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What is another word for truliest?

Need synonyms for truliest? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Superlative for in a manner that is most certainly true
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“He was truly one of the best and noblest men of this, or of any other ago.”
Superlative for in an honest or truthful way or manner
“I can truly say that I've been blessed to have my family.”
Superlative for in a way that truly and accurately describes something
“We assured her that it was a truly vegan dish and that no animals were hurt during its preparation.”
Superlative for to a very large or great degree
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“It was a truly masterful performance by the virtuoso as we've come to expect.”
Superlative for to the fullest degree
“I do not think that you truly understand our concerns.”
Superlative for in a manner showing devotion or faithfulness
“I have resolved to truly get into shape this year.”
Superlative for according to one's beliefs, views or feelings
Superlative for in a veridical way
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