Earphones are put over your ears and quiet clicking noises are played to each ear. |
They may not be grabbing headlines or standing out but they are having quiet words in ears and giving assurance. |
Her ears twisted round to the sound of scraping at the door, her eyes now fully awake narrowed as she remembered the dumbness of dogs. |
Rats have quite large ears unlike voles, so Ratty is in fact a water vole not a rat. |
Roger's Rangers were involved in many scouting and reconnaissance mission, acting as the eyes and ears for the English troops. |
If you continue to get a build-up of wax in your ears then you may find that using ear drops regularly helps the wax drain out. |
The silence drew out, raining down on her ears endlessly until it grew its own sound, a buzzing like a radio wave. |
He tilted his head and cocked his foxlike ears at an angle that mirrored the devilish sparkle in his brown eyes. |
She looks like a disgruntled old man, her ears red, her scalp bald and splotchy. |
Bethany also acts as her parents' ears as both are deaf, since contracting measles in childhood. |
She swallowed, trying to control her fury as Matt's scornful laughter reached her ears once again. |
On a notable day in July the cub was snoozing with his sisters within the band of trees, ears alert for danger signals. |
With his ears up and his eyes bright, Hold That Tiger completed the drill after earlier jogging once around the track. |
My toes were gently caressed by the backwash of warm foamy waves, and I followed the strange vibrations of the sound, my ears stuck in a trance. |
A shrill roar rumbled out from its mouth, and he cupped his hands over his ears to try to block it out. |
Didi is a registered pure-bred gold schipperke, the colour of a golden fox, with foxy ears and a pointy foxy snout. |
Small, pointed white ears projected from her head and a long flowing white tail protruded from her backside. |
Animal pathologists found the mammals had suffered internal bleeding in the ears and the brain. |
Sound pressure against the ears is measured in decibels on a scale that is logarithmic. |
When one of the children spoke Finnish, they were all lined up and had their ears boxed one by one. |
Tweed, tatty hair-cuts, lots of comb-overs, ruddy cheeks, red fleshy ears and the most enormous blue velour rosettes abound. |
His hair showed an unruly tendency to curl, flipping out at his ears and twisting in tangles. |
Amy moved in something between a death-row shuffle and a proud march as Hart sidled close to her, ears leveled with uncertainty. |
His pleas fell on deaf ears as the jury took less than an hour to find him guilty. |
A soothing song, played on lutes and other stringed instruments, was carried into his ears as he closed his eyes. |
For as long as I can remember, he has looked like an elephant, heavy and lumbering with big ears and baggy wrinkled skin. |
Yet voice-over is always a trifle distancing, and particularly so when the language of the 1770s sounds so archaic to our ears today. |
Her ears picked up the sound of a soft rustle, and then beneath it, the quiet steady thudding of cushioned weight hitting the ground. |
Eric thought he could make out some noise coming from the man, but the air rushing across his ears dampened it. |
But the white horse shied away from her, his wild eyes showing their whites, ears laid back in fear. |
When we entered, our ears were assaulted by the hideous muzak dripping from the sound system. |
The strange thing was, audiences appeared to enjoy having their eyes and ears assaulted by what they saw, and they kept on coming back for more. |
Does every sorority slasher flick have to assault our ears with the negligible talents of a really lousy frathouse party band? |
The viewer's eyes and ears are assaulted for hours by sights and sounds of hitting, slapping, slugging, whipping, and torturing. |
The thunder of footsteps assaulted her ears as she wrenched open the door, eyes flashing with ire. |
Her ears were assaulted with the sounds of chattering guests and tinkling glasses, practically drowning out the background music. |
Again, they all seem as interested in assaulting our ears as they are with fighting evil. |
I could hear the distant rumble of thunder in the background but all sound was lost to my ears as Darius walked in. |
The sound of thunder rumbled through my ears and a flash of lightning appeared here and there. |
His experienced ears have picked up the faint, deep, drumming sound of a ruffed grouse. |
Anna was average looking, aside from her large ears that seemed to stick out a lot to her. |
Fervently, she shook her head at each accusation he made, holding her hands over her ears in hope of blocking out such hurtful and sharp words. |
