Present participle for to set apart for a special use
“Congress pork-barrel spends and earmarks all of this money while we have enlisted families on food stamps.”
Present participle for to hope for, or aspire to, a goal or dream
Present participle for to determine the future or the fate of something in advance
Present participle for to be frugal and not spend one's money
Present participle for to assign to someone or for a particular purpose
Present participle for to appoint or specify as a selection
Present participle for to mark out and make known
Present participle for to select as an object of attention or attack
Present participle for to attribute or ascribe a property, quality or value to someone or something
Present participle for to reveal or mark out as having a particular quality or ability
Present participle for to label with one's name or brand
The action of issuing or distributing something
The action of identifying or defining something (or someone)
The act of imprinting or making a mark upon (a surface)
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10-letter Words Starting With