A colony is initiated by a single female who induces gall formation on a growing phyllode of a host Acacia tree. |
The genus Acacia is mostly confined to Africa where almost all have stipular spines or recurved thorns. |
It must be dissolved slowly in water, over several days and then filtered to remove traces of Acacia tree bark, elephant hide and rhino horn. |
It is not entirely soluble in water, to which it imparts less viscidity than ordinary Gum Acacia. |
What a wonderful opportunity to send your local plod to a fictitious crime in Walnut Grove while you burgle a house in Acacia Avenue. |
Most Australian species of Acacia have bipinnate leaves, as least when they are in the seedling stage. |
The pure, liquid sounds of two bokmakieries perched in an Acacia thorn tree carry through the air. |
Trees and Acacia species were planted 1m apart and mallees were planted 0.5m apart in view of later thinning. |
Use the box below to receive your unique price quote for the Acacia Tango Orange Vertical Blinds. |
At a meeting held last Thursday, Shipley Area Planning Panel gave the go-ahead for the meeting house on the former Acacia House Hotel site. |
As he came to a standstill at a stop sign at Acacia Park, two armed men appeared and jumped into his vehicle. |
Acacia karroo may be found from the Western Cape through to Zambia and Angola. |
Acacia felt his grip slacken just enough for her to break free and run for the back door. |
Acaciaside A and B, two acylated triterpenoid bisglycosides isolated from the funicles of Acacia auriculiformis, are known to have antihelmintic activity. |
Handily located just metres from the motorway, nevertheless, Acacia Restaurant and the adjoining lounge bar are so positioned to seem far from the madding crowd. |
And yes, while the splendour of Holme oaks, Magnolia grandiflora, Acacia and Eucalyptus is undisputed, they must be allowed room to flex their limbs to best advantage. |
The most common trees in the city are gums Eucalyptus spp., pines Pinus spp., oaks Quercus spp., poplars Populus spp., Acacia spp., karees Rhus lancea, and olives Olea europa. |
Grassland and open parkland dominated by Eragrostis porosa with scattered Acacia erubescent and other tree species over areas of impeded and internal drainage. |
Giri B, Kapoor R, Mukerji KG Improved tolerance of Acacia nilotica to salt stress by arbuscular mycorrhiza. |
Catechu or cutch is an astringent produced from a number of species, but especially from Acacia catechu. |
Equally rated are five species of Acacia, one each of Portulaca and Stylobasium, and a cyperaceous species of Fimbristylis. |
The acacia psyllid, Acizzia uncatoides, feeds primarily on the young terminal growth of Acacia and Albizia species. |
Effects of condensed tannin from Acacia mearnsii on sheep infected naturally with gastrointestinal helminthes. |
Introgressive hybridization in Mexican populations of Acacia macracantha and Acacia pennatula. |
Acacia mangium improves the conditions for the soil fauna, including earthworms and for the commensalism between Pseudomyrmex spp. |
The two most common of these alien species are Pittosporum undulatum and Acacia melanoxylon. |
O Glycerine Gum Acacia, Castor Oil, Turpentine oil, Camphor, Sort-Soap, Sodium Chloride, Pot. |
The ash most often used was from Acacia salincina, also known as Acacia ligulata or wirra. |
Lash Extreme is formulated with Acacia gum and D-panthenol, which helps maintain moisture levels and generate sheen and luster. |
Nitrogen metabolism of sheep and goats consuming Acacia brevispica and Sesbania sesban. |
The lower contact of the Bear River formation is gradational and placed above the highest occurrence of thick cross-bedded metasandstone of the Acacia Brook formation. |
The main forest plants affected include three types of Pine, the Cypress, Acacia, Plane, the Strawberry Tree, the Golden Oak and the Mediterranean Hawthorn. |
Soil macro-fauna in an Acacia mangium plantation in comparison to that in a primary mixed dipterocarp forest in the lowlands of Sarawak, Malaysia. |
Pazflor includes the Perpetua, Acacia, Zinia and Hortensia fields, which lie in the eastern portion of Block 17 approximately 150 kilometers from the Angolan coast. |
On a private game reserve, Intu Afrika, the acacia trees hide giraffes, oryx, eland and ostriches. |
Giraffes are also missing from the crater as they favour the umbrella acacia and wait-a-bit thorn trees found higher up. |
All around me white and yellow flowering acacia trees are abuzz with bees, wasps, and colorful cetoniid beetles. |
There is the touch of the camel-thorn acacia that has just been grazed by a giraffe, and the smell of wild sage as you brush past it in the bush. |
Kruger spreads over nearly 20,000 sq km of unspoilt scrubland punctuated by acacia and mopane trees. |
The A to Z of conservatory plants starts with the feathery yellow flowers of the acacia in bloom from December to March. |
The place I chose is under a small-leaved acacia tree, with a little direct sun on the water in the morning. |
A well-planted aviary, especially with native species of trees or shrubs like acacia or eucalyptus, is ideal. |
The mud walls glowed with the colours of sunset and the park-like scattering of acacia trees were back lit by the dusk. |
Then, as Rich gawked, the leopard gripped its catch by the neck and, without too much effort, lugged it twenty feet straight up an acacia tree. |
Cooler notes are provided by wisteria, musk and linen while vanilla, sandalwood and acacia warm to the pulse points. |
Health kits, containing handy wooden tools made of acacia tree, will help to kill pain in your body parts without the application of any balms. |
