The following sentences show that DARE could share its infinitival complement with another modal, in both affirmative and negative clauses, examples and, respectively. |
How dare the new owners cut down those old fruit trees, not whitewash the walls, and put in those ugly blue tiles! |
Some, dare I suggest, will reappear under a different name a few years later and repeat the cycle a second or even a third time. |
On her fifteenth birthday she had stupidly agreed to jump off a branch of a willow tree over a shallow ravine some ten feet below on a dare. |
No way were they going to dare attend a Cure gig without their full make-up, leather jackets, hats and various other accoutrements. |
It leaves your mouth so coated that nothing quenches your thirst, and your fingers so oily that you dare touch nothing of value for hours. |
He forever excommunicates and accurses every one who should dare violate that great charter of Anglo-Saxon freedom! |
Dare to challenge this mantra and you are likely to vilified as a backward-looking weakling who just can't cut it in the online world. |
Very few directors dare to make serious films due to paucity of funds, she said. |
The originality resides in an acute awareness of how little an artist can dare to do in the course of creating great art. |
However, it still does what it says it does, and I dare say we'll all get used to it. |
Now you gently feed in the power and as you get past the apex of the corner you can start using as much welly as you dare. |
Howie didn't have an act but he got up there, almost on a dare, and ad-libbed what turned out to be the funniest set of the evening. |
But don't you dare to reproach me with one drop of blood or one writer in jail. |
She deftly defeats those who dare challenge her with a relentless intensity. |
By following the workbook exercises you will develop the courage you need to dare to face the fears which accompany a life of not overeating. |
The Wolves players wilted, the Bolton players grew and the officials did not dare give a decision against us. |
Like many young stars, he seems obsessed with people who dare to tell him he's anything but amazeballs and destined for legend-hood. |
So please keep your comments coming, and if you've never said anything before, why not take the opportunity now? Go on, I dare you! |
I suspect that they dare not make the threat plainly because they know they would be laughed out of court. |
He started yelling at Mommy, saying how dare she bring home a kitten when she knows he's allergic to kitties. |
Not how will you aggravate him, challenge him, dare him, antagonize him, and make an enemy out of him. |
Dare we keep our fingers crossed that people are waking up to what a hollow man he is? |
I always felt I was walking on eggshells, avoiding what you didn't want to talk about, or didn't dare talk about. |
Ruby and Tara were having the time of their lives, watching out the window and laughing, but I didn't dare open my eyes still. |
With two new stimulants that will get you totally JACKED and shred you like nothing else on the market, we dare you to try SPEED just once. |
Another kiss of life is required to take them into a new era and in this relay race, the sporting world dare not drop the baton. |
And Marta Moreno Vega, an Afro-Caribbean expert on Yoruba philosophy, seems to dare you to sum up her ethnicity. |
Few would dare to publicly rage against the government, as Gulnara has, for fear of alerting the security services. |
I find it strange that anyone dare disobey the all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing, all-loving God when He so clearly states what is wrong behaviour. |
While it may not leave you with many profound truths, I dare you not to fall in love. |
In that film, McCormack is a devilish child who begins knocking off fellow classmates and even the family gardener when they dare to get in her way. |
Shoygu would not dare to send the Grad system, tanks, APCs, and other weapons to donbass unless Putin approved of it. |
Sarah didn't move, didn't dare to breath in fear of scaring the cat away. |
I based the characters of Mary Coin and Vera Dare on Dorothea Lange and Florence Owens Thompson, actual people in history. |
There is, similar to the anger at the clothing the women dare to wear, an antipathy toward glamour. |
Despite the 21 years I did in prison for a drug conviction, I am assimilating back into mainstream or, dare I say, white America. |
I dare say that the people who said no are kicking themselves. |
Reporters loved Brady, and I dare say the love was mutual, which is not always the case with press secretaries. |
The book shares the stories of 10 courageous nuns, all fighting fights at an advanced age that few others would dare. |
They're milk-dunkable and sophisticated at the same time. I dare you to eat just one. |
Despite one's opinion of Sylvia I can attest to the purity of her intent and dedication, and, no one will dare deny she is one gutsy queen. |
