At the early age of fourteen he graduated with the degree of master of law. |
They've been married for fourteen years, and this trip is connected with some incident that occurred while they were dating. |
Deming stresses that his fourteen points are interdependent and complementary. |
They can gas my car and change four tires in less then fourteen seconds during a pit stop. |
For a fourteen year old that is downright insulting and even an eight year old may have plenty to say on his or her own account. |
They used fourteen 67-foot rolls of paper on their plotter, producing mission-specific maps and intelligence products. |
It now offers twelve to fourteen classes a week to about seventy-five students in ballet, modern dance, hip-hop, and flamenco. |
I struggled up seven floors, fourteen flights of stairs, on my walking stick to the rooftop sculptures of Casa Batlow. |
The leaving age had been thirteen until 1901 when it was changed to fourteen. |
After close to fourteen years, he is doing his post-doctorate in stem cell research. |
For these purposes, post-natal care means personal medical services for both the mother and baby during the fourteen days following the birth. |
It was not possible to perceive the ten and then fourteen voices of the crab canon of the third movement. |
The technique was tried in fourteen patients, and seven patients were controls. |
In the past month, US pilots have struck from seven to fourteen targets a week. |
It's about thirteen or fourteen essays and some other stuff, seven or eight poems and a couple of plays. |
I was devastated, and mourned Daddy's passing for twelve, thirteen, maybe even fourteen minutes. |
She had her rubella vaccination when she was fourteen, but when she was sixteen, she still caught the measles. |
Consistently elevating each of these fourteen tracks above the clones are the pair's ear for melody and sense of musical humor. |
The children who attend the forty-two camps around America are aged between two and fourteen. |
To the left of the compartment was a gap of about eight inches in breadth and fourteen in length. |
This feeling was compounded when Conway skewed an unmissable free about ten metres west of the posts from the fourteen yard line minutes later. |
The boats he boarded were unseaworthy and one became lost at sea for fourteen days after a ferocious storm. |
Livia Russo looks like she was about fourteen when the movie was shot, which lends an air of extreme unseemliness to her frequent nude scenes. |
A quick brainstorm session with a group of fourteen women volunteers in July 2000 produced the following list of benefits of volunteering. |
The flat, slowly but surely, had been filling with gas for getting on for fourteen hours. |
Now towards the end there are nine rice styles and fourteen breads with all the usual favourites, naan, roti and paratha. |
Her books have been a source of unfailing pleasure for me since I was about fourteen. |
I'm presently slated to moderate fourteen panels, most of them about comic book history, and they're all goodies. |
I was fourteen and in the scouts, camping out in a wood just outside Oxford with dozens of other scout troops from all over the country. |
I have been experiencing restorative outages of up to fourteen hours per day through the use of this miraculous invention. |
The fourteen essays gathered here embrace a range of issues which perhaps transcend the limits suggested by the subtitle. |
In the fourteen rooms, Berber rugs and cushions add rich reds to the ochres and creams. |
James and Stevens attempted to identify the fourteen numbered beds in other areas of the outcrop belt. |
He produces seventy or eighty significant works each year and when he is in the mood he will work for fourteen hours or more a day. |
So the initial fourteen verses of To Saxham make plain when one considers them in light of more than metrics. |
Both groups fasted for fourteen hours before taking part in the experiment. |
Every stall was fourteen foot by fourteen foot, had a water bucket and feed bucket, and an abundant amount of straw bedding. |
Thomas, only fourteen years older than Henry himself, was a respected mercer with a talent for languages and diplomacy. |
Do you now have fourteen pads of Post-Its waiting to be filled with scrawls and doodles? |
The next morning, fourteen hours later, they're still sitting there, completely destroying the whole minimalist design shtick. |
Mr Goldsmith suffered loss by the drowning of fourteen ewe tegs, and Mr Jones by the drowning of eight little pigs. |
Up to fourteen thousand Mamelukes and a huge army were defeated by treachery and artillery. |
This year, Shimano has teamed up with the League to promote the event, offering free commuter kits in fourteen selected cities. |
On the other hand, he was fourteen and didn't need his mother constantly babying him. |
The fourteen autocephalous and autonomous churches were invited to send official delegates to this important event. |