A blogger nearby perked his ears up from three feet away and started live-blogging the conversation. |
I repudiated him, made little of his death, shut my ears to his invitations, disregarded his warnings. |
My little sister and all my other little girly cousins went to the chemist to get their ears pierced. |
Microscopic crystals of aragonite located in the inner ears of zebrafish control balance and hearing. |
A pair of short, pointed ears were on the upper rear portion of its long, aquiline skull. |
I awoke again in a dazzling fluorescent haze, my ears filled with the soft rushing noise of rubber wheels on linoleum. |
Milo's steed, a roan stallion with a flaxen mane and tail, looked at her with ears pricked up. |
At feeding time, the dominant mare will walk up to the feed trough and pin her ears back, immediately all the other horses move out of her road. |
The colour rose in her cheeks, reddening even her ears poking through her blonde hair. |
The sound of explosions rippling across the city reached his ears as he lay awake in bed. |
Hugh's ears are pointed and his eyes are like these limpid pools I keep hearing so much about. |
In the days after the riots, police spies were out in force, creeping through the capital with their ears open for sedition. |
The audible ringing was still echoing through her head, buzzing in her ears and making her feel as her whole life had only been a dream. |
There is a ringing sound in her ears and she feels as though she is drifting out of consciousness. |
Their conversation rings in my ears and I mentally block it all out, straining the muscles around my head, looking for focus. |
Before she could blink, she was sprawled a few feet back, her ears still ringing from the force of the blow. |
I finally look up at his face, because his voice is so loud that I feel my ears are ringing. |
But if your ears ring after loud noise or your hearing goes a little blurry, that means they are temporarily damaged. |
All of a sudden his ears started ringing, the thing was screaming, and loud. |
My ears were still ringing from the sounds I had heard earlier on at the police station. |
My ears were still ringing from the crashing guitar chords, and my head hurt. |
After almost ten seconds of continuous fire everyone stopped, their ears ringing viciously. |
The boom was loud enough to make my ears ring, even through the protective mufflers of the helmet. |
Their opponents were not as well off, their ears ringing and their eyes stinging from the charge. |
His ears pounded and his lips trembled, but Tony didn't skirt around anything. |
Her echo bounced from wall to wall, penetrating his ears like an unsolvable riddle. |
Leonard Hatred demonstrates his invention Psilence, an anti-noise spray that is applied directly to the ears sealing them up. |
His rheumy eyes were wandering sightlessly, but his ears were locked on me and twitching. |
What his ears were picking up last week were the first signs of a peasant's revolt against Brown. |
External features such as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears can be seen, and fingers and toes start to appear. |
You may also feel a lump in your throat and intense pain shooting into your ears when you swallow. |
A loud, metallic sound resonated in his ears as he reached out, slamming his hands against the crusted, unseen surface. |
In the past, youthful misdeeds would eventually reach the ears of mum and dad. |
As his muzzle touched the water, his tongue lapped at it, his ears pricked up, and his eyes opened weakly. |
My ears cannot stand the sound, especially when my mind is still in that ever so far away land of dreams. |
Screams of pain, yells of anger, crashes of metal on metal, blasts of magic, and snaps of armor or people all ran across his ears at once. |
I would not even ask him for charity, or have it dinned into his ears that it is his duty to help the poor. |
The little garden is filled with flowers that would appeal to a child, such as lamb's ears and pansies. |
He seized the parson by the chin and ears and yerked him upwards several times. |
I could have boxed his ears and found some ways of permanently keeping him away from me. |
Finally, my ears perked when she rattled off our room numbers and allotted our keys. |
The sounds struck her all at once, as if the volume on her ears had suddenly been turned up. |
Job explained that wicked and good alike rose and fell and the work of men perished like ears of corn. |
The ensuing horn blast was loud enough to stun even the Elves, who immediately clapped their hands over their ears and writhed in discomfort. |
This is one walk that you will be more than glad to have a woolly hat with you, to keep your ears nice and toasty. |