These are now the fashion, and so berattle the common stages that many wearing rapiers are afraid of goose-quills and dare scarce come thither. |
It is, dare I say it, too preoccupied with being respectably booky rather than wildly bloggy. |
Grapes grow on the brant rocks so wonderfully that ye will marvel how any man dare climb up to them. |
Yet he was much too much scared of broaching any man, let alone one in a peaked cap, to dare to ask. |
I dare not tell, do anything, or get anything done, because I am in debt to Bhangwan Dass the bunnia for two gold rings and a heavy anklet. |
It is a coward and servile humour, for a man to disguise and hide himselfe under a maske, and not dare to shew himselfe as he is. |
Wee dare not call our members by their proper names, and feare not to employ them in all kind of dissolutenese. |
So, at last, backed by a formidable phalange of femfans, I dare speak up, brave lassie that I am. |
I dare say you have never heard of a growlery. It's a funny word, but it is a very useful, helpful sort of a place. |
I dare not whisper to myself a pension on this side of absolute incapacitation and infirmity, till years have sucked me dry. |
The Roanoke Colony, also known as the Lost Colony, was established on Roanoke Island in what is today's Dare County, North Carolina. |
From 1937 to 1941, a series of stones were discovered that were claimed to have been written by Eleanor Dare, mother of Virginia Dare. |
I don't know what flower they affect to emulate but I dare say they are known to each other under some order or class of the Linean system. |
I made mistake after mistake, but I dare say those mistakes taught me something. |
I dare say there was a vast amount of minuting, memoranduming, and dispatch-boxing, on this mighty subject. |
Although she had many young men still to draft, she could not conscript them and did not dare to resort to the impressment Frederick had done. |
And in doing of this, there is no damage done to the rest of mankind, who, I dare say, will never miss it. |
It had to be made clear to anyone thinking of or trying to encroach that they dare not do so. |
There wasn'ta man around there but had a price on his head and didn't dare show himself in the settlements. |
This demonstrated a new way to probe the storms at low altitudes that human pilots seldom dare. |
Other examples include You may not dare to run or I would need to have help. |
Thousands of troops and policemen were prepared, but the crowds were so huge that the government did not dare to attack. |
Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? Why, if it doth, then none dare call it treason. |
My wife would never dare to buy an underthing that was anything but white or black. She thought you had to be a hooker to wear colors. |
There's Millions now aliue, That nightly lye in those vnproper beds, Which they dare sweare peculiar. |
Mean while, if you are unprovided of a Lodging, I dare undertake, you shall be welcome to this Gentlewoman. |
Sire, the will to dare, their weapons weak, In spirit the State uphanded to success. |
High School, you took a dare from a friend that you couldn't make the jayvee basketball team. |
Dare is the creation of legendary house and electro DJ Jon Pleased Wimmin. |
Land of mystery and enchantment, continent of contrast and extremes, where adventure awaits those who dare to defy convention and choose to trod the unfamiliar path. |
I should like to dine with him. I dare say he gives famous dinners. |
In English, for example, phrases such as would dare to, may be able to or should have to are sometimes used in conversation and are grammatically correct. |
Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now. |
He grins like the little merboy who used to dare me to eat sea slugs. |
I dare sey for good love she bade us to dyner and nat for no male engyne. |
Flare-riding is one of the most exotic and exhilarating sports in existence, and those who can dare and afford to do it are amongst the most lionized men in the Galaxy. |
And you know he was so 'judgely' looking they wouldn't dare say anything. |
Help the Government to dare to give free rein to the ardor of the people. |
You blow behind my back, but dare not say anything to my face. |
Though a gentle sigh, which stole from the bosom of Nancy, seemed to argue some secret disapprobation of these sentiments, she did not dare openly to oppose them. |
The cowardly rashness of those who dare not look danger in the face. |
In the case of a very furious attachment, I dare say, she would have abated two avuncular baronets, a consobrinal lord, and a corresponding amount of rent. |
I did not dare return to the apartment which I inhabited, but felt impelled to hurry on, although drenched by the rain which poured from a black and comfortless sky. |
Chris boiled water in kettles for hours and hours and then towels came down, towels clairted with stuff she didn't dare look at, she washed them quick and hung them to dry. |
In the military, appellational protocol is mandatory. A corporal or sergeant would never dare address a captain or a major by his or her first name. |