But Brown had not been among those Johnson heard speak of the cops as foes. |
Victories won through aggressive offensive action would give a small army a moral ascendancy over its foes, allowing it to obtain decisive victory. |
In fact, foes of abortion have opposed most every single public policy that contributes to lowering the abortion rate in America. |
Likewise, fighters who feign wounds or injury to lure the enemy within striking range teach their foes to view enemy wounded as a threat, placing all injured soldiers at risk. |
In addition to human foes, Australian flying foxes must contend with a number of natural predators, including pythons, wedge-tailed eagles and powerful owls. |
This month alone, my cats have vanquished all manner of foes, from a wood pigeon to a terrier-Pekinese cross, to a family-sized bag of Kettle Chips. |
A double biography of Rommel and Montgomery, foes in North Africa in World War II, splendidly brings both military men to life. |
But behind the outwardly chummy relations between the two countries, it has been business as usual for Russian agents, who have continued to spy on their former Cold War foes. |
A brilliant computer nerd overcame entrenched foes and now heads the firm. |
She relies on stealth and sneaking around to evade foes or avoid damage. |
Creatively, this adds a heightened amount of tension to the timed face-off, as a win crushes the morale of your foes, while a loss ends your game immediately. |
To facilitate this, a chat function has been implemented that sends readable text to friendly units, and presents an incomprehensible alphanumerical stream to foes. |
Certainly the proclamation was variously appreciated and feared in its own day, by friends and foes alike. |
They decapitate those men deemed foes of their faith and celebrate the gore online, holding up the severed heads. |
Bunkered in a gated community, away from friends and foes alike, John Edwards lives a lonely life. |
The fireballs simply swirled into a funnel when they neared the foes chest, and the entire cockatrice glowed a bright blue as the magic was absorbed into its body. |
Fine, if he has a good basis for foreseeing mutual compromises from the old foes. |
For Nixon, it was the Watergate break-in, designed to filch political plans of his 1972 foes. |
Then you will notice that the original founders of religion, admirably laying hold of pure simplicity, were the bitterest foes of literary learning. |
Charging your guns up for some time before shooting does a whole lot more damage to your foes than just shooting them with your standard little popgun. |
Like a picador, he takes his time to sap the strength of his foes before clubbing them unconscious. |
It suffered the fate of all unsectarianism, and made him to be as one man in the midst of foes. |
Supporters and foes commend Pearson's deftness at getting things done, her ability to buttress her passions with an armload of facts. |
And rush upon his foes and take on them his wreak, At push of sword and pike, in fury uncontrolled. |
It was a gracious touch, a rhetorical olive branch to his vanquished foes. |
So, to find out that one of James Bond's most famous foes may have been based on a real life chap, is something of a mindblower. |
Though they're still no match for new weapons like the Mutator, a biological gun that causes foes to blow up into a caustic acidlike mist. |
Much of his own prolific work is lost, though a fair amount is rescuable from quotations in others, friends and foes. |
Reid has also long had an innate ability to co-opt or neutralize his foes. |
Old foes Patrice Evra and Luis Suarez were reunited again almost four years after the racial abuse row that saw the Uruguayan fined and banned. |
You know that in so great a state as this, Two mightie foes can never well agree. |
Against his foes in battaile shewing force, And after fight in victorie remorse. |
New York City traffic agents have become Gridlock Busters and cigarette foes are smokebusters. |
Imputed by his friends to the clearedness, by his foes to the searedness, of his conscience. |
So fit to shoot, she singled forth among her foes who first her quarry's strength should feel. |
Civilian attitudes in Britain to their German foes were still not as intense as they were to become after the Blitz. |
The breakup of the Carolingian Empire was accompanied by invasions, migrations, and raids by external foes. |
Alexander waged war against many foes, like the revitalized Persia and German peoples who invaded Gaul. |
After quickly returning fire, they pursued their foes, screaming in the Highland charge. |
On the other hand, the Bf 109E had a much larger turning circle than its two foes. |
With new vigour he returned to his Northumbrian foes, devastated their armies and slaughtered a series of their kings. |
Accompanied by a number of companions, the Doctor combats a variety of foes, while working to save civilisations and help people in need. |
The enemy, outnumbered, outmetalled, outfed, outmanoeuvred, outfought, was being driven backward by foes invisible as well as visible. |
In wars waged against external foes, the objective was typically the acquisition of booty or the enforcement of tribute. |
Under this protection, Malacca flourished, becoming one of Ayutthaya's great foes until the capture of Malacca by the Portuguese. |
Meanwhile, Webster's old foes the Republicans attacked the man, labeling him mad for such an undertaking. |
Meanwhile, Webster's old foes, the Jeffersonian Republicans, attacked the man, labelling him mad for such an undertaking. |
Recently, however, historians have been more kindly, measuring him not against Wellington but against his American foes. |
He was filled with the embittered suspicions of a hunted animal, seeing enmity and treachery in his friends and deadly foes in his neighbours. |
Moreover, what need more at this juncture is astute diplomacy to strike a golden mean between friends and the foes. |
Players can squash these foes with falling ingredients, stun them with pepper from a collected peppershaker or burn them with hot sauce. |
And in the Dutchman's expert view United will blast away all foes on their way to a fifth Premiership title. |
In fact, during his career he has been known by friends and foes alike to be a bit of a dissembler and a maneuverer. |
Shapeliest of them all is Pagan pugilist Aneka whose novel method of laying out her foes is to seduce them one by one. |
Rausseo, known as the Count of Guacharo, might be seen as a neither-nor candidate for those alienated by both the Chavez administration and its traditional foes. |
The Arikara Indians were from time to time among the foes of the Mandans. |
How Lucine battles and becomes one with her undead foes is what Angry Art Press is sure will entice genre fans, who are desperate for a more hands-on, feral approach vs. |
From the opposing perspectives of abortion supporters and foes, Reproductive Health Services was viewed as either a place of refuge or a killing field. |
Full of cunning folk with a thirst for the dark arts, Slytherin are bitter foes of Harry's house, Gryffindor, who are renowned for their daring and bravery. |
Even though the Romans were outnumbered in their campaign against the tribes of Britain, they often had difficulties in getting their foes to face them in open battle. |
He appears not so much as a revolt against societal standards as an embodiment of them, being generous, pious, and courteous, opposed to stingy, worldly, and churlish foes. |
That, however, was clearly a hostile description by the Federalists' foes, of whom Jefferson was one, and not a name used by the Federalists themselves. |
He whose laws are everywhere incessantly self executing needs not to select and group and reserve his friends or foes for any climateric catastrophe. |
All the deaths were in Pando province, where Mr Morales declared martial law, dispatching troops and accusing government foes of killing his supporters. |
The four kings that followed Tullus continued the Roman tradition of endless war, with campaigns against formidable foes like the Veii, the Aequans and the Volscians. |
The McCain-Feingold law denies to gunfolks and right-to-lifers their basic First Amendment right to name friends and foes in ads run before elections. |
His foes were the most powerful he had ever encountered, including the region's most affluent families, Boston's legal establishment, and the large State Street bankers. |
The world's biggest trees faced one of their fiercest foes Tuesday as a hot summer brush fired raged for a third straight day across Sequoia National Monument. |