A mind can more easily hold a wolf by the ears than steady itself in spiritual experience. |
Here are penned beasts, goats and spotted cattle, swaying their streaming heads and watching me, ears flapping over woven withy walls. |
So she goes off to kinder today to show off both her newly pierced ears and new sneakers. |
As many as two-thirds of the shoots produced in a winter wheat crop may fail to survive to form ears and yield grain. |
Shaggy yaks stomp around threshing circles, ears of barley are thrashed with sticks and winnowed by singing villagers in twos and threes. |
When I was around ten years old, all the kids at school, including the boys, were getting their ears pierced. |
The news media serves as a window to events that we cannot encounter, acting as our eyes and ears when our own eyes and ears are occupied. |
His ears were ringing from the explosion of the gun and the kickback had bruised his shoulder when the gun went off. |
Did anyone else grab their ears and winch in pain when Kevin began to sing on Monday's show? |
Lindbergh made them laugh by wiggling his ears and his shoes were so big that they put puppets in them at night. |
My heart was thumping so loudly in my ears I thought it was going to explode. |
Once she reached her two story home, her ears were assaulted with the sounds of feet thumping around upstairs. |
Blinking to reaccustom herself to the darkness, Lexa already had her hands over her ears when the deafening blast of thunder reached her. |
With that, Jinx waved desperately and lashed his tail and laid his ears back in a picture of agitation. |
His voice was but a whisper and my recovering ears just registered the word. |
Finally, the cat sat in the middle of the street washing himself, lifting first one paw and then the other to clean his ears and whiskers. |
Her ears twisted until they stuck out sideways, she took several rasping breaths. |
That spooked the horse because his head and ears picked up and he let out a shrill whinny. |
The wolf's ears deflated, the look on his face quickly taking a run for depression, a lamenting whine emitting from his throat. |
Now I'm not going to be able to think of anything else but her ears while watching the movie. |
The paper is positioned just where his face ought to be, and all I see of him are two ears and a tuft of hair. |
Although most Borders have dark ears and muzzles, their coats may be grizzle and tan, blue and tan, red or wheaten. |
His hair reached just past his shoulders and pointed ears were sticking out from his hair. |
Alain cupped his ears as the creature's high pitched scream shattered every window pane in the room. |
I went out as a sort of wet behind the ears completely ignorant 21 year old and spent 18 months in Madagascar. |
At that point the sensitive hound ears picked up another presence and he bounded over to greet me. |
There was a wolf sitting on the gleaming linoleum outside the office, head cocked, ears pricked. |
The echo of a soft knock found its way to Rose's ears as she slowly drifted awake. |
At last I was a specialist in health psychology, but still a bit wet behind the ears professionally. |
The new breed of politicians should no longer be wet behind the ears and need to start acting like experienced rulers. |
Amaiya opened her mouth to reply, but her hands flew to her ears as a banshee wail hammered the sky. |
Tell me son have you ever cut turf before, following up with, it's just that you look a bit wet behind the ears for this job. |
His head was down and his ears back, his coat somewhat darker with the wet. |
Casa volunteers serve as the eyes and ears of both the guardian ad litem and the court. |
Many student activists continued to advocate an electoral boycott, a campaign which has fallen on deaf ears among the mass of the population. |
When my open-minded father learned Spanish, I stopped my ears when he played his language tapes and repeated perro 20 times. |
The lagomorph's ears twitched as six black tentacles covered in suckers and small spines came bursting from its ears. |
Overall the sheltie is a compact dog with a moderately long head, the tiniest of ears and an expression of wisdom and kindness. |
The musician with big ears has an advantage when responding to band mates and improvising against them. |
Truman meowed again and accepted the offered scratch behind the ears with great appreciation. |
Only ears attuned to the metre will hear it, but the shock of recognition is matched by a jarring discord. |
Elephant ears grow in and around the falls, and water ouzels somehow manage to build their homes behind the fall's tremendous flow of water. |
She couldn't answer any questions because my ears were so red it was putting her off. |
