Demonstrators hold up banners in their languages and local politicians speak them. |
Demonstrators united in a solid show of support for a university professor at the centre of a sacking row. |
Demonstrators gathered in a drenching rain under the neon news ticker that carried reports of the latest bombings and troop movements. |
Demonstrators at an Almeria port last week broke open trucks and destroyed thousands of boxes of clementines from Morocco. |
Demonstrators were kept tightly packed into the square for more than four hours in the rain without access to any facilities. |
Demonstrators are asked to march alongside Gordon Brown, wearing white, and to stay on-message. |
Demonstrators at an arms fair in London that same year were also searched under anti-terrorism legislation. |
Demonstrators attempted to prevent the arrest by blocking access to a police paddy wagon which had showed up to carry the mime away. |
Demonstrators chalked numerous messages in Library Square and along the route of the march. |
Demonstrators from both sides sparred heatedly inside and outside the historic courthouse. |
Demonstrators surrounded a truck carrying police barricades, mounting it and waving banners and signs bearing antiwar slogans until police used nightsticks to force them off. |
Demonstrators burned tyres and hurled stones at passing police cars. |
Demonstrators also closed main and bystreets in the province. |
Demonstrators yesterday testified as to how impossible it would have been to count the numbers remotely accurately from aerial snapshots or crowd flows past certain points. |
Demonstrators accused police of resorting to violence without warning or obvious reason. |
Demonstrators wore dinner jackets, floor-length dresses and pig masks at the protest. |
Demonstrators feared the work of heavy machinery near Rath Lugh could collapse a tunnel holding a female protester. |
With his baseball cap and goatee, he would fit in perfectly with the demonstrators downtown. |
In Yorkshire, protests arranged by demonstrators communicating by email and websites caused rush-hour traffic jams. |
With only a couple of hundred demonstrators, the protest nonetheless attracted local and, more significantly, international attention. |
The protests turned into riots at several places when demonstrators destroyed public property. |
Violent clashes with police erupted after demonstrators attempted to storm into the concert. |
Thousands of anti-government demonstrators clashed with supporters of the president in the capital yesterday. |
The violence began when police clashed with some 2,000 demonstrators who were demanding the release of six people earlier detained by police. |
Militant anarchists intent on violence broke away from peaceful demonstrators and left a trail of destruction. |
In Central Park, the demonstrators formed a human peace sign and faced a stage on the west side of a large open field. |
Some animal rights demonstrators were standing in a pedestrian precinct, outside a shop selling furs. |
There were one or two pro-hunting demonstrators carrying placards saying polls showed a majority in favour of hunting. |
To help do this effectively, have veteran staff help as mentors, tour guides, demonstrators, and controlled procedure interpreters. |
Margaret Thatcher was once driven, in a bullet-proof Rolls-Royce, past a group of angry placard-carrying demonstrators. |
The coalition urged demonstrators to lobby their senators and representatives to stop the war and the attack on civil liberties. |
Police firing rubber bullets and teargas dispersed the demonstrators, who gathered on the corner of Jeppe and Kruis streets. |
As darkness fell, police scuffled with some of the several hundred demonstrators who assembled outside the palace. |
In Egypt, riot police used water cannons and attack dogs to keep anti-war demonstrators away from the US embassy. |
The next morning there was a last-minute change of plan to avoid arriving back in London while it was awash with May Day demonstrators. |
Agents in black suits stood on the steps of the Capitol building to make sure the mass of malcontent demonstrators didn't barge inside. |
Many bridges were blocked by demonstrators, and taxicabs and buses driven by scabs were damaged by strikers. |
Eggs were thrown at the British consulate in Venice and police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators. |
Clashes took place outside the Maradana police station in Colombo, where police tear-gassed demonstrators and baton charged the crowd. |
Non-governmental organization workers were also maltreated by the demonstrators. |
It seems that a crowd of them had gathered around the quarrelling demonstrators, while the British cops attempted to keep the two sides apart. |
A crowd of 300 demonstrators gathered around the jail, hurling firebombs, rockets and stones at the patrol. |
They have written vicious screeds against anti-globalization demonstrators and unionists. |
