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How to use ears in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word ears? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Earphones are put over your ears and quiet clicking noises are played to each ear.
They may not be grabbing headlines or standing out but they are having quiet words in ears and giving assurance.
Her ears twisted round to the sound of scraping at the door, her eyes now fully awake narrowed as she remembered the dumbness of dogs.
Rats have quite large ears unlike voles, so Ratty is in fact a water vole not a rat.
Roger's Rangers were involved in many scouting and reconnaissance mission, acting as the eyes and ears for the English troops.
If you continue to get a build-up of wax in your ears then you may find that using ear drops regularly helps the wax drain out.
The silence drew out, raining down on her ears endlessly until it grew its own sound, a buzzing like a radio wave.
He tilted his head and cocked his foxlike ears at an angle that mirrored the devilish sparkle in his brown eyes.
She looks like a disgruntled old man, her ears red, her scalp bald and splotchy.
Bethany also acts as her parents' ears as both are deaf, since contracting measles in childhood.
She swallowed, trying to control her fury as Matt's scornful laughter reached her ears once again.
On a notable day in July the cub was snoozing with his sisters within the band of trees, ears alert for danger signals.
With his ears up and his eyes bright, Hold That Tiger completed the drill after earlier jogging once around the track.
My toes were gently caressed by the backwash of warm foamy waves, and I followed the strange vibrations of the sound, my ears stuck in a trance.
A shrill roar rumbled out from its mouth, and he cupped his hands over his ears to try to block it out.
Didi is a registered pure-bred gold schipperke, the colour of a golden fox, with foxy ears and a pointy foxy snout.
Small, pointed white ears projected from her head and a long flowing white tail protruded from her backside.
Animal pathologists found the mammals had suffered internal bleeding in the ears and the brain.
Sound pressure against the ears is measured in decibels on a scale that is logarithmic.
When one of the children spoke Finnish, they were all lined up and had their ears boxed one by one.
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