Plural for an area of land, especially one constituting a kingdom or empire
“Now that you are in the King's realm, you will know that a Chancellor could possess such a manor only if his master were as far above him as you.”
Plural for a field or domain of activity or interest
“However, the fallacy of this logic becomes clear when one considers the realm of expertise.”
Plural for the range or scope of something
“Even the most ignorant man would be able to discern the realm of his knowledge from the realm of his ignorance.”
Plural for a group of people sharing a common land, characteristic or interest
“This disconnect between the realm of scientists and the realm of science teachers is the crux of the problem with teaching students how to understand and apply authentic inquiry in the classroom.”
Plural for an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single authority
Plural for a locality or habitat where something is found in natural abundance, and also where it typically thrives
Plural for mysterious realm between reality and illusion, embodying ambiguity, borderlines, and the surreal
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