Adverb for exhilarating or stimulating in nature
“When she gets it right, it is a truly intoxicating experience, and the images she creates stay lodged in one's memory.”
Adverb for able to intoxicate due to containing alcohol
“There were drinks of different shades and varying levels of intoxicating alcohol.”
Adverb for tending to alter the mind, or to produce hallucinations
“For generations, in several areas of the world, intoxicating mushrooms have been eaten in connection with religious ceremonies.”
Adverb for having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient
“He had caught the most bewitching scent he had ever smelled, an intoxicating blend of cinnamon and snow, spicy but soothing.”
Adverb for pleasant and satisfactory, especially to the mind or senses
Adverb for tending to make one (actually or metaphorically) dizzy or confused
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