Adverb for not formally taught or trained
“Scholarcraft gives a facility of expression which an untutored writer cannot get at without a vast deal of persevering reading and hard study.”
Adverb for being innate or instinctive (not taught)
“Children, if carried into the forests by apes, would naturally learn to walk, to climb, as shown by their untutored ability to escape from playpens.”
Adverb for uncultured in behavior or manner, suggestive of someone who is uneducated
“I feel like a welcomer at Disneyland, having to stand and smile while untutored children kick my ankles and throw over-priced snack foods at me.”
Adverb for having little knowledge or experience of a particular skill or field of work
Adverb for indifferent or hostile to culture, the arts, or intellectual ideas
(of a person) Adverb for lacking sophistication or refinement
Adverb for having from birth (or as if from birth) a certain quality or character