If the horse is a conclusive sign of Aryan presence, then it is in India long before the Harappan Civilization in Neolithic sites. |
Civilization rarely penetrates far into the sandy and stony depths of the desert, for there is little to sustain it in the barren reaches. |
Civilization means living in cities and cities are confronted, in a way more dispersed settlements are not, with heaps of garbage and ordure. |
Indeed, my dreams usually had happy endings, involving successful intercepts that Saved Civilization. |
In Civilization, for example, you set yourself goals, but the way you achieve them is up to you. |
Civilization has not collapsed and anarchy has failed to reign since we have had gay marriage in Ontario. |
Another story of land destruction comes from the area of the fertile cresent, the Cradle of Civilization. |
Civilization is pernicious also because it interposes a veil of artificiality between the individual and the natural objects of experience. |
Sigmund Freud, in Civilization and Its Discontents, writes that all of life is a battle between the forces of love, or Eros, and the forces of death, Thanatos. |
The authentic Kultur of the German people was surely to be preferred to the artificial Civilization of a cosmopolitan, materialistic French-speaking elite. |
I use a method I learned when I was 14, in Western Civilization class, cataloguing ideas on index cards, in shoe boxes. |
Civilization begins with them, and emanates from them to the rest of the community. |
And yet the game did not quite make you feel as though you were authoring your own history, as previous Civilization games had. |
She delivered the Massey lectures in American Civilization at Harvard University last year. |
Montezuma is a playable ruler for the Aztec in several of the video games of the Civilization series. |
Also around 3000 BC to 1500 BC, women in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization applied red tinted lipstick to their lips for face decoration. |
Doctors would not let the cradle of Civilization come to this. |
Lothal was the site of a Harappan, or Indus Valley Civilization city, more than 4,000 years ago. |
Some settlements in the Indus Valley Civilization were the first small cities to be fortified. |
Throughout American higher education, Western Civilization courses tempered electives and various Chinese menus of distribution requirements. |
The first textual evidence of the Greek language dates back to 15th century BC and the Linear B script which is associated with the Mycenaean Civilization. |
He read George Santayana and The Law of Civilization and Decay by Brooks Adams, finding confirmation of the danger of the capitalist and usurer becoming dominant. |
Hinduism might have started as Dravidian civilization and later merged with Aryan civilization. |
You think that a wall as solid as the earth separates civilization from barbarism. |
A civilization that believes itself capable of making do without other civilizations tends to be headed toward its doom. |
While studying Aztec civilization, however, Morriss had discovered something else strange and intriguing, rarely mentioned and little researched. |
In the early 1950s, the Massey commissioners noted that universities remained islets of civilization awash in a growing sea of materialism. |
The line between civilization and barbarism is much thinner than Downer implies. |
Each viewed his trial as a pivot on a line in history dividing barbarism from civilization. |
But some people have thoughts as well as feelings about this attendant effect of civilization. |
The incident was neither a confrontation between nations nor one between civilization and barbarianism, but a fight between goodness and evil. |
The sages astounded him with an account from hoary antiquity about the lost Atlantean civilization. |
After his encounter with this civilization, the time traveller advances further into the future to a time when the Earth stops rotating. |
The Hollywood actress and her lover want their love child to be born in Africa because it is the cradle of civilization. |
The visit begins with the civilization of ancient India, with Maurya and Sunga terracottas, Mathura and Amaravati sculpture and medieval bronzes. |
In every civilization, the skilled artificer has an honored place beside the scribe and the shaman. |
It is a well known that virtually every ancient civilization flourished on riverbanks. |
Perhaps it may be said that civilization is about to enter the age of the decline of man. |
This theory, just as classical Malthusianism, fails to account for the beneficial systemic effects of industrial civilization. |
When thus arranged, they reveal with some degree of certainty the entire range of human progress from savagery to civilization. |
Instead, you'll stand in front of monuments where civilization took a quantum leap forward. |
War strips us of the later accretions of civilization and lays bare the primal man in each of us. |
Britain, he declared, and British laws and achievements, were the acme of human civilization. |
His obsessive imagining of a lost civilization seems to have joyfully regressed to the thrill-seeking bent of an adolescent model-builder. |
He also had a great admiration for Chinese art and civilization, which was expressed in his fluent, calligraphic style. |
Zhu Ke, the writer, said the substitution of the lash for crueler corporal punishments revealed a forward movement of civilization. |
It reads like the suicide note not of a country alone, but of an entire civilization. |
