Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Accouterments? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
The zouaves enjoyed an immense popularity under the Second Empire that was owed to more than their exotic accouterments.
The deep green surcoat, woven of the finest silk, emphasized the splendor of his accouterments.
Since 1982, the institute, a folksy operation, has been marketing the accouterments necessary for warning criminals that they are being watched.
Examples from Classical Literature
He arranged his own bed in this second room, where the saddles and other accouterments were piled.
Behind it, the blankets and accouterments of the Hudson Bay party were gathered.
He dropped it as if it had burned him, and hustled off his accouterments, and threw them on the ground.
The body had been stripped by Zargheba to furnish the accouterments for the pretender.
When getting out the accouterments the priming-wire could not be found.
The regulars retire with accouterments on, and their arms by their sides.
It was the rattling of the accouterments of the foremost warrior which warned me.
Presently the sounds of pursuit became audible in the distant clanking of accouterments and the whistling call to arms of the kaldanes.
Not a third of the men could swim it with their arms and accouterments.
After the second he turned his attention to his arms and accouterments.
He has been cleaning his sword and accouterments, this morning.
He sees that their accouterments do not glisten or rattle when they move.
The Tommies, their packs and accouterments slung, were waiting the summons to continue their return march.
Stores of wood were brought for the night, shelters were rigged up for the officers, caldrons were being boiled, and muskets and accouterments put in order.