Factors ranging from pollution to water turbines, dams and weirs, for example, also account for the loss of eels. |
Factors like peer pressure and the accessibility of cigarettes might lead them to try smoking. |
Factors that may limit the usefulness of tanks in clearance operations include the following. |
Factors like these are important to consider when deciding how much of your construction budget to direct toward greening the exterior. |
Factors regulating fatty acid synthesis and controlling total oil content in oilseed crops are still poorly understood. |
Factors contributing to the pollution threat is the lack of control over the subdivision of land and massive new developments in the area. |
Factors like birth rates and expected housing developments are being considered in the plan. |
Factors taken into consideration include the saleability and rentability of the property. |
Factors as diverse as skeletal muscle pathology and sucking a digit can substantially influence the growth of the face and dentition. |
Factors with symmetrical multiplicative effects were identified in the formula. |
Factors of production do not move easily across national boundaries in response to wage price differentials. |
Factors such as alcohol abuse and hepatitis C may accelerate disease expression. |
Factors such as the liberality of the family and adherence to social mores influence reaction and tolerance. |
Factors such as the infrastructure committed to transporting millions of tonnes of coal from mines to washeries and then to power stations. |
Travis runs a network of 700 branches which trade under a variety of names including Commercial Ceiling Factors and Keyline. |
Factors related to the delegatee include trustworthiness, which depends on knowledge, ability, and motivation. |
Factors such as climatic change, pollution, habitat destruction, hunting, etc¿are propitiating the extinction of many species. |
Factors ranging from the sequester to the ongoing crisis in Europe have the capacity to sandbag the economic expansion. |
She also completed a Master of Science in Human Factors and System Safety with Lund University in Sweden. |
Factors which contributed to the improvement in the external debt position of developing countries are manyfold. |
Factors such as adjacency and historical dependence are taken into account, but there is no consistency in the application of these criteria. |
Factors to weigh in making a decision about insulation material include insulative value, cost, flammability, toxicity, durability, and availability. |
Factors which have prompted men to take to their ironing boards are said to be a general increase in male grooming and a growing number of divorced or single men living alone. |
Factors in the human-built environment such as housing, workplace safety, community and road design are also important influences. |
Factors that impact on the rotator cuff also impact on the bursae, and inflammation of both structures often occurs together. |
Factors that once worked against him, like his Sasquatch-esque hairstyle, are now a positive. |
Factors such as globalisation can be seen to have enhanced the possibilities of laundering dirty money and the means of avoiding prosecution. |
Factors in the form of constant amounts are not variable and therefore are not market factors, even if they change as a linear function of time. |
Factors contributing to continence include the integrity of the sphincter muscles, the force of bowel contraction, consistency of stools, and cognitive factors. |
Factors to be considered include the vehicle class, the distance travelled, the type of route and the time of day. |
Factors contributing to diverticular formation include a pressure gradient between the lumen and serosa and areas of relative weakness in the bowel wall. |
Factors to consider are researcher beliefs and attitudes, facts and ideas, the attribution of causation, and the discovery role of historical writing. |
Factors that affect biotic potential include the age at which reproduction begins, how long individuals remain reproductive, and how much offspring are produced by each reproductive event. |
Factors such as these must be controlled for in order to prevent a mismeasurement of the causality relationship. |
The Growth Factors and anabolic compounds in Pure Factors Ultimate are naturally derived from Velvet Antler and Tribulus. |
Factors independently associated with de-escalation were apyrexia at 72Â hours after initiation of antifungals, empirical treatment strategy, and mechanical ventilation. |
Factors which affect the conditional probability of a certain sequence of events following a discharge of hazardous substances depend on the accident location and its surroundings. |
Psychological Factors The controlling feature of bariatric surgery, which encompasses all the types of weight-loss surgery, is similar to that of the drug Antabuse for treating alcoholism: If you eat too much, you throw up. |
With a team of 6 specialists, with backgrounds in engineering, psychology and kinesiology, Human Factors North provides the full range of ergonomics expertise. |
Factors to consider include barriers and enablers related to the learner, the teaching environment, the institutional milieu and geographic location. |
Factors Affecting Ectomycorrhizal Roots and Rhizosphere in Silver Birch Stands. |