Hello, Earth, Do You Read Me? How might the first intelligence from an extraterrestrial civilization be transmitted to earth? |
Lewis was already severely depressed after their trip and never fully readjusted to life back in civilization. |
For Derricke's final image is actually an idea, his dream of the successful civilization of the wild Irish. |
She expressed her hope that her gifted nephew would be an emissary of civilization to the wild colonies. |
He was a competent woodsman and would have had no problem traveling inland through the bush and back into mainland civilization anonymously. |
Cradle of French civilization in America, Quebec City with its historic district is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. |
In contrast, German Kultur included knowledge, education, civilization, national genius and the arts all of which expressed the national soul. |
The Anglosphere is the emerging branch of civilization at the core of which are the nations of the English-speaking world. |
We have changed our lives in astounding ways since civilization began, and yet commerce has remained a constant. |
Everywhere he looked twisted beams loomed up out of the sand like monoliths, the only remnant of a destroyed civilization. |
According to the newspaper, the coin belonged to an ancient civilization that flourished in Al-Jouf. |
If you thought qualifications for being a hermit were a tendency toward solitude and dislike of civilization, think again. |
According to the historian William McNeill, Western Europe during the so-called Age of Faith was the most warlike civilization on earth, with the exception of Japan. |
To its proponents Andhra was the meridian, after 600 years of division and dispersal, of Telugu civilization. |
Instead, it would return European civilization back to a period of darkness not witnessed since the Middle Ages. |
Crawford leads them in plunging back into the river whose waters fed the first civilization. |
The two activities include a special tennis tournament and a tour in the lower northeastern region to learn about the civilization of Khmers in the old days. |
Hall, the foremost child psychologist in the United States, argued that the child recapitulated the stages of evolution of the human race, from pre-savagery to civilization. |
Sir Steven may well be the prototype of the modern revisionist historian who seeks to recast the history of Western civilization as a catalogue of abuses. |
With its roots in early Western scholarship, it was this view, of a great Aryan race and civilization, that later became popular with Hindu nationalists. |
Is it also genius and a classic work about the struggle between civilization and barbarism, between good and evil? |
At the same time, it is the hallmark of brilliant people whatever their civilization, epoch, or area of expertise. |
Not that Western civilization has never embraced the mythical Inuit practice of leaving the old out on an ice floe. |
These remarks record the preeminent level of struggle against the loss of civilization brought on by the invasion of the barbarian hordes of Western Europe. |
And yes, sometimes you fight to give people freedom only to discover that the people choose not to choose, or that they choose barbarism to civilization. |
The art installation suggests the continuity and fragility of Mediterranean civilization, reminding us of the simultaneous remoteness and seamlessness of the past. |
The history in question is Russian, and the ark is St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum, one of the world's greatest repositories of European art and civilization. |
We are so covered with layers and layers of refinement, of social polish, of airs and graces and civilization and pretensions that the human in us almost ceases to exist. |
In the birthplace of civilization, we have again run aground on the rocky shoals of nationalism, this time augmented by a religious fervor that increases the danger. |
They occupy the liminal space between us and other, civilization and barbarism, human and beast, the real and the imaginary, attraction and repulsion. |
In an ominous sign for Western civilization, Bills fans began parking RVs and mobile homes in the stadium lot on Thursday night to get the best spots for tailgating. |
And to let you comprehend whether you are heir to that civilization or spouting hot air about it. |
Scholars at one time assumed that the arrival of the Apaches and Navajos played a role in the abandonment of those ancient centers of civilization. |
While few details of the screenplay, written by Gibson himself, have been released, the story concerns an ancient civilization 3000 years in the past. |
Advances such as papermaking, printing technology, the magnetic compass for navigation and gunpowder propelled human civilization to greater heights many generations later. |
It's not a liberal idea that will cause the ruination of civilization. |
Both knew their civilization was headed for a rude awakening soon. |
And like civilization itself, it might all start on the banks of the Euphrates. |
We have the half-breed, the result of the union between the Indian, the representative of savagery, and the white man, the representative of civilization. |
In the male mythical imagination women are repeatedly associated with nature rather than culture, savagery rather than civilization, the wild rather than the tame. |
An antediluvian civilization, thriving and technologically advanced prior to the flood, managed to survive the flood due to their technological prowess. |
How easily an ancient civilization can be made to abase itself completely. |
