Passing or disappearing with time
“She had a transient thought that this event might result in meeting a few new friends.”
Passing through a place for a short period of time
“He probably thought I was this transient vagabond that was up to no good.”
Acting in a provisional or interim capacity
“It would treat a dwelling unit within a property as being used on a transient basis if the unit was used to provide shelter to evacuees.”
(of writing) Relatively brief in extent
Quick or likely to change consistently
A person who passes through a place for a short time
“Like a wandering transient, I didn't fit in the world anymore but wasn't really cleaned up enough for heaven.”
A vagrant, typically considered undesirable
“Generally, Dio continues to portray himself ironically as a useless transient. He lives among the belligerent barbarians unharmed and ignored, since he is by himself, unarmed, unskilled, and without purpose.”
Something which lasts for a short period of time
A foreigner to a nation or community
A person staying at a hotel or guest house
A person visiting someone or somewhere temporarily
Related Words and Phrases