All penknives, soft drink bottles and thermoses were confiscated, but demonstrators were allowed to keep their banners and leaflets. |
Heavily armed riot police used tear gas, water cannon and batons to break up groups of demonstrators and then chased them down side streets. |
The demonstrators were attacked by the police, who employed tear gas and truncheons and beat and arrested a number of the protesters. |
Police have patrolled without stepping in as demonstrators burned trash, hurled Molotov cocktails and in some cases opened fire with handguns. |
The government has yet to explain why its troops apparently opened fire on unarmed demonstrators on Friday. |
Scores of riot police vans and mounted police protected the bases against the demonstrators. |
The Paris demonstration started from the Gare du Nord rail station, where demonstrators staged a sit-down in the street before moving off. |
Television cameras covered the marches, boycotts, sit-ins and when demonstrators were confronted by Police. |
The group went on television and condemned the demonstrators as 'deviants' and came out unequivocally in support of the prince. |
But the police spotted him and snared him in their net, pushing him back into the crowd of demonstrators and forcing him to the ground. |
At the end of the service, a riot broke out and demonstrators together with detainees managed to breach the security fence. |
Huge cheers greeted car and bus passengers who waved flags and placards in solidarity with the demonstrators. |
Roller coasters are also good demonstrators of speed, velocity, and acceleration. |
The demonstrators in the restricted area were brutally beaten and arrested by the military police. |
This retreat was followed by the calling in of mounted police and black-suited riot squads to attack demonstrators with batons and pepper spray. |
A protest would be held, with demonstrators calling on the national students' organisation to revise its no-platform policies. |
The number of demonstrators was sharply reduced and they did not obstruct the roads. |
Peaceful demonstrators are squaring off with stiff-necked authorities over the city's refusal to grant permission for the rally they want. |
The two wounded demonstrators were carried by people near them to nearby houses. |
The protesters also want an end to the heavy-handed police tactics that led to the killing of the four demonstrators last week. |
Not all the demonstrators belong to the parties who make up the opposition or support their politics. |
He confirmed that his officers wore street clothes, such as jeans, so that demonstrators would not know they were police officers. |
Protesters sued after accusing the police of firing rubber bullets at demonstrators and strip-searching those arrested. |
Some demonstrators were injured and five reportedly arrested when the police suddenly moved forward to herd people off the roadway. |
The demonstrators were arrested in September after they stormed into the Commons chamber and brought the debate on a hunting ban to a halt. |
The demonstrators pointed out that homeless shelters are very overcrowded and resources need to be increased. |
Many demonstrators will don medieval dress to highlight the historic importance of the earmarked site. |
The coffee chain has been top of anti-capitalist hit lists for the past few years, with outlets targeted by violent demonstrators. |
At the beginning of the protest, Aristide partisans attacked demonstrators, hitting one with a rock and shooting another. |
At another leg of the march, government partisans opened fire, wounding two demonstrators. |
Earlier, a march by around 250,000 demonstrators had passed off peacefully but one large group set fire to government buildings. |
However, the demonstrators appeared satisfied with the mayor's decision to have the booth removed and the crowd eventually dissolved. |
But there were clashes as demonstrators tried to break through and police drove them back, firing water cannons and tear gas. |
While the Argentine interior minister had warned against possible looting resulting from the march, demonstrators made no attempt to seize food. |
Other demonstrators climbed up the buildings outside the consulate and burned Japanese flags. |
The bike ride represented the first major clash between police and demonstrators converging on the city for the convention. |
He ordered the police to open fire on the demonstrators but the party's frightened Politburo countermanded the order. |
Three of the slain policemen were decapitated after being shot during clashes with demonstrators last week. |
Some demonstrators wore ghoulish masks as they stuck a green banner to a police barricade at the farm's entrance. |
Five demonstrators were arrested at the end of the protest, when proceedings had all but ended. |
In Egypt demonstrators protested against the war, but at the same time attacked the regime. |
While the flags of all 25 countries flapped in the light breeze, about 3,000 demonstrators protested against the war. |