The first major civilization in the territory of the current state was that of the Olmecs. |
A thriving culture developed, and the Mexica civilization came to dominate other tribes around Mexico. |
It is believed that the civilization was later devastated by the spread of diseases from Europe, such as smallpox. |
Shamanism has a long history in Manchu civilization and influenced them tremendously over thousands of years. |
For example, archaeological findings at Sanxingdui suggest a technologically advanced civilization culturally unlike Anyang. |
Confucianism was officially elevated to orthodox status and was to shape the subsequent Chinese civilization. |
They held off attacks from the north and preserved many aspects of Chinese civilization, while northern barbarian regimes began to sinify. |
Despite its military weakness, the Song dynasty is widely considered to be the high point of classical Chinese civilization. |
The Mesoamerican civilization, in particular, was deeply interrelated with maize. |
It can sometimes be used jokingly to refer to Western people or civilization in a cultured manner. |
There is evidence in Tula that this city, or one like it, had had significant influence on the Tula civilization. |
The Etruscans brought the Greek alphabet to their civilization in the Italian Peninsula and left the letter unchanged. |
The earliest archaeological traces of civilization have been found on the island of Saipan, dated to 1500 BC or slightly before. |
In ancient Greek and Roman civilization, marriages were private agreements between individuals and families. |
Labour divisions led to the rise of a leisured upper class and the development of cities, which provided the foundation for civilization. |
In Crete the Minoan civilization had entered the Bronze Age by 2700 BCE and is regarded as the first civilization in Europe. |
In Mesoamerica, the Teotihuacan civilization fell and the Classic Maya collapse occurred. |
This change would eventually lead, some 4000 to 5000 years later, to the first city states and eventually the rise of civilization itself. |
It was necessary for them to rediscover fire, to relearn the basic laws of economics and rebuild civilization out of the ashes of ruin. |
From the beginning of civilization to the Middle Ages, people were immured, or walled in, and would die for want of food. |
Its basin was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization, and it was the most prosperous region in early Chinese history. |
Traditionally, it is believed that the Chinese civilization originated in the Yellow River basin. |
In some cases slate was used by the ancient Maya civilization to fashion stelae. |
And he was just taking byways and sideways, travelling in the peripheries of civilization, yeah? |
Like most sensible sophonts, they invented civilization. With civilization came civility, civil service, and of course civil war. |
As a member of civilization in good standing, I reject both the nowness and the thenness of the generations. |
A depression in one nation can become the slide on which our civilization would toboggan into economic collapse. |
The free way will call for uttermosts in civilization, self-discipline and human excellence. |
For 200 years, Turks tried to change their civilization by making Turkey more Westernized. |
Then, Aksumite civilization is presented via a series of chapters, each focusing on a specific cultural aspect. |
Each region possesses its own specificities, thus contributing to the national culture and to the legacy of civilization. |
The civilization collapsed for reasons that are still unknown. |
The Amazonomachia, or Amazon contest, symbolized the struggle of civilization against barbarism. |
The Western movies, of course, are not cultural visions, but the vicious encounters with the antiselves of civilization, the invented savage. |
He observed using astrotechnology at his disposal to search out a civilization using updated technology. |
The extreme tendency of civilization is to dissipate all intellectual energy. |
She was an earthy soul, the salt of the earth as they say of such rural folk, untarnished by false civilization. |
The robber barons of the Middle Ages were perfectly sure that civilization would go to the bow-wows if they were interfered with. |
In the simpler case of northern heathenry the civilization spread with a simplier progress. |
Other peoples had been in prolonged contact with the Roman civilization, and were, to a certain degree, romanized. |
These people may have had some relation to the subsequent development of the Iberian civilization. |
It was also the combined and elaborated civilization of the Mediterranean basin and beyond. |
And they currently have forty-two ships searching for an immotile civilization beyond the region of space we Firewalled. |
Late Antiquity saw various indicators of Roman civilization begin to decline, including urbanization, seaborne commerce, and total population. |
Ancient Roman cuisine changed over the long duration of this ancient civilization. |
The rediscovery of Roman culture revitalized Western civilization, playing a role in the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. |
By the end of his civilization he had discovered that a man cannot enjoy himself and continue to enjoy anything else. |
To fully understand this development however it is important to understand the importance of basic arches in Roman civilization. |
This knowledge had a major impact on the architecture of Roman civilization. |
They had effectively used the arch in various aspects of their civilization and city structure. |