Well Susie quickly took to the emo lifestyle, she already had pierced herself fourteen times by the end of the hour. |
Before I could finish casting unwarranted aspersions on all fourteen of my fellow jurors, I was distracted by the actual oath. |
The ascensional movement did not cease until the Go-Ahead had reached a height of fourteen thousand feet. |
The girls of six to ten shall be given skirts or long dresses, and the boys of six to fourteen shall be provided with trousers. |
I wear a size eighteen which, I hasten to add because I want to be clear about the extent of my rotundity, is a US size fourteen. |
His work has been identified in around fourteen other manuscripts, several of them localizable to Utrecht. |
When I was fourteen I was apprenticed to a dental mechanic for a five-year apprenticeship. |
I originally chose lime green, as a fourteen year old does, but Tim had talked me out of that and now it was a soft apple green. |
Eventually moving to New York, she was signed on to the S-Curve label at only fourteen years old. |
The fourteen lines of the poem mimic the standard fourteen-line form of the sonnet. |
A priest gifted for catechetics and communication with children from eleven to fourteen could carry on that apostolate by correspondence. |
In 1975, the twenty year old Heimo Korth lit out for Alaska, built a fourteen by fourteen foot cabin, and married a native woman. |
She had known Stuart since she was fourteen and they often went riding together. |
She served fourteen years as a naval aviator before leaving the service in 1997 as a lieutenant commander. |
She could have been anywhere from the age of fourteen to the age of thirty. |
It lasted for nine days in all and reduced three of the fourteen regions of the city to rubble, leaving only four regions untouched. |
All schooling for Kuwaitis is free, and between the ages of six and fourteen, attendance is compulsory. |
Not sparing his own health, his working day lasted twelve to fourteen hours, and he continued to toil into the small hours of the night. |
You must apply for inclusion on the Supplement Register at least fourteen working days before polling day. |
The girl was about fourteen years of age, shoulder length blonde hair and deep green eyes. |
The ring came out then, one and a quarter karats of diamonds set in fourteen carat gold. |
Helen Evans has fourteen gouache paintings, bright, whimsical and cartoon-like, most depicting the antics of her dog Hobbs. |
The black juggernaut with its fourteen wheels drove past, all lit up in the accumulating darkness. |
The current process, by the way, has been in place more or less unchanged for over fourteen hundred years. |
The man also wore a mustard coloured jersey or cardigan, a white shirt with thin, dark vertical lines and a fourteen and a half collar. |
His mother, nearly eighty years old but still a dynamo of energy and faith, has raised fourteen children. |
Some players also allow the ace to be worth one or fourteen at the discretion of the person who plays or captures it. |
By 1970 Jamaica's railways had fourteen diesel-electric locomotives and only one steam locomotive was still in operation. |
He was to form no less than fourteen governments as Prime Minister during the rest of his life. |
It was for this reason that an assembly of fourteen young people left the village on their journey to the promised land of America. |
While sneaking out of work I met two young girls, around the ages fourteen and fifteen. |
Again, this is no great surprise since the processor there is fourteen years old. |
The last time I remember ever having dedicatedly listened to radio was almost fourteen years ago. |
I try to tell her that I am fourteen and should have some things I can call my own in a private place like my bedroom. |
After fourteen days, there begins to appear the first traces of what will become the central nervous system of the embryo, the primitive streaks. |
It is at fourteen days that an embryo first begins to develop the primitive streak, the first indication of a nervous system. |
This small cave called Grotte Hamma is presumedly the location where Cervantes hid with fourteen other fugitives. |
I was fourteen or fifteen, already into my diet and exercise phase, tall, muscular, and dark-skinned. |
These people were allowed to trade with the galleons in exchange for welcoming fourteen Franciscan missionaries on their land. |
The Arthurian Legends are a cycle of stories that has been shaped and passed down through over fourteen hundred years of English history. |
There are only fourteen distinct types of Bravais lattices, and these are associated with seven crystal systems. |
Born in 1921, into a family of nine, Jimmy started work at the age of fourteen with Waterford County Council. |
Only fourteen then, she was now up for parole, having been, as they say, a model prisoner. |
She looked after her father and brothers from the age of fourteen on the untimely death of her mother. |
It was necessary to field a young team of juveniles with players under fourteen years of age. |
