To establish a fact to be true
To express or convey one's thoughts or feelings
“This shows her success, founded on the ability to project an almost mythical form of femininity.”
To make a prediction based on known data and observations
“Dividend growth was projected at four percent per year, in line with its long-term trend.”
To jut or protrude in an outward direction
“They project laterally, ending in sharp points.”
To throw or cause to move forward or outward
“As is the case with North American porcupines, the quills are loosely attached but can't be thrown or otherwise projected.”
To design or plan for
“The downturn in funding has led to a realignment of plans that had been projected for the company.”
(of light) To cast over
“It will be able to project light that glows in rhythm with the heartbeat of the runners.”
To place or transport in one's mind, usually in reference to one's feelings, emotions or insecurities
“Stars will always attract people who need someone to project their obsessions on to.”
Things done as an action or movement
An especially dilapidated section of a city
Academic tasks that are undertaken in both class or at home
A multi-story low-income housing development
Plural for a proposed or planned undertaking
“I had to launch my own campaign to get the project off the ground.”
Plural for a piece of research work undertaken by a school or college student
“The ants are a school project in which the students hope to learn how low gravity may affect the ants' behavior.”