The Kalahari is a green desert, largely of low thorn scrub and acacia trees. |
Afterwards we picnicked under the shade of an acacia tree and bargained with a group of smiths who patiently wait for a little passing business. |
It has an incredible biodiversity including savannah, grasslands, thornveld and tall acacia trees. |
They feed mainly on leaves of acacia and mimosa, using their 450mm extendable tongues and mobile lips to secure their food. |
They feed mainly on leaves of acacia and mimosa, using their 450 mm extendable tongues and mobile lips to secure their food. |
These little acacia and bird cherry trees look a little out of place as they rock in tandem with the waves in the backwaters. |
Scrubby acacia bush gave way to tussocks of cram cram grass until that too disappeared. |
Her incenses are acacia, frankincense, myrrh, catnip, cedar, cinnamon, and juniper. |
Without vaulting or trusses, Yemeni traditional architecture had to rely on the usable length of palm, acacia or tamarisk trunks for spans. |
Second, the cactus and acacia trees may have dissimilar distributions of branch length. |
Brazilian pepper, carrotwood and ear leaf acacia were cut down, and their stumps were treated with herbicide. |
Sure enough, several miles later a small isolated mound hove into view with a scrubby acacia tree perched on top. |
Sprinkle on a little burnt lime with some catechu gum of a Malayan acacia tree and add a touch of nutmeg and cardamom for flavor. |
Other species which were illegally chopped down included acacia, longan, banana and ivy trees, all found in Hong Kong's countryside. |
Further afield where camels browse, we found dried-up, and unyielding acacia trees, normally a reliable source of sustenance. |
They both include a number of trees and mature shrubbery, including the protected false acacia. |
Tours of the grounds include a walk through a forest filled with pine, cryptomeria, acacia and a wide variety of other plants. |
Further north are areas covered with acacia bushes, the source of gum arabic. |
Beyond the river, caramel plains rolled away to the distant horizon, spotted with acacia trees and slow-moving giraffe. |
One day Rabbit sat down beside a flowering acacia tree and looked up at the bright yellow flowers, the rough bark and the sturdy limbs stretching toward the sun. |
Even the ostrich squawk as they make their way across the sandvelt to open marshlands and savannahs dotted with acacia, baobab trees and wild sage bushes. |
Spread out below the ridge is a remarkable expanse of woodlands, an acacia and eucalypt plain of shimmering leaf canopy that extends to the coast. |
For this purpose, the damar and acacia trees will be cut down. |
In every direction there were wide skies, gold grass hills and acacia trees. |
The first delicate white toothworts appear in the woods at the end of January, and the bold yellow acacia blooms suddenly startle us in the first days of February. |
An early autumn sun lit up cobblestone streets, tall acacia trees, and handsome and nearly all decayed 19th-century buildings. |
We saw a small group of women and children under an acacia tree and my friend and I walked toward them. |
An antless acacia is doomed. Janzen concluded that the ants and acacias are obligate symbionts, depending entirely upon each other. |
Alalim said that the trees to be planted will include saplings of different varieties like cedar, acacia, neem, jatropha and moringa. |
Some of these plants used in last researches are poplar, pine, palm, silverberry, fig, ash, apple, birch, ailanthus, elder, oak and acacia. |
They take the form of two love-flowers, a winter-flowering laurestine from England, and a May-blooming acacia from Italy. |
Painted quandong, kurrajongs and acacia seeds and 'porcupine' quills were used to make necklaces, earrings and trinkets. |
Black locust, false acacia, robinia, honey locust, pea flower, post locust, yellow locust, green locust and white locust. |
The results showed that glue containing red ochre was less brittle and more shatterproof than glue made from acacia gum alone. |
Further, we investigated the effect of giving acacia gum in the drinking water concomitantly with adenine on the above parameters. |
These consisted of a variety of food polymers, such as maltodextrin DE 12, acacia gum and inulin. |
Both dibatags and gerenuks habitually stand on their two hind legs to reach acacia and other tree foliage. |
Charcoal was produced as well, from acacia, and mainly in the interior of the region. |
Common plants that have been introduced to the state include the eucalyptus, acacia, pepper tree, geranium, and Scotch broom. |
Three hours later Boyles and Rise are propped up against the trunk of the sole acacia tree on the knoll, drinking up the bipinnate shade. |
Coast buckwheat faces serious competition from vegetation that is not native to the coastal dunes ecosystem, including certain acacia, grass, and iceplant species. |
These forests are mostly of mulberry, acacia, and eucalyptus. |
At this time of year, you can expect to see the late spring bulbs, rhododendrons and in the conservatory, abutilons, acacia and begonias should be providing a show. |
Nardoo, lily, acacia and cycad seeds were collected and ground into flour. |
In general, all gum acacia and modified gum acacia emulsifiers were superior in stability to modified starches at both temperatures for orange terpene-based beverages. |
Their food source is leaves, fruits and flowers of woody plants, primarily acacia species, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. |