They tried to organize a similar protest a couple of weeks ago, and only produced 10,000 demonstrators. |
He vowed to investigate the incident, possibly turning over demonstrators to the district attorney for criminal prosecution. |
But a handful of anti-hunt demonstrators, who peacefully protested amidst crowds of supporters, disagreed. |
Hundreds of demonstrators marched in the center of the city today to protest his visit. |
Beyond the street protests, student demonstrators have also paralysed 16 universities and disrupted 35 others, the education ministry said. |
During Monday's protests, some demonstrators broke into the legislature and shattered windows. |
Social unrest was exploding as anti-war protestors and civil rights demonstrators used the public stage to express their views. |
This time, the square was packed with at least 10,000 pro-hunting demonstrators when she finally arrived, shortly before noon. |
He added that Saturday's protest would include elderly demonstrators who have never taken to the streets before but were incensed by the plans. |
But have you ever sympathised with road protesters, anti-nuclear demonstrators or those who tear up genetically modified crops? |
The small crowd of about 1,000 demonstrators was obliged to march three kilometres from a neighbouring train station. |
The student-led demonstrators blockaded government offices and effectively shut down most of the capital, with no bus services operating. |
The speeches at the Placa de Tetuan were repeated four times as demonstrators continued to arrive. |
The wide-ranging project will allow visitors to try their hands at age-old country crafts with the help of trained demonstrators. |
The election was marred by violence following a clash between demonstrators and police officers. |
Up to 100 council staff left their desks to join school students and other demonstrators disrupting rush hour traffic in Bradford and York. |
Peer teachers in the second year of the laboratory sequence act as demonstrators, coaches and evaluators. |
The removal of the demonstrators controls for any antipredator benefits that could be gained by associating with the larger demonstrator group. |
The development programme includes the building and testing of a number of major Puma subsystem demonstrators. |
Premier dealers must always have demonstrators of both models available and Laguna Sport Touring courtesy cars. |
These provocations became the pretext for police attacks on peaceful demonstrators. |
He was deposed after demonstrators stormed his office more than a week ago. |
Throwing sticks of dynamite and rocks, the demonstrators have confronted riot police using tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon. |
There was no estimate available from any source of the number of demonstrators. |
Afterward, demonstrators exulted, equating their seduction of the cameras with victory. |
Special units of the police attacked pickets and demonstrators with water cannon and truncheons. |
Street battles developed with police using water cannon and tear gas against the demonstrators. |
Scientists are rarely trained as magicians and have often been conned by demonstrators of psychic phenomena. |
Some plain-clothes police beat, abused and sexually groped women demonstrators. |
About 150 demonstrators protested in the city's downtown waterfront district. |
Whenever demonstrators shook the fence, police charged in, using wedge formations. |
In the United States, demonstrators rallied in several cities, both for and against the war. |
At one point, police cordoned off a city block after several dozen demonstrators jeered and razzed the incoming audience. |
The march was to protest the alleged excesses of the City Police Commissioner against demonstrators during their recent agitation. |
The clash, at the pivotal point of the march, was a recipe for chaos as tens of thousands of demonstrators piled forward along the street. |
As a police helicopter thundered overhead, many of the demonstrators sounded klaxons and blew horns to make their point. |
And we have 100,000 demonstrators out there, so we are hoping for the absolute worst. |
Guards ignored the call or mustered in battalions more often seen to shield demonstrators from army regulars than to hold back the unruly. |
A very moderate pacifism was, in fact, the common denominator of the demonstrators and the varied organisations. |
Police and troops deployed around the parliament building failed to offer any resistance to the demonstrators who stormed into the main chamber. |
In between, demonstrators had ringed the Sheraton to prevent an alternative entry to the Convention Center. |
At a rally in front of the Rayburn House Office Building, demonstrators ran up the stairs and dropped banners from the balcony. |
Fifteen pro-hunting demonstrators were being held in custody today following yesterday's violent clashes with police outside Parliament, police said. |
After the raid, in San Juan, mounted riot police stared down about 800 shouting demonstrators blocking the gates to Fort Buchanan, a US Army base. |
