Comparative for concealed or hidden, typically from being covered up
“A neighbor of the deceased confessed to police that he had been in the yard attempting to find the buried treasure.”
Comparative for to be kept secret
“I can see why certain people would want to keep this information buried.”
Comparative for having been forgotten or lost
“Her former lover is well versed in the art and danger of bringing the buried secrets of the glorious past back into the light of civilization.”
Comparative for existing in a dormant or latent state
“Symptoms help you get in touch with your buried feelings. They are like messengers from the unconscious.”
Comparative for to be concentrating on, or engrossed by, a task or activity
“The Professor was buried in his work and existed for nothing else.”
Comparative for located out of sight
(of a person's eyes or cheeks) Comparative for deeply recessed, especially as a result of illness, hunger, or stress
Comparative for being contained or placed within (something)
Comparative for having been buried in a grave
Comparative for of which knowledge has been lost
Comparative for extending deep or very far down
Comparative for farthest from the surface or external part
Comparative for overwhelmed with emotion