An act of escaping from routine or reality into fantasy, or an inclination to do so
Plural for a fanciful series of thoughts while awake not connected to immediate reality
“I allowed myself the luxury of closing my eyes and briefly losing myself in a fanciful daydream about a fairytale travel land far, far away.”
Plural for an act or state of contemplating or having fanciful thoughts while awake
“She'd been so engrossed in her daydream that Candace had nudged her when she didn't respond to her whisper.”
Plural for a state of dreaming while awake
Plural for a passionate aspiration or ambition
Plural for a ghostly spirit or apparition
Plural for a book or film dealing with love in a sentimental or idealized way
To fantasize or imagine, especially fanciful thoughts
“I started to daydream about the conversation, and that led to daydreaming about the future, and maybe another conversation a year later, or five years later, or something like that.”
To be lost in thought
“I never drift off or daydream in class. I take full part in class activities.”
To spend time in a relaxed, lazy manner
To relax and take it easy
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