The partitions came to be seen in Poland as a Polish sacrifice for the security for Western civilization. |
It was the world's first literate civilization, and formed the first sets of written laws. |
Europe, in particular ancient Greece, was the birthplace of Western civilization. |
Tournier's Robinson chooses to remain on the island, rejecting civilization when offered the chance to escape 28 years after being shipwrecked. |
The lesson to be drawn from the events of 1914, to Roosevelt's mind, was that civilization needed muscle to defend it, not just solemn words. |
The most prosperous period of the Cretan civilization was Neopalatial period and most of the artefacts are from this era. |
The history of art is often told as a chronology of masterpieces created in each civilization. |
After the Olmec culture declined, the Maya civilization became prominent in the region. |
Eastern civilization broadly includes Asia, and it also includes a complex tradition of art making. |
Thamud is the name of an ancient civilization in the Hejaz known from the 1st millennium BC to near the time of Muhammad. |
Voltaire and the Marquise also studied history, particularly those persons who had contributed to civilization. |
He was the first to emphasize the debt of medieval culture to Middle Eastern civilization, but otherwise was weak on the Middle Ages. |
The Bronze Age on the Indian subcontinent began around 3300 BC with the beginning of the Indus Valley civilization. |
The Minoan civilization based in Knossos on the island of Crete appears to have coordinated and defended its Bronze Age trade. |
The Moche civilization of South America independently discovered and developed bronze smelting. |
Yemen is a culturally rich country with influence from many civilizations, such as the early civilization of Sheba. |
Lewis wished to demonstrate how Welsh heritage was linked as one of the 'founders of European civilization. |
Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways including the legal, social, and moral sense. |
The minerals and metals found in rocks have been essential to human civilization. |
Since the beginning of civilization people have used stone and ceramics and, later, metals found on or close to the Earth's surface. |
There was not much interest among the Portuguese people in an isolated archipelago so far from civilization. |
In the later Neolithic and Bronze Age periods, under the Minoans, Crete had a highly developed, literate civilization. |
The volcanic eruption of Thera may have been the cause of the downfall of the Minoan civilization. |
Crete has a rich mythology mostly connected with the ancient Greek Gods but also connected with the Minoan civilization. |
Whilst each civilization emphasized its ideological autonomy, all were identifiably part of a common world of interacting components. |
The ethos is all too easily misunderstood as an overprecious, bloodless, mindless civilization. |
At about 3300 BC, the historical record opens in Northern Africa with the rise of literacy in the Pharaonic civilization of Ancient Egypt. |
His accounts of India are among the oldest records of Indian civilization by an outsider. |
Hanson and Heath estimate that Plato's rejection of the Homeric tradition was not favorably received by the grassroots Greek civilization. |
At the time of the Spanish conquest, the Muisca were the largest native civilization geographically between the Incas and the Aztecs empires. |
The early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Maya, Greece and Rome were some of the cradles of civilization. |
As urbanization, civilization, and division of labor spread, various societies moved to other economic systems at various times. |
In the 8th century BC, Greece began to emerge from the Dark Ages which followed the fall of the Mycenaean civilization. |
The civilization of ancient Greece has been immensely influential on language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and the arts. |
For most of the history of civilization, these preconditions did not exist, and taxes were based on other factors. |
One language, Interlingua, was developed so that the languages of Western civilization would act as its dialects. |
Crop alteration has been practiced by humankind for thousands of years, since the beginning of civilization. |
Each of these centers of early civilization developed a unique and characteristic style in its art. |
The use of tools contributes to human culture and was key to the rise of civilization. |
The history of civilization as well as ethnology are to be brought into the comparison. |
The ancient Egyptians were probably the first civilization to develop special tools to make rope. |
The subsequent Bronze Age civilizations of Greece and the Aegean Sea have given rise to the general term Aegean civilization. |
The Scythians, arriving with their own type of Iron Age civilization, put a stop to these relations with the West. |
He then discusses the dramatic effect of Western civilization on others in the past 500 years of history. |
Meanwhile, the work of Sir Arthur Evans at Knossos in Crete revealed the ancient existence of an equally advanced Minoan civilization. |
Even within a literate civilization many events and important human practices are not officially recorded. |
Some people will consider their national heroes to be pioneers of civilization. |
By the beginning of the Iron Age the Etruscans emerged as the dominant civilization on the Italian peninsula. |
Beginning in the 8th century BC, Ancient Greek traders brought their civilization to the trade emporiums in Tanais and Phanagoria. |
