A state of continuous and regular change
“It is clear to even the most casual observer that the environment is in a constant state of flux.”
A change from one state to another
“What you see as time is simply a period in that flux from one state to another form of existence.”
An inflow or influx, especially of liquid or gas
“This removes a massive flux of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases a corresponding amount of molecular oxygen.”
The flow of a fluid, radiant energy, or particles across a given area
“The energy flux was measured with a short-wave ultraviolet intensity meter.”
A gastrointestinal disorder characterized by frequent and very fluid or watery bowel movements
“If a person be suffering from flux, and another maliciously removes his medicines, and substitutes strong purgatives which aggravate the complaint and destroy the patient, the crime is murder.”
A large amount of money, liquid, or people that moves or is transferred out of a place
A fundamental change of mind or beliefs
A forceful rush or flow forward
The movement or transportation of goods or passengers
To treat (a metal object) with a flux to promote melting
“When the antimony is all melted, let the metal cool down, skim off the charcoal, and flux the alloy thoroughly before attempting to use it.”
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