Why not give broadcast journalism a whirl and have your voice perk up ears all over the city? |
If you can make out a soft purr, or a meow, or maybe the gentle sound of milk being lapped up from a dish, do not assume that your ears are deceiving you. |
If your ears are tired of slick auto-tuned vocals, pick up this disk for an aural detox. |
The bebop legend drove jazz into territories that continue to awe listeners with ears fast enough to keep up. |
Odysseus ordered his men to stuff their ears with beeswax as they rowed by. |
The flies were all over his ears and eyes, and I brushed them away and picked him up. |
These walls have ears and your words could easily cost you your life. |
This recipe calls for brushing the ears with a melted butter, cilantro, and hot red-chile mixture. |
My ears were met with the noise of Bam nervously jangling his car keys. |
In the frigid dark silence he sat, the familiar rumble of the transport flooded his ears as they traversed the wastelands, almost lulling him to sleep. |
Sweet music to the ears of his manager, who was his usual mixture of confidence and quiet sophistication on Friday as he discussed how to improve on winning the double. |
My ears ache, my legs ache, when I lie down my head fills up with liquid. |
He cocked his ears and tilted his head to study the other with cold eyes. |
They didn't like little ears to hear their juicy if not racy gossip. |
Research released by the RNID in May showed more than two thirds of regular gig goers have ringing in their ears or suffer hearing problems after the events. |
Usually, the lower back is weak and sore, there is ringing in the ears and loss of hearing acuity, the face is ashen or dark, especially under the eyes. |
The construction workers wear soft eyes that soak up the morning sun, and the janitors have attentive ears that listen to the jostle of walking mobs. |
Her breath sounded ragged in her ears and her chest was tight. |
He kept throwing glances at the river with ears flat against his skull. |
He was then literally slapped around by the high priest, who pulled on his ears in an effort to produce tears. |
His neck is always craned, ears pricked, waiting for cymbal splash of Art happening. |
Those words must be ringing in poor Kelly's ears like a shrill alarm bell. |
She noticed long ears protruding from the thin wisps of hair. |
Without the beeps and whirs of a cellphone, you can use your ears to detect crickets, mice, or other vermin in your home. |
The giant bear flicked his ears and, with unmistakable restraint, swung away and disappeared into the trees. |
Silver-leafed artemisia varieties, lamb's ears and herbs, such as lavender, contribute grayish-silver foliage that are both handsome and aromatic. |
The monarch-attracting butterflyweed, verbena, lantana, ornamental grass, dietes, daylilies, black elephant ears and white-topped sedge set a natural stage for the water. |
A woman who was sitting with the father would later tell police that she ducked down and covered her ears as he returned fire. |
People driving along with phones stuck to their ears have long angered me. |
Then feast your ears on this 1969 Bill Cosby routine about drugging and seducing women. |
Their blades clashed and left her ears ringing at the sudden noise. |
I woke again with a pounding headache and my ears were ringing. |
I stopped halfway through my swing, my ears ringing from the loud sound. |
Blues sagged to the ground with his ears ringing from the noise. |
He panted hard, his ears ringing and heart pounding against his chest. |
Her ears were straining to pick up the sound of the telephone ring. |
Lord Cecil's admonishment still rang in her ears and the memory of the pressure of his fingers on her arm had yet to fade hours after the occurrence. |
I grew up in a town covered in smog, memories of the legendary Mannion and Hardwick ringing in our ears and the prospect of the club never doing owt. |
Tiny diagrammatic shapes seemed to float in the darkness when I closed my eyes, and my ears sensed the lingering reverberation of a guitar in the distance. |
The roan the girl was riding snorted and pulled back it's ears in protest. |
The wind roared in his ears as the trees whipped by on either side of him. |
So, Arctic hares, for example, have short ears close to their bodies. |
Her ears picked up the sound of a door closing and a lock catching. |
All the citizen sheep require is a shepherd to provide bread and circuses and to whisper electronic promises of security into their ears at night. |
It walked with a stalking grace that reminded me of a big cat, perhaps a lynx, especially with those tufted ears and cheeks, and the furry ruff around the neck. |
