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What is another word for confab?

Need synonyms for confab? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

A discussion involving the exchange of ideas or views
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“Georgina had a bubble bath that smelled all lovely and coconutty, and we all sat on the side of the bath, or on stools around the bathroom, for a confab about our charity fundraising ideas.”
Conversation or chatter that is casual or informal
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“They were having a confab about goldfish instead of figuring out how to save the company? Nothing made sense anymore.”
An assembly or meeting, especially one held for a specific purpose
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“The chief constable had called a confab of the heads of all police departments.”
To discuss, converse, or exchange viewpoints on a particular matter
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“That's the time for you and the doctor to confab about your child's development.”
To talk or chat casually
“The judges had disappeared, probably to find some dessert joint to confab about their strange evening of fine dining.”
To represent or deal with in a particular way, in writing or speaking
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