The quality produced by the sensation of taste
“The bread didn't really rise, but it had a great flavor that the kids loved, so we ate every loaf.”
A strong, zesty or pungent taste
“He praised the strong flavor of the wild turkey, as compared with the domestic fowl.”
Something that produces or enhances taste
“Dawn had been making cucumber pickles to add some flavor to the meat and potatoes next winter.”
A distinct impression or quality associated with something
“The Palm Court, complete with potted palms and wicker furniture, had a tropical flavor.”
A (slight) hint of the essential character of something
“To get a flavor of what these people do, go to your favorite ritzy shopping area and gaze at the windows of Neimans, Saks and Ralph Lauren.”
A phenomenon that is popular for a short period of time
“For some time now, genetic triggering has been the flavor of the month.”
The character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement
A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing that serves to identify them
To give or add flavor to, typically by seasoning
“The dye obtained from the flowers is used to color and flavor foods like rice, soups, cheeses, and butter.”
To give a particular character to
“He consciously endeavored to flavor his music with Polish characteristics.”
To affect slightly with a feeling or quality