This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature, and out of it all came their high civilization. |
His opinion was that they were generally responsible for what is the best in European civilization. |
The 20th century may have seen more technological and scientific progress than all the other centuries combined since the dawn of civilization. |
They overthrew the Aztec civilization by allying with natives who had been subjugated by more powerful neighbouring tribes and kingdoms. |
This account of his journeys provides a picture of medieval civilization that is still widely consulted today. |
It is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese civilization, and a golden age of cosmopolitan culture. |
The Western medical tradition often traces roots directly to the early Greek civilization, much like the foundation of all of Western society. |
During the end of the fourth millennium BC, the southern part of the Persian Gulf was dominated by the Dilmun civilization. |
The oil became a principal product of the Minoan civilization, where it is thought to have represented wealth. |
The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru sometime in the early 13th century. |
The Inca Empire was unique in that it lacked many features associated with civilization in the Old World. |
The Inca Empire was the last chapter of thousands of years of Andean civilization. |
The Incas formed this civilization through imperialistic militarism as well as careful and meticulous governmental management. |
Ancient cemeteries that were used before 600BC and other signs of advanced civilization has also been discovered in Sri Lanka. |
Bahrain was home to the Dilmun civilization, an important Bronze Age trade centre linking Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. |
The disease had ravaged Mexico, Central America, and the Inca civilization. |
The state is also home to La Venta, the major site of the Olmec civilization, considered to be the origin of later Mesoamerican cultures. |
The Maya civilization occupied a wide territory that included southeastern Mexico and northern Central America. |
The Spanish conquest stripped away most of the defining features of Maya civilization. |
Trade was a key component of Maya society, and in the development of the Maya civilization. |
Such maladjustments intimate, as it were, that civilization is more or less allergic to itself. |
With this loss of Amerindian civilization, did the Caribs develop a centring strategy to reorder their world? |
They ensure the continuity of civilization by propagating the species and socializing children. |
A policy which withcalls us from the great task we have in the Pacific is recreant to our duty as a great state, and to all that we owe to the civilization of the world. |
The northeast corner has coal mines, old railroad towns and, along the Wyoming border, the Uinta Mountains, uncrossed by road and showing hardly a sign of civilization. |
She has learned that her world of Dematr is headed for a catastrophe that will destroy civilization and that mages really can alter reality for short periods. |
I lay awake for a while that evening, listening to the soughing of the wind high in the pines, realizing sadly that we must now return to civilization. |
Starting in the 2nd century, various indicators of Roman civilization began to decline, including urbanization, seaborne commerce, and population. |
An advanced Mesoamerican civilization of temples, pyramids, ball courts and paved roads sprouted and grew not near a seaport or on a riverway, but deep inland at jungle oases. |
The island of Manda, off the northern coast of Kenya, was home to an advanced civilization from about 200AD to 1430AD, when it was abandoned and never inhabited again. |
These organizations characterize Mumford's stage theory of civilization. |
Meanwhile, industrial pollution and environmental damage, present since the discovery of fire and the beginning of civilization, accelerated drastically. |
Maya civilization arose as the Olmec mother culture gradually declined. |
The development of cities was synonymous with the rise of civilization. |
Today, several ethnic groups of northern Cameroon and southern Chad but particularly the Sara people claim descent from the civilization of the Sao. |
Sheep meat and milk were one of the earliest staple proteins consumed by human civilization after the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture. |
With thousands of years of continuous history, China is one of the world's oldest civilizations, and is regarded as one of the cradles of civilization. |
The Yellow River is said to be the cradle of Chinese civilization, although cultures originated at various regional centers along both the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. |
Kennan described it as the Ultima Thule of Russian civilization. |
Samuel Huntington has argued that Sinic or Chinese civilization is characterized by political authoritarianism, subordination to authority, hierarchy and conformity. |
For this reason, many anthropologists consider the Olmec civilization to be the mother culture of the many Mesoamerican cultures that followed it. |
For the broader use of the term, see the article on Aztec civilization. |
Artifacts and paintings at the site suggest that the Canaanites had contact with the Egyptians, Mesopotamian cultures and the Minoan civilization. |
From very early times, kings were specifically identified with the young maize god, whose gift of maize was the basis of Mesoamerican civilization. |
