Comparative for favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms
“Adherents of such religions tend to be more conservative on economic issues and more liberal on social issues.”
Comparative for advocating political or social changes and reforms associated with liberalism
“This trend is scarring the social landscape of every liberal democracy, and it doesn't only hit us on the roads.”
Comparative for willing to depart from established opinions or conventions
“Our neighbors have very liberal ideas about how to bring up their children.”
Comparative for not strict, tolerant of deviation
“From the point of view of certain interests in this country, a more liberal attitude to foreign private investment has several advantages.”
Comparative for inclined to be generous or to share in abundance
“Mr. Warburton was most liberal in his donations for the advancement of knowledge.”
Comparative for given, used, or occurring in generous amounts
“Surfaces should be scrubbed with a brush, aided by an acceptable detergent, and rinsed with liberal amounts of clean water.”
Comparative for broadly construed or understood, not strictly literal or exact
“These are liberal interpretations of the text to be sure.”
(of education) Comparative for concerned with general knowledge and experience
“The availability of a liberal education curriculum by itself is unlikely to stem the tide of technical training.”
Comparative for tolerant or accepting of diverse or foreign ideas or cultures
“I moved to San Francisco seeking culinary education and a more creative, liberal and accepting culture.”
Comparative for kind or lenient, often to excess
Comparative for having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature
Comparative for having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook
Comparative for of great size
Comparative for inclined to waste or squander money or resources
Comparative for respectful or what is socially acceptable
Comparative for having or including many small details or features
Comparative for deemed acceptable or appropriate by society
Comparative for relating to intellectual or artistic progress, advancement or achievements
Comparative for at the forefront of new and experimental ideas, styles and methods