A large cup, typically cylindrical with a handle and used without a saucer
“A man dressed in crimson was sitting on a couch drinking ale from a mug.”
A person's face
“The monument is a slab of gray marble, with a bust of his ugly mug stuck on top.”
The mouth of a person (or animal)
“Shut your mug, and don't be cheeky.”
A person's facial expression
“The captain on the bridge is showing an angry and grumpy mug.”
A violent person, often a member of an organized gang
“Her boyfriend Johnny Stompanato was a mob bodyguard and enforcer who quickly got a reputation around Tinseltown as a violent mug with a thing for Hollywood starlets.”
(slang) A gullible or easily-cheated person
“I'm amazed that some gullible mug has paid anything close to the asking price for that shoddy property.”
(slang) A stupid or contemptible person
“Then some mug complains because he was too stupid to read the menu or clearly give instructions to a waiter.”
A twisted expression on one's face, typically expressing displeasure or wry amusement
A picture or image made using a camera
A measure or quantity of liquid or drink
A person who is dishonest or a criminal
The head of a person or animal
To rob someone, especially in a public place
“A couple of kids tried to mug me at this parking lot down in Inngleknook.”
To attack someone, especially in a public place
“If you mug an old lady, you should be imprisoned for decades, end of story.”
To assault, attack, or batter someone, inflicting physical harm or violence upon them
To spring upon suddenly to attack or capture
To ambush or ensnare by hiding and unexpectedly intercepting
To capture as a picture, image or photograph
To act in an exaggerated manner
To take violent or aggressive action against
To act out a character, typically as a performance
To grimace or contort one's face