I think the important lessons of our life occur between the ages fourteen and nineteen. |
At age thirteen or fourteen New Zealand players go to Australia and compete well, but then the gap starts to widen. |
I was fourteen and she was seven and we were both awestruck by the large house by the shimmering lake. |
All thirteen girls and fourteen boys raced each other once Mr. Fleur blew his whistle. |
Imagine if you put fourteen artists from seven different countries in a room together. |
Plus, after nearly fourteen months of untroubled service, I'm finally getting tired of this design. |
Joy says a reasonable guide is to use the drugs as directed, for seven to fourteen days. |
The Christmas tree, still on display, was nearly fourteen feet high and did not yet reach the ceiling. |
The graves were well made of round limestone, they were about four feet long, one foot wide and about fourteen inches deep. |
It is a four-mile permanent road course with fourteen turns outlined by seven miles of access road on 626 acres of land. |
There are fourteen contributors, and thirteen admit to an ongoing full or part time academic appointment. |
Compiled by a group of US foreign policy experts, the programme included fourteen different points. |
Jepson claims the service will charge a twenty-five cent connection fee for each call, and seven to fourteen cents per minute. |
The graveyard consists of twenty rows with fourteen and a half lots in each row, room for more than a thousand burials. |
He birdied thirteen of fourteen holes but these scores were overshadowed by the events on the par three eight. |
The trip took nearly fourteen hours, but it now takes less than five hours by bus or train. |
The work, mostly painting, tends towards the abstract and each is a series of seven, fourteen or ten. |
When he was fourteen, his dad had moved the family upcountry with his new job. |
Seven of the fourteen cuts in tutorials have already been made, most significantly as the result of the introduction of a compulsory thesis. |
Chris Newman began to play the guitar at the age of four and at fourteen gave his first paid concert in a folk club. |
Telescopic, gravimetric, and spectrographic scans have revealed fourteen planets in the system. |
He was to marry Yolanda in 1225, as soon as she reached the legal age of fourteen. |
This development will be of fourteen houses, eight of which will be bungalows along with six two storey dwellings. |
Each of these vessels was fourteen tons burden and plied the same route as those owned by Barlow. |
It included specimens of fourteen insect orders, with major holdings of New Zealand moths, butterflies, beetles, stoners, caddis and bugs. |
When I was fourteen or fifteen I read a trashy romance novel called Perfect by Judith McNaught. |
He published fourteen novels, sixteen plays, 402 short stories and three novellas. |
He worked fourteen hours a day, wore identical white starched shirts and slept in his office. |
A corridor went the length of the house with fourteen Stations of the Cross around the walls. |
The second movement is a whistle-stop tour of all fourteen Stations of the Cross. |
As I explained in this article, the odds of winning the Jackpot are almost fourteen million to one. |
Although the legal age for marriage among women was twelve, fourteen was more common in practice. |
Yang's trip lasted more than twenty-one hours and took him on fourteen orbits around the Earth. |
For fourteen years, off and on, I have spent the spring on the south coast of Cornwall, in the heliotropic village of St Mawes. |
We used fourteen magazines for the automatics and twelve clips for the sawn-offs. |
A lot could be written on the delight of setting foot on rock after fourteen weeks of snow and ice and nearly seven out of sight of all else. |
The article is all but fourteen paragraphs long but the real stuffing of the reflective piece is the last five. |
Place the Queen on a chessboard and pass her over the entire sixty-four squares and back again to the point of beginning in fourteen moves. |
This double-disc anthology of music from fourteen of his film scores should help fill the gap. |
Yet, when Lydia grew up to be fourteen years old, she smacked her mother one day. |
Nine of the citadel's original fourteen towers still stand, named after the guilds that raised the money to build and maintain them. |
In 1985, we installed buried irrigation pipes leading from the pond to fourteen hydrants. |
With rain pattering gently off the window of her small bedroom, the fourteen year-old girl clambered out of bed to face the first day of term. |
One hundred and fourteen mobile phones were confiscated from the pawnshops. |
This means that workers are paid for fourteen months rather than twelve months every year. |
In association with Talkback, viewers are challenged to write a poem of no more than fourteen lines on the theme of first love. |
Apparently, on my final visit to him, I took fourteen pencil sharpeners and a penny I'd found on my way there. |
