Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian, has been noted to have felt a form of status anxiety and insecurity when put next to Alexander. |
The Romans were not particularly good sailors, and they found themselves outclassed by the Carthaginian navy. |
The Iberians played a large role in the campaigns of the great Carthaginian general, Hannibal Barca, both as allies and opponents. |
All 3 had some Berber blood which was likely intermixed with Roman, Phoenecian, Carthaginian, Macedonian, etc. |
Such then are the conditions of the Lacedaemonian, the Cretan and the Carthaginian polities which have all a just and high reputation. |
Ibiza was a Carthaginian colony and the ceramic figures from this period are magnificent. |
One Carthaginian sea captain sank his ship rather than let his charts fall into Roman hands. |
However, at no period did Carthaginian wine figure prominently in trade. |
To this end he introduced Carthaginian agricultural techniques and forced many Numidians to settle as peasant farmers. |
Crossing the Alps through the Little St Bernard Pass cost the Carthaginian General half his army and his elephants. |
These rules with certain event cards allow the Greek player to strike at the Carthaginian menace by recreating Agathocles' invasion of Africa. |
Later there was a Carthaginian naval station, until the Romans took over in 252 bce. |
So the Senate sent both consuls north to meet the Carthaginian. |
The siege and destruction of Sagunto, loyal to Rome, led by Hannibal's Carthaginian troops, became a symbol of the Punic Wars. |
Exception: See Carthaginian Command, 4.5, which supersedes all of the above. |
The Carthaginian player automatically wins if all Mercenary leaders are eliminated. |
As consul in 218 bc, Publius was sent to Spain to stop the Carthaginian general Hannibal. |
Phoenician, Greek, Celt, Carthaginian, Roman and Arabic cultures have all left their imprint. |
In 262 they besieged and captured the Carthaginian base at Agrigentum on the south coast of the island. |
In antiquity the island offered shelter to the Phoenician ships, Greek, Carthaginian and Roman. |
Dido, the Carthaginian queen, offered hospitality to the Trojans. |
While campaigning against Byzantium he ordered the covering of the tomb of his fellow Carthaginian Hannibal with fine marble. |
After the Carthaginian intercession, Messana asked Rome to expel the Carthaginians. |
Greek Syracuse controlled much of Sicily, though there were a few Carthaginian colonies in the far west of the island. |
During the Second Punic War the famous Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca utilized Gallic mercenaries in his invasion of Italy. |
Records of the voyages of the Carthaginian Himilco take note of the islands of Albion and Ierne. |
Carthaginian accounts of monsters became one source of the myths discouraging sailing in the Atlantic. |
By then the Romans had adopted the Carthaginian name, romanized first as Ispania. |
Tangier was founded in the early 5th century BC by Carthaginian colonists, who were probably the first ones to settle around the coast. |
After the final Carthaginian naval defeat at the Aegates Islands, the Carthaginians surrendered and accepted defeat in the First Punic War. |
The Senate took a number of measures in order to free up its hands for the coming conflict with the Carthaginian. |
The river appears in the Ebro Treaty of 226 BC between Rome and Carthage, setting the limit of Carthaginian interest at the Ebro. |
Unable to defeat Hannibal on Italian soil, the Romans boldly sent an army to Africa under Scipio Africanus to threaten the Carthaginian capital. |
The origins of the city of Cagliari go back to the Phoenicians, but its greatest development came under Carthaginian rule and became an important maritime trading center thanks to its natural outlet to the sea. |
In room 3, devoted to antique funeral rites, next to the sepulture of a child buried in a vessel and small lead sarcophagus, arises the astonishing model of a Carthaginian tomb. |
The Romans under Scipio Africanus and Numidians under Masinissa burned the camp of the rival Numidian chief Syphax near Utica and then overwhelmed Syphax and his Carthaginian allies at the Battle of Bagrades in 203 bce. |
There seemed a flicker of hope in 2003 when the Central Powers imposed a brutal nul points provision on Britain, but it has since become clear that was the most counterproductive of Carthaginian peaces. |
It originated as the Oscan and Roman town of Nuceria Alfaterna, which was sacked by the Carthaginian general Hannibal in 216 bc but was rebuilt by the emperor Augustus. |