The morning the debate on Hutton was held, demonstrators dressed as judges threw whitewash at the gates of Blair's Number 10 Downing Street residence. |
Talks are deadlocked and the government has cracked down violently on the demonstrators. |
These agents provocateurs broke windows and carried out other acts of violence before turning on the other demonstrators, firing their weapons and making arrests. |
Armed with truncheons and tear gas, police repeatedly attacked the 200,000 demonstrators who had come from all over the world to protest the summit proceedings. |
A number of bottles and other debris came down upon the demonstrators and cops on the roadway from the pedestrian walkway above. |
In Dresden, Germany, anti-Islam rallies each week draw thousands of demonstrators. |
Different groups went in different directions, and without any clear leaders or certain destination, demonstrators followed. |
A knot of demonstrators in black wore red bandanas over their faces. |
Lo thinks the local government should designate one or two protest sites and leave the demonstrators alone. |
So what distinguishes the demonstrators from the do-nothings? |
The two leaders had earlier led a march of hundreds of demonstrators in defiance of a government ban on protest rallies or gatherings of more than four people. |
Sharpton later accused Ryan of kicking a blind man in a scuffle with demonstrators. |
The demonstrators were objecting to plans to expand Ridgway Park School, off Gibraltar Road, on grounds that it will increase traffic problems in the area's narrow lanes. |
The protesters sought police protection but a high-ranking officer ordered lawmen to withdraw and allowed the attackers to set upon the demonstrators. |
The contrast between the anarchical images of vandalism in Seattle and Genoa and the dignified demeanor of civil rights demonstrators forty years before is striking. |
Three years of protests is a long time in a city where the police have developed a reputation for using heavy-handed tactics against demonstrators. |
A woman who claims her husband ruined their marriage by bringing in another sister wife will be leading demonstrators at the trial of a polygamist leader this month. |
Occasional shouting matches broke out between the Salafist enforcers and demonstrators who seemed to have come to fight. |
Police wielding machine guns stormed houses, police dogs were set upon demonstrators, and helicopters buzzed overhead, spotlighting homes and individuals. |
Russian and Ukrainian flags waved together in the hands of the demonstrators. |
The space around Mahatma Gandhi Statue is already known for protest demonstrators and more such spots can be located in other areas for this purpose. |
In the frigid temperatures, demonstrators constructed barricades, built a massive tent city and occupied government buildings. |
The notion that peace demonstrators had arrived at a demonstration tooled-up with cudgels and swords seemed improbable to practically everyone bar the time. |
I wandered among the demonstrators and saw that many were praying or fingering their prayer beads at the same time as they were responding to the speakers. |
But using attack dogs on those young demonstrators seems too extreme. |
It took a lot of guts and just sheer personal strength to be out in the streets like you've seen the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators over the last week. |
With snow not normally found at this time of year, even in the nearby Peak District, the demonstrators took to trampolines to give a display of their skills. |
They are suffering the same deprivations as the demonstrators. |
The violence came after a group of protesters marching with about 3,000 demonstrators threw petrol bombs and red paint at riot squads, injuring one police officer. |
Thousands of demonstrators ransacked the embassy compound, tearing down the large US seal on the front of the chancellery building and setting fire to vehicles. |
The 300 or so demonstrators were in a good mood, laughing, waving signs and banners, beating home-made drums, and, thank goodness, shouting some new chants. |
About 500 demonstrators, carrying placards and banners, protested the execution, while a half-dozen or so death penalty supporters were on hand, some waving confederate flags. |
Paramilitary troops in grey urban camouflage moved into the square, five abreast, forcing demonstrators into side-streets. |
Erdogan has become the prime target of the demonstrators, for what they claim is his authoritarianism and Islamism. |
Brzezinski drafted a letter for Carter to send to the shah that baldly enjoined him to use force against the demonstrators. |
Regardless, there could be a sidewalk full of sign-hoisting demonstrators outside the CDC if the recommendations are confirmed. |
The stand-offs developed between police and demonstrators angered at the handling of a week of violence since an Orange Order parade was re-routed. |