Open the door and the ears are practically assaulted with bird calls. |
A burst of noise and activity assaulted her ears as she walked in. |
They moved into the flat upstairs and they lumbered about like huge beasts, stomping up and down with no thought of the excess noise being transmitted to my ears below. |
It was a natural growth for a vital composer who had her ears keenly attuned to new developments, and could selectively integrate what she wanted into her own personal idiom. |
Yet the astonishing thing is that reports like these are music to the ears of the shiv Sena. |
Unlike most avant-garde composers from the fifties, Boulez has always found the physical act of making music a pleasurable exercise for both the ears and the spirit. |
His eyes and ears are covered, his wrists and ankles manacled. |
Two young stable boys with pointed ears and long manes of black hair grabbed the reins of their horses and steadied the animals as the riders dismounted. |
Rather than saying a prayer, he asked those with ears to hear to say a prayer in his stead. |
Bilbies, or rabbit eared bandicoots, are attractive little marsupials with long rabbit-like ears and beautiful silky blue-grey fur and long well furred tails. |
And now, in the light of the recent thaw in relations between Libya and the West, Scotland Yard detectives have agreed to carry her plea to the ears of the dictator. |
My ears prickled at the sound of the masculine voice from behind me. |
I noticed that the girl's ears had reddened with embarrassment. |
The voice is familiar to her and her cat ears perk up at the sound. |
Lost Canyons is a music CD resurrecting the haunting echoes of the Anasazi flute, an instrument lost to human ears for over a millennium. |
Injuries are rare, but cauliflower ears caused by heads bashing together sometimes happen. |
He delivereth the poor in his affliction, and openeth their ears in oppression. |
Olms have special sensors inside their ears that detect sound waves in the water as well as vibrations from the ground. |
The formal bureaucratic style jarred my ears and reminded me that I was indeed home, no wucking furries! |
It differs in its band of yellow fur around the neck and in having slightly larger ears and usually being slightly larger overall. |
They have small rounded, highly sensitive ears and sharp teeth adapted for eating small mammals, birds, insects, frogs, and carrion. |
Their body is covered by hair at 21 days, their eyes and ears open after three to four weeks, and they develop all their teeth by 42 days. |
He entertained the boys regularly with his ability to wiggle his ears and eyebrows, and with his stories. |
He is large, bent, black, lean, hairy and old, and his ears hang down to his waist. |
Their ears are generally large and pendulous, and the throatlatch and dewlap have a large amount of excess skin. |
In 2003 Daniel McCarthy suggested a triangular shape, with one side between the ears and a vertex towards the front of the head. |
She was an ash blonde with greenish eyes, beaded lashes, hair waved smoothly back from ears in which large jet buttons glittered. |
When they are upset, their ears blush a furious crimson, resembling red horns and adding to their diabolical image. |
In 409 Olympius fell to further intrigue, having his ears cut off before he was beaten to death. |
Her ears are pierced and she wears a number of rings on her fingers, including a distinctive thumb ring shaped like a small spoon. |
You try for his head, but he's hedgehogged round now, elbows beside his ears and you can't get him. |
I always supposed he was called Goog because the tiny flattened ears did nothing to interrupt the goog-like sweep from crown to jaw. |
Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. |
Listen here, Swing, old-timer, I got a long and gashly tale of wickedness to pour into those lily-white mule ears of yores. |
When you fellers was his age, you wa'n't dry behind the ears yet. He never was no kid. He was born a full-grown man. |
He saw how the candlesticks shone darkly in the vicinity of the diamond flames in Shevele's ears and on her silk dress collar. |
Palpate the scalp firmly above and behind the ears to detect craniotabes, a softening of the outer table of the skull. |
The reverberations of that Conreport of mine have been wringing in my ears for weeks. |
If you plant sixteen tomato plants, you will have tomatoes coming out of your ears by July! |
Hair cells were more severely damaged in blood injected ears than in cochleostomy only ears. |
Tidings had in some shape reached is ears that his father was not comfortably circumstanced as regarded money. |
No two hands are alike, and no two ears are entirely satisfied with exactly the same chordings. |
