He works strenuously to find a link to Stoker's most memorable creation, Dracula, with every fleeting reference. |
Vlad Tepez, the real Dracula and true impaler, could not have done a finer job. |
An emaciated John Carradine plays a Dracula who travels West seeking to suck the blood of innocent frontierswomen. |
Her resistance to Dracula derives from frustrating experiences of powerlessness. |
Dracula's Daughter and Son Of Dracula make their DVD debut as a double feature from Universal. |
Joined by a common foe, Van Helsing and Anna set out to destroy Dracula along with his empire of fear. |
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave was the fourth installment into the Hammer series with Lee reprising his role again. |
There is no character with the sustaining power of Count Dracula, or of Renfield, the zoophagous patient who eats flies and spiders. |
As Dracula, Dominic Purcell is a putz, and represents one of the worst villain casting decisions of the year. |
Yet there are more sinister happenings afoot, as Count Dracula himself jumps into the mix, searching for a serum to make him invincible. |
Warhol in his platinum wig posed as Christ, although his nickname at the times was Drella, a compound of Cinderella and Dracula. |
Dracula and period movies provide the ideas for romantic blouses, skirts and dandy jackets in mystical darks. |
It's about a nomadic storyteller in India named Bram who's preoccupied with Dracula. |
It's the first try to get the message over that Dracula was a real person and in no way less brutal than his fictional alter ego. |
This was a thoughtful, quiet museum which nicely complemented the manic excitement of the Dracula Experience. |
She's got a personal, er, stake, in killing Dracula, but the character really exists to titillate teenage boys. |
At the beginning of the film, we see Dracula slumbering in his coffin in the belly of a ship on its way to England. |
Dracula called in a fog to keep the boat docked until after the tide turned, so that he could board it. |
For Halloween, the Max Bell Theatre will be home to the undead for a staging of Dracula. |
This act reminds me of a kindly uncle who offers to read the children a bedtime story, and chooses Dracula. |
She once famously shook hands with Dracula when she attended a gala performance by the company at Leeds Grand Theatre. |
No wonder Dracula presents itself so well to the motions of the likes of Bela Lugosi. |
He's a kind of trite Dracula figure, and his protectorship of little Clara is too clingy and creepy for comfort. |
You will see new surprising designs such as Mummy's Nightmare, Crazy Witch, Franky Says Goodbye or Dracula Sharpens his Teeth. |
The intention to fund the conservation of the World Heritage site with the profits of the Dracula Park is commendable. |
Count Dracula has been kidnapped by the dreadful vampire-hunter Doctor Lifelust! |
It would be a little like putting Dracula in charge of the Red Cross blood bank. |
After defeating Dracula, Van Helsing is granted immortality by the church to pursue and eradicate vampires from the face of the Earth. |
Among the most abominable products of Lilith, it is opportune to cite the case of Count Dracula in Russia. |
I would no more entrust the economic development of Canada to the Bloc than I would entrust the blood bank to Dracula. |
I return to Bucharest to visit the Count Dracula Club, which is a restaurant with a Dracula floorshow. |
In 1901, Bram Stoker appended a new introduction to the Icelandic edition of Dracula, his most famous novel. |
In my own fevered imagination, I have always equated stakeholders with Count Dracula. |
Critics discovered in Dracula an almost endless source for readings on Freudianism, Marxism and feminism, the depths of which they plumed with gleeful abandon. |
A lot of people tried to schmooze the director into playing Dracula. |
The whole idea of the supernatural vampire didn't fully take form until Bram Stoker virtually created the concept in his novel, Dracula. |
In Dracula, an insipidly urbane modernity is seduced by the over-acting that signals the lost past. |
When Dracula feeds on a human, the blood sucking is more graphic than on True Blood, even. |
The once clear demarcation in Dracula between heroine and villainess is made uncomfortably fluid by Stoker's parallel descriptions in these stories. |
Dracula undoubtedly knows this island like the back of his hand. |
Dracula was a great moment for Keanu, in my view, and I will take no prisoners on that. |
He attached the Dracula name to his story almost as an afterthought, and he knew virtually nothing about the historical Vlad. |
Dracula is just a skulker who delivers a bite on the neck — a regular, gory, ardent human bite. |
What better way to raise awareness for donating blood than a fun action adventure movie about Dracula and vampires? |
Certainly there are fangs aplenty, but gothic fans will have to look closely to see any relevance to the grandaddy of the vampire cult, Bram Stoker's iconic novel Dracula. |
In 2004, Dracula the Musical, an adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel with music by Frank Wildhorn, was unbeloved by critics and closed after an unprofitable five-month run. |
Lee, in particular, was keen to find a role which would help the public think of him as something other than Dracula, the vampiric count he had played in several Hammer films. |
When you fought Dracula, in the first game, he put a curse on you. |
Karavitis sees Dracula as a Randian individual pitted against the Marxist collective. |
The naval forces for the attack on Phuket were diverted to Operation Dracula, and units of XV Corps were embarked from Akyab and Ramree. |
The story of Dracula grew by leaps and bounds, and vampires quickly became a staple of Western culture, boosted to warp speed by the introduction of cinema. |
But, like Dracula or Frankenstein, it refuses to lie down. |
Vlad Tepes, the Prince of Walachia in the 15th century, provided the inspiration for the Irish novelist Bram Stoker in 1897 when he invented the legendary and bloodthirsty character Count Dracula. |