King Ahmed and Queen Delara say that I play better than any thirty year old lutists, as I am only fourteen. |
There are fourteen bus routes which coincide in Enfield's key shopping street, they carry 74,000 passengers every weekday. |
There follow fourteen chapters and a conclusion, the contents of which I will briefly indicate later. |
Pallissaro fed a few more coins into the ravenous meter until it showed a fourteen pounds credit. |
The picket line of eleven workers has now been outside the plant for fourteen weeks. |
After standing for thirteen or fourteen hours the sugar concreted into one mass. |
During the day we discovered fourteen or fifteen other people, and most people hadn't even checked. |
He has been fighting for the rights of Taino people ever since he was a boy of fourteen. |
The two of us used to get on the city bus and go there when we were fourteen and fifteen. |
Some of the older men didn't, and the boys who looked about fourteen or fifteen opted out. |
While she might have indeed been sixteen years old, she could have easily passed for fourteen or even thirteen. |
I want to disengage the warp drive, make a course alteration to two-six-five mark fourteen, then reactivate the warp drive at current speed. |
A few minutes later I netted his fish for him, and he was right, we needed the big net and the camera, he had landed a common of fifteen pounds and fourteen ounces! |
And my rankings, for that matter, as I have simply done a quick-and-dirty estimate of how the fourteen AL teams ranked in their efforts Tuesday and Wednesday. |
Some of them get through fourteen episodes thinking that the emails she sends them are personal to them, and in reply to the ones that they send her. |
On May 10 the men found fourteen bison with two new calves, but the animals fled from the intruders, who could not keep up with them in the slushy snow. |
It was fourteen dollars, for two coffees and two mingy blondies, which he paid without flinching, even leaving the change from his twenty in the concessionaire's plastic cup. |
Wroth highlights and intensifies the complex, highly-structured nature of the corona by composing it of fourteen sonnets, mirroring the fourteen lines of the sonnet itself. |
It was a boy with the face of a fourteen year old and matching bumfluff. |
Shenzhou I completed fourteen orbits and returned to earth after just twenty-one hours, but even so it achieved a big step forward for the Chinese. |
It's an Archaic Stage site spanning the period 7500 BC through to AD 1200 in fourteen distinct cultural horizons represented by over 10.5m of stratigraphy. |
At his death in 1999 Edey bequeathed his collection of twenty-five clocks, fourteen watches, and an extensive horological library to the Frick Collection in New York City. |
I was a fourteen year old whose mother made fun of her own idolization of another self-obsessed, overly dramatic singer who similarly became a bloated replica of himself. |
When Haessle was fourteen years old, he started to work in a coal mine. |
Of the fifteen, fourteen had gone public after their acceptance. |
The author thus implies that the means to understanding the causes of the violence and the motivations of its instigators lie in the study of the previous fourteen centuries. |
Joint planes, which accounted for 24 percent of the total, were made up of fourteen different types and included rabbets, standing fillisters, plows and panel planes. |
I have friends who frequently have four or five or fourteen day benders, emerging corpselike and battered but somehow recovering enough to do it again. |
Before fourteen days, the embryo, or pre-embryo as it was scientifically known, was a loose cluster of first two, then four, then sixteen cells, undifferentiated. |
So we're just sitting there watching TV and nothing is really happening, the game is deadlocked at fourteen to fourteen and it's gotten pretty out of hand with the penalties. |
First at Ferrara and later at Florence, fourteen months were spent in discussing the procession of the Spirit, more time than was devoted to any other issue! |
The dot matrix said fourteen minutes, and there were apologies for delays due to signalling problems, so I walked all the way back up to the taxi rank. |
So far, Nepal has created fourteen protected areas, covering at least ten percent of the country's land mass, and there are plans to extend these protected areas. |
I gathered our belongings, picked up a rent-a-car, and embarked on our fourteen mile ride to Poipu Beach, elated to have arrived in this unspoiled paradise. |
This bodice-ripper about Restoration England, banned in fourteen US states, was the bestselling novel in 1940s America. |
Usually, girls were betrothed by fourteen and wed at seventeen. |
You can find fourteen of these copper creations, all initially containing 3,900 liters of liquid apiece, on the Macallan estate. |
It was a fourteen karat gold band that was adorned with one large diamond in the center that was accented with one sapphire on either side of the diamond. |
On a fourteen karat gold chain was a pendant with a design on it. |