I swallowed hard, and I felt my ears beginning to burn. You know why? It was because of her boosies. |
If you can't make it to the mystical mudbath don't worry, I'll be your eyes and ears so you know what's really going on. |
They may not be the height of fashion, but burnt ears and forehead aren't funny. |
She laughed at my attempt, and I got a pull of the ears for daring to blinden myself. |
Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. |
Air moving into and out of the middle ears by way of the eustachian tubes equalizes pressure. |
I am all ears to find out how my car, which used to have a perfectly functional engine, will no longer start. |
Tinnitus is the medical name for hearing noises in one ear, both ears or in the head. |
One is pulling a funny face, while the other is making rabbit ears over his brother's head. |
Also there was Prince Charles and Camilla with Zara Phillips, Beatrice and Eugenie, and Peter Phillips, who made rabbit ears behind Wills' head. |
As I climbed with the pathetic yowls of a lost kitten ringing in my ears it was immediately obvious that what I'd heard was true. |
Contract awarded for hearing aid curveta retroauricular type for both ears to jose francisco cardoza bran, affiliate no. |
Our moms, and those who serve in that role, give advice and yack our ears off sometimes. |
He asked us to pass on regards to PC Paul Whitling who has damaged ears caused by the explosion. |
On shore, the mule's pinkish ears revolved lazily in the shade of the zaman tree. |
At least this taught me to hate violence which to me translated into thick ears or sound whoppings on the behind. |
The Ladies' was secluded at the end of a hallway where the sounds of feminine physiology would be safe from the ears of the village urolagniac. |
The massive tusker leading the herd stopped in his tracks. His ears went out, his long sinuous trunk up. |
Her hair hangs over her ears and flows to a taper at the back of her neck where it is held in place with a wide and circular black clasp. |
Its stalks usually produce two white kerneled ears that grow to about six or seven inches in length. |
And you can see from the Spockian ears and the raised eyebrows, he had a positive Mephistophelian look. |
In his own ears the words he spoke rang hollow, awkward, even impertinent. He could say nothing which did not seem hideously supercilious. |
I can run that remark of Alec's through my ears a dozen times now and find no particular reason for it to be rilesome. |
The noise of arquebuses and the ringing in the ears that it caused could also make it hard to hear shouted commands. |
Another well known example is the Field of Corn in Dublin, Ohio, where a hundreds on concrete ears of corn lay in a grassy field. |
In the United States, maize ears along with tobacco leaves are carved into the capitals of columns in the United States Capitol building. |
For this purpose, variegated and colored leaf forms as well as those with colorful ears are used. |
Whole ears of maize were often stored in corn cribs, and these whole ears are a sufficient form for some livestock feeding use. |
Some have argued it would have taken too many generations of selective breeding to produce large, compressed ears for efficient cultivation. |
Stands of silage maize are yet denser, and achieve a lower percentage of ears and more plant matter. |
Potato Head is an American toy that consists of a plastic potato and attachable plastic parts such as ears and eyes to make a face. |
In studies of visual discrimination, the position of the ears has been used as an indicator of emotional state. |
As predicted by Allen's rule for a northerly animal, the legs are stocky and the ears and tail are small. |
The Wild Beggars pillaged churches and monasteries, cutting off the noses and ears of priests and monks. |
The cama has ears halfway between the length of camel and llama ears, no hump, longer legs than the llama, and partially cloven hooves. |
When surveying an area for predators, zebras will stand in an alert posture with ears erect, head held high, and staring. |
She has ditched the red and white polka dots and Disney ears for the streamlined suits and engineered blades of short track speed skating. |
The hybrid foals lacked a dewlap and resembled the plains zebra apart from their larger ears and their hindquarters pattern. |
His ears were of moderate size, and his nose projected a little at the top and then bent ever so slightly inward. |
The aquila holds ears of grain, and another small child is seated before her holding grapes. |
Their ears are large internally but the external openings are small, and they are located four inches behind each eye. |