Young, attractive religious character who has been broken by his loved one's suicide. Count Dracula has since become a blood-thirsty monster wreaking vengeance and doomed to immortality. |
From visiting the grizzlies in Khutzeymateen Sanctuary on the West Coast to searching for Count Dracula in Transylvania, Eldertreks offers a wide variety of fascinating destinations. |
Legacies of a Troubled but Inspiring Heritage Legends like that of Count Dracula or the real history of Romania are testimonies of such an exciting past. |
He co-wrote the book and lyrics for the musicals Sunset Boulevard and Dracula and the libretto for the Philip Glass operas Waiting for the Barbarians and Appomattox. |
As I was preparing my speaking notes, various ridiculous but terrible analogies came to mind, such as leaving Dracula in charge of the blood bank, or giving Colonel Saunders the keys to the hen house. |
You'll be able to play a Spartan, to fight Dracula, to meet wise Buddhist NPC, visit the Yggdrasil tree, to talk with robots, ride a horse as well as a levitating machine. |
You can help the witch to control the broom to avoid the smash with the dropping icicles, enchanted spruces, black cat in the Dracula castle and other devilries. |
They have made my ears so long, that even Dracula looks prettier! |
Not satisfied with this work, dabbled in acting, participating with his short experience in the film Bram Stoker's Dracula, with Keanu Reeves and Winona Rider. |
Our confidence never recovered from the debacle of the crumhorn, and within minutes of curtain down we were advancing on the director like a posse of vengeful villagers approaching Castle Dracula. |
When Blade is framed in a series of brutal killings, he must join forces with the Nightstalkers, a clan of human vampire hunters, to follow a trail of blood that leads directly to the notorious vampire legend, Dracula. |
The duet they will swim is based on Dracula. |
Accommodation in a three star pension in the citadel 50 m from the house where, almost 600 years ago, the Walachian prince that was to be remembered as a Hollywood star under the name of Dracula, was born. |
Stoker visited the English coastal town of Whitby in 1890, and that visit is said to be part of the inspiration for Dracula. |
The 1972 book In Search of Dracula by Radu Florescu and Raymond McNally claimed that the Count in Stoker's novel was based on Vlad III Dracula. |
A remark about a boy who caught flies in a bottle might be a clue for the later development of the Renfield character in Dracula. |
In 1992, Hopkins portrayed Abraham Van Helsing in Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula. |
Included on the track listing are songs from her four solo albums, one from the Bram Stoker's Dracula soundtrack, and two new songs. |
In retaliation, the Saxons distributed grotesque poems of cruelty and other propaganda, demonizing Vlad III Dracula as a drinker of blood. |
Other influential writers and playwrights include Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift and the creator of Dracula, Bram Stoker. |
The bat is a primary animal associated with fictional characters of the night, both villains, such as Dracula, and heroes, such as Batman. |
Who was it but one of my own race who as Voivode crossed the Danube and beat the Turk on his own ground? This was a Dracula indeed! |
Welcoming Snorbit, Supernose, Astrosnort, Snotty Professor, Nosebot, Karate Konk, Snout Dracula, Snortel and Stripey. |
If Harry is distantly related to Dracula, is he a half-blood prince? |
Not in the Dracula sense, but in the way in which we suck each other's blood and feed off of each other. |
A gorgeous vampire offers us Dracula on a bouncy castle. |
Use a closed fist or assume the Dracula sneeze pose to temper germ transmission. |
The actor, who risks becoming typecast as a bloodsucker having appeared as the American president's vampire helper in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter last year, is reportedly set to co-star in Universal's Dracula. |
The spine-chilling tale of Dracula was inspired by the 15th century Romanian Count Vlad Dracul whose son was famous in wartime for impaling captured enemies. |
The first on-set memory she is certain of came two years later in Dracula. |
As well, some are convinced that the main character in the 1897 Gothic novel Dracula by Bram Stoker was modelled on Vlad III Dracula but there is no supporting evidence. |
Known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad III Dracula, he immediately put to death the boyars who had conspired against his father and was characterized as both a hero and a villain. |
The first authorised film version of Dracula did not come about until almost a decade later when Universal Studios released Tod Browning's Dracula starring Bela Lugosi. |
It marked the second time that Oldman had appeared opposite Hopkins, a personal friend who was part of the supporting cast of Bram Stoker's Dracula. |
It helps visitors explore the trail of Barghest, a mythical phantom black dog that Stoker heard about during his stay and then adapted for use in the Dracula novel. |
As gallant as Van Helsing facing down Count Dracula, the Yaris and Y the latter-day ghost-busters found the village rich in other-worldly atmosphere beneath a full moon. |
But, although Bran's towers and turrets looks the part, it was only besieged by Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Count Dracula, in the early 15th century. |
But I remember it well, and that's why Dracula cuts an unconvincing figure as a laid-back Johnny Reb with flowers in his hair and nothing in his pockets but his hands. |
Handing control of public spending back to 'the spivs in London' does not seem to be a commendable idea, more like putting Dracula in charge of the blood transfusion service. |
Morgan Spence, 15, spent three weeks putting together a stop-motion video of scenes from Hollywood classics such as Dirty Dancing, The Wizard of Oz, Pulp Fiction and Dracula. |
This month you'll see North America's best collection of masdevallia and dracula orchids, new hibiscus varieties, and plenty of more traditional Christmas plants. |