Up to 10,000 Romans managed to fight their way through the Carthaginian lines and escape to Placentia, where they remained in camp as Scipio had originally suggested until spring. |
After the death of Hamilcar, Hannibal continued Carthaginian expansion in Spain, reaching the Ebro River the limit imposed by Rome in the settlement of the First Punic War. |
When the Austrians and British threatened war over a Carthaginian peace imposed on Turkey by the Russian victors, Bismarck called for a peace congress in Berlin. |
During the sixth century BC, the fortress was destroyed and then rebuilt in time for Carthaginian then be occupied by the Romans, before being finally abandoned. |
The depths of the cave Oil, host the wreck of a ship Carthaginian. |
According to legend, after crossing the Pyrenees, Hannibal, the famous general of the Carthaginian army, rested his troops and elephants at Les Bouillens in France, the location of the Perrier spring. |
Awaiting the Carthaginian army on the left bank of the Rhone was a tribe of Gauls called the Cavares. |
Well recommended is a day trip to the walled city of Carcassonne. Don't forget to visit the historic centre with its remains of the Carthaginian rule. |
Carthage Political and Manpower Display: This display has a number of tracks used by the Carthaginian player to note the Family in Power, Political Climate, and various Manpower levels and their maximums. |
A Carthaginian Army Commander is ranked higher than an Allied commander. |
In this town do not miss the impressive Carthaginian warship, partially reconstructed, preserved in the Museo Archeologico Regionale Baglio Anselmi and the tasting of fine wines from the Cantine Florio. |
After the Carthaginian conquest, in the second half of the sixth sec.aC, Tharros became a thriving port, and reached a remarkable urban development. |
The Carthaginian sailor Himilco is said to have visited the island in the 5th century BC and the Greek explorer Pytheas in the 4th. |
Words were exchanged in the Carthaginian Senate to the effect that Hannibal should be handed over to the Romans and his actions disavowed. |
He left his brother, Hasdrubal in charge of the administration of Carthaginian Iberia, as well as its defence against the Romans. |
The Carthaginian detachment chopped down trees, lashing the logs together with reliable ropes they had brought with them from the army's stores. |
The armies started to shout and jeer at each other while the Carthaginian army was in the midst of crossing. |
The war began with the audacious invasion of Hispania by Hannibal, the Carthaginian general who had led operations on Sicily in the First Punic War. |
The coastline had been explored by the Greek geographer Pytheas in the 4th century BC, and may have been explored even earlier, in the 5th, by the Carthaginian sailor Himilco. |
Seeing that the Carthaginians were finally crossing, the Cavares rose from their entrenchments and prepared their army on the shore near the Carthaginian landing point. |
However, after training more sailors and inventing a grappling engine, a Roman naval force was able to defeat a Carthaginian fleet, and further naval victories followed. |
The Numidians were followed back to the Carthaginian camp, which was almost assembled excepting the elephants, which required more time getting across. |
After this contest of arms, the baggage was held together in good order and the Carthaginian army followed the road down to the plain that begins roughly at modern Bourget. |
The defeat of Carthaginian forces by Scipio Africanus in Eastern Hispania allowed the pacification of the west, led by Consul Decimus Junius Brutus Callaicus. |
In 206 BC, the new king of the eastern Massylii, Masinissa, allied himself with Rome, and Syphax of the Masaesyli switched his allegiance to the Carthaginian side. |
At the same time, Greek Sicily was invaded by a Carthaginian force. |
This way Rome became the new dominant power against the fading strength of the Sicilian Greek cities and the Carthaginian supremacy in the region. |
These colonies expressed concern about the consolidation of Carthaginian power on the peninsula, which Hasdrubal's deft military leadership and diplomatic skill procured. |
During the Second Punic War in 218 BC, the Carthaginian general Hannibal probably crossed the Alps with an army numbering 38,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry, and 37 war elephants. |
Others believed that, to avoid the Carthaginian blockade, he may have stuck close to land and sailed only at night, or taken advantage of a temporary lapse in the blockade. |
The Romans allowed themselves to be tied up in a war against the Illyrians, and did not treat the Carthaginian threat from Iberia with the attention that it deserved. |