A few minutes later they reappeared, the horse with mud and turf still on its browband, Julian with his bat ears flapping and ruin in his eyes. |
Da Gama called him a spy, ordered the priests' lips and ears to be cut off and after sewing a pair of dog's ears to his head, sent him away. |
He also captured several rice vessels and cut off the crew's hands, ears and noses, dispatching them with an insulting note to the Zamorin. |
The authors Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight believe some carvings in the chapel to be ears of New World corn or maize. |
Our modern ears hear about Emmett Till now and ring with indignation. |
But the buxom beauty's sob story fell on deaf ears as the repo men towed the vehicle. |
All of the sailors had their ears plugged up with beeswax, except for Odysseus, who was tied to the mast as he wanted to hear the song. |
Numerous long scars and torn ears seen on males indicate that fighting is frequent. |
Many other mammals use the capillary network in oversized ears for the same purpose. |
Yet for a bunch of blokes with cauliflower ears and a tendency to swig Hai Karate, this England side do not do too badly. |
The eyes are small and hidden behind fur, while the ears are just small ridges in the skin. |
To show interest they raise their ears, while lowering the ears warns others to keep away. |
When launching an assertive attack, red foxes approach directly rather than sideways, with their tails aloft and their ears rotated sideways. |
Forest antelope often have very large ears and dark or striped colorations. |
Mental ears are thus evolutionary by retroflex recognizance, from the outcomes of experiment back to the experimental matrix itself and its shifting points of origin. |
Lift the hair either side of the parting and backcomb slightly with a bristle brush before using your fingers to separate the hair in half above your ears and pin in place. |
The ears are covered in short hairs, which strongly project from the fur. |
Like the red wolf, it is distinguished from other Canis species by its larger size and less pointed features, particularly on the ears and muzzle. |
He heaved up with a sulfurous curse, braced his legs and glared about him, with a burst of coarse guffaws in his ears and the reek of unwashed bodies in his nostrils. |
The ears are short and very rounded, and both sexes lack antlers. |
The eyes are small and the ears short and tipped with white. |
Now therefore go to, proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early from mount Gilead. |
The phone savvy businessperson's cauliflower ears are long gone. |
The ears of these bats are sharply tuned to a specific frequency range. |
Deputies from the Orange County Sheriff's Office in Orlando, Florida, are donning red and green outfits, matching hats and pointy plastic ears to man roadside radar guns. |
If left untreated, the clot in the ear can begin to contract down, crumpling the ear into a potentially very unsightly mess, like cauliflower ears in humans. |
Playful individuals will perk their ears and rise on their hind legs. |
Inquisitive foxes will rotate and flick their ears whilst sniffing. |
During this time, their ears erect and their muzzles elongate. |
The Indika itself contained numerous fantastical stories of people with backwards feet, ears large enough to sleep in, no mouths, or other strange features. |
Mysticeti have exceptionally thin, wide basilar membranes in their cochleae without stiffening agents, making their ears adapted for processing low to infrasonic frequencies. |
Now the six times married dad of 30 will return to the sport that left him with two cauliflower ears and a smashed nose to face his nemesis, Johnny Saint. |
This people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing. |
Lulled by the Syren-song that my own heart sung to me, with eyes shut to all sight, and ears closed to all sound of danger, I drifted nearer and nearer to the fatal rocks. |
The CIA wanted SAVAK to serve as its eyes and ears against the Soviets. |
The ears are short, rounded and lie almost flattened against the skull. |
Aside from a few well-upholstered props, modern rugby players have the bodies of Greek gods, albeit with noses and ears apparently fashioned from Greek cheese. |
When a zebra is in a calm, tense or friendly mood, its ears stand erect. |
Also use silver foliage plants, such as lamb's ears and Scotch thistle. |
Large rhomboidal ears connected across forehead with large tragus. |
Scientists at the Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrication at Massachusetts General Hospital have used a titanium frame to regrow ears from sheep cartilege. |
He that ears my land spares my team and gives me leave to in the crop. |