Relating to things perceived through the senses, as opposed to the mind
“He took a break from playing Call of Duty to experience the physical world outside his apartment.”
Relating to the body, as opposed to the mind
“A good diet and regular exercise have ensured that my physical well-being has been well taken care of.”
Relating to the human body on a mortal level, as opposed to spiritually
“The goal of many traditional religions is to transcend from the physical body into a higher level of consciousness.”
Having connotations of amorous desires
“Our relationship would progress from being platonic to that of a more physical nature.”
Involving bodily contact or activity
“This is a physical process that will require the use of your hands.”
Involving a natural bodily response
“Sneezing is just a physical response to particles in the air that may cause nasal irritation.”
Requiring significant physical exertion
(of a person) Possessing strength and athleticism
(attributive to a person) Characterized by having an inherent skill or quality
Engaged or trained in essentially manual labor
In bodily form
Of or relating to geography
Traditional business with physical premises
Related to the physical anatomical structure of a thing
Having or appearing to have length, breadth, and depth
Using or characterized by force or violence
A physical examination
“I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow for a physical.”
The state of being free from illness or injury
A thorough inspection, or an act of doing so