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How to use Acacia in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Acacia? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
A colony is initiated by a single female who induces gall formation on a growing phyllode of a host Acacia tree.
The genus Acacia is mostly confined to Africa where almost all have stipular spines or recurved thorns.
It must be dissolved slowly in water, over several days and then filtered to remove traces of Acacia tree bark, elephant hide and rhino horn.
It is not entirely soluble in water, to which it imparts less viscidity than ordinary Gum Acacia.
What a wonderful opportunity to send your local plod to a fictitious crime in Walnut Grove while you burgle a house in Acacia Avenue.
Most Australian species of Acacia have bipinnate leaves, as least when they are in the seedling stage.
The pure, liquid sounds of two bokmakieries perched in an Acacia thorn tree carry through the air.
Trees and Acacia species were planted 1m apart and mallees were planted 0.5m apart in view of later thinning.
Use the box below to receive your unique price quote for the Acacia Tango Orange Vertical Blinds.
At a meeting held last Thursday, Shipley Area Planning Panel gave the go-ahead for the meeting house on the former Acacia House Hotel site.
As he came to a standstill at a stop sign at Acacia Park, two armed men appeared and jumped into his vehicle.
Acacia karroo may be found from the Western Cape through to Zambia and Angola.
Acacia felt his grip slacken just enough for her to break free and run for the back door.
Acaciaside A and B, two acylated triterpenoid bisglycosides isolated from the funicles of Acacia auriculiformis, are known to have antihelmintic activity.
Handily located just metres from the motorway, nevertheless, Acacia Restaurant and the adjoining lounge bar are so positioned to seem far from the madding crowd.
And yes, while the splendour of Holme oaks, Magnolia grandiflora, Acacia and Eucalyptus is undisputed, they must be allowed room to flex their limbs to best advantage.
The most common trees in the city are gums Eucalyptus spp., pines Pinus spp., oaks Quercus spp., poplars Populus spp., Acacia spp., karees Rhus lancea, and olives Olea europa.
Grassland and open parkland dominated by Eragrostis porosa with scattered Acacia erubescent and other tree species over areas of impeded and internal drainage.
Giri B, Kapoor R, Mukerji KG Improved tolerance of Acacia nilotica to salt stress by arbuscular mycorrhiza.
Catechu or cutch is an astringent produced from a number of species, but especially from Acacia catechu.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Folius was growing on the rosewood Acacia, and the branches of eucalypti were inhabited by the parasitical orange loranth.
We next entered a scrub of Acacia pendula, which at seven miles opened into a forest of apple-trees and other eucalypti.
Death lurked for her, there outside in the dark, from behind the acacia tree!
No. 31562, which was obtained in a yucca and acacia association, had little fat.
The leaf-movements of the acacia, the sensitive plant, etc., are well known.
On the open grounds the bloodwood, Moreton Bay ash, and a strong growing acacia are the principal trees.
They like white and yellow jessamine, too, and catalpa flowers and lilies and acacia blossoms.
Decoctions of flaxseed, slippery elm, acacia, etc. are suitable demulcents and protectives.
The leaves of barberry and of some species of Astragalus, and the stipules of the false acacia are spiny.
What walks there are where the air is all fragrance of acacia and rose and orange blossoms!
Swinging down by his legs and one hand, he thrust the thorned branch of acacia deep in under the ruff.
Both these shrubs are species of acacia, the myall being of much larger growth and longer lived than the mulga.
The dom palm, tamarisk, acacia and wild senna are also found.
If an acacia, Mr. Bentham says, it is different from any he knows.
Then she climbed an acacia, and nestling into its tufted top, she watched the stranger with the inquisitive attention of the forest birds.
The extracts were triturated with gum acacia and dosage of 300 mg per kg body weight was prepared.
There are excellent acacia and other leguminous bushes for the camels.
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