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How to use a in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word a? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It was Halloween, 1999, when a mysterious, shadowy figure appeared on the Montreal music scene.
Use a microwave oven or counterop appliances instead of your stove top or oven.
Ile des Chenes did not win a game at the tourney but came away with the experience of a lifetime.
George Washington, which faltered after a brilliant start, will be a tough matchup in the league tourney.
But in a tourney loaded with talent, anything can happen on the final day when pressure is at its peak.
A perioperative success is freedom from a tourniquet injury, not just the task of applying the tourniquet.
A spotlight appeared on all four screens and a shadowy figure walked into it.
Drain blood from the finger and apply a tourniquet using a rubber band or a small Penrose drain at the base of the affected digit.
For limb wounds, a pneumatic tourniquet should be used if possible to reduce blood loss.
The men in this novel are mostly shadowy figures who seem to appear at the right moment to fill out a necessary niche.
Hackneyed, undisciplined and utterly rubbish, it ended with a shadowy stranger in black springing Myers from prison for no discernible reason.
A King and Queen are chosen every six months in a crown tourney fought with sticks to decide the King or Queen, and consort.
Frequently he would return to the ward at night to check a plaster or that a tourniquet had not been left in situ inadvertently.
Polonius becomes a shadowy figure, though he is openly identified as Claudius's co-conspirator in the murder of Hamlet's father.
There is a lot of gambling on the tourney, but it's the friendly, friction free kind that even novices can get involved in.
Hence, the play-in game would be considered part of the tourney, and participants would receive a full share of tournament revenues.
An alert Sailor called for someone to summon the corpsman and then he dropped to the deck to close off the blood loss by use of a tourniquet.
Actually he made just one bad move in the whole tournament and this wasn't exactly a short tourney.
Not surprisingly, Bob and I immediately got into a pickup 1830 game in preparation for the 1830 tourney to begin that night.
These days, you just might hear bloodcurdling screams coming from one of the shadowy side streets, where a grizzly murder is indeed taking place.
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Examples from Classical Literature
She had more than three miles of testimonials, if all had been written out in a line in text hand and measured.
Not fifty feet away lay a blue dory, heavy and loggy with water, and in the bottom the unconscious figure of a man.
There was no sign of any damage to the boat, but the loggy way in which it moved showed that it had shipped a lot of water.
In that case we have a good illustration of the use of the logia in Matthew and Luke.
The learned Dean has been sneered at for a supposed sentimental and effeminate attachment to the textus receptus.
And, logically, why could there not be a state of being not all Death, but only with some of its elements?
I lie wakeful in the dark and try to reason out a logicalness or poetry in a thing so artfully pestilential.
Which ideal simplicity and logicalness has become such a fish-bone stuck in our throats.
This, however, was not felt as a want, at least not to the extent of inspiring a textile.
It went against his grain to imagine that a mathematician could be a logician.
The cattle were lazy and logy from water, often admitting of riding within a rod, thus rendering the brands readable at a glance.
The canvas is rather a logy, limp sort of craft, to my thinking, and liable to drown her crew if swamped.
The fish are runnin' smaller an' smaller, an' you've took baout as logy a halibut's we're apt to find this trip.
In the shifting breeze it swayed sluggishly, heavily, as if riding at anchor like a logy ship of the air.
What a change for logistic which talks only of classes and classes of classes!
This, however, is a point of textual criticism, which leaves the general sense the same in any case.
Imagine how a page of logistic would look upon suppressing all the propositions where it is a question of class.
That disputed territory is only a small part of what the texian cession would be.
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For that, a transformation of logistic was necessary, and Russell in particular has modified on certain points his original views.
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