A person who plays video games
“A computer gamer is taking a software firm to court after he suddenly lost all of his virtual weapons.”
A person who competes and plays in games or sports
“He's a gamer and a winner, the type of quarterback who gives the Chargers instant credibility.”
A person who games the system
“The real takers in this country are commercial gamers of the system who are only in it to swipe a fast buck from the common trust.”
A person with a strong interest or skill in computers or technology
A player who performs speedruns
Comparative for having the temerity to do something new or challenging
“Are you game enough to parachute out of an airplane?”
Comparative for eager, prepared or willing to do or have something
“Sure, I'm game for dessert.”
Comparative for having or showing a resolute, unyielding spirit
“The hare was game to the last, and by many a twist and turn managed to cheat its pursuers.”
(of a limb) Comparative for injured or lame
“We'll have a cozy dinner and a pleasant talk together, and by that time your game ankle will carry you home very nicely, I am sure.”