He owned eight paintings and fourteen drawings, nine etchings on Japanese paper, fifty-nine separate proofs and an almost complete set of his prints. |
A young lad of fourteen caught up with me and we walked to Bangor. |
It is even, at times, hard to imagine that Rinpoche is an incarnate lama who spent fourteen of his first nineteen years in rigorous monastic training in Old Tibet. |
Dad, completely outraged, took pictures of Nick and I when were fourteen and twelve posing with leopard speedo bathing suits and taped them all over the house. |
Mooney quickly inflated his life raft, sent out an SOS signal and drifted for fourteen days before he was rescued. |
Simply put, the system divides the orchestra pit into ten acoustical zones and the stage into fourteen, each governed by a directional microphone. |
There were the bodies of fourteen men, dressed in bloodied djellabahs or in shirts and slacks. |
The selectors deserve credit for picking fourteen players on merit. |
The average tonnage was around thirteen tons, with the bulk of the vessels either fourteen or twenty tons with an upper limit of twenty-eight tons. |
It weighs only fourteen troy ounces and is of much lighter construction. |
For fourteen years I chaired the Works of Art Committee and sought to add to our collection of historical statues, busts and portraits, and topographical works. |
I didn't realise that there were fourteen different people making this sort of tuneage in Dublin, but they exist in bedsits, studios, clubs and wherever. |
His relations with his aunt deteriorated, however, and Nielsen left her home when he was fourteen and he continued at school but earned his living by tutoring. |
Manifestation of my words came fourteen years after I'd spoken there but at the time it was only an honest bleat of frustration with a system that was reprehensible. |
Maquilas prefer to employ young women, often as young as fourteen, because the owners believe that young women are easier to control and less likely to attempt to unionize. |
By the time he was fourteen he was a full fledged docker staggering under the crates his boyish frame hauled from the ships unloading at Algeciras. |
It was while acting as a curate that he met Grace Taylor, the daughter of a mill hand, then aged fourteen. |
When Leonardo was fourteen, the family moved to Caltanissetta in the Sicilian interior. |
When the month that we call Eastermonth is over, then the night lasts ten hours and the day fourteen hours. |
Managing volunteers from fourteen different organizations is like herding cats. |
The domestic top basketball league, A1 Ethniki, is composed of fourteen teams. |
There were fourteen cases of primary ovarian cancer, most of them associated with hydroperitoneum. |
Haw sees this as a reasonable claim if Marco was a keshig, who numbered some fourteen thousand at the time. |
Intersecting this were fourteen main streets running east to west, while eleven main streets ran north to south. |
Hildegard was born in 1098 and at the age of fourteen she entered the double monastery of Dissibodenberg. |
A Shakespearean sonnet is fourteen lines long and has an iambic pentameter rhythm throughout. |
The prime minister is appointed by the president, and the fourteen members of cabinet are chosen by the prime minister. |
To date only two dams have been built, which are the Inga I and Inga II, with a total of fourteen turbines. |
On 10 September 1512, Afonso sailed from Cochin to Goa with fourteen ships carrying 1,700 soldiers. |
The invasion force was to engage in often close and grisly warfare with the English for the next fourteen months. |
At the end of the war in 1821, Tabasco became of the first fourteen states under the 1824 Constitution. |
Beck and his bandmates hammered out fourteen songs in fourteen days, although just twelve made it onto the album, 1998's Mutations. |
Over the next fourteen years, however, the Russians slowly conquered the Khanate. |
Even though as many as fourteen claimants put forward their claims to the title, the real contest was between John Balliol and Robert de Brus. |
At age fourteen, his church pastor began tutoring him in Latin and Greek to prepare him for entering Yale College. |
By his first wife Eleanor of Castile, Edward had at least fourteen children, perhaps as many as sixteen. |
A hebephile prefers pubescents between the ages of roughly eleven and fourteen, and as for pygophilia, it's all about the buttocks. |
Senators are both Democrats, while Republicans hold nine of the state's fourteen US House seats. |
In some Puranic mythology, each kalpa consists of fourteen Manvantaras, and each Manvantara is headed by a different Manu. |
He left school at fourteen and was apprenticed to be either a blacksmith or a whitesmith. |
Edward was crowned at age fourteen after his father was deposed by his mother, Isabella of France, and her lover Roger Mortimer. |
Brunel had planned the tunnel to pass no more than fourteen feet below the riverbed at its lowest point. |
