Distinguished by a unique attribute
“She wore special orthopedic shoes to alleviate her hammertoe.”
Characterized by something exceptional or beyond ordinary
“We don't come here for special occasions, but it is a special occasion when we come here.”
Something or someone that is beloved
“Her father was particularly special to her, and had a profound influence on her success as an elite footballer.”
Exclusive to, or for, someone, something or a group
“This club is limited to special members only.”
Something precise or exact
“Every package contains special documentation on its origin and authenticity.”
Of being a once-off event or situation
“It was a special case that warranted the intervention of a very specific law enforcement team.”
Characteristic of, or belonging to, a single or particular person or thing
(of a friend) Very close or intimate
The best of its kind or class
Very fine in quality or luxurious
Having special rights, advantages, or immunities
Having or imbued with supernatural powers, attributes or qualities
Chief in size or importance
Relating to a section or group within a community
Denoting increased dedication on an individual level toward an issue or cause
Being so low in cost as to resemble being free of charge
Intellectually disabled or challenged
(of information) Protected from being made public
Free from an obligation or liability imposed on others
Added to an existing or usual amount or number
A discount or reduction in the price of consumer costs
“There is a special for electronic goods this Christmas, but the offer will not last.”
(broadcasting) A unique episode of a series
“They had many celebrity guests grace their presence on the 40th Anniversary special of the show.”
A spectacular show, performance, event or entertainment
A concessionary discount or special offer that allows for significant savings
An exceptionally powerful fighting move
Food that is prepared and eaten, usually at a specific time
Something that is considered a luxury or treat, especially food
An item that is sold at or below cost in an effort to stimulate other profitable sales
The food contained or served in a dish
A highlight or special attraction of a particular place, thing or event
(colloquial, often with really or quite) Somebody or something who is superlative in some way
Separate or respective
Alone or isolated in time, place, or position