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How to use Bean in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Bean? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Myths about rural life are as old as the Greek eclogues and as modern as the L.L. Bean catalog.
One is a convolvulus called Goat's Foot Morning Glory, the other is Beach Bean, from the pea family and named for its huge woody seeds.
The company is now finalizing contracts with L.L. Bean and the Asian skiwear maker Phenix.
Mr. Bean is nothing if not the modern realization of the Faulknerian idiot manchild.
There are displays dedicated to the notorious Edinburgh bodysnatchers Burke and Hare, and cannibal Sawney Bean.
They come to the Hopi for six months each year, arriving during the February Bean Dance.
Bean curd or tofu can be justifiably called a great invention of ancient China.
Bean products, fishes, milk, walnuts, Chinese cabbages and tomatoes are very helpful in maintaining healthy eyes.
The Fractured Bean coffee shop was just down the street and he arrived in plenty of time.
Bean rust favors cool, moist weather and is further enhanced by varieties susceptible to the pathogen's many races.
His bumbling, childlike Mr Bean was all thumbs and two left feet, and the fact that he rarely spoke meant his vaudevillian humour travelled well.
Admittedly, Bean improves rapidly once crowned, and sets about disposing of his rivals with suitable savagery.
Tonka Bean Trace is a narrow, lonely road, with large pot holes which runs uphill between bamboo stools and high razor grass.
Conrad and Bean spent a total of 7.5 hours on the lunar surface during their two trips outside the shelter of the lunar module.
Bean bags are reasonably priced, or try walking around your neighbourhood and you may find furniture free for the taking.
Around three to five minutes later, the soya-bean milk solidifies and turns into Bean Jelly.
Roman is lightning quick and improving every day in practice, and Bean showed playmaking ability in the preseason.
Story wise, it's Mr. Bean, perhaps a little gentler and less repulsive than Rowan Atkinson in the flesh, but very very funny.
Identity in these contemporary worlds, writes Bean and Moni, is constructed through the consumption of goods with selfhood vested in things.
The two specimens in the red pots at the front are Dwarf French Beans of the variety Scott's Bean, a heritage variety from the HDRA Heritage Seed Library.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Annual feasts were given to labourers such as the wayzgoose or Bean feast, which later name remains to this day.
Many a time had Captain Bean weathered Hatteras in a southeaster, but never had he met such a storm of feminine fury as this.
A closely allied form occurs in Alaska, and has been named Dallia pectoralis, Bean.
The idea of himself as a Roland Bean was too new to be assimilated immediately.
The Locust, or carob Bean, is now largely used by the stock-feeder.
That's why, in addition to Independence Day, Americans will be celebrating National Baked Bean Month this July.
The recipes range from Easy Black Bean Dip to Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese Dip.
The Hollywood star scarred Bean for life by accidentally hitting him with a boat hook while filming Patriot Games.
He can serve the concoction on burnt ciabatta bread and call it something fancy like Baked Bean Bruschetta.
I fear, sir, that you will be unable to get out,' said Master Bean, sympathetically.
Talk of the liberty of the treed possum, but do not use the word in connexion with a man bottled up in an office, with Roland Bean guarding the only exit.
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