After the demonstrators threw rocks and paint bombs, police responded with overwhelming force, firing rubber bullets, water cannon and tear gas before launching baton charges. |
The inevitability of globalization was evident even to the demonstrators who scuffled with armed Swiss national police units in seeking to disrupt the proceedings. |
We have to praise, in general, demonstrators for their good nature. |
Huge concrete and steel barricades were erected to prevent demonstrators from getting anywhere near the venue, while surrounding streets were completely blocked off. |
People watching from their balconies clapped the demonstrators and poured watering cans, buckets and even hose pipes to cool down the cheering crowd. |
Even a government that has turned two blind eyes can hear the clamoring of tens of thousands of demonstrators. |
For Sara and other demonstrators, it was important that the situation did not become too confrontational. |
As a police helicopter thundered overhead, many of the demonstrators carried flaming torches and sounded klaxons and blew horns to make their point. |
Whether demonstrators can be counseled to patience and gradualism remains unseen. |
Cameron was mobbed by demonstrators, mostly women, seeking his assistance in tracing missing relatives. |
In 1978, activist Yana Mintoff and another dissident threw bags of horse manure, and in June 1996 demonstrators dropped leaflets. |
On 20 May, French troops opened fire on demonstrators in Damascus with artillery and dropped bombs from the air. |
A large crowd of demonstrators massed outside the courthouse. |
They throw rubbish on the heads of demonstrators in the street below and are shocked at the demonstrators' antiboss slogans. |
The only armed men Gross shows us in action are arresting demonstrators at European antimilitary protests. |
The antirally demonstrators broke windows and forced their way into the building as the terrified audience fled in the opposite direction. |
Hundreds of demonstrators swarmed the campus on September 24 and the speech itself was televised worldwide. |
Despite the reforms made by Mohammed VI, demonstrators continued to call for deeper reforms. |
Thousands of proreform demonstrators marched to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's Safriya Palace yesterday. |
At Grand Central Station, demonstrators held a die-in, Gothamist reported. |
The show's website is up to date, with the latest addition to the show being Guide Flyfishing along with their casting demonstrators. |
Police deployed noisemakers and armoured vehicles to push demonstrators back. |
In Nassiriya, the demonstrators were forced to disperse by plastic bullets and water showers. |
The Taoiseach was surprised by two angry demonstrators who stormed a Fine Gael fundraiser and dropped the smalls between his knife and fork. |
The Riot Act was read and armed troops corralled the demonstrators in front of the Corn Exchange on Lune Street. |
Survivors were rounded up and forced to the docks where they were kept for the several days while further demonstrators were caught. |
Of course, not all ethnic minorities agree with the demonstrators. |
Hundreds of tires were burned by the demonstrators as they run riot for the Lustration Bill to be adopted. |
The demonstrators want the constitution to include a bill that criminalizes the normalization of relations with Tel Aviv. |
Anti-fascism demonstrators who were in the Dudley crowd made the complaints, last night. |
A rent-a-mob was preparing to join genuine demonstrators in a protest which threatened to bring part of the capital to a halt. |
The demonstrators had planned to march from the edge of the city to an army checkpoint but were stopped by teargas and flash grenades. |
His residence at Apsley House was targeted by a mob of demonstrators on 27 April 1831 and again on 12 October, leaving his windows smashed. |
Riot police also fired tear gas to clear demonstrators, but unbowed groups have vowed to continue their fight. |
Although they did not call for the ousting of the regime, demonstrators demanded political reforms, improved living conditions, and the creation of more jobs. |
Hong Kong's authorities announced Monday they were withdrawing riot police from the streets of the protest-wracked city in a major concession to pro-democracy demonstrators. |
About 200 of the original demonstrators were forcibly loaded onto two Indonesian naval vessels and taken to two different locations to be thrown into the ocean. |
However, fears of violence by Indian demonstrators, supported by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, prevented the British visitors from visiting the site. |
The opposition contends they were shot by police in an area where demonstrators had been throwing rocks and firebombs at riot police for several days. |
A tense standoff between demonstrators and police continued overnight. |
In Irbid, 80 kilometers north of the capital, police used teargas to end clashes between proreform demonstrators and government loyalists, witnesses said. |