He spent the first fourteen years of his life in Wales and the next fourteen in Brittany and France. |
In 1718, Thomas Lombe was able to obtain a patent for silk throwing machinery, granted for fourteen years. |
A sentence of fourteen years was imposed on prisoners guilty of capital offences pardoned by the king. |
Barrow has fourteen of the latter, one of the highest number per capita of any British town. |
This is the second round of elimination, after fourteen semi-finalists exhibited their original designs at the Erie Art Museum this summer. |
That Committee includes the Chairman of Committees and fourteen other Lords. |
During this period of his life, extending over fourteen years, Cayley produced between two and three hundred papers. |
In 1995 there was a proposal to widen the section close to Heathrow Airport to fourteen lanes. |
Fathers usually began seeking husbands for their daughters when these reached an age between twelve and fourteen. |
His father died when he was fourteen, and his mother took George back to her homeland of Syria Palaestina. |
Contract awarded for Quice supply ip basic phones and fourteen interim ip phones for use of administrative agency of social housing in aguadulce. |
Gregg has developed several innovations for the RF electrodeless plasma lamp leading to fourteen patents currently pending approval. |
The numbers correspond to the 10th verse of chapter twelve, the 11th verse of chapter thirteen, and the 12th verse of chapter fourteen. |
Leveen imagining the fourteen years leading up to the events in the play from the point of view of the nurse. |
It runs through fourteen states and over sixty federal, state, and local parks and forests. |
At the age of fourteen, Mill stayed a year in France with the family of Sir Samuel Bentham, brother of Jeremy Bentham. |
These critics so lacerated the film for two hours to David Lean's face that the devastated Lean did not make another film for fourteen years. |
Because his mother did not allow Sellers to go, his formal education ended at fourteen. |
Lexington went on to a career as a breeding stallion, and led the sires list of number of winners for sixteen years, fourteen of them in a row. |
A total of twenty teams have competed in the eleven editions of the tournament, with fourteen competing in the 2015 tournament. |
The number of teams participating in the event increased from twelve to fourteen. |
The number of teams participating in the World Cup dropped down to fourteen. |
It is further broken down into fourteen events for men and four events for women, each representing a different weight class. |
The fourteen tournaments held to date have been at intervals ranging from two to eight years, and have featured a number of different formats. |
This was only the second time Ruiz has been stopped, after being knocked out in round one by David Tua fourteen years prior to facing David Haye. |
Binocularity is highly dependent upon the efficiency of the fourteen muscles of the eyes as well as the two sides of the brain. |
He then told von Brauchitsch and Halder that he would decide on the landing operation eight to fourteen days after the air attack began. |
The National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh, holds 7 million books, fourteen million printed items and over 2 million maps. |
The attack killed one civilian and injured fourteen others, including four men, nine women and one child. |
Montserrat is one of four of the fourteen BOTs that maintains its own military unit, the Royal Montserrat Defence Force. |
Guglielmo Marconi patented the radiotelegraph system around 1895, only fourteen years prior to the passage of the 1909 Act. |
The defender playing at the top of the zone is nine to fourteen metres out from the goal line. |
I hear that you are without a wife at the present time. How would you like a wrigglesome bed-warmer, just fourteen and in the prime of her looks? |
There are fourteen regional licences and one national licence for the breakfast service. |
Smith entered the University of Glasgow when he was fourteen and studied moral philosophy under Francis Hutcheson. |
Wittgenstein was taught by private tutors at home until he was fourteen years old. |
Jujuy seceded from Salta in 1834, and the thirteen provinces became fourteen. |
Brennan Center for Justice reported that in 2016 fourteen states passed restrictive voting laws. |
There were fourteen nobles who put themselves forward as candidates for the throne. |
Eighteen subject areas were rated top ten in the UK, whilst fourteen subject areas were rated the best in Scotland. |
The GUU has since won the Mace debating championship fourteen more times, more than any other university. |
In 1770, half of the island was held by fourteen farmers who had drained land for hay and pasture. |
As of late 2016, Ireland now has sixteen distilleries in operation, with at least a further fourteen in the planning stages. |
To date, the band has released fourteen studio albums, with a number of their songs sung in Scottish Gaelic. |
