On, in, or to the inside
“Police gave him the option of moving inside or dumping his drink.”
Within (a person's body or mind), typically with reference to sensations of self-awareness
“Nobody will know how I truly feel inside.”
In prison
“A lot of the prisoners write about how hard it is inside.”
A location within a specific context
On or in a means of transportation
Within the interior of something
“You can find some food inside the fridge.”
Within a period of time
“He was able to complete the exercise inside two minutes.”
To or towards the inside or region of
In the midst of
Situated on or in the inside
“During the siege, we would flee to the inside room of our house.”
Known or done by someone within a group or organization
“He was busted trading stocks using inside information.”
Apprehended and placed in confinement by authorities
Denoting the side of a piece of cloth that faces inwards
Showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters, sometimes with guile
Present at one's home or office
Adjacent to the curb, inside or on the passenger's side of a vehicle
The inner side or surface of something
“The inside of this little hut is actually lavishly decorated.”
A person's emotional, visceral self
“It's best not to keep all these negative emotions bottled up on the inside.”
Information that is available only to a select few
“They have interviewed someone with the inside on what really happened at the company.”
(insides) A person's stomach and bowels
“My insides are a little queazy from the spicy food I had for dinner.”
A place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime
Within this content or thing