Scholars continue to discuss when this era of Maya civilization began. |
The Maya developed their first civilization in the Preclassic period. |
The Maya civilization developed within the Mesoamerican cultural area, which covers a region that spreads from northern Mexico southwards into Central America. |
The Maya civilization developed in an area that encompasses southeastern Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador. |
This state became powerful due to the local goldsmith industry and it also had commercial ties and a diplomatic rivalry with the Champa civilization. |
A long series of cultural development culminated in the expansion of the Inca civilization and Inca Empire in the central Andes during the 15th century. |
The early picture of the Indus civilization was largely based on what was revealed by excavations in the two great cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. |
His name is associated with a period of Portuguese civilization that was distinguished by significant achievements both in political affairs and the arts. |
Yet the whole notion of a Berber apprenticeship to the Punic civilization has been called an exaggeration sustained by a point of view fundamentally foreign to the Berbers. |
To beat the Inca civilization, they supported one side of a civil war. |
True, civilization as we know it is gone, but so is social stratification. |
Mesoamerica was one of six cradles of civilization worldwide. |
His campaigns greatly increased contacts and trade between East and West, and vast areas to the east were significantly exposed to Greek civilization and influence. |
They belonged to a more militarily advanced civilization with better techniques, tools, firearms, artillery, iron, steel and domesticated animals. |
Aztec civilization developed into an extensive empire that, much like the Roman Empire, had the goal of exacting tribute from the conquered colonial areas. |
The triumph of Imperialism leads to the annihilation of civilization. |
Compared with other barbarian tribes, the Goths had the longest time of contact with Roman civilization, from migration in 376 to trade interactions years beforehand. |
The Etruscan civilization reached its peak about the 7th century BC, but by 509 BC, when the Romans overthrew their Etruscan monarchs, its control in Italy was on the wane. |
Writing as it is known today did not exist in human civilization until the 4th millennium BC, in a relatively small number of technologically advanced civilizations. |
The inhabitants of this civilization, which lasted roughly from 5500 to 2750 BC, practiced agriculture, raised livestock, hunted, and made intricately designed pottery. |
This end, during the last years of the 12th century BC, occurred after a slow decline of the Mycenaean civilization, which lasted many years before dying out. |
Mycenaean civilization was dominated by a warrior aristocracy. |
However, the way in which the Nile began to be deified by the people in Egypt was because it played such a crucial role in the formation of civilization within this area. |
Due to the conquests by Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Hellenistic civilization flourished from Central Asia to the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. |
Most of modern Central America was part of the Mesoamerican civilization. |
Other researchers have argued that the Olmec civilization came into existence with the help of Chinese refugees, particularly at the end of the Shang dynasty. |
Greek mythology has had an extensive influence on the culture, arts, and literature of Western civilization and remains part of Western heritage and language. |
The interplay of civilizations was more relevant to Greeks living in Anatolia, such as Herodotus himself, for whom life within a foreign civilization was a recent memory. |
The development of agriculture, and then civilization, led to humans having an influence on Earth and the nature and quantity of other life forms that continues today. |
The height of a civilization is referred to as a golden age. |
The hallmarks of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as art, architecture and many aspects of religion, took shape during the Early Dynastic period. |
The study of the history of art was initially developed during the Renaissance, with its limited scope being the artistic production of Western civilization. |
The Minoan culture is regarded as the oldest civilization in Europe. |
The war had shattered Pound's belief in modern western civilization. |
His novel explores themes including civilization versus nature, the psychology of solitude, as well as death and sexuality in a retelling of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe story. |
The story of Theologus Autodidactus, however, extends beyond the deserted island setting when the castaways take Kamil back to civilization with them. |
Indians have encountered Europeans since their earliest civilization. |
Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of importance to the maintenance of industrialized civilization itself, and thus is a critical concern to many nations. |
Pirenne postponed the demise of classical civilization to the 8th century. |
Computers have made for greater material and energy efficiency, less need for physical transport, more widespread intelligence basically throughout civilization and culture. |
To create such a solar civilization requires us to imagine an evolutionary city design, what architect Paolo Soleri calls arcology, the union of architecture and ecology. |
The history of alliums goes back to the early days of civilization. |