Superlative for without hope or prospect of survival or redemption
“He was certain that his life was now ruined, yet he did not try to run from the fate which he now felt was coming.”
Superlative for having been destroyed permanently
“A lone building remained standing in the totally ruined landscape following the tsunami.”
Superlative for in a decrepit or dilapidated state
“On the shores of Brandon Bay, a ruined church of the fifteenth or sixteenth century still remains.”
Superlative for in a state of financial bankruptcy
“When the war actually began, Knox put his ruined business aside and promptly joined the American forces.”
Superlative for morally defiled or rendered unchaste
“The parent has too often, in addition to pecuniary embarrassment, to deplore the wasted time and ruined morals of his child.”
Superlative for worn out or ruined because of age or neglect
Superlative for destined to fail or have bad luck
Superlative for organically decayed or broken down
Superlative for cut or ripped open or into pieces
Superlative for made unpalatable or inedible by cooking for too long
Superlative for not working
Superlative for provoking pity, compassion, or sympathy
Superlative for incapable of being repaired, amended, cured or rectified
Superlative for not successful
Superlative for dirty and unclean
Superlative for immoral or sinful in nature