Eleven of the fourteen tracks included in the album were sung, produced and written solely by Harris. |
The most successful Celtic nation is Wales, with fourteen wins, with Cornwall close behind, having won ten times. |
The earliest recorded lead production dates to 1621 in the English Colony of Virginia, fourteen years after its foundation. |
By 1889, fourteen schools were operated by the Board but truancy and lack of attendance remained a problem, as in many industrial districts. |
He worked nonstop for fourteen hours yesterday, just so he could get today off. |
Cheese and salt are purchased by the wey of two hundredweight, or by the stone of fourteen pounds. |
In 2011 Ceredigion's beaches were awarded five Blue Flag Awards, four Green Coast Awards, and fourteen Seaside Awards. |
He isolates fourteen segments or isotopies that span the movement and describes each in turn. |
We spoiled an attack on members of our team and reduced the number of turn coats by fourteen. |
She held discussions with fourteen music labels, rejecting all but one as she believed it was the only one which would not dictate her image. |
Of the fourteen crystals examined, five were from the Karnul district, one from Sambalpur, the remaining four said to have come from Simla. |
To say he went on a tear after turning professional would be an understatement. He went fourteen fights without tasting defeat. |
In August 2007, Christopher Awdry's first fourteen books were reissued, and number 41, Thomas and Victoria was released the following month. |
At age fourteen, by a process of osmosis, of dirty jokes, whispered secrets and filthy ballads, Tristram learned of sex. |
Neither was moved from the Pas de Calais for at least fourteen days after the invasion. |
Today, the series of marathons and half-marathons has spread to fourteen cities nationwide. |
In its literary forms, Japanese philosophy began about fourteen centuries ago. |
According to Gilje and data collected at the time of the American Revolution, the ages of pirates ranged from fourteen to fifty years old. |
In terms of firepower, anything the size of a sloop would not carry more than fourteen guns, with the French sloop's carrying six guns or less. |
He was brought thither all the way blindfold, led by the Indians, until he came to the entrance of Manoa itself, and was fourteen or fifteen days in the passage. |
Since 2001, Indian Army has already summitted six out of these fourteen peaks viz Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Annapurna and now Dhaulagiri. |
The reader is probably familiar with Shakespearean sonnets and Petrarchan sonnets, which require fourteen lines and specific rhyme-scheme possibilities. |
In Chambre, 2009, in the main space of the gallery, a collection of fifty identical meter-high foam dihedron mingled with fourteen concrete copies of the same form. |
Donnchadh and Gwalcmai, along with the other fourteen teams selected for planetary infiltration, had been put into deep sleep shortly after liftoff from their planet. |
Historians generally have found problems with Adam's claims, such as that Sweyn was driven into exile in Scotland for a period as long as fourteen years. |
In 1773, aged fourteen, he attended Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he studied political philosophy, classics, mathematics, trigonometry, chemistry and history. |
Seeking forgiveness, the assassins travelled to Rome and were ordered by the Pope to serve as knights in the Holy Lands for a period of fourteen years. |
Emily Lyle captured the oral history of fourteen people from the lowlands of Scotland recounting their memories of the 'seasonal folk dramas' known as Galoshins. |
He questioned the sincerity of Burke, who seemed to have forgotten the lessons he had learned from him, quoting from Burke's own speeches of fourteen and fifteen years before. |
The Naturalization Act of 1798, part of the Alien and Sedition Acts, was passed by the Federalists and extended the residency requirement from five to fourteen years. |
Instead, healthcare is provided through fourteen regional health boards. |
He began to write poetry when he was fourteen under the influence of Edward Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, a translation of the poetry of Omar Khayyam. |
Over the next five years they staged fourteen of Shaw's plays. |
It now has seven designated platforms but once had fourteen. |
In 1909, at fourteen, he persuaded his parents to allow him to abandon traditional education for art school and entered the Camberwell Art School. |
Linnaeus originally included six species in 1753, by 1784 there were fourteen by 1819 sixteen, and by 1831 Adrian Haworth had described 150 species. |
The family moved to London in 1793, and at the age of fourteen Knowles published a ballad entitled The Welsh Harper, which, set to music, was very popular. |
His wife founded the city's Notre Dame cathedral, which became a site of pilgrimage from the 12th century onwards, attended by fourteen French kings and five of England. |