And, as the Idols and the X Factors and the Got Talents – and their unrelated offshoots about dancing and skating and diving – have multiplied around the world, this is the blueprint that would-be judges have seized upon. |
Factors Affecting Acid-Base Stability of the Interlace Between Polyaniline Emeraldine Salt and Oxide Covered Metal. |
Factors taken into consideration are work performance, attendance, initiative, proactivity and motivation. |
Factors in topical agents—such as platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, and hyaluronate accelerate the repair of acute and chronic skin wounds and reduce scarring. |
Factors affecting this include: response to morphological and hydrodynamic habitat characteristics, photoperiod, competitors or predators, schooling, and optical, acoustical, tactile and rheotactic stimuli. |
Factors involving a vertebrate host are also important in establishing trematode or cestode infections after encysted or encapsulated larval stages have been ingested. |
Factors such as geographic and social isolation, racism, incarceration, sexism, poverty, violence, classism, and poor social determinants of health, continue to deny treatment access. |
Factors affecting an accurate reading of the vessel's draught marks during loading were as follows: cold weather, poor lighting, driving rain, darkness, and a flashlight with reportedly insufficient candle power. |
Some of my greatest insights came from studying the works of Dr. Sidney Dekker, Professor of Human Factors and Flight Safety and Director of Research at the School of Aviation at Lund University in Sweden. |
Factors such as wealth and high population densities in cities forced the ancient Romans to discover new architectural solutions of their own. |
Factors generally associated with increased fertility include religiosity, intention to have children, and maternal support. |
Factors such as the type of soil, vegetation present, and altitude have no effect on the areas that moles choose to inhabit. |
Factors such as the chemistry of the environment may have been responsible for changes. |
Power Transfer Distribution Factors play a crucial role in power grid security analysis, planning, and redispatch. |
Factors known to encourage the growth of harmful bacteria inside cooling systems include the stagnation of the water. |
Factors regulating changes of head-to-head agglutinability in boar spermatozoa during epididymal transit and capacitation in vitro. |
Factors such as the range length and expected strength of the wind determine the best type of flag to use. |
Factors in a rider's physical geometry that contribute to seating posture include torso, arm, thigh and leg length, and overall rider height. |
Factors that contribute to female preference may include the size, dominance and spatial ability of the male. |
Factors such as a global recession and the appreciation of the Australian dollar were cited as influential. |
Factors that should be considered include: will funds be required in shorter term or longer term, how does tax savings on RRSP contribution compare to taxes paid on RRSP withdrawal, etc. |
Factors of poverty, nonliterate home environments and the circumstances of marginalized groups such as girls and women all contribute to the situation. |
Factors associated with subsequent arch reintervention after initial balloon aortoplasty in patients with Norwood procedure and arch obstruction. |
Factors such as nutrition and the nature of the individual's environment are more important in predicting development than is the presence of an intellectual disability. |
Factors that could have a material effect on the operations of Alamogordo Financial Corp. |
Factors contributing to the failure to meet our target were extended study leave for four employees writing their final Chartered Accountant exams, and extended sick leave for one member of our staff. |
Factors that are considered when selecting the cover material for the blankets include durability, fire resistance, weight, impermeability, and ease of fabrication. |
Factors that will assist in determining acceptability of such footage will include the extent of the identifiable images, on the one hand, and the justifiability of their use, on the other. |
Sarah Sharples, professor of human factors at the University of Nottingham and president of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, said much more research was needed. |
Factors associated with poor prognosis were identified. |
Factors to consider also include:, compensating disabilities, providing habilitation and rehabilitation, minimising the economic and social consequences of disabilities, health inequalities. |
Factors inhibiting the growth and survival of Pacific Northwest salmonids have received extensive attention for over 50 years. |
Factors influencing the selection of communal roost sites by the Black Vulture Coragyps atratus in an urban area in Central Amazon. |
Factors such as viruses, anticancer drugs, hormones, radiation and toxic materials, including cadmium, induce cell death in seminiferous tubules. |
Factors behind the lack of retention are principally the reassignment and retirement of staff, along with the fact that such training does not reach all staff. |
Factors contributing to this improvement include the consolidation of purchases from selected carriers and a general rationalization within the industry. |
Factors to consider include the intensity and frequency of the exposure, and whether infrequent or occasional exposure to second hand smoke could really cause lasting ill effects. |
Factors such as older siblings, busy work schedules and exhausted stay-at-home moms and dads, make the ideal television-free environment seem a little unrealistic. |
Factors associated with an unmet psychosocial need included higher psychological distress, a lower sense of control, lower self-rated health, and a smaller social network. |
Factors to consider in choosing an executor include the age and the health of the person, where they live, their financial stability and their ability to manage the concerns of others and be impartial. |
Factors affecting zooplankton community of the Gulf of Finland, with respect to native and introduced predatory cladoceran interactions. |
Factors such as alcohol abuse and poverty are increasingly being recognized as the symptoms they are of a broader explanation based on the impact of colonization. |
Factors that control the pretension are bolt material strength, thread conditions, the diameter of the annular groove, and the surface conditions at the nut-washer interface. |
Factors affecting levels of nitrosamines include the tobacco blends and curing process used. |
The Index is a composite rating of countries based on their scores in three subindexes OTT Readiness, OTT Intensity and Local Factors. |
Factors that may have influenced low response rates include survey fatigue, time limitations and the transitory nature of electoral assistance work. |
Factors affecting the integrity of high density lipoproteins in the ultracentrifuge. |
Factors affecting HIV concordancy in married couples in four African cities. |
Factors that have had an impact on the natural environment and its balance include habitat fragmentation, urbanization, the conversion of forests into farmland, global warming and wetland destruction. |
Factors of this kind help to explain why administrators and many groups of stakeholders take an ambivalent or fragmented approach to regulating alien species introductions. |
The Influence of Health Policy and Market Factors on the Hospital Safety Net. |
Investigating the Motivative Factors Reverse Immigration and its Effect on Social and Economic Development. |
Factors related to variability in feeding intensity of juvenile coho salmon and chinook salmon. |
Factors controlling tadpole populations of the chorus frog on Isle Royale, Michigan. |
Factors influencing the ranching of the abalone species along the Namaqualand coast of South Africa. |
Factors that influence the duration of the staminate and pistillate phases of Lobelia cardinalis flowers. |
Factors predictive of outcome after use of the Ponseti method for the treatment of idiopathic clubfeet. |
Factors such as heat and varicosities may cause fertility problems amongst men. |
Evaluating Plant Species Diversity and Physiographical Factors in Natural Broad Leaf Forest. |
Factors controlling long-term changes of the eutrophicated ecosystem of Parnu Bay, Gulf of Riga. |
Factors include temperature, water flow, nutrients, pipe material and condition, residual disinfectant, free-living phagocytic amoebae, mycobacteriophages, and other bacteria. |
Factors of particular importance were the effects of the king posts and the facia boards on vertical deflection of the ridge beam and horizontal deflection of the wall plates. |
Stengel P, Douglas J, Guerif J, Gross M, Monnier R, Cannel R Factors influencing the variation of some properties of soils in relation to their suitability for direct drill. |
Factors of a motorcycle's ergonomic geometry that determine the seating posture include the height, angle and location of footpegs, seat and handlebars. |
Factors affecting temperature distribution in microwaved foods. |
Factors affecting the clinical value of microscopy for acid-fast bacilli. |
Factors associated with appendicular bone mass in older women. |
Factors that were fundamental during this process were patient and data safety, confidentiality, accuracy of information, organization and retrievability of the data. |
Factors affecting the increase in military budget are economic growth, ageing equipment, and the plan to strengthen the establishment of the defence industry in the region. |
Factors that affect the depth and thickness of a thermocline include seasonal weather variations, latitude and local environmental conditions, such as tides and currents. |
Intervention Factors for Promoting Adjustment to Nightwork and Shiftwork. |
Factors such as climate change, fishing practices, and ocean fertilization have a substantial effect on patterns of primary production in the euphotic zone. |
Calpine Corporation, a leading independent power company, today announced it has acquired the PowerSuite software technology from Power Factors, Inc. |
Factors independently associated with caspofungin resistance were recent echinocandin exposure, total parenteral nutrition, and monocytopenia or severe lymphopenia. |
Factors such as pantascopic tilt, panoramic tilt and vertex distance are taken into account, resulting in lenses